1 | # experiment met een genetisch algoritme voor de kanalenplanning
2 | # het genetische zit er nu nauwelijks in, en wat er in zit is ongetwijfeld
3 | # fout. wat er wel goed in zit is het parseren van de bestaande situatie en
4 | # het scoren van (nu random) configuraties.
5 |
6 | # de score functie is nu redelijk simplistisch:
7 | # - de score van een combinatie van twee interfaces op een node is 1 als er
8 | # twee of meer kanalen tussen zitten, en -1 als dat niet zo is
9 | # - de score van een node is de som van de scores van alle combinaties van
10 | # interfaces van die node, maal het aantal interfaces. dat laatste omdat
11 | # een positieve score hebben knapper is met meer interfaces dan met minder,
12 | # dus dat moet beloond. een negatieve score is erger met meer interfaces
13 | # (belangrijker node, waarschijnlijk) dan met minder, dus dat moet
14 | # bestraft.
15 | # - de totale score is de som van de scores van de nodes
16 | #
17 | # het stukje "genetisch" aan het einde is afgeraffeld. mutation en
18 | # recombination gebeuren op de oplossing zelf ipv op een bitstring
19 | # representatie. selection is dom en neemt gewoon de helft beste oplossingen.
20 | import re
21 | import random
22 | import os
23 |
24 | # deze twee zijn nodig voor de evaluatie van een configuratie
25 | nodes = {} # lijst van Node instanties
26 | groups = [] # lijst van Group instanties
27 |
28 | population = []
29 |
30 | # gegeven een lijst, geef de lijst zonder dubbele elementen
31 | def uniq(l):
32 | d = {}
33 | for e in l:
34 | d[e] = 1
35 | return d.keys()
36 |
37 | class Node:
38 | def __init__(self, name, wis):
39 | self.name = name
40 | self.wis = wis
41 | for wi in wis:
42 | wi.setNode(self)
43 | def wi_byname(self, name):
44 | wi = filter(lambda wi: wi.name == name, self.wis)
45 | assert len(wi) == 1
46 | return wi[0]
47 | def score(self):
48 | score = 0
49 | for i in range(len(self.wis)):
50 | wi_i = self.wis[i]
51 | if wi_i.group == None:
52 | # orphaned interface
53 | continue
54 | if wi_i.group.channel == None:
55 | print "huh?"
56 | for j in range(len(self.wis)):
57 | if i != j:
58 | wi_j = self.wis[j]
59 | if wi_j.group == None:
60 | continue
61 | diff = abs(wi_i.group.channel - wi_j.group.channel)
62 | if diff > 2:
63 | score = score + 1
64 | else:
65 | score = score - 1
66 | score = score * len(self.wis)
67 | return score
68 |
69 | class WI:
70 | def __init__(self, name):
71 | self.name = name
72 | self.node = None
73 | self.group = None
74 | self.omni = 0
75 | def setNode(self, node):
76 | self.node = node
77 | def setGroup(self, group):
78 | self.group = group
79 |
80 | class WIGroup:
81 | def __init__(self, name):
82 | self.name = name
83 | self.wis = []
84 | self.channel = None
85 | def add_wi(self, wi):
86 | self.wis.append(wi)
87 | wi.setGroup(self)
88 |
89 | class Configuration:
90 | def __init__(self):
91 | self.conf = None
92 | self.calculated_score = None
93 | def copy(self):
94 | c = Configuration()
95 | c.conf = self.conf[:]
96 | c.calculated_score = None
97 | return c
98 | def randomize(self):
99 | self.conf = [random.randint(1, 13) for i in range(len(groups))]
100 | self.calculated_score = None
101 | def score(self):
102 | assert len(self.conf) == len(groups)
103 | if self.calculated_score != None:
104 | return self.calculated_score
105 | for i in range(len(self.conf)):
106 | groups[i].channel = self.conf[i]
107 | score = 0
108 | for node in nodes.values():
109 | score = score + node.score()
110 | self.calculated_score = score
111 | return score
112 | def mutate(self, rate):
113 | for i in range(len(groups)):
114 | if random.random() <= rate:
115 | self.conf[i] = random.randint(1, 13)
116 | def crossover(self, partner, numpoints):
117 | # pick the crossover points
118 | points = [random.randint(0, len(groups) - 1) for i in range(numpoints)]
119 | points.sort()
120 | conf = []
121 | who = 0
122 | lastpoint = 0
123 | while len(points):
124 | point = points.pop(0)
125 | if who == 0:
126 | l = self.conf[lastpoint:point]
127 | who = 1
128 | else:
129 | l = partner.conf[lastpoint:point]
130 | who = 0
131 | conf.extend(l)
132 | lastpoint = point
133 | if who == 0:
134 | l = self.conf[lastpoint:]
135 | else:
136 | l = partner.conf[lastpoint:]
137 | conf.extend(l)
138 | assert len(conf) == len(groups)
139 | self.conf = conf
140 |
141 |
143 |
144 | ipdict = {}
145 | ipnr_node = {}
146 | node_ipnr = {}
147 | node_links = {}
148 |
149 | def parse_wleiden_conf(lines):
150 | ipnr = None
151 | wi = None
152 | peer = None
153 | omni = 0
154 | for l in lines:
155 | if wi != None:
156 | match = re.match("^\EW.*", l)
157 | if match != None:
158 | wi = None
159 | ipnr = None
160 | peer = None
161 | continue
162 | match = re.match("^SDESC=omni.*", l)
163 | if match != None:
164 | omni = 1
165 | match = re.match("^IP=([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*).*", l)
166 | if match != None:
167 | ipnr = match.group(1)
168 | if not node_ipnr.has_key(nodename):
169 | node_ipnr[nodename] = []
170 | node_ipnr[nodename].append(ipnr)
171 | ipnr_node[ipnr] = nodename
172 | match = re.match("^POINT_TO_POINT=([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*).*", l)
173 | if match != None:
174 | peer = match.group(1)
175 | if not node_links.has_key(nodename):
176 | node_links[nodename] = []
177 | node_links[nodename].append( (peer, wi) )
178 | else:
179 | match = re.match("^\$nodename='([^']*)';.*", l)
180 | if match != None:
181 | nodename = match.group(1).lower()
182 | match = re.match("^\$config{'(wi[0-9]*).*", l)
183 | if match != None:
184 | wi = match.group(1)
185 | omni = 0
186 |
187 | # gegeven een file met filenames van wleiden.conf's, parseer ze allemaal en
188 | # vul de datastructuren
189 | def parse_metafile(filename):
190 | for fname in open(filename).readlines():
191 | parse_wleiden_conf(open(fname[:-1]).readlines())
192 | for nodename in node_ipnr.keys():
193 | wis = []
194 | if node_links.has_key(nodename):
195 | d = {}
196 | for peer, wi in node_links[nodename]:
197 | if not d.has_key(wi):
198 | wis.append(WI(wi))
199 | d[wi] = 1
200 | node = Node(nodename, wis)
201 | nodes[nodename] = node
202 |
203 | for nodename in node_links.keys():
204 | node = nodes[nodename]
205 |
206 | for peerip, winame in node_links[nodename]:
207 | wi = node.wi_byname(winame)
208 | if not ipnr_node.has_key(peerip):
209 | print "Warning: node %s links to phantom IP %s" % (nodename, peerip)
210 | continue
211 | peername = ipnr_node[peerip]
212 | bail = 0
213 | for peerspeerip, peerswiname in node_links[peername]:
214 | if not ipnr_node.has_key(peerspeerip):
215 | print "Warning: node %s links to phantom IP %s" % (nodename, peerspeerip)
216 | bail = 1
217 | break
218 | if ipnr_node[peerspeerip] == nodename:
219 | break
220 | if bail:
221 | continue
222 | peer = nodes[peername]
223 | peerwi = peer.wi_byname(peerswiname)
224 | # komt wi voor deze node al voor in de bestaande
225 | # groepen?
226 | group = None
227 | for i in range(len(groups)):
228 | if filter(lambda wi: wi.node.name == nodename and wi.name == winame, groups[i].wis) != []:
229 | group = groups[i]
230 | break
231 | if group == None:
232 | for i in range(len(groups)):
233 | if filter(lambda wi: wi.node.name == peername and wi.name == peerswiname, groups[i].wis) != []:
234 | group = groups[i]
235 | break
236 | if group == None:
237 | # nee. maak een groep en voeg beide
238 | # endpoints toe
239 | group = WIGroup("group%d" % len(groups))
240 | group.add_wi(wi)
241 | groups.append(group)
242 | group.add_wi(peerwi)
243 | for group in groups:
244 | group.wis = uniq(group.wis)
245 |
247 |
248 | def plot_configuration(conf, out):
249 | out.write("digraph plot {\n")
250 | for i in range(len(groups)):
251 | out.write("group%s [label=\"%d\"]\n" % (i, conf[i]))
252 | for nodename in nodes.keys():
253 | for wi in nodes[nodename].wis:
254 | if wi.group == None:
255 | continue
256 | out.write("%s -> %s\n" % (nodename, wi.group.name))
257 | out.write("}")
258 |
259 | parse_metafile('l')
260 |
261 | for i in range(20):
262 | conf = Configuration()
263 | conf.randomize()
264 | population.append(conf)
265 |
266 | for iteration in range(1000):
267 | for i in range(0, 9):
268 | p = population[i].copy()
269 | population[i].crossover(population[i + 10], random.randint(1, 4) * 2)
270 | population[i + 10] = p
271 | population[i + 10].mutate(0.05)
272 | population.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(b.score(), a.score()))
273 | print population[0].score()
274 | plot_configuration(population[0].conf, open("foo.dot", 'w'))
275 | os.system('neato -Gstart=foo -Goverlap=false/scale -Gsplines=true -Gsep=2 -Gratio=fill -Gnslimit=50.0 -Grotate=90 -Gsize="11,7.5" -Tps -o channelga.ps foo.dot')
276 |