[9549] | 1 | Alias /buildbot/ /usr/local/www/buildbot/
| 2 | <Directory /usr/local/www/buildbot/>
| 3 | Order allow,deny
| 4 | Allow from all
| 5 | IndexOptions HTMLTable NameWidth=* VersionSort
| 6 | </Directory>
| 7 |
| 8 | # Hack to ``dynamically create the files''
| 9 | #Alias /d/wlheatmap/tile/fixed/wl-only /usr/local/var/django/tile/fixed/wl-only
| 10 | #<Directory /usr/local/var/django/tile/fixed/wl-only>
| 11 | # Order deny,allow
| 12 | # Allow from all
| 13 | # RewriteEngine on
| 14 | # RewriteBase /d/wlheatmap/tile/fixed/wl-only
| 15 | # RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
| 16 | # RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
| 17 | # RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /d/wlheatmap/tile/fixed/wl-only/$1 [PT,QSA]
| 18 | #</Directory>
| 19 |
| 20 | Alias /d/static /usr/home/rvdzwet/django_gheat/sitestatic
| 21 | WSGIScriptAlias /d /usr/home/rvdzwet/django_gheat/django.wsgi
| 22 | <Directory /usr/home/rvdzwet/django_gheat>
| 23 | Order allow,deny
| 24 | Allow from all
| 25 | </Directory>
| 26 |
| 27 | <Proxy balancer://osmcluster>
| 28 | BalancerMember http://a.tile.openstreetmap.org:80 max=1
| 29 | BalancerMember http://b.tile.openstreetmap.org:80 max=1
| 30 | BalancerMember http://c.tile.openstreetmap.org:80 max=1
| 31 | </Proxy>
| 32 | # Example /7/63/43.png
| 33 | ProxyPassMatch ^/osm-tile-proxy/(\d{1,2}/\d{1,6}/\d{1,6}\.png)$ balancer://osmcluster/$1 lbmethod=byrequests
| 34 | CacheEnable disk /osm-tile-proxy/
| 35 | CacheEnable disk /d/wlheatmap/tile/
| 36 |
| 37 |
| 38 | # 1 week
| 39 | CacheDefaultExpire 604800
| 40 | CacheRoot "/usr/local/var//apache/cache/"
| 41 | CacheDirLevels 2
| 42 | CacheDirLength 1
| 43 | CacheMaxFileSize 1000000
| 44 | CacheMinFileSize 1
| 45 | CacheIgnoreCacheControl On
| 46 | CacheIgnoreNoLastMod On
| 47 | CacheIgnoreQueryString Off
| 48 | CacheIgnoreHeaders None
| 49 | CacheLastModifiedFactor 0.1
| 50 | CacheMaxExpire 86400
| 51 | CacheStoreNoStore On
| 52 | CacheStorePrivate On
| 53 |
| 54 |
| 55 | <Location /balancer-manager>
| 56 | SetHandler balancer-manager
| 57 |
| 58 | Order Deny,Allow
| 59 | Allow from all
| 60 | </Location>
| 61 |