Name | Size | Rev | Age | Author | Last Change |
../ | |||||
retired | | 7979 | 15 years | nodexant retired | |
proxy97 | | 8018 | 15 years | $internalif flag is very confusing as the '1' was automagically added … | |
proxy62 | | 8018 | 15 years | $internalif flag is very confusing as the '1' was automagically added … | |
proxy13 | | 8032 | 15 years | Testing inboundnat flag | |
proxy12 | | 8018 | 15 years | $internalif flag is very confusing as the '1' was automagically added … | |
proxy11 | | 8193 | 15 years | Heb de info uit de proxy gehaald, lang leven de commits in genesis | |
proxy10 | | 7660 | 15 years | Also the commented variables are waving bye,bye | |
proxy9 | | 8018 | 15 years | $internalif flag is very confusing as the '1' was automagically added … | |
proxy8 | | 8211 | 15 years | Enabeling nat (not yet implemented) | |
proxy7 | | 8018 | 15 years | $internalif flag is very confusing as the '1' was automagically added … | |
proxy6 | | 8018 | 15 years | $internalif flag is very confusing as the '1' was automagically added … | |
proxy5 | | 8018 | 15 years | $internalif flag is very confusing as the '1' was automagically added … | |
proxy4 | | 8018 | 15 years | $internalif flag is very confusing as the '1' was automagically added … | |
proxy3 | | 8018 | 15 years | $internalif flag is very confusing as the '1' was automagically added … | |
proxy2 | | 8018 | 15 years | $internalif flag is very confusing as the '1' was automagically added … | |
proxy1 | | 8018 | 15 years | $internalif flag is very confusing as the '1' was automagically added … | |
CNodeZwet | | 8218 | 15 years | Ehm right IP assignment says it all. On a /29 block the correct order … | |
CNodeZwaluwak | | 8151 | 15 years | omni is verhuisd naar een beter kanaal, hoi Ad | |
CNodeZijloever | | 8039 | 15 years | link naar Graficall wordt overgenomen door SOM | |
CNodeWP | | 7657 | 15 years | $genesis_control is not used anymore | |
CNodeWissel | | 8049 | 15 years | Added Node Richard | |
CNodeWBRotary2 | | 7657 | 15 years | $genesis_control is not used anymore | |
CNodeWBRotary1 | | 8202 | 15 years | New configuration NodeZwet | |
CNodeVosko3 | | 8174 | 15 years | link vosko3 - dirklos1 omgezet naar 29 subnet | |
CNodeVosko2 | | 8191 | 15 years | subnet 29 voor interlink vosko2-robijn | |
CNodeVosko1 | | 8195 | 15 years | Vosko1 vr0 en vr2 omgewisseld | |
CNodeVeldbies | | 7657 | 15 years | $genesis_control is not used anymore | |
CNodeUniGorN | | 8153 | 15 years | unigorn config aangepast aan nieuwe hofwijck config | |
CNodeUniGor | | 8209 | 15 years | extra ip voor il-Z0.unigor ivm omleggen interlink lumc naar unigor | |
CNodeThomas | | 7657 | 15 years | $genesis_control is not used anymore | |
CNodeStadhuis | | 8196 | 15 years | namen ap-no en ap-z op stadhuis geupdate | |
CNodeSpoortje | | 7657 | 15 years | $genesis_control is not used anymore | |
CNodeSOM2 | | 8218 | 15 years | Ehm right IP assignment says it all. On a /29 block the correct order … | |
CNodeSOM1 | | 8041 | 15 years | iris-confi voor nieuwe SOM1 en 2 | |
CNodeSHFortis | | 7657 | 15 years | $genesis_control is not used anymore | |
CNodeRWgemhuis2 | | 7657 | 15 years | $genesis_control is not used anymore | |
CNodeRWgemhuis1 | | 8049 | 15 years | Added Node Richard | |
CNodeRV | | 8136 | 15 years | added and changed some nanostation ip's added mac addresses | |
CNodeRustenborch | | 8115 | 15 years | typo in Rustenborch config | |
CNodeRund | | 7660 | 15 years | Also the commented variables are waving bye,bye | |
CNodeRudi | | 8148 | 15 years | correctie ipnrs voor link rabo1 - rudi ivm dubbel gebruik | |
CNodeRosmolen | | 8166 | 15 years | interlink rosmolen-roomburgh naar 29 subnet omgezet | |
CNodeRoomburgh3 | | 8171 | 15 years | config ongebruikte b-link op roomburgh3 verhelderd | |
CNodeRoomburgh2 | | 8098 | 15 years | added and changed some nanostation ip's deleted management interface ip's | |
CNodeRoomburgh1 | | 8166 | 15 years | interlink rosmolen-roomburgh naar 29 subnet omgezet | |
CNodeROCl | | 7660 | 15 years | Also the commented variables are waving bye,bye | |
CNodeRobijn | | 8190 | 15 years | subnet 29 voor interlink robijn-vosko2 | |
CNodeRick | | 8220 | 15 years | Proper /29 assignment link Haagwijk - Rick | |
CNodeRichard | | 8142 | 15 years | Low signal, lots of interference | |
CNodeRegenboog | | 8052 | 15 years | iris config voor Rosmolen | |
CNodeRabo2 | | 8085 | 15 years | irisconfigs voor rabo1 en rabo2 | |
CNodeRabo1 | | 8172 | 15 years | interlink huub-rabo omgezet naar 29-subnet | |
CNodePPFortis | | 7660 | 15 years | Also the commented variables are waving bye,bye | |
CNodePlantsoen2 | | 7677 | 15 years | Fixed address misconfiguration on Ethernet link to DirkLos2 | |
CNodeOBLc | | 7925 | 15 years | use master_ip as base for AP address range (2) | |
CNodeMuiderkring | | 8136 | 15 years | added and changed some nanostation ip's added mac addresses | |
CNodeLvLz | | 7660 | 15 years | Also the commented variables are waving bye,bye | |
CNodeLvLn2 | | 7660 | 15 years | Also the commented variables are waving bye,bye | |
CNodeLvLn | | 7660 | 15 years | Also the commented variables are waving bye,bye | |
CNodeLUMC | | 8210 | 15 years | interlink-west van lumc nu naar unigor ipv dirklos1 | |
CNodeLorentzhof | | 7657 | 15 years | $genesis_control is not used anymore | |
CNodeLMstruykverwo2 | | 7657 | 15 years | $genesis_control is not used anymore | |
CNodeLMstruykverwo1 | | 7657 | 15 years | $genesis_control is not used anymore | |
CNodeLMkempers2 | | 7657 | 15 years | $genesis_control is not used anymore | |
CNodeLMkempers1 | | 8049 | 15 years | Added Node Richard | |
CNodeLMdorp | | 7657 | 15 years | $genesis_control is not used anymore | |
CNodeLivingLab | | 7657 | 15 years | $genesis_control is not used anymore | |
CNodeLijtweg2 | | 8108 | 15 years | lijtweg2 typo in config (ap ssid) | |
CNodeLijtweg1 | | 8154 | 15 years | lijtweg1 config aangepast aan nieuwe hofwijck config | |
CNodeLeythenrode | | 8137 | 15 years | added and changed some nanostation ip's added mac addresses | |
CNodeLebkov | | 7657 | 15 years | $genesis_control is not used anymore | |
CNodeLCPL | | 7657 | 15 years | $genesis_control is not used anymore | |
CNodeLangeVoort | | 8152 | 15 years | langevoort config aangepast aan nieuwe hofwijck config | |
CNodeKoster | | 7660 | 15 years | Also the commented variables are waving bye,bye | |
CNodeKaag2 | | 8120 | 15 years | kanaal ap verhuisd bij Kaag2 ivm interferentie met interlink naar unigorn | |
CNodeKaag | | 7660 | 15 years | Also the commented variables are waving bye,bye | |
CNodeJVC | | 7943 | 15 years | irisconfiguratie voor JVC en management ips weg bij Leythenrode | |
CNodeIMI | | 7992 | 15 years | iris-config voor IMI | |
CNodeHuub | | 8189 | 15 years | nieuw 29 subnet voor interlink huub-vosko2 | |
CNodeHoutmarkt | | 7657 | 15 years | $genesis_control is not used anymore | |
CNodeHofwijck | | 8156 | 15 years | hofwijck config aangepast | |
CNodeHofland | | 8136 | 15 years | added and changed some nanostation ip's added mac addresses | |
CNodeHMKerk2 | | 7657 | 15 years | $genesis_control is not used anymore | |
CNodeHMKerk1 | | 7657 | 15 years | $genesis_control is not used anymore | |
CNodeHans | | 7657 | 15 years | $genesis_control is not used anymore | |
CNodeHaagwijk | | 8220 | 15 years | Proper /29 assignment link Haagwijk - Rick | |
CNodeGrip | | 7657 | 15 years | $genesis_control is not used anymore | |
CNodeGraficall | | 8139 | 15 years | Graficall nano MAC addresses, mngt IP addresses; Vosko2 cosmetics | |
CNodeGeluidsnet2 | | 8221 | 15 years | Templates for Geluidsnet nodes | |
CNodeGeluidsnet1 | | 8221 | 15 years | Templates for Geluidsnet nodes | |
CNodeDirkLos2 | | 8181 | 15 years | nieuwe config DirkLos2 voor iriskast | |
CNodeDirkLos1 | | 8208 | 15 years | nieuwe ip voor il-o.dirklos1 ivm omleggen interlink lumc naar unigor | |
CNodeDeClercq | | 7760 | 15 years | declercq is met cq suffie | |
CNodeCope | | 8105 | 15 years | added and changed some nanostation ip's added mac addresses | |
CNodeCeTIM2 | | 8200 | 15 years | bij cetim2 overtollige link naar rabo verwijderd | |
CNodeCeTIM1 | | 8049 | 15 years | Added Node Richard | |
CNodeCam | | 7660 | 15 years | Also the commented variables are waving bye,bye | |
CNodeBurcht | | 7657 | 15 years | $genesis_control is not used anymore | |
CNodeBrug | | 7657 | 15 years | $genesis_control is not used anymore | |
CNodeBroekplein | | 8047 | 15 years | iris-type config voor NodeBroekplein | |
CNodeBDboon | | 7657 | 15 years | $genesis_control is not used anymore | |
CNodeBCSte | | 8150 | 15 years | iris config voor bieb Stevenshof met nieuwe interlink ip configuratie … | |
CNodeAZC | | 7657 | 15 years | $genesis_control is not used anymore | |
CNodeAster | | 7689 | 15 years | ssid van nodeAster volgens nieuwe standaard | |
CNodeAMWaterT2 | | 7660 | 15 years | Also the commented variables are waving bye,bye | |
CNodeAMWaterT1 | | 7657 | 15 years | $genesis_control is not used anymore | |
CNodeAMrecpark | | 7657 | 15 years | $genesis_control is not used anymore | |
CNodeAMdrijfhuis | | 7657 | 15 years | $genesis_control is not used anymore | |
CNodeAJSoft2 | | 8136 | 15 years | added and changed some nanostation ip's added mac addresses | |
CNodeAJSoft1 | | 8136 | 15 years | added and changed some nanostation ip's added mac addresses | |
CNodeAJSoft | | 7952 | 15 years | oude ajsoft config verwijderd | |
CNodeAA24 | | 7657 | 15 years | $genesis_control is not used anymore | |
wleiden.conf.tmpl | 588 bytes | 7092 | 16 years | Some perl hacker, fancy to write an interactive genesis configurator? | |
update-wlconfig | 189 bytes | 8216 | 15 years | Very basic wrapper, cause I am to lazy to click the button all the time | |
test | 1.2 KB | 8161 | 15 years | A script to filter (A/\/30) interlinks | | | 1.1 KB | 7304 | 15 years | Deleted bunch of old curft | | | 239 bytes | 5334 | 18 years | 3 total different ways of making the ip -> nodename link | | | 624 bytes | 5334 | 18 years | 3 total different ways of making the ip -> nodename link | |
global_keys | 10.4 KB | 7941 | 15 years | additional key for Ronald | | | 1.8 KB | 8188 | 15 years | per Huub, als je zoekt naar een subnet kan het het bestaan van een … | | | 4.8 KB | 8182 | 15 years | Added a filter to filter on netmask | | | 3.3 KB | 8214 | 15 years | Make RDNAP convertion optional, as it not installed by default and … | | | 6.0 KB | 6736 | 16 years | Notes directive points to the remote log | | | 1.8 KB | 7993 | 15 years | Let's build my own stuff (after a year having the equipment laying around) | |
coordinaten.sxc | 9.2 KB | 4726 | 20 years | nieuwe coordinaten | |
coordinaten.html | 28.9 KB | 4726 | 20 years | nieuwe coordinaten | |
coordinaten.csv | 5.2 KB | 4726 | 20 years | nieuwe coordinaten | | | 472 bytes | 7297 | 15 years | Make config checking directory independant | |
a-ils.csv | 3.5 KB | 8161 | 15 years | A script to filter (A/\/30) interlinks |
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