May 22, 2011:
- 8:27 PM Changeset [9209] by
- A bit of trial and error with json. Trying to get a nice list of data …
May 19, 2011:
- 3:21 PM Changeset [9208] by
- Some cleanup.
- 3:12 PM Changeset [9207] by
- Filters & nodelist moved to heatmap_extensions.js Some work on …
May 18, 2011:
- 10:46 AM Changeset [9203] by
- First testfilter added (filters on accespoint_id).
May 17, 2011:
- 11:57 AM Changeset [9202] by
- Busy with filters.
May 16, 2011:
- 12:45 PM Changeset [9201] by
- Better mousebounds with nodelist. Some delay with mouseposition though.
May 13, 2011:
- 1:31 PM Changeset [9197] by
- Displays a list of nodes. Next to fix: boundaries.
- 12:23 PM Changeset [9196] by
- Having doubts about the way the query is being serialized.
May 12, 2011:
- 2:09 PM Changeset [9192] by
- Forgot to include actual osm_proxy caching code.
- 2:01 PM Changeset [9191] by
- speed tweak: heatmap uses the OpenStreetmap.js data, so make sure to …
- 1:58 PM Changeset [9190] by
- I might be a bit biased, feel free to revert. But disable the original …
- 1:55 PM Changeset [9189] by
- Avoid hitting the OSM website all the time, use local caching. Makes …
- 1:19 PM Changeset [9188] by
- Show-case cache generation to avoid re-generation the pictures all the …
- 1:03 PM Changeset [9187] by
- ... and some way to clean the cache files if needed.
- 12:56 PM Changeset [9186] by
- Nodelist progress. Shows nodes around mouse when you click on map. …
- 12:33 PM Changeset [9185] by
- Get rid of the annoying 404 warning.
- 12:05 PM Changeset [9184] by
- Implemented cross database tile caching method, using base64 storage.
- 8:35 AM Changeset [9183] by
- Whoops forgot about 0 entries to import.
- 8:26 AM Changeset [9182] by
- Allow importing multiple files.
- 8:20 AM Changeset [9181] by
- Example for bulk importing data.
- 7:51 AM Changeset [9180] by
- Makes it visually more attractive
- 7:34 AM Changeset [9179] by
- Make sure points are unique (max value uses) to avoids duplicates all …
- 7:00 AM Changeset [9178] by
- More user-friendly parsing and definitions of meta-variables
May 11, 2011:
- 12:17 PM Changeset [9177] by
- Progress on showing nodes around mouse when hovering over map. Right …
May 10, 2011:
- 6:52 PM Changeset [9176] by
- Make the import more robust.
- 4:52 PM Changeset [9175] by
- Website layout updated. Little AJAX test thing, ignore that.
- 1:56 PM Changeset [9174] by
- Rounding errors, colour cannot be more than 255
- 1:44 PM Changeset [9173] by
- Allow compressed kismet files as well as input.
- 12:12 PM Changeset [9172] by
- Changed xcoord & ycoord to INT. Works now, and no noticible …
May 9, 2011:
- 5:44 PM Changeset [9171] by
- Get rid of Deprication warning, caused as alpha cannot be a float.
- 5:35 PM Changeset [9170] by
- Allow import (default) .gz files as well.
- 12:22 PM Changeset [9169] by
- Semi-duplicates get saved; multiple entries with the same values, only …
May 8, 2011:
- 9:31 PM Changeset [9168] by
- Make kismet import way more robust…
- 8:59 PM Changeset [9166] by
- Some nice hacks to do filtered dynamic views and alternating colours …
- 8:11 PM Changeset [9165] by
- More robust and more friendly to user: - Allow continue on 'broken' …
- 7:53 PM Changeset [9164] by
- A Floatfield is not type float but type str. Guess that seems to make …
- 7:45 PM Changeset [9163] by
- I guess the python documentation is right about this one :-) "Lots of …
- 7:37 PM Changeset [9162] by
- Basic antenna properties. Might we worth getting this metadata from a …
- 7:35 PM Changeset [9161] by
- Remove ssid hack, to make sure all is inserted 'correctly'
May 7, 2011:
- 8:06 PM Changeset [9158] by
- New netstumber import, based on gpsxml and netxml input files.
May 6, 2011:
- 4:04 PM Changeset [9157] by
- Value check for csv import.
- 9:42 AM Changeset [9156] by
- Looking into Kismet to decide on data output.
May 5, 2011:
- 1:59 PM Changeset [9155] by
- Stopped trying to fix visualisation, continuing with Wiki (doc/roadmap).
- 1:30 PM Changeset [9154] by
- Playing with ways for visualisation, somehow it got broken too since …
- 11:52 AM Changeset [9153] by
- Updated dataontwerp.
- 11:30 AM Changeset [9152] by
- Signal is not normalized so make it so. Also the starting transparancy …
- 11:13 AM Changeset [9151] by
- Conditional tranparenty, to make sure points with the same value have …
- 9:54 AM Changeset [9150] by
- - Added whole bunch of comments to make code better understandable. - …
- 9:34 AM Changeset [9149] by
- Make sure that we generate a slightly bigger image, to ensure the …
- 7:43 AM Changeset [9148] by
- As Dennis proved during his experiments PyGame is _much_ faster than …
May 4, 2011:
- 8:42 PM Changeset [9147] by
- Alternative heatmap generation 'framework'. Simple/Single file with no …
- 8:34 PM Changeset [9146] by
- Cosmetic, display the whole coordinates makes it a bit messy.
- 8:32 PM Changeset [9145] by
- Always building is slow and make development a pain, when building …
- 6:50 PM Changeset [9144] by
- Switched backend to pygame instead of pil. Rendertime reduced drastically.
- 12:35 PM Changeset [9143] by
- Busy describing tile generation & dataflow @ wiki.
- 11:04 AM Changeset [9142] by
- Figuring out the tile generation & data flow.
May 3, 2011:
- 9:24 PM Changeset [9140] by
- Import DroidStumbler Files.
May 2, 2011:
- 3:06 PM Changeset [9139] by
- Structure overhaul part 2; added website folder with the template, …
- 3:02 PM Changeset [9138] by
- Structure overhaul part 1; getting rid of the samples folder.
Apr 28, 2011:
- 11:34 AM Changeset [9123] by
- Fixed encryption, problem with duplicate accespoints solved somehow …
Apr 27, 2011:
- 3:52 PM Changeset [9120] by
- Import script for csv added. Some problems with signal strength and …
Apr 26, 2011:
- 3:00 PM Changeset [9113] by
- Supports OpenLayers/OpenStreetMap instead of Google Maps.
Apr 22, 2011:
- 5:02 PM Changeset [9105] by
- Final fix zoomlevels.
- 3:44 PM Changeset [9102] by
- Zoomlevels fixed.
See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.