1 | #!/usr/bin/env python
2 | #
3 | # Script for importing .gpsxml and .netxml files (Kismet output)
4 | #
5 |
6 | from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand,CommandError
7 | from optparse import OptionParser, make_option
8 | from gheat.models import *
9 | from lxml import etree
10 | import datetime
11 | import gzip
12 | import os
13 | import sys
14 |
15 | def import_file(gpsxml_file, netxml_file, meetrondje, gebruiker, email):
16 | open_file = lambda file: gzip.open(file,'rb') if file.endswith('.gz') else open(file,'rb')
17 | gpsxml_doc = etree.parse(open_file(gpsxml_file))
18 | netxml_doc = etree.parse(open_file(netxml_file))
19 |
20 | points = gpsxml_doc.findall('gps-point')
21 | wnetworks = netxml_doc.findall('wireless-network')
22 |
23 | # TODO: Source source is variable entitity, based on mesurement
24 | kaart = 'deadcode'
25 | gebruiker, created = Gebruiker.objects.get_or_create(naam=gebruiker , email=email)
26 | apparatuur, created = Apparatuur.objects.get_or_create(antenne='test' , kaart=kaart)
27 | # TODO: Date is set to import date, but should pick the date from the netxml file
28 | mr = MeetRondje.objects.create(datum=datetime.datetime.now(),
29 | naam=meetrondje , gebruiker=gebruiker , apparatuur=apparatuur)
30 |
31 | # Create all accesspoints and for caching validation purposes store them
32 | # locally as well
33 | ap_cache = {}
34 | ap_ignore = []
35 | print "#INFO: Going to import %s accesspoints" % len(wnetworks)
36 | for wnetwork in wnetworks:
37 | bssid = wnetwork.find('BSSID').text
38 | # Only store access points
39 | if wnetwork.attrib['type'] != "infrastructure":
40 | ap_ignore.append(bssid)
41 | continue
42 |
43 | enc = (wnetwork.find('SSID/encryption') != None)
44 | ssid_node = wnetwork.find('SSID/essid[@cloaked="false"]')
45 | ssid = ssid_node.text if ssid_node != None else 'hidden'
46 |
47 | ap, created = Accespoint.objects.get_or_create(mac=bssid, ssid=ssid, encryptie=enc)
48 | ap_cache[bssid] = ap
49 |
50 | count = 0
51 | #XXX: This is not effient at all, try to wrap it into a a bulk insert would
52 | # be much more effient as for example: http://djangosnippets.org/snippets/2362/
53 | print "#INFO: Going to import %s points" % len(points)
54 | for point in points:
55 | #XXX: This needs to be either the 'bssid' or the 'source', accesspoint from or too data.
56 | bssid = point.attrib['bssid']
57 | # XXX: Filter this in the beginning with XPath, but etree does not support that (yet).
58 | if bssid in ['GP:SD:TR:AC:KL:OG','00:00:00:00:00:00']:
59 | continue
60 | elif bssid in ap_ignore:
61 | continue
62 | elif not ap_cache.has_key(bssid):
63 | try:
64 | ap = Accespoint.objects.get(mac=bssid)
65 | ap_cache[bssid] = ap
66 | except Accespoint.DoesNotExist:
67 | print "#ERROR: Cannot found SSID for BSSID '%s'" % bssid
68 | continue
69 |
70 | # XXX: Signal need properly be a relation of signal_dbm and noice_dbm
71 | signaal = 100 + int(point.attrib['signal_dbm'])
72 |
73 | # TODO: This also saves semi-duplicates; multiple entries with the same values, except
74 | # the signal strength is different. Should get an AVG or something.
75 | meting= Meting.objects.create(meetrondje=mr, accespoint=ap_cache[bssid],
76 | latitude=point.attrib['lat'], longitude=point.attrib['lon'],
77 | signaal=signaal)
78 | # Give some feedback to the user
79 | count += 1
80 | if (count % 1000) == 0:
81 | sys.stdout.write(str(count))
82 | elif (count % 100) == 0:
83 | sys.stdout.write(".")
84 | sys.stdout.flush()
85 |
86 | sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % count)
87 | print "#INFO: All done, goodbye"
88 |
89 |
90 | class Command(BaseCommand):
91 | args = '<gpsxml>[.gz] [<netxml>[.gz]]'
92 | option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + (
93 | make_option('-m', '--meetrondje', dest='meetrondje', default='rondje',help='Naam van het meetrondje'),
94 | make_option('-g', '--gebruiker', dest='gebruiker', default='username',help='Naam van de persoon die de meting uitgevoerd heeft'),
95 | make_option('-e', '--email', dest='email', default='foo@bar.org',help='Email van de persoon die de meting uitgevoerd heeft'),
96 | )
97 |
98 | def handle(self, *args, **options):
99 | try:
100 | if len(args) == 2:
101 | (gpsxml_file, netxml_file) = args
102 | elif len(args) == 1:
103 | (gpsxml_file,) = args
104 | netxml_file = gpsxml_file.replace('.gpsxml','.netxml')
105 | else:
106 | raise ValueError
107 | except ValueError:
108 | self.print_help(sys.argv[0],sys.argv[1])
109 | raise CommandError("Not all arguments are provided")
110 | if not os.path.isfile(gpsxml_file):
111 | raise CommandError("gpsxml file '%s' does not exists" % gpsxml_file)
112 | if not os.path.isfile(netxml_file):
113 | raise CommandError("netxml file '%s' does not exists" % netxml_file)
114 |
115 | import_file(gpsxml_file, netxml_file ,options['meetrondje'],options['gebruiker'],options['email'])