1 | (* a few constants *)
2 | let population_size = 20
3 | and max_stagnant_iterations = 10000
4 | and mutation_rate = 0.05;;
5 |
6 | (* the type definitions. note that Caml has trouble with mutually recursive
7 | data structures. you can define them, you just can't ever instantiate them.
8 | this is why the fields in wi are all loose references by way of strings *)
9 | type wi = {
10 | wi_name: string;
11 | wi_nodename: string;
12 | wi_essid: string;
13 | };;
14 | type group = {
15 | group_essid: string;
16 | mutable group_wis: wi list;
17 | };;
18 | type node = {
19 | node_name: string;
20 | node_wis: wi list;
21 | };;
22 |
23 | let nodes = Hashtbl.create 4;;
24 | let groups = Hashtbl.create 4;;
25 |
26 | (* some convenience functions *)
27 | let compose f g = fun x -> f(g(x));;
28 | let ($) = compose;;
29 | let maketuple a b = (a, b);;
30 | let head = List.hd;;
31 | let tail = List.tl;;
32 | (* given a hashtable, return all the keys as a list *)
33 | let keys t = Hashtbl.fold (fun k d a -> k::a) t [];;
34 | (* given a hashtable, return all the values as a list *)
35 | let values t = Hashtbl.fold (fun k d a -> d::a) t [];;
36 | let copyarray src dest = Array.blit src 0 dest 0 (Array.length src);;
37 |
38 | (* given a list, return a list of pairs with all possible combinations of
39 | items from the given list *)
40 | let rec combinations l =
41 | match l with
42 | [] -> []
43 | | x::xs -> (List.map (maketuple x) xs)@(combinations xs);;
44 |
45 | (* given a configuration and two wi's, return the score *)
46 | let wi_score c wi1 wi2 =
47 | let scoretable = [ ((<=) 2, 1);
48 | ((==) 2, -1);
49 | ((==) 1, -5);
50 | ((==) 0, -10) ] in
51 | let channel1 = c wi1.wi_essid in
52 | let channel2 = c wi2.wi_essid in
53 | let diff = abs (channel1 - channel2) in
54 | let rec runtable t = match t with
55 | [] -> assert false
56 | | (cond, s)::xs -> if (cond diff) then s
57 | else runtable xs in
58 | runtable scoretable;;
59 |
60 | (* given a configuration and a node, return the score. this is simply the sum of
61 | the scores of all the combinations of interfaces, written down as a fold for
62 | efficiency *)
63 | let node_score c n =
64 | let foldfunc acc (wi1, wi2) = acc + (wi_score c wi1 wi2) in
65 | let base_score = List.fold_left foldfunc 0 (combinations n.node_wis) in
66 | base_score * (List.length n.node_wis);;
67 |
68 | let score_configuration c (ns: node list) =
69 | let foldfunc acc n = acc + (node_score (Hashtbl.find c) n) in
70 | let nodescores = List.fold_left foldfunc 0 ns in
71 | nodescores;;
72 |
73 | (* given a filename, return a list of all the lines in the file with the given
74 | filename *)
75 | let snarf_lines fname =
76 | let infile = open_in fname in
77 | let result = ref [] in
78 | try
79 | while true do
80 | result := (input_line infile)::!result
81 | done;
82 | !result (* never gets here *)
83 | with End_of_file -> !result
84 |
85 | let parse_pair nodename (wname, gname) =
86 | let new_wi = { wi_name = wname; wi_nodename = nodename; wi_essid = gname} in
87 | let foo = try
88 | let group = Hashtbl.find groups gname in
89 | group.group_wis <- new_wi::group.group_wis;
90 | with Not_found ->
91 | let group = { group_essid = gname; group_wis = [ new_wi ] } in
92 | Hashtbl.add groups gname group in
93 | new_wi
94 |
95 | let parse_fields fields =
96 | let nodename = head fields in
97 | let rec makepairs l = match l with
98 | [] -> []
99 | | x::[] -> assert false
100 | | a::b::xs -> (a, b)::(makepairs xs) in
101 | let wis = List.map (parse_pair nodename) (makepairs (tail fields)) in
102 | let sorted_wis = List.sort compare wis in
103 | let node = { node_name = nodename; node_wis = sorted_wis } in
104 | Hashtbl.add nodes nodename node
105 |
106 | let parse_file fname =
107 | let spacere = Str.regexp " " in
108 | List.iter (parse_fields $ (Str.split spacere)) (snarf_lines fname)
109 | ;;
110 |
111 | (** Return a random configuration. For some reason, if this function accesses
112 | the global 'groups' hash instead of getting it passed in from above, that
113 | hash is empty. *)
114 | let random_configuration groups =
115 | let conf = Hashtbl.create 30 in
116 | Hashtbl.iter (fun k _ -> Hashtbl.add conf k (1 + (Random.int 12))) groups;
117 | conf
118 |
119 | (* Mutate the configuration in the given population at the given offset *)
120 | let mutate p i =
121 | Hashtbl.iter (fun essid _ -> let f = Random.float 1.0 in
122 | let group = Hashtbl.find groups essid in
123 | let maxchannel = if (List.length group.group_wis) == 1 then 11
124 | else 13 in
125 | if (f < mutation_rate) then
126 | Hashtbl.replace p.(i) essid (1 + (Random.int maxchannel))) p.(i);;
127 |
128 | let print_conf conf =
129 | let print_wi wi = wi.wi_name ^ ": " ^ (string_of_int (Hashtbl.find conf wi.wi_essid)) in
130 | let wis node = List.fold_left (fun acc wi -> acc ^ " " ^ (print_wi wi)) "" node.node_wis in
131 | let sorted_nodes = List.sort (fun a b -> compare (a.node_name) (b.node_name)) (values nodes) in
132 | List.iter (fun n -> print_string (n.node_name ^ ":" ^ (wis n) ^ "\n")) sorted_nodes
133 |
134 | let parse_nodeclusters fname =
135 | let spacere = Str.regexp " " in
136 | (* handle a row of fields. the first field is the supernode name, the
137 | rest are the subnode names. create a new node for the supernode,
138 | stuff all the wi's of the subnodes under it, names prefixed with
139 | their original node's names for clarity, and remove the subnodes
140 | from the nodes hashtable *)
141 | let do_fields f = let nodename = head f in
142 | let subnodenames = tail f in
143 | let subnodes = List.map (Hashtbl.find nodes) subnodenames in
144 | List.iter (Hashtbl.remove nodes) subnodenames;
145 | let prefixed_wis n = List.map (fun w -> { w with wi_name = n.node_name ^ "." ^ w.wi_name}) n.node_wis in
146 | let wis = List.fold_left (fun a s -> a@(prefixed_wis s)) [] subnodes in
147 | let node = { node_name = nodename; node_wis = wis } in
148 | Hashtbl.add nodes nodename node in
149 | List.iter (do_fields $ (Str.split spacere)) (snarf_lines fname);;
150 |
151 | let main =
152 | parse_file Sys.argv.(1);
153 | parse_nodeclusters "coupled.conf";
154 | Random.self_init();
155 | let population = Array.init population_size (fun _ -> random_configuration groups) in
156 | let last_high_score = ref (-1000000) in
157 | let iterations_since_new_high_score = ref 0 in
158 | let generation = ref 0 in
159 | let all_nodes = values nodes in
160 | while !iterations_since_new_high_score < max_stagnant_iterations do
161 | (* mutate the population *)
162 | for i = 0 to (population_size / 2 - 1) do
163 | let i2 = i + population_size / 2 in
164 | population.(i2) <- Hashtbl.copy population.(i);
165 | mutate population (i2)
166 | done;
167 | (* sort the populations according to score. to do this, make
168 | a list of (score, solution) tuples *)
169 | let score_pop = Array.map (fun c -> ((score_configuration c all_nodes), c)) population in
170 | (* sort on the first field *)
171 | Array.sort (fun x y -> compare (fst y) (fst x)) score_pop;
172 | (* extract the, now sorted, configuration and put it into population *)
173 | copyarray (Array.map snd score_pop) population;
174 | (* now look at the best score and update the highscore if
175 | necessary *)
176 | let high_score = fst score_pop.(0) in
177 | if high_score > !last_high_score then begin
178 | last_high_score := high_score;
179 | iterations_since_new_high_score := 0
180 | end;
181 | assert (!last_high_score >= high_score);
182 | if (!generation mod 10) == 0 then begin
183 | print_int !generation;
184 | print_string ": ";
185 | print_int !last_high_score;
186 | print_newline();
187 | end;
188 | incr iterations_since_new_high_score;
189 | incr generation
190 | done;
191 | print_conf population.(0);;
192 |
193 | main