import logging import os from gheat import gheatsettings as settings from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured from django.db import connection # Logging config # ============== if settings.DEBUG: level = logging.INFO else: level = logging.WARNING logging.basicConfig(level=level) # Ack! This should be in Aspen. :^( log = logging.getLogger('gheat') # Configuration # ============= # Set some things that backends will need. ALWAYS_BUILD = settings.GHEAT_ALWAYS_BUILD BUILD_EMPTIES = settings.GHEAT_BUILD_EMPTIES DIRMODE = settings.GHEAT_DIRMODE try: DIRMODE = int(eval(DIRMODE)) except (NameError, SyntaxError, ValueError): raise ImproperlyConfigured("dirmode (%s) must be an integer." % dirmode) SIZE = 256 # size of (square) tile; NB: changing this will break gmerc calls! MAX_ZOOM = 17 # this depends on Google API; 0 is furthest out as of recent ver. # Try to find an image library. # ============================= BACKEND = None BACKEND_PIL = False BACKEND_PYGAME = False _want = settings.GHEAT_BACKEND.lower() if _want not in ('pil', 'pygame', ''): raise ImproperlyConfigured( "The %s backend is not supported, only PIL and " + "Pygame (assuming those libraries are installed)." ) if _want: if _want == 'pygame': from gheat import pygame_ as backend elif _want == 'pil': from gheat import pil_ as backend BACKEND = _want else: try: from gheat import pygame_ as backend BACKEND = 'pygame' except ImportError: try: from gheat import pil_ as backend BACKEND = 'pil' except ImportError: raise pass if BACKEND is None: raise ImportError("Neither Pygame nor PIL could be imported.") BACKEND_PYGAME = BACKEND == 'pygame' BACKEND_PIL = BACKEND == 'pil'"Using the %s library" % BACKEND) # Set up color schemes and dots. # ============================== color_schemes = dict() # this is used below _color_schemes_dir = os.path.join(settings.GHEAT_CONF_DIR, 'color-schemes') for fname in os.listdir(_color_schemes_dir): if not fname.endswith('.png'): continue name = os.path.splitext(fname)[0] fspath = os.path.join(_color_schemes_dir, fname) color_schemes[name] = backend.ColorScheme(name, fspath) def load_dots(backend): """Given a backend module, return a mapping of zoom level to Dot object. """ return dict([(zoom, backend.Dot(zoom)) for zoom in range(MAX_ZOOM)]) dots = load_dots(backend) # factored for easier use from scripts # Some util methods # ================= def translate(root, url): """Translate a URL to the filesystem. We specifically avoid removing symlinks in the path so that the filepath remains under the website root. Also, we don't want trailing slashes for directories. """ parts = [root] + url.lstrip('/').split('/') return os.sep.join(parts).rstrip(os.sep) ROOT = settings.GHEAT_MEDIA_ROOT