
Aug 26, 2011:

9:01 PM Changeset [9580] by rick
A little bit transparent is a very nice flavor to look at :)
8:54 PM Changeset [9579] by rick
Map a SSID to an organization to play nice with differnt SSIDs.
7:34 PM Changeset [9578] by rick
Allow filtering on signals as well.
6:54 PM Changeset [9577] by rick
Allow selecting all entries.
3:51 PM Changeset [9576] by rick
Overmap is usefull for navigation
3:45 PM Changeset [9575] by rick
Rename to more logical naming setup.

Aug 25, 2011:

3:11 PM Changeset [9572] by rick
Disable the Tile cache, as caching is not wanted (during development) …
3:09 PM Changeset [9571] by rick
Make the 1000 entries random, else they will only fill a part of the image.
3:07 PM Changeset [9570] by rick
Make signal dynamic default and redo some init calls.
2:13 PM Changeset [9569] by rick
Make sure to flush cache properly.
2:07 PM Changeset [9568] by rick
Ehm, this cache is a not_so_happy cache..
2:02 PM Changeset [9567] by rick
Make development on local en remote host whole bunch more easy.
1:39 PM Changeset [9566] by rick
Make the output sorted for more easier debugging.
1:39 PM Changeset [9565] by rick
Make sure all bssid are upper case to avoid fake unique matches.
1:26 PM Changeset [9564] by rick
Better import ordering
1:16 PM Changeset [9563] by rick
Order matters, make sure files are imported the right way
1:08 PM Changeset [9562] by rick
Start importing clients as well, to generate an ignore list…
12:31 PM Changeset [9561] by rick
gwSplit netxml and gpsxml into to different calls, as you first like …
12:09 PM Changeset [9560] by rick
Modeled after import_droidstumbler with main purpose of merging eventually.
12:08 PM Changeset [9559] by rick
Code cleanup
10:27 AM Changeset [9558] by rick
Make sure not to import if no entries are found
10:24 AM Changeset [9557] by rick
Re-did importing to make it roughly 100x times faster, by using proper …

Aug 24, 2011:

8:44 PM Changeset [9556] by rick
Sync configs and documentation
8:44 PM Changeset [9555] by rick
Quick and dirty full_import
7:43 PM Changeset [9552] by rick
Some awefull hacks to allow data to be imported.

Aug 23, 2011:

8:38 PM Changeset [9549] by rick
- Caches are now fully-file based as memcached was not working well …
8:33 PM Changeset [9548] by rick
Do not nag if one point (out of thousends) is invalid.
8:32 PM Changeset [9547] by rick
Osm proxy, include pattern used by real OSM platform.
11:28 AM Changeset [9546] by rick
Disable bunch of un-used layers by default
11:27 AM Changeset [9545] by rick
Make sure admin prefix works as expected.
10:11 AM Changeset [9544] by rick
Make the path and CDN domain settings transparent.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.