13 years |
rick |
Make the text somehow a bit more clear…
13 years |
rick |
Have type reflected in other items as well..
13 years |
rick |
Correct annoying typo in naming of the acces*s* point.
13 years |
rick |
Make the filter look pretty.
13 years |
rick |
Add extra filter to allow display some and all.
While where fix the …
13 years |
rick |
Permalink custom layers, nice!
13 years |
rick |
Reflect the filters in the URL.
13 years |
rick |
Some tricks to start making permalinks for custom filters to be able …
13 years |
rick |
Allow specifing custom filters from the CLI
13 years |
rick |
Filter should be allowed to be manually set as well, cause I like to …
13 years |
rick |
Fix the filter to get rid of duplicates
13 years |
rick |
Give a hint of which values are available..
13 years |
rick |
Some awefull quirks to avoid uploading files without authentication.
13 years |
rick |
* Cannot be placed in init as this will causes the CHOICES to load …
14 years |
rick |
- Yield error on form failure.
-the set is only done ones, while …
14 years |
rick |
Example to reduce the fine grain results if needed.
14 years |
rick |
14 years |
rick |
Poor mans API for adding meetbestanden to the database.
14 years |
rick |
Little trick to import the currenly unimported files.
14 years |
rick |
String is just a normal '#' escaping will only be done if sent as URL …
14 years |
rick |
Add a little IE disclaimer.
14 years |
rick |
Allow prefixing on domain proto to 'hack' a way making relative URLs …
14 years |
rick |
Trunk version of OpenLayers.
14 years |
rick |
IE8 namespaces (needed for VML layer) are not ready on document ready, …
14 years |
rick |
No Data, makes the viriable unassinged.wq
14 years |
rick |
IE does not allow arrays to have comma's as well.
14 years |
rick |
Bunch of comma fixes to make IE happy.
14 years |
rick |
Fix initial IE errors, reported by Martijn.
14 years |
rick |
Make sure to present the right mime-type.
14 years |
rick |
Cleanup calling into proper function.
14 years |
rick |
- Fixed the color and the URL locations references, to be more …
14 years |
rick |
Nice hack for showing all nodes using geojson.
14 years |
rick |
Organization needs to be a special Model to make fudgings around with …
14 years |
rick |
Example usage of adding the actual location of the Node as well.
14 years |
rick |
Renaming to make it more understandable for the normal users.
14 years |
rick |
Fix style-sheet inheritance, allowing to override and fix location of …
14 years |
rick |
Include all the development openlayers files
14 years |
rick |
dev layers provide more usefull features to work with.
14 years |
rick |
A little bit transparent is a very nice flavor to look at :)
14 years |
rick |
Map a SSID to an organization to play nice with differnt SSIDs.
14 years |
rick |
Allow filtering on signals as well.
14 years |
rick |
Allow selecting all entries.
14 years |
rick |
Overmap is usefull for navigation
14 years |
rick |
Rename to more logical naming setup.
14 years |
rick |
Disable the Tile cache, as caching is not wanted (during development) …
14 years |
rick |
Make the 1000 entries random, else they will only fill a part of the image.
14 years |
rick |
Make signal dynamic default and redo some init calls.
14 years |
rick |
- Caches are now fully-file based as memcached was not working well …
14 years |
rick |
Disable bunch of un-used layers by default
14 years |
rick |
Make the path and CDN domain settings transparent.
14 years |
dennisw |
Made add-buttons in layerswitcher non-floating to fix issue in Opera.
14 years |
dennisw |
Fixed layout issues with colourboxes.
14 years |
dennisw |
Should fix the checkbox problems.
14 years |
rick |
Roads are yellow, so display yellow does not show properly. Make it go …
14 years |
rick |
Two layers showing all pictures is a bit of a overkill.
14 years |
rick |
Giving the cache a special key, allows the cache to be cleared more easy.
14 years |
rick |
This kind of back-fired on me. The machine is not allowed to send out …
14 years |
rick |
Get rid of the poor-mans-cache implementation and uses the django …
14 years |
rick |
Get some hints on when cache is used and when we are fetching data …
14 years |
rick |
Stop duplication the website directive, needed to be wlheatmap …
14 years |
rick |
Condence, more readable format
14 years |
rick |
Make the balanced URLS points to the right location, making the new …
14 years |
rick |
Rename the kind-of-meaningless-named django app website to a more …
copied from src/django_gheat/website
14 years |
rick |
Whoops wrong renaming in r9375, reverting