1 | #!/usr/bin/env python
2 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 | #
4 | ###########################################
5 | #
6 | # Script for importing DroidStumbler .csv files
7 | #
8 | # In theory, only the -f option is needed, but for overview's sake, please use the others aswell.
9 | # -f = location of the .netxml, e.g. '/home/test.csv'
10 | # -m = name of the dataset, e.g. 'Walk in park' or 'Trip with boat'
11 | # -g = your name
12 | # -e = your email address
13 | #
14 | # (Run from project root)
15 | # ./manage.py import_droidstumbler -f <file location> -m <dataset name> -g <username> -e <email>
16 | #
17 | # Make sure the variables in this script match the column numbers in your file e.g.;
18 | # Lat is read from the first column [0], if the lat in your file is in the 4th column, change
19 | # 'lat = row[0]' to 'lat = row[3]'.
20 | # Also, take note of the 'replace()' and 'strip()' functions. These should probably be edited aswell.
21 | #
22 | # Dennis Wagenaar
23 | # d.wagenaar@gmail.com
24 | #
25 | ###########################################
26 |
27 | from django.core.management import setup_environ
28 | from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand
29 | from optparse import OptionParser, make_option
30 | import settings
31 | setup_environ(settings)
32 | from gheat.models import *
33 | import datetime
34 | import csv
35 |
36 | def import_droidstumbler(location, meetrondje, gebruiker, email):
37 |
38 | g, created = Gebruiker.objects.get_or_create(naam=gebruiker , email=email)
39 | a, created = Apparatuur.objects.get_or_create(antenne='test' , kaart='test')
40 | mr = MeetRondje.objects.create(datum=datetime.datetime.now() , naam=meetrondje , gebruiker=g , apparatuur=a)
41 |
42 | csvfile = csv.reader(open(location, 'rb'), delimiter=',')
43 | for row in csvfile:
44 | epoch, msg_type, lat, lon, accuracy, ssid, bssid, level, frequency, capabilities, empty = row
45 | if msg_type == "data" and lat and lon:
46 | ap, created = Accespoint.objects.get_or_create(mac=bssid, ssid="ap-WirelessLeiden-" + ssid, encryptie=capabilities)
47 | if created:
48 | print "# INFO: New AccessPoint %s (%s)" % (ap.ssid, ap.mac)
49 | m = Meting.objects.create(meetrondje=mr, accespoint=ap, latitude=lat, longitude=lon, signaal=(100 + int(level)))
50 | print "# INFO: New Meeting: %s" % m
51 |
52 | class Command(BaseCommand):
53 | option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + (
54 | make_option('-f', '--location', dest='location', default='location'),
55 | make_option('-m', '--meetrondje', dest='meetrondje', default='rondje'),
56 | make_option('-g', '--gebruiker', dest='gebruiker', default='username'),
57 | make_option('-e', '--email', dest='email', default='foo@bar.org'),
58 | )
59 |
60 | def handle(self, *args, **options):
61 | import_droidstumbler(options['location'],options['meetrondje'],options['gebruiker'],options['email'])