[9302] | 1 | /**
| 2 | * Uses zoomleven and mouseposition to call nodelist.py view.
| 3 | * View returns nodes in json format, values are printed in doc element.
| 4 | */
[9269] | 5 | function getNodeList(zoomlevel, mousepos){
[9358] | 6 | $.getJSON("nodelist/" + zoomlevel + "," + mousepos.lat + "," + mousepos.lon,
[9269] | 7 | function(json){
[9234] | 8 | content = 'Wireless Leiden nodes on mouseposition:<br /><b>';
| 9 | $.each(json, function(i,json){
[9244] | 10 | content += json.fields.ssid + '<br />';
[9234] | 11 | });
[9244] | 12 | content += '</b>';
[9234] | 13 | $("#node_list").html(content);
[9223] | 14 | }
[9234] | 15 | );
[9223] | 16 | }
| 17 |
[9302] | 18 | /**
| 19 | * Right way to get url parameters?
| 20 | * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1403888/get-url-parameter-with-jquery/1404100#1404100
| 21 | */
[9269] | 22 | function getURLParameter(name) {
| 23 | return decodeURI(
| 24 | (RegExp(name + '=' + '(.+?)(&|$)').exec(location.search)||[,null])[1]
| 25 | );
| 26 | }
| 27 |
[9779] | 28 |
[9651] | 29 | $(window).load(function() {
[9267] | 30 | var signallayer = '';
[9263] | 31 | var userlist = new Array();
| 32 | var nodelist = new Array();
[9237] | 33 |
[9779] | 34 | function update_raw_filter() {
| 35 | $("#raw_filter").val(get_raw_filter());
| 36 | }
| 37 |
[9302] | 38 | /**
| 39 | * Adds colourpicker for layer colour.
| 40 | * Function set in: 'colourpicker.js'
| 41 | */
[9267] | 42 | $("#colour").colorPicker();
| 43 |
[9302] | 44 | /**
| 45 | * Adds datepicker for start & end date
| 46 | * Function set in: 'jquery-ui-1.8.13.custom.min.js'
| 47 | */
[9267] | 48 | $("#start_date").datepicker({
| 49 | dateFormat: "dd/mm/yy",
| 50 | onSelect: function(dateValue, inst){
| 51 | $("#end_date").datepicker("option", "minDate", dateValue);
[9779] | 52 | update_raw_filter();
[9267] | 53 | }
| 54 | });
| 55 | $("#end_date").datepicker({
[9779] | 56 | dateFormat: "dd/mm/yy",
| 57 | onSelect: function(dateValue, inst){
| 58 | update_raw_filter();
| 59 | }
[9267] | 60 | });
[9272] | 61 |
[9302] | 62 | /**
| 63 | * Adds slider for signal strength layer.
| 64 | * Function set in: 'jquery-ui-1.8.13.custom.min.js'
| 65 | */
[9570] | 66 | function update_slider(min,max) {
[9575] | 67 | $("#sig_value").text("All AccessPoints Signal Strength: " + min + " - " + max);
| 68 | $("#signallayer font").text("All AccessPoints Signal: " + min + " - " + max);
[9570] | 69 | };
| 70 |
[9578] | 71 | function update_sig_slider(min,max) {
| 72 | $("#select_sig_value").text("Signal Strength: " + min + " - " + max);
[9779] | 73 | update_raw_filter();
[9578] | 74 | };
| 75 |
[9267] | 76 | $("#slider").slider({
| 77 | range: true,
| 78 | min: 0,
| 79 | max: 100,
| 80 | values: [0, 100],
| 81 | // while sliding, it changes the text above the slider to show the values realtime
| 82 | slide: function(event, sig){
[9570] | 83 | update_slider(sig.values[0], sig.values[1]);
[9267] | 84 | },
[9297] | 85 | // on slider stop, it sets a new URL with updated values and redraws the layer
[9267] | 86 | stop: function(event, sig){
[9275] | 87 | signallayer = map.getLayersByName('signallayer');
[9570] | 88 | signallayer[0].setUrl("tile/${z}/${x},${y}.png?colour=90,90,90&signaal__gte=" + sig.values[0] + "&signaal__lte=" + sig.values[1]);
[9275] | 89 | signallayer[0].redraw();
[9648] | 90 | }
[9267] | 91 | });
[9578] | 92 | $("#select_sig_slider").slider({
| 93 | range: true,
| 94 | min: 0,
| 95 | max: 100,
| 96 | values: [0,100],
| 97 | // while sliding, it changes the text above the slider to show the values realtime
| 98 | slide: function(event, sig){
| 99 | update_sig_slider(sig.values[0], sig.values[1]);
[9648] | 100 | }
[9578] | 101 | });
[9267] | 102 |
[9570] | 103 |
| 104 | function init_slider(min, max) {
| 105 | $("#slider").slider( "option", "values", [min,max] );
| 106 | signallayer = map.getLayersByName('signallayer');
| 107 | signallayer[0].setUrl("tile/${z}/${x},${y}.png?colour=90,90,90&signaal__gte=" + min + "&signaal__lte=" + max);
| 108 | signallayer[0].redraw();
| 109 | update_slider(min,max);
[9816] | 110 | };
[9578] | 111 |
[9816] | 112 | function init_select_slider(min, max) {
[9578] | 113 | $("#select_sig_slider").slider( "option", "values", [min,max] );
| 114 | update_sig_slider(min,max);
[9570] | 115 | };
| 116 |
| 117 |
| 118 |
[9302] | 119 | /**
| 120 | * Toggles layer visibility on checkbox use from layerswitcher.
| 121 | */
[9297] | 122 | $("#togglelayer").live('click', function(){
[9272] | 123 | layername = $(this).parents('span').attr('id');
| 124 | layer = map.getLayersByName(layername);
[9405] | 125 | if(this.checked){
| 126 | layer[0].setVisibility(true);
| 127 | }
| 128 | else{
| 129 | layer[0].setVisibility(false);
| 130 | }
[9272] | 131 | });
| 132 |
[9302] | 133 | /**
| 134 | * Toggles layer visibility per category on checkbox use from layerswitcher.
| 135 | */
[9297] | 136 | $("#togglecat").live("click", function(){
| 137 | layertype = $(this).attr('class');
| 138 | layers = new Array();
| 139 | layers = $('#' + layertype).children('span');
[9405] | 140 | if(this.checked){
| 141 | $.each(layers, function(l, layer){
| 142 | layer = map.getLayersByName(layer.id);
| 143 | layer[0].setVisibility(true);
| 144 | $(this).children('input').attr('checked', true);
| 145 | });
| 146 | }
| 147 | else{
| 148 | $.each(layers, function(l, layer){
| 149 | layer = map.getLayersByName(layer.id);
| 150 | layer[0].setVisibility(false);
| 151 | $(this).children('input').attr('checked', false);
| 152 | });
| 153 | }
[9276] | 154 | });
| 155 |
[9302] | 156 | /**
| 157 | * Removes layer from map and layerswitcher.
| 158 | */
[9272] | 159 | $("#rmvlayer").live("click", function(){
[9274] | 160 | layername = $(this).closest('span').attr('id');
[9273] | 161 | layer = map.getLayersByName(layername);
[9272] | 162 | map.removeLayer(layer[0]);
[9274] | 163 | $(this).closest('span').remove();
[9272] | 164 | });
| 165 |
[9302] | 166 | /**
| 167 | * Toggles text shown on website.
| 168 | * 'info' shows info text.
| 169 | * 'filter' page shows text on filters & filter options.
| 170 | */
[9267] | 171 | $("#menu_filter").click(function(){
| 172 | $("#filter").slideToggle("fast");
[9272] | 173 | $("#info").slideUp("fast");
[9267] | 174 | });
| 175 | $("#menu_info").click(function(){
| 176 | $("#filter").slideUp("fast");
| 177 | $("#info").slideToggle("fast");
| 178 | });
[9347] | 179 | $("#hide_parent").live("click",function(){
| 180 | parent = $(this).parent("div");
| 181 | $(parent).slideUp("fast");
| 182 | });
| 183 |
[9267] | 184 |
[9347] | 185 |
[9302] | 186 | /**
| 187 | * Toggles layerswitcher visibility.
| 188 | * On 'off', toggler shows a '+'.
| 189 | * On 'on', toggler shows a '-'.
| 190 | */
[9274] | 191 | $("#layer_switcher_toggle").click(function(){
| 192 | $("#layer_switcher").toggle();
| 193 | if($(this).text() == '+'){
| 194 | $(this).html('-');
| 195 | }
| 196 | else{
| 197 | $(this).html('+');
| 198 | }
| 199 | });
| 200 |
[9302] | 201 | /**
[9317] | 202 | * Toggles category visibility.
| 203 | * On 'visible', toggler shows a '^'.
| 204 | * On 'invisible', toggler shows a 'v'.
[9316] | 205 | */
| 206 | $("#cat_hide").live("click", function(){
| 207 | cat = $(this).parent('div').next('p').children('span')
| 208 | cat.toggle();
| 209 | if(cat.is(":visible")){
| 210 | //FIXME: images are getting loaded the hard way. Replace '/static/'. '{{ STATIC_URL }}' doesn't seem to work here.
| 211 | $(this).css('background-image', "url(/static/img/up.png)");
| 212 | }
| 213 | else{
| 214 | $(this).css('background-image', "url(/static/img/down.png)");
| 215 | }
| 216 | });
| 217 |
| 218 | /**
[9302] | 219 | * Fastest?
| 220 | * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/170986/what-is-the-best-way-to-add-options-to-a-select-from-an-array-with-jquery
| 221 | */
[9358] | 222 | $.getJSON("filters/",
[9235] | 223 | function(json) {
| 224 | $.each(json, function(i,json){
[9241] | 225 | $("#select_user").append($("<option/>").attr("value",json.gebruiker).text(json.gebruiker));
[9263] | 226 | userlist.push(json.gebruiker);
[9235] | 227 | $.each(json.meetrondje, function(m, meetrondje){
[9815] | 228 | $("#select_dataset").append($("<option/>").attr({"class":json.gebruiker, "value": meetrondje.naam}).text(meetrondje.naam));
[9235] | 229 | $.each(meetrondje.nodes, function(n, nodes){
[9815] | 230 | $("#select_node").append($("<option/>").attr({"class":json.gebruiker + "\\" + meetrondje.naam, "value":nodes}).text(nodes));
[9263] | 231 | if(jQuery.inArray(nodes, nodelist)<0){
| 232 | nodelist.push(nodes);
| 233 | }
[9235] | 234 | });
| 235 | });
| 236 | });
[9243] | 237 | // Initiate the chain
[9239] | 238 | $("#select_dataset").chained("#select_user");
[9815] | 239 | $("#select_node").chained("#select_user, #select_dataset");
[9229] | 240 | }
[9235] | 241 | );
[9223] | 242 |
[9302] | 243 | /**
| 244 | * Earlier process got all users in JSON and put them in array.
| 245 | * For each user in array, new layer is added with username as parameter.
| 246 | * Layercolour is randomized.
| 247 | * If button is pressed again, layers will be deleted.
| 248 | */
[9577] | 249 | function update_lname() {
| 250 | $("#lname").val($("#select_user option:selected").text() + " - " + $("#select_dataset option:selected").text() + " - " + $("#select_node option:selected").text());
| 251 | }
| 252 | $("#select_user").change(function(){
| 253 | update_lname();
[9779] | 254 | update_raw_filter();
[9577] | 255 | });
| 256 | $("#select_dataset").change(function(){
| 257 | update_lname();
[9779] | 258 | update_raw_filter();
[9577] | 259 | });
| 260 | $("#select_node").change(function(){
| 261 | update_lname();
[9779] | 262 | update_raw_filter();
[9577] | 263 | });
[9815] | 264 | $("#select_nodetype").change(function(){
| 265 | update_raw_filter();
| 266 | });
[9779] | 267 | $("#colour").change(function(){
| 268 | update_raw_filter();
| 269 | });
[9577] | 270 |
[9263] | 271 | $('#user_filter').click(function(){
[9276] | 272 | if(this.text=='(Add all users)'){
[9264] | 273 | $.each(userlist, function(u, user){
[9273] | 274 | colour = Math.floor(Math.random()*256)+','+Math.floor(Math.random()*256)+','+Math.floor(Math.random()*256);
[9264] | 275 | OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.Overlay = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer.OSM, {
| 276 | initialize: function(name, options) {
| 277 | var url = [
[9358] | 278 | "tile/${z}/${x},${y}.png?&colour=" + colour + "&meetrondje__gebruiker__naam=" + user
[9264] | 279 | ];
| 280 | options = OpenLayers.Util.extend({ numZoomLevels: 21 }, options);
| 281 | var newArguments = [name, url, options];
| 282 | OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.prototype.initialize.apply(this, newArguments);
| 283 | },
| 284 | CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.Overlay"
| 285 | });
[9274] | 286 | filterlayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.Overlay(user, {isBaseLayer: false, visibility: true});
[9264] | 287 | map.addLayer(filterlayer);
[9406] | 288 | $("#user").append("<span id=\"" + user + "\"><div id='layer_switcher_colour' style='background-color:rgb(" + colour + ")' /><input type=checkbox id=togglelayer checked /><font>" + user + " </font><a id=rmvlayer>X</a><br /></span>");
[9263] | 289 | });
[9276] | 290 | $(this).text('(Del all users');
[9264] | 291 | }
| 292 | else{
[9276] | 293 | $(this).text('(Add all users)');
[9317] | 294 | $.each($('#user span'), function(s, span){
| 295 | layer = map.getLayersByName(span.id);
[9264] | 296 | map.removeLayer(layer[0]);
[9317] | 297 | $(span).remove();
[9264] | 298 | });
| 299 | }
[9263] | 300 | });
| 301 |
[9302] | 302 | /**
| 303 | * Earlier process got all nodes in JSON and put them in array.
| 304 | * For each node in array, new layer is added with node as parameter.
| 305 | * Layercolour is randomized.
| 306 | * If button is pressed again, layers will be deleted.
| 307 | */
[9263] | 308 | $('#node_filter').click(function(){
[9276] | 309 | if(this.text=='(Add all nodes)'){
[9264] | 310 | $.each(nodelist, function(n, node){
[9273] | 311 | colour = Math.floor(Math.random()*256)+','+Math.floor(Math.random()*256)+','+Math.floor(Math.random()*256);
[9264] | 312 | OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.Overlay = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer.OSM, {
| 313 | initialize: function(name, options) {
| 314 | var url = [
[9819] | 315 | "tile/${z}/${x},${y}.png?&colour=" + colour + "&accesspoint__ssid=" + node
[9264] | 316 | ];
| 317 | options = OpenLayers.Util.extend({ numZoomLevels: 21 }, options);
| 318 | var newArguments = [name, url, options];
| 319 | OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.prototype.initialize.apply(this, newArguments);
| 320 | },
| 321 | CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.Overlay"
| 322 | });
[9274] | 323 | nodefilterlayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.Overlay(node, {isBaseLayer: false, visibility: true});
[9264] | 324 | map.addLayer(nodefilterlayer);
[9406] | 325 | $("#node").append("<span class='node' id=\"" + node + "\"><div id='layer_switcher_colour' style='background-color:rgb(" + colour + ")' /><input type=checkbox id=togglelayer checked /><font>" + node + " </font><a id=rmvlayer>X</a><br /></span>");
[9263] | 326 | });
[9276] | 327 | $(this).text('(Del all nodes)');
[9264] | 328 | }
| 329 | else{
[9276] | 330 | $(this).text('(Add all nodes)');
| 331 | $.each($('#node span'), function(s, span){
| 332 | layer = map.getLayersByName(span.id);
[9264] | 333 | map.removeLayer(layer[0]);
[9276] | 334 | $(span).remove();
[9264] | 335 | });
| 336 | }
[9263] | 337 | });
| 338 |
[9779] | 339 | function get_raw_filter() {
[9815] | 340 | var query_array = [];
| 341 |
| 342 | /* Values to be used to create the filter */
| 343 | user = $('#select_user option:selected').val();
| 344 | dataset = $('#select_dataset option:selected').val();
| 345 | wlnode = $('#select_node option:selected').val();
| 346 | nodetype = $('#select_nodetype option:selected').val();
[9251] | 347 | start_date = $('#start_date').val();
| 348 | end_date = $('#end_date').val();
[9577] | 349 | colour = $("#colour").val();
[9223] | 350 |
[9263] | 351 | // some checks if values are correct, and adding them to parts of the link
[9815] | 352 | if (user != 'all') {
| 353 | query_array.push('meetrondje__gebruiker__naam=' + user);
[9578] | 354 | }
[9815] | 355 | if (dataset != 'all') {
| 356 | query_array.push('meetrondje__naam=' + dataset);
[9578] | 357 | }
[9815] | 358 | if (wlnode != 'all') {
[9819] | 359 | query_array.push('accesspoint__ssid=' + wlnode);
[9578] | 360 | }
[9815] | 361 | if (nodetype) {
| 362 | query_array.push(nodetype);
| 363 | }
[9251] | 364 |
[9815] | 365 | if (start_date){
[9253] | 366 | sd_d=start_date.substr(0,2);
| 367 | sd_m=start_date.substr(3,2);
| 368 | sd_y=start_date.substr(6,4);
[9815] | 369 | query_array.push('meetrondje__datum__gte=' + sd_y +'-'+ sd_m +'-'+ sd_d);
[9253] | 370 | }
[9815] | 371 | if (end_date){
[9253] | 372 | ed_d=end_date.substr(0,2);
| 373 | ed_m=end_date.substr(3,2);
| 374 | ed_y=end_date.substr(6,4);
[9815] | 375 | query_array.push('meetrondje__datum__lte=' + ed_y +'-'+ ed_m +'-'+ ed_d);
[9253] | 376 | }
[9223] | 377 |
[9578] | 378 | var min = $("#select_sig_slider").slider("values")[0];
| 379 | var max = $("#select_sig_slider").slider("values")[1];
[9815] | 380 | query_array.push('signaal__gte=' + min);
| 381 | query_array.push('signaal__lte=' + max);
[9578] | 382 |
[9815] | 383 | /**
| 384 | * On HEX to RGB:
| 385 | * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5798868/need-some-tips-with-how-to-convert-a-hexadecimal-color-value-to-a-rgb-one/5798900#5798900
| 386 | * If no colour is defined, use a random colour
| 387 | */
| 388 | if (colour){
| 389 | colour = [parseInt((colour.substr(1, 2)),16), parseInt((colour.substr(3, 2)),16), parseInt((colour.substr(5, 2)),16)];
| 390 | } else {
| 391 | colour = [Math.floor(Math.random()*256), Math.floor (Math.random()*256), Math.floor(Math.random()*256)];
| 392 | }
| 393 | query_array.push('colour=' + colour.join(','));
| 394 |
| 395 | /* Return final result */
| 396 | var raw_filter = query_array.filter(function() {return true;}).sort().join('&');
[9779] | 397 | return raw_filter;
| 398 | }
| 399 |
| 400 | /**
| 401 | * Adds a new layer when clicked.
| 402 | * Filters set by user are used as layer parameters.
| 403 | * Colour is either chosen or randomized.
| 404 | * Blank parameters are ignored.
| 405 | */
[9813] | 406 | function add_filter(lname, filter, colour) {
[9263] | 407 | // setting layer
[9235] | 408 | OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.Overlay = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer.OSM, {
| 409 | initialize: function(name, options) {
| 410 | var url = [
[9781] | 411 | "tile/${z}/${x},${y}.png?" + filter,
[9235] | 412 | ];
| 413 | options = OpenLayers.Util.extend({ numZoomLevels: 21 }, options);
| 414 | var newArguments = [name, url, options];
| 415 | OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.prototype.initialize.apply(this, newArguments);
| 416 | },
[9813] | 417 | colour: colour,
| 418 | CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.Overlay"
[9235] | 419 | });
[9223] | 420 |
[9263] | 421 | // adding layer
[9235] | 422 | filterlayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.Overlay(lname, {isBaseLayer: false, visibility: true});
| 423 | map.addLayer(filterlayer);
[9274] | 424 |
[9406] | 425 | $("#custom").append("<span id=\"" + lname + "\"><div id='layer_switcher_colour' style='background-color:rgb(" + colour + ")' /><input type=checkbox id=togglelayer checked /><font>" + lname + " </font><a id=rmvlayer>X</a><br /></span>");
[9781] | 426 | }
| 427 |
| 428 | $('#add_filter').click(function(){
| 429 | lname = $("#lname").val();
| 430 | if (lname == ''){
| 431 | lname= 'Custom Filter';
| 432 | }
[9813] | 433 | add_filter(lname, $("#raw_filter").val(), colour);
[9781] | 434 |
[9223] | 435 | });
[9813] | 436 |
| 437 | // Parse the parameters
| 438 | var items = window.location.search.slice(1).split('&');
| 439 | var params = new Object;
| 440 | for (var i=0; i < items.length; i++) {
| 441 | var kv = items[i].split('=');
| 442 | params[kv[0]] = decodeURIComponent(kv[1]);
| 443 | }
| 444 |
[9570] | 445 | init_heatmap();
[9816] | 446 | init_slider(35,75,0,100);
| 447 | init_select_slider(0,100);
[9781] | 448 |
[9813] | 449 |
[9781] | 450 | // Initiate the custom filters
[9813] | 451 | if (params['layercount']) {
| 452 | for (var i=1; i <= params['layercount']; i++) {
| 453 | add_filter(params['layername' + i], params['layerfilter' + i], params['layercolour' + i]);
[9782] | 454 | }
[9781] | 455 | }
[9813] | 456 | var pl = map.getControlsByClass('OpenLayers.Control.Permalink');
[9815] | 457 | pl.updateLink;
[9235] | 458 | });