[9047] | 1 | #!/usr/bin/env python
| 2 | #
| 3 | # Example code for random inserting points into the database.
| 4 | #
| 5 | # Rick van der Zwet <info@rickvanderzwet.nl>
| 6 | import settings
| 7 | from django.core.management import setup_environ
| 8 | setup_environ(settings)
| 9 |
| 10 |
| 11 | from django.db import connection, transaction
| 12 | from gheat.models import *
| 13 | import datetime
| 14 | import os
| 15 | import random
| 16 | import sys
| 17 |
| 18 | def add_random_measurements(count):
| 19 | # Create User/Equipment Objects
| 20 | username = os.getenv('USER', 'foobar')
| 21 | user, created = Gebruiker.objects.get_or_create(naam=username, email=username + '@example.org')
| 22 | equipment, created = Apparatuur.objects.get_or_create(antenne='itern', kaart='device')
| 23 |
| 24 | accespoint, created = Accespoint.objects.get_or_create(mac='00:11:22:33:44',
| 25 | ssid='ap-WirelessLeiden-Test', encryptie=True)
| 26 |
| 27 | # Mesurement run
| 28 | rondje = MeetRondje.objects.create(datum=datetime.datetime.now(), naam='Test Ronde',
| 29 | gebruiker=user, apparatuur=equipment)
| 30 | rondje.save()
| 31 |
| 32 | sql_insert = "INSERT INTO gheat_meting (meetrondje_id, accespoint_id, lat, lng, signaal) VALUES ";
| 33 | sql_insert_values = []
| 34 | for i in range(0,count):
| 35 | latitude = random.randint(140252,167846)
| 36 | longitude = random.randint(459019,514637)
| 37 | signal = random.randint(0,100)
| 38 | # This takes roughly 1 minute on 10000 items which logically cause it does
| 39 | # 10000 sql commits! So use the SQL INSERT hack, instead.
| 40 | #if (i % 1000) == 0:
| 41 | # print "#Importing Random mesurements: %s/%s" % (i,count)
| 42 | #meting = Meting.objects.create(meetrondje=rondje,
| 43 | # accespoint=accespoint,latitude=latitude,
| 44 | # longitude=longitude,signaal=signal)
| 45 | #meting.save()
| 46 | sql_insert_values.append("('" + "','".join(map(str,[rondje.id, accespoint.id, latitude, longitude, signal])) + "')")
| 47 |
| 48 | sql_insert += ','.join(sql_insert_values) + ';';
| 49 | cursor = connection.cursor()
| 50 | cursor.execute(sql_insert)
| 51 | transaction.commit_unless_managed()
| 52 |
| 53 |
| 54 | if __name__ == "__main__":
| 55 | # Awefull hack for argument parsing
| 56 | count = int(sys.argv[0]) if len(sys.argv) > 1 else 10000
| 57 | add_random_measurements(count)
| 58 |