1 | #!/usr/bin/env python
2 | # vim:ts=2:et:sw=2:ai
3 | #
4 | # Build topological network graph
5 | # Rick van der Zwet <info@rickvanderzwet.nl>
6 |
7 | import cgi
8 | import gformat
9 | import re
10 | import sys
11 | import urllib
12 | import yaml
13 | import math
14 |
15 | def get_yaml(gfile):
16 | """ Get configuration yaml for 'item'"""
17 | f = open(gfile, 'r')
18 | datadump = yaml.load(f)
19 | return datadump
20 |
21 | def write_yaml(gfile, datadump):
22 | """ Write configuration yaml for 'item'"""
23 | f = open(gfile, 'w')
24 | f.write(yaml.dump(datadump, default_flow_style=False))
25 | f.close()
26 |
27 | CACHE_FILE = '/tmp/rd2etrs.yaml'
28 | coordinates = None
29 |
30 | def etrs2rd(lam, phi):
31 | """ Convert rd to etrs """
32 |
33 | item = dict()
34 | (remainder, item['lam_deg']) = math.modf(lam)
35 | remainder *= 60
36 | (remainder, item['lam_min']) = math.modf(remainder)
37 | item['lam_sec'] = remainder * 60
38 |
39 | (remainder, item['phi_deg']) = math.modf(phi)
40 | remainder *= 60
41 | (remainder, item['phi_min']) = math.modf(remainder)
42 | item['phi_sec'] = remainder * 60
43 |
44 | item['func'] = 'etrs2rd'
45 |
46 | args = "&".join(["%s=%s" % (k,v) for k,v in item.iteritems()])
47 | url = 'http://www.rdnap.nl/cgi-bin/rdetrs.pl?%s' % args
48 | print "### Fetching coordinate %s, %s using: %s" % (phi, lam, url)
49 | f = urllib.urlopen(url)
50 | raw = f.read()
51 |
52 | r = re.compile('name="([a-z_]+)" value="([0-9\.]+)"')
53 | for i in r.finditer(raw):
54 | name, value = i.group(1,2)
55 | value = float(value)
56 | item[name] = value
57 | return (item['xrd'], item['yrd'])
58 |
59 |
60 | def rd2etrs(xrd, yrd, hnap=0.0):
61 | """ Convert rd to etrs """
62 | # Get cache is exists
63 | global coordinates
64 | if coordinates == None:
65 | try:
66 | coordinates = get_yaml(CACHE_FILE)
67 | except (IOError,AttributeError):
68 | coordinates = dict()
69 | pass
70 |
71 | # Check if item in cache
72 | xrd = float(str(xrd))
73 | yrd = float(str(yrd))
74 | if coordinates.has_key((xrd, yrd)):
75 | return coordinates[(xrd, yrd)]
76 |
77 | # Get new coordinate
78 | item = dict()
79 | item['xrd'] = xrd
80 | item['yrd'] = yrd
81 | item['hnap'] = hnap
82 | item['func'] = 'rd2etrs'
83 | args = "&".join(["%s=%s" % (k,v) for k,v in item.iteritems()])
84 | url = 'http://www.rdnap.nl/cgi-bin/rdetrs.pl?%s' % args
85 | print "### Not in Cache, Fetching coordinate %s, %s from %s" % (xrd, yrd, url)
86 | f = urllib.urlopen(url)
87 | raw = f.read()
88 |
89 | r = re.compile('name="([a-z_]+)" value="([0-9\.]+)"')
90 | for i in r.finditer(raw):
91 | name, value = i.group(1,2)
92 | value = float(value)
93 | item[name] = value
94 |
95 | lam = item['lam_deg'] + (item['lam_min'] + (item['lam_sec'] / 60)) / 60
96 | phi = item['phi_deg'] + (item['phi_min'] + (item['phi_sec'] / 60)) / 60
97 | coordinates[(xrd, yrd)] = (lam, phi)
98 | write_yaml(CACHE_FILE, coordinates)
99 | return (lam, phi)
100 |
101 | def make_graph():
102 | f = open('kmlfile.kml', 'w')
103 | f.write("""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
104 | <kml xmlns="http://earth.google.com/kml/2.0">
105 | <Document>
106 | <name>WirelessLeiden Nodemap</name>
107 | <open>1</open>
108 | <description>Generated realtime status of all Wireless Leiden AccessPoints</description>
109 | <Style id="node_status_up">
110 | <IconStyle>
111 | <scale>0.5</scale>
112 | <Icon><href>http://www.google.com/mapfiles/kml/paddle/grn-stars-lv.png</href></Icon>
113 | </IconStyle>
114 | </Style>
115 | <Style id="node_status_down">
116 | <IconStyle>
117 | <scale>0.5</scale>
118 | <Icon><href>http://www.google.com/mapfiles/kml/paddle/red-stars-lv.png</href></Icon>
119 | </IconStyle>
120 | </Style>
121 | <Style id="node_status_planned">
122 | <IconStyle>
123 | <scale>0.5</scale>
124 | <Icon><href>http://www.google.com/mapfiles/kml/paddle/wht-stars-lv.png</href></Icon>
125 | </IconStyle>
126 | </Style>
127 | <Folder>
128 | <name>Nodes</name>
129 | <visibility>0</visibility>
130 | <description>All active nodes and links</description>
131 | """)
132 |
133 | poel = {}
134 | link_type = {}
135 | node = {}
136 |
137 | nodes = []
138 | links = []
139 | try:
140 | for host in gformat.get_hostlist():
141 | print "## Processing host", host
142 | datadump = gformat.get_yaml(host)
143 | iface_keys = [elem for elem in datadump.keys() if (elem.startswith('iface_') and not "lo0" in elem)]
144 | for iface_key in iface_keys:
145 | l = datadump[iface_key]['ip']
146 | addr, mask = l.split('/')
147 |
148 | addr = gformat.parseaddr(addr)
149 | mask = int(mask)
150 | addr = addr & ~((1 << (32 - mask)) - 1)
151 | if poel.has_key(addr):
152 | poel[addr] += [host]
153 | else:
154 | poel[addr] = [host]
155 | # Assume all eth2wifibridge to be 11a for a moment
156 | iface_parent = '_'.join(iface_key.split('_')[0:2])
157 | if datadump[iface_parent].has_key('extra_type') and datadump[iface_parent]['extra_type'] == 'eth2wifibridge':
158 | link_type[addr] = '11a'
159 | else:
160 | link_type[addr] = datadump[iface_parent]['type']
161 | print "### %s [%s] is of type %s" % (gformat.showaddr(addr), iface_key, link_type[addr])
162 | lam, phi = rd2etrs(datadump['rdnap_x'], datadump['rdnap_y'])
163 | node[host] = (lam, phi)
164 | f.write("""
165 | <description>All active nodes</description>
166 | <Placemark>
167 | <name>Node %(name)s</name>
168 | <description>%(desc)s></description>
169 | <styleUrl>#node_status_up</styleUrl>
170 | <Point><coordinates>%(lam)s,%(phi)s,0</coordinates></Point>
171 | </Placemark>
172 | """ % {'name' : host, 'desc' : cgi.escape(datadump['location']), 'lam' : lam, 'phi' : phi})
173 | nodes += [("POINT(%s, %s)" % (lam, phi))]
174 | except (KeyError, ValueError), e:
175 | print "[FOUT] in '%s' interface '%s'" % (host,iface_key)
176 | raise
177 | sys.exit(1)
178 |
179 | f.write("""
180 | </Folder>
181 | <Folder>
182 | <name>Links</name>
183 | <visibility>0</visibility>
184 | <description>All links</description>
185 | """)
186 | for addr,leden in poel.iteritems():
187 | if link_type[addr] == '11a':
188 | color = '#ff0000ff'
189 | weight = 2
190 | elif link_type[addr] == 'eth':
191 | color = '#ffff0000'
192 | weight = 4
193 | else:
194 | color = '#ff000000'
195 | weight = 1
196 |
197 | leden = sorted(set(leden))
198 | for index,lid in enumerate(leden[:-1]):
199 | for buur in leden[index + 1:]:
200 | f.write("""
201 | <Placemark>
202 | <name>%(name)s</name>
203 | <visibility>0</visibility>
204 | <description>%(desc)s</description>
205 | <LineString>
206 | <tessellate>0</tessellate>
207 | <coordinates> %(lam1)s, %(phi1)s, 0
208 | %(lam2)s , %(phi2)s, 0 </coordinates>
209 | </LineString>
210 | <Style>%(style)s</Style>
211 | </Placemark>
212 | """ % { 'lam1' : node[lid][0],
213 | 'phi1' : node[lid][1],
214 | 'lam2' : node[buur][0],
215 | 'phi2' : node[buur][1],
216 | 'name' : "Interlink: %s --- %s" % (lid, buur),
217 | 'desc' : "%s [%s]" % (gformat.showaddr(addr), link_type[addr]),
218 | 'style' : "<LineStyle><color>%s</color><width>%s</width></LineStyle>" % (color, weight),
219 | })
220 | f.write("""
221 | </Folder>
222 | </Document>
223 | </kml>
224 | """)
225 | f.close()
226 |
227 |
228 | if __name__ == "__main__":
229 | make_graph()
230 |