Name | Size | Rev | Age | Author | Last Change |
../ | |||||
CNodeAA24 | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
CNodeAJSoft | | 5875 | 17 years | update ajsoft, ajsoft2 en haagwijk kanale n | |
CNodeAJSoft2 | | 5875 | 17 years | update ajsoft, ajsoft2 en haagwijk kanale n | |
CNodeAlan | | 5901 | 17 years | foutje in masterip van Alan gecorrigeerd | |
CNodeAlphen | | 5038 | 19 years | Status naar planned gezet, en OS op 6.0 | |
CNodeAster | | 5693 | 17 years | update config aster | |
CNodeAZC | | 5907 | 17 years | kanalen verhuisd op azc ivm interlink naar lijtweg | |
CNodeBDboon | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
CNodeBroekplein | | 5984 | 17 years | omni broekplein verhuisd naar wi0 | |
CNodeBrug | | 5908 | 17 years | kanaal omni brug verhuisd | |
CNodeBurcht | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
CNodeCamimplants | | 5899 | 17 years | lijtweg1 wijziging ip op utp interlink, nieuw:nodeAlan, rename HL naar … | |
CNodeCentrum | | 5905 | 17 years | aanpassingen wleiden.conf van staduis4,vosko2, som en centrum ivm … | |
CNodeCentrum2 | | 5300 | 19 years | intern netwerkje apothekersdijk i.v.m. nodes Tested en Test | |
CNodeCeTIM1 | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
CNodeCeTIM2 | | 5262 | 19 years | config aanpassingen voor spoortje | |
CNodeCeTIM3 | | 5977 | 17 years | cetim3 interlink roomburgh1 hersteld, interlink Ruben verwijderd | |
CNodeCope | | 5697 | 17 years | alias link unigor gecorrigeerd, was fout na verwijderen alias voor … | |
CNodeDirkLos1 | | 5899 | 17 years | lijtweg1 wijziging ip op utp interlink, nieuw:nodeAlan, rename HL naar … | |
CNodeDirkLos2 | | 5900 | 17 years | rename HL2 naar DirkLos2 | |
CNodeDuivenHok | | 5507 | 18 years | Interface changes, due the change to soekris | |
CNodeGerard | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
CNodeGraficall | | 5477 | 18 years | WJ 17-maart-2007 (niels en piet) CnodeWbrotary: - omzetten il van … | |
CNodeGrip | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
CNodeHaagwijk | | 5875 | 17 years | update ajsoft, ajsoft2 en haagwijk kanale n | |
CNodeHans | | 5110 | 19 years | DHCP voor ED0 (Ethernet) uit gezet. | |
CNodeHMgw2 | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
CNodeHMKerk1 | | 5476 | 18 years | update node hmkerk1 Niels en Piet | |
CNodeHMKerk2 | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
CNodeHofwijck | | 5656 | 18 years | link naar nieuwe lijtweg1 | |
CNodeHoutmarkt | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
CNodeHSLtest1 | | 5526 | 18 years | testnodes voor Hogeschool Leiden | |
CNodeHSLtest2 | | 5526 | 18 years | testnodes voor Hogeschool Leiden | |
CNodeHuub | | 5923 | 17 years | kanaal omni RV verhuisd ivm interferentie bij NodeHuub interlink plus … | |
CNodeHWFortis | | 5497 | 18 years | Updated link wi2 to lakira (ssid change) | |
CNodeIMI | | 5225 | 19 years | fout hersteld, cetim is master | |
CNodeJasper | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
CNodeJorg | | 5064 | 19 years | link naar RenV van kanaal 1 naar 9 ivm omni renv | |
CNodeJorg2 | | 5290 | 19 years | CNodeKobus: still active? CNodeJorg2: morked down due construction … | |
CNodeJVC | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
CNodeKaag | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
CNodeKaag2 | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
CNodeKoster | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
CNodeLaKira | | 5498 | 18 years | Updated link into alphen (wi2) il-w.lakira | |
CNodeLCPL | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
CNodeLebkov | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
CNodeLijtweg1 | | 5985 | 17 years | ip ethernetverbinding met lijtweg2 aangepast en kanalen omni en il-w … | |
CNodeLijtweg2 | | 5907 | 17 years | kanalen verhuisd op azc ivm interlink naar lijtweg | |
CNodeLivingLab | | 5867 | 17 years | ip config LivingLab kloppend gemaakt met actuele config | |
CNodeLMcederplein | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
CNodeLMdorp | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
CNodeLMkempers1 | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
CNodeLMkempers2 | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
CNodeLMstruykverwo1 | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
CNodeLMstruykverwo2 | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
CNodeLorentzhof | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
CNodeLvLn | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
CNodeLvLn2 | | 5130 | 19 years | herroutering rabo-vosko | |
CNodeLvLz | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
CNodeMarten | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
CNodeMeca | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
CNodeOBLc | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
CNodeOBLste | | 5133 | 19 years | il-zw.vosko2 op oblste en op vosko2 veranderd in il-w.vosko2 | |
CNodePlantsoen | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
CNodePlantsoen2 | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
CNodePPFortis | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
CNodeRabo | | 5131 | 19 years | heroutering rabo-vosko2 i.p.v. rabo lvln2 | |
CNodeRegenboog | | 5821 | 17 years | dubbel ip in config regenboog gegecorrigeerd | |
CNodeRobijn | | 5143 | 19 years | interlink jorg | |
CNodeROCl | | 5279 | 19 years | op rocl link naar intcom verwijderd | |
CNodeRoomburgh1 | | 5980 | 17 years | correctie wleiden.conf roomburgh1 in sync met situatie te velde | |
CNodeRoomburgh2 | | 5981 | 17 years | updates config cetim3, roomburghen | |
CNodeRosmolen | | 5111 | 19 years | kanalen optimalisatie | |
CNodeRudi | | 5657 | 18 years | dubbel ip link naar rudi op il-o.lijtweg1 | |
CNodeRund | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
CNodeRustenborch | | 5991 | 17 years | config rustenborch hersteld (wi1 naar lijtweg2) | |
CNodeRV | | 5923 | 17 years | kanaal omni RV verhuisd ivm interferentie bij NodeHuub interlink plus … | |
CNodeRWgemhuis1 | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
CNodeRWgemhuis2 | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
CNodeSHFortis | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
CNodeSOM | | 5905 | 17 years | aanpassingen wleiden.conf van staduis4,vosko2, som en centrum ivm … | |
CNodeSpoortje | | 5593 | 18 years | status spoortje changed to UP | |
CNodeStadhuis1 | | 5776 | 17 years | kanaal stadhuis1 aangepast | |
CNodeStadhuis2 | | 5899 | 17 years | lijtweg1 wijziging ip op utp interlink, nieuw:nodeAlan, rename HL naar … | |
CNodeStadhuis3 | | 5777 | 17 years | kanaal stadhuis3 aangepast | |
CNodeStadhuis4 | | 5905 | 17 years | aanpassingen wleiden.conf van staduis4,vosko2, som en centrum ivm … | |
CNodeTest | | 5300 | 19 years | intern netwerkje apothekersdijk i.v.m. nodes Tested en Test | |
CNodeTested | | 5431 | 18 years | Please make sure configs are valid before comitting | |
CNodeThomas | | 5125 | 19 years | kanalenoptimalisatie | |
CNodeTrekkertrek | | 5293 | 19 years | Added back the config for trekkertrek | |
CNodeUniGor | | 5301 | 19 years | cfnig interlink | |
CNodeUniGorN | | 5655 | 18 years | kanaal il Rustenborch van 3 naar 4 | |
CNodeVAIPS | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
CNodeVeldbies | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
CNodeVergilius | | 5508 | 18 years | Lijtweg removed | |
CNodeVosko1 | | 5899 | 17 years | lijtweg1 wijziging ip op utp interlink, nieuw:nodeAlan, rename HL naar … | |
CNodeVosko2 | | 5905 | 17 years | aanpassingen wleiden.conf van staduis4,vosko2, som en centrum ivm … | |
CNodeWBRotary1 | | 5477 | 18 years | WJ 17-maart-2007 (niels en piet) CnodeWbrotary: - omzetten il van … | |
CNodeWBRotary2 | | 5148 | 19 years | Update ssid name of il to Alphen was wbratory now wbrotary (a and o change) | |
CNodeWissel | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
CNodeWP | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
CNodeZijloever | | 5126 | 19 years | kanalenoptimalisatie | |
CNodeZwaluwak | | 5117 | 19 years | kanalenoptimalisatie | |
CNodeZwet | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
demo1 | | 5294 | 19 years | Added demo changes | |
demo2 | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
demo3 | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
demo4 | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
examples | | 5263 | 19 years | toegevoegd template, helpfile en CNodeSpoortje | |
obsolete | | 5831 | 17 years | zwaluwmz is obsolete | |
proxy1 | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
proxy2 | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
proxy3 | | 5992 | 17 years | internet interface proxy3 aangepast | |
proxy4 | | 5846 | 17 years | in config proxy4 ip-adressen van nameservers vermeld | |
retired | | 5290 | 19 years | CNodeKobus: still active? CNodeJorg2: morked down due construction … | |
test | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
testnodefactory | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
testsoe | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
vpnbox.test | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
vuilnis | | 4998 | 19 years | Fix missing semi colons | |
coordinaten.csv | 5.2 KB | 4726 | 20 years | nieuwe coordinaten | |
coordinaten.html | 28.9 KB | 4726 | 20 years | nieuwe coordinaten | |
coordinaten.sxc | 9.2 KB | 4726 | 20 years | nieuwe coordinaten | | | 1.6 KB | 4317 | 20 years | Fixing line types | | | 313 bytes | 4317 | 20 years | Fixing line types | | | 1.2 KB | 5809 | 17 years | - nieuwe node AJSoft2 - prutsen aan LivingLab - maak wat … | |
global_keys | 11.2 KB | 5715 | 17 years | EOL CR toegevoegd ? | | | 1.9 KB | 5334 | 18 years | 3 total different ways of making the ip -> nodename link | | | 624 bytes | 5334 | 18 years | 3 total different ways of making the ip -> nodename link | | | 239 bytes | 5334 | 18 years | 3 total different ways of making the ip -> nodename link | | | 27.6 KB | 4317 | 20 years | Fixing line types | |
list_ap | 217 bytes | 4317 | 20 years | Fixing line types | |
list_il | 226 bytes | 4317 | 20 years | Fixing line types | | | 1.1 KB | 5101 | 19 years | bekijk of er adressen gepropageerd worden door lvrouted die niet in … | |
special.conf | 124 bytes | 4317 | 20 years | Fixing line types | |
status.txt | 3.1 KB | 4317 | 20 years | Fixing line types |
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