1 | #!/usr/bin/env python
2 | #
3 | # vim:ts=2:et:sw=2:ai
4 | # Wireless Leiden configuration generator, based on yaml files'
5 | # Rick van der Zwet <info@rickvanderzwet.nl>
6 | import cgi
7 | import cgitb
8 | import copy
9 | import glob
10 | import os
11 | import socket
12 | import string
13 | import subprocess
14 | import sys
15 | import time
16 | import yaml
17 |
18 | NODE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
19 | __version__ = '$Id: gformat.py 8296 2010-08-10 13:52:07Z rick $'
20 |
21 |
22 | files = [
23 | 'authorized_keys',
24 | 'dnsmasq.conf',
25 | 'rc.conf.local',
26 | 'resolv.conf',
27 | 'wleiden.yaml'
28 | ]
29 |
30 |
31 |
32 | def get_proxylist():
33 | """Get all available proxies proxyX sorting based on X number"""
34 | os.chdir(NODE_DIR)
35 | proxylist = sorted(glob.glob("proxy*"),
36 | key=lambda name: int(''.join([c for c in name if c in string.digits])),
37 | cmp=lambda x,y: x - y)
38 | return proxylist
39 |
40 |
41 |
42 | def get_nodelist():
43 | """ Get all available nodes - sorted """
44 | os.chdir(NODE_DIR)
45 | nodelist = sorted(glob.glob("CNode*"))
46 | return nodelist
47 |
48 | def get_hostlist():
49 | """ Combined hosts and proxy list"""
50 | return get_nodelist() + get_proxylist()
51 |
52 |
53 | def generate_title(nodelist):
54 | """ Main overview page """
55 | items = {'root' : "." }
56 | output = """
57 | <html>
58 | <head>
59 | <title>Wireless leiden Configurator - GFormat</title>
60 | <style type="text/css">
61 | th {background-color: #999999}
62 | tr:nth-child(odd) {background-color: #cccccc}
63 | tr:nth-child(even) {background-color: #ffffff}
64 | th, td {padding: 0.1em 1em}
65 | </style>
66 | </head>
67 | <body>
68 | <center>
69 | <form type="GET" action="%(root)s">
70 | <input type="hidden" name="action" value="update">
71 | <input type="submit" value="Update Configuration Database (SVN)">
72 | </form>
73 | <table>
74 | <caption><h3>Wireless Leiden Configurator</h3></caption>
75 | """ % items
76 |
77 | for node in nodelist:
78 | items['node'] = node
79 | output += '<tr><td><a href="%(root)s/%(node)s">%(node)s</a></td>' % items
80 | for config in files:
81 | items['config'] = config
82 | output += '<td><a href="%(root)s/%(node)s/%(config)s">%(config)s</a></td>' % items
83 | output += "</tr>"
84 | output += """
85 | </table>
86 | <hr />
87 | <em>%s</em>
88 | </center>
89 | </body>
90 | </html>
91 | """ % __version__
92 |
93 | return output
94 |
95 |
96 |
97 | def generate_node(node):
98 | """ Print overview of all files available for node """
99 | return "\n".join(files)
100 |
101 |
102 |
103 | def generate_header(ctag="#"):
104 | return """\
105 | %(ctag)s
106 | %(ctag)s DO NOT EDIT - Automatically generated by 'gformat'
107 | %(ctag)s Generated at %(date)s by %(host)s
108 | %(ctag)s
109 | """ % { 'ctag' : ctag, 'date' : time.ctime(), 'host' : socket.gethostname() }
110 |
111 |
112 |
113 | def parseaddr(s):
114 | """ Process IPv4 CIDR notation addr to a (binary) number """
115 | f = s.split('.')
116 | return (long(f[0]) << 24L) + \
117 | (long(f[1]) << 16L) + \
118 | (long(f[2]) << 8L) + \
119 | long(f[3])
120 |
121 |
122 |
123 | def showaddr(a):
124 | """ Display IPv4 addr in (dotted) CIDR notation """
125 | return "%d.%d.%d.%d" % ((a >> 24) & 0xff, (a >> 16) & 0xff, (a >> 8) & 0xff, a & 0xff)
126 |
127 |
128 |
129 | def netmask2subnet(netmask):
130 | """ Given a 'netmask' return corresponding CIDR """
131 | return showaddr(0xffffffff & (0xffffffff << (32 - int(netmask))))
132 |
133 |
134 |
135 | def generate_dnsmasq_conf(datadump):
136 | """ Generate configuration file '/usr/local/etc/dnsmasq.conf' """
137 | output = generate_header()
138 | output += """\
139 | # DHCP server options
140 | dhcp-authoritative
141 | dhcp-fqdn
142 | domain=dhcp.%(nodename_lower)s.%(domain)s
143 | domain-needed
144 | expand-hosts
145 |
146 | # Low memory footprint
147 | cache-size=10000
148 | \n""" % datadump
149 |
150 | for iface_key in datadump['iface_keys']:
151 | if not datadump[iface_key].has_key('comment'):
152 | datadump[iface_key]['comment'] = None
153 | output += "## %(interface)s - %(desc)s - %(comment)s\n" % datadump[iface_key]
154 |
155 | try:
156 | (dhcp_start, dhcp_stop) = datadump[iface_key]['dhcp'].split('-')
157 | (ip, netmask) = datadump[iface_key]['ip'].split('/')
158 | datadump[iface_key]['subnet'] = netmask2subnet(netmask)
159 | except (AttributeError, ValueError):
160 | output += "# not autoritive\n\n"
161 | continue
162 |
163 | dhcp_part = ".".join(ip.split('.')[0:3])
164 | datadump[iface_key]['dhcp_start'] = dhcp_part + "." + dhcp_start
165 | datadump[iface_key]['dhcp_stop'] = dhcp_part + "." + dhcp_stop
166 | output += "dhcp-range=%(interface)s,%(dhcp_start)s,%(dhcp_stop)s,%(subnet)s,24h\n\n" % datadump[iface_key]
167 |
168 | return output
169 |
170 |
171 |
172 | def generate_rc_conf_local(datadump):
173 | """ Generate configuration file '/etc/rc.conf.local' """
174 | output = generate_header("#");
175 | output += """\
176 | hostname='%(nodetype)s%(nodename)s.%(domain)s'
177 | location='%(location)s'
178 | """ % datadump
179 |
180 | # TProxy configuration
181 | output += "\n"
182 | try:
183 | if datadump['tproxy']:
184 | output += """\
185 | tproxy_enable='YES'
186 | tproxy_range='%(tproxy)s'
187 | """ % datadump
188 | except KeyError:
189 | output += "tproxy_enable='NO'\n"
190 |
191 | output += '\n'
192 | # lo0 configuration:
193 | # - is the proxy.wleiden.net deflector
194 | # - masterip is special as it needs to be assigned to at
195 | # least one interface, so if not used assign to lo0
196 | addrs_list = { 'lo0' : ["", ""] }
197 | iface_map = {'lo0' : 'lo0'}
198 | if not any([datadump[iface_key]['ip'].startswith(datadump['masterip']) \
199 | for iface_key in datadump['iface_keys']]):
200 | lo0_addrs.append(datadump['masterip'] + "/32")
201 |
202 | wlan_count = 0
203 | for iface_key in datadump['iface_keys']:
204 | ifacedump = datadump[iface_key]
205 | interface = ifacedump['interface']
206 | # By default no special interface mapping
207 | iface_map[interface] = interface
208 |
209 | # Add interface IP to list
210 | if addrs_list.has_key(interface):
211 | addrs_list[interface].append(ifacedump['ip'])
212 | else:
213 | addrs_list[interface] = [ifacedump['ip']]
214 |
215 | # Alias only needs IP assignment for now, this might change if we
216 | # are going to use virtual accesspoints
217 | if "alias" in iface_key:
218 | continue
219 |
220 | # XXX: Might want to deduct type directly from interface name
221 | if ifacedump['type'] in ['11a', '11b', '11g', 'wireless']:
222 | # Create wlanX interface
223 | ifacedump['wlanif'] ="wlan%i" % wlan_count
224 | iface_map[interface] = ifacedump['wlanif']
225 | wlan_count += 1
226 |
227 | # Default to station (client) mode
228 | ifacedump['wlanmode'] = "sta"
229 | if ifacedump['mode'] in ['master', 'master-wds']:
230 | ifacedump['wlanmode'] = "ap"
231 | # Default to 802.11b mode
232 | ifacedump['mode'] = '11b'
233 | if ifacedump['type'] in ['11a', '11b' '11g']:
234 | ifacedump['mode'] = ifacedump['type']
235 |
236 | if not ifacedump.has_key('channel'):
237 | if ifacedump['type'] == '11a':
238 | ifacedump['channel'] = 36
239 | else:
240 | ifacedump['channel'] = 1
241 |
242 | # Allow special hacks at the back like wds and stuff
243 | if not ifacedump.has_key('extra'):
244 | ifacedump['extra'] = 'regdomain ETSI country NL'
245 |
246 | output += "wlans_%(interface)s='%(wlanif)s'\n" % ifacedump
247 | output += ("create_args_%(wlanif)s='wlanmode %(wlanmode)s mode " +\
248 | "%(mode)s ssid %(ssid)s %(extra)s channel %(channel)s'\n") % ifacedump
249 |
250 | elif ifacedump['type'] in ['ethernet', 'eth']:
251 | # No special config needed besides IP
252 | pass
253 | else:
254 | assert False, "Unknown type " + ifacedump['type']
255 |
256 | # Print IP address which needs to be assigned over here
257 | output += "\n"
258 | for iface,addrs in sorted(addrs_list.iteritems()):
259 | output += "ipv4_addrs_%s='%s'\n" % (iface_map[iface], " ".join(addrs))
260 |
261 | return output
262 |
263 |
264 |
265 | def get_yaml(item):
266 | """ Get configuration yaml for 'item'"""
267 | gfile = NODE_DIR + '/%s/wleiden.yaml' % item
268 |
269 | f = open(gfile, 'r')
270 | datadump = yaml.load(f)
271 | f.close()
272 |
273 | return datadump
274 |
275 |
276 |
277 | def write_yaml(item, datadump):
278 | """ Write configuration yaml for 'item'"""
279 | gfile = NODE_DIR + '/%s/wleiden.yaml' % item
280 |
281 | f = open(gfile, 'w')
282 | f.write(format_wleiden_yaml(datadump))
283 | f.close()
284 |
285 |
286 |
287 | def generate_resolv_conf(datadump):
288 | """ Generate configuration file '/etc/resolv.conf' """
289 | output = generate_header("#");
290 | output += """\
291 | search wleiden.net
292 | # Try local (cache) first
293 | nameserver
294 |
295 | # Proxies are recursive nameservers
296 | # needs to be in resolv.conf for dnsmasq as well
297 | """ % datadump
298 |
299 | for proxy in get_proxylist():
300 | proxy_ip = get_yaml(proxy)['masterip']
301 | output += "nameserver %-15s # %s\n" % (proxy_ip, proxy)
302 | return output
303 |
304 |
305 |
306 | def format_yaml_value(value):
307 | """ Get yaml value in right syntax for outputting """
308 | if isinstance(value,str):
309 | output = "'%s'" % value
310 | else:
311 | output = value
312 | return output
313 |
314 |
315 |
316 | def format_wleiden_yaml(datadump):
317 | """ Special formatting to ensure it is editable"""
318 | output = "# Genesis config yaml style\n"
319 | output += "# vim:ts=2:et:sw=2:ai\n"
320 | output += "#\n"
321 | iface_keys = [elem for elem in datadump.keys() if elem.startswith('iface_')]
322 | for key in sorted(set(datadump.keys()) - set(iface_keys)):
323 | output += "%-10s: %s\n" % (key, format_yaml_value(datadump[key]))
324 |
325 | output += "\n\n"
326 |
327 | key_order = [ 'comment', 'interface', 'ip', 'desc', 'sdesc', 'mode', 'type',
328 | 'extra_type', 'channel', 'ssid', 'dhcp' ]
329 |
330 | for iface_key in sorted(iface_keys):
331 | output += "%s:\n" % iface_key
332 | for key in key_order + list(sorted(set(datadump[iface_key].keys()) - set(key_order))):
333 | if datadump[iface_key].has_key(key):
334 | output += " %-11s: %s\n" % (key, format_yaml_value(datadump[iface_key][key]))
335 | output += "\n\n"
336 |
337 | return output
338 |
339 |
340 |
341 | def generate_wleiden_yaml(datadump):
342 | """ Generate (petty) version of wleiden.yaml"""
343 | output = generate_header("#")
344 | output += format_wleiden_yaml(datadump)
345 | return output
346 |
347 |
348 |
349 | def generate_config(node, config):
350 | """ Print configuration file 'config' of 'node' """
351 | output = ""
352 | try:
353 | # Load config file
354 | datadump = get_yaml(node)
355 |
356 | # Preformat certain needed variables for formatting and push those into special object
357 | datadump_extra = copy.deepcopy(datadump)
358 | if not datadump_extra.has_key('domain'):
359 | datadump_extra['domain'] = 'wleiden.net'
360 | datadump_extra['nodename_lower'] = datadump_extra['nodename'].lower()
361 | datadump_extra['iface_keys'] = sorted([elem for elem in datadump.keys() if elem.startswith('iface_')])
362 |
363 | if config == 'wleiden.yaml':
364 | output += generate_wleiden_yaml(datadump)
365 | elif config == 'authorized_keys':
366 | f = open("global_keys", 'r')
367 | output += f.read()
368 | f.close()
369 | elif config == 'dnsmasq.conf':
370 | output += generate_dnsmasq_conf(datadump_extra)
371 | elif config == 'rc.conf.local':
372 | output += generate_rc_conf_local(datadump_extra)
373 | elif config == 'resolv.conf':
374 | output += generate_resolv_conf(datadump_extra)
375 | else:
376 | assert False, "Config not found!"
377 | except IOError, e:
378 | output += "[ERROR] Config file not found"
379 | return output
380 |
381 |
382 |
383 | def process_cgi_request():
384 | """ When calling from CGI """
385 | # Update repository if requested
386 | form = cgi.FieldStorage()
387 | if form.getvalue("action") == "update":
388 | print "Refresh: 5; url=."
389 | print "Content-type:text/plain\r\n\r\n",
390 | print "[INFO] Updating subverion, please wait..."
391 | print subprocess.Popen(['svn', 'up', NODE_DIR], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0],
392 | print "[INFO] All done, redirecting in 5 seconds"
393 | sys.exit(0)
394 |
395 |
396 | uri = os.environ['PATH_INFO'].strip('/').split('/')
397 | output = ""
398 | if not uri[0]:
399 | output += "Content-type:text/html\r\n\r\n"
400 | output += generate_title(get_hostlist())
401 | elif len(uri) == 1:
402 | output += "Content-type:text/plain\r\n\r\n"
403 | output += generate_node(uri[0])
404 | elif len(uri) == 2:
405 | output += "Content-type:text/plain\r\n\r\n"
406 | output += generate_config(uri[0], uri[1])
407 | else:
408 | assert False, "Invalid option"
409 | print output
410 |
411 |
412 | def usage():
413 | print """Usage: %s <standalone [port] |test [test arguments]|static>
414 | Examples:
415 | \tstandalone = Run configurator webserver [default port=8000]
416 | \tstatic = Generate all config files and store on disk
417 | \t with format ./static/%%NODE%%/%%FILE%%
418 | \ttest CNodeRick dnsmasq.conf = Receive output of CGI script
419 | \t for arguments CNodeRick/dnsmasq.conf
420 | """
421 | exit(0)
422 |
423 |
424 |
425 | def main():
426 | """Hard working sub"""
427 | # Allow easy hacking using the CLI
428 | if not os.environ.has_key('PATH_INFO'):
429 | if len(sys.argv) < 2:
430 | usage()
431 |
432 | if sys.argv[1] == "standalone":
433 | import SocketServer
434 | import CGIHTTPServer
435 | try:
436 | PORT = int(sys.argv[2])
437 | except (IndexError,ValueError):
438 | PORT = 8000
439 |
440 | class MyCGIHTTPRequestHandler(CGIHTTPServer.CGIHTTPRequestHandler):
441 | """ Serve this CGI from the root of the webserver """
442 | def is_cgi(self):
443 | if "favicon" in self.path:
444 | return False
445 |
446 | self.cgi_info = (__file__, self.path)
447 | self.path = ''
448 | return True
449 | handler = MyCGIHTTPRequestHandler
450 | httpd = SocketServer.TCPServer(("", PORT), handler)
451 | httpd.server_name = 'localhost'
452 | httpd.server_port = PORT
453 |
454 | print "serving at port", PORT
455 | httpd.serve_forever()
456 | elif sys.argv[1] == "test":
457 | os.environ['PATH_INFO'] = "/".join(sys.argv[2:])
458 | os.environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] = __file__
459 | process_cgi_request()
460 | elif sys.argv[1] == "static":
461 | items = dict()
462 | for node in get_hostlist():
463 | items['node'] = node
464 | items['wdir'] = "./static/%(node)s" % items
465 | if not os.path.isdir(items['wdir']):
466 | os.makedirs(items['wdir'])
467 | for config in files:
468 | items['config'] = config
469 | print "## Generating %(node)s %(config)s" % items
470 | f = open("%(wdir)s/%(config)s" % items, "w")
471 | f.write(generate_config(node, config))
472 | f.close()
473 | else:
474 | usage()
475 | else:
476 | cgitb.enable()
477 | process_cgi_request()
478 |
479 |
480 | if __name__ == "__main__":
481 | main()