1 | #!/usr/local/bin/python
2 | """Update the database from the txt/csv file.
3 |
4 | First run "__/bin/db.py create", then run this script without arguments: it
5 | should find the points.txt and points.db files.
6 |
7 | """
8 | import csv
9 | import os
10 | import sqlite3
11 | import stat
12 | import sys
13 | from datetime import datetime
14 |
15 | import aspen
16 | aspen.configure()
17 |
18 |
19 | __all__ = ['clear', 'count', 'delete', 'sync']
20 |
21 |
22 | RAWPATH = os.path.join(aspen.paths.__, 'var', 'points.txt')
23 | DBPATH = os.path.join(aspen.paths.__, 'var', 'points.db')
24 |
25 |
26 | def _create():
27 | cur = CONN.cursor()
28 | cur.execute("""
29 |
31 |
33 | lat REAL ,
34 | lng REAL ,
35 |
36 | modtime TIMESTAMP ,
37 | seentime TIMESTAMP
38 |
39 | );
40 |
41 | """)
42 |
43 |
44 | def clear():
45 | cur = CONN.cursor()
46 | cur.execute("DELETE FROM points")
47 |
48 |
49 | def count():
50 | cur = CONN.cursor()
51 | cur.execute("SELECT COUNT(uid) FROM points")
52 | print cur.fetchone()[0]
53 |
54 |
55 | def delete():
56 | os.remove(DBPATH)
57 |
58 |
59 | def sync():
60 | """Synchronize points.db with points.txt.
61 | """
62 |
63 | sys.stdout.write('syncing'); sys.stdout.flush()
64 |
65 | cur = CONN.cursor()
66 | modtime = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.stat(RAWPATH)[stat.ST_MTIME])
67 |
68 | for point in csv.reader(open(RAWPATH, 'r')):
69 |
70 | # Parse and validate values.
71 | # ==========================
72 |
73 | uid, lat, lng = point
74 | try:
75 | lat = float(lat)
76 | lng = float(lng)
77 | except ValueError:
78 | print "bad line:", point
79 |
80 |
81 | # Select any existing record for this point.
82 | # ==========================================
83 | # After this, 'point' will either be None or a sqlite3.Row.
84 |
85 | result = cur.execute("SELECT * FROM points WHERE uid = ?", (uid,))
86 | result = result.fetchall()
87 | numresults = len(result) if (result is not None) else 0
88 | if numresults not in (0, 1):
89 | msg = "%d result[s]; wanted 0 or 1" % numresults
90 | print >> sys.stderr, "bad record: <%s> [%s]" % (uid, msg)
91 | point = result[0] if (numresults == 1) else None
92 |
93 |
94 | # Insert the point if we don't have it.
95 | # =====================================
96 |
97 | if point is None:
98 | sys.stdout.write('O'); sys.stdout.flush()
99 | cur.execute("""
100 |
101 | INSERT INTO points
102 | (uid, lat, lng, modtime, seentime)
103 | VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
104 |
105 | """, (uid, lat, lng, modtime, modtime))
106 |
107 |
108 | # Update the point if it has changed.
109 | # ===================================
110 |
111 | elif (point['lat'], point['lng']) != (lat, lng):
112 | sys.stdout.write('o'); sys.stdout.flush()
113 | #print (point['lat'], point['lng']), '!=', (lat, lng)
114 |
115 | cur.execute("""
116 |
117 | UPDATE points
118 | SET lat = ?
119 | , lng = ?
120 | , modtime = ?
121 | , seentime = ?
122 | WHERE uid = ?
123 |
124 | """, (lat, lng, modtime, modtime, uid))
125 |
126 |
127 | # If it hasn't changed, at least mark it as seen.
128 | # ===============================================
129 | # Otherwise we will delete it presently.
130 |
131 | else:
132 | sys.stdout.write('.'); sys.stdout.flush()
133 | cur.execute( "UPDATE points SET seentime = ? WHERE uid = ?"
134 | , (modtime, uid)
135 | )
136 |
137 |
138 | # Now delete rows that weren't in the latest txt file.
139 | # ====================================================
140 |
141 | cur.execute("DELETE FROM points WHERE seentime != ?", (modtime,))
142 |
143 | print 'done'
144 |
145 |
146 | if __name__ == '__main__':
147 |
148 | try:
149 | subc = sys.argv[1]
150 | except IndexError:
151 | subc = 'sync' # default
152 |
153 | if subc not in __all__:
154 | raise SystemExit("I wonder, what does '%s' mean?" % subc)
155 |
156 |
157 | # Connect and execute
158 | # ===================
159 | # The connect() call will create the database if it doesn't exist. If it was
160 | # created (i.e., it didn't exist before connect()), we also need to create
161 | # the initial table. Since _create() only creates the table if it doesn't
162 | # exist, and the little extra db hit doesn't affect performance here, we
163 | # just call _create() every time.
164 |
165 | need_table = os.path.isfile(DBPATH)
166 | CONN = sqlite3.connect(DBPATH)
167 | CONN.row_factory = sqlite3.Row # gives us key access
168 | if subc != 'delete':
169 | _create() # sets up our table if needed
170 | func = globals()[subc]
171 | func()
172 | CONN.commit()
173 | CONN.close()
174 |