source: src/django_gheat/gheat/management/commands/

Last change on this file was 9105, checked in by dennisw, 14 years ago

Final fix zoomlevels.

File size: 2.8 KB
2#Management command to generate tiles using gheat.
4#Must be given a bounding box by using options -s and -e (start and end)
6#Example usage:
[9038]7#>>> python gen_tiles -s 60,6 -e 66,8 -c firetrans -b serve_tile
9#Note: This command will NOT create tiles if they are empty. In order to do so, change
10#the gheat generate_tile view so that it creates empty tiles for each request given
11#x and y and zoom. This way you wan't have "holes" in the tile overlay if using
12#the static tiles instead of the usual django url/view.
14#Author: Dennis Wagenaar
16#Original Author: Anders Eriksen
21from import BaseCommand
22from optparse import OptionParser, make_option
23from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
24from django.test.client import Client
25import math
27class LatLonToTile:
[9102]29 def deg2num(self, lat_deg, lon_deg, zoom):
30 lat_rad = math.radians(lat_deg)
31 n = 2.0 ** zoom
32 xtile = int((lon_deg + 180.0) / 360.0 * n)
33 ytile = int((1.0 - math.log(math.tan(lat_rad) + (1 / math.cos(lat_rad))) / math.pi) / 2.0 * n)
34 return(xtile, ytile)
37class Command(BaseCommand):
[9102]39 option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + (
40 make_option("-b", "--tileview", dest="viewname", default="serve_tile"),
41 make_option("-s", "--start", dest="start", default="52.132708,4.437389"),
42 make_option("-e", "--end", dest="end", default="52.178837,4.551029"),
43 make_option("-c", "--colorscheme", dest="color", default="classic"),
44 )
[9102]46 def handle(self, *args, **options):
47 start = options['start'].split(',')
48 end = options['end'].split(',')
49 viewname = options['viewname']
50 colorscheme = str(options['color'])
[9102]52 d2n = LatLonToTile()
[9102]54 #initialize browser client
55 c = Client()
56 from gheat.models import MeetRondje
57 # collection = MeetRondje.objects.values('naam')
58# for col in collection:
[9105]59 for tz in range(1, 22):
[9102]60 #calculate start tiles
61 mxmin, mymax = d2n.deg2num(float(start[0]), float(start[1]), tz)
[9102]63 #calculate end tiles
64 mxmax, mymin = d2n.deg2num(float(end[0]), float(end[1]), tz)
[9102]66 #loop through each tile and generate a request to the serve_tile view using Client
67 for ty in range(mymin, mymax+1):
68 for tx in range(mxmin, mxmax+1):
69 tileurl = reverse(viewname, kwargs={'color_scheme': colorscheme, 'zoom':tz, 'x':tx, 'y':ty})
70 generate_response = c.get(tileurl)
71 #lousy error handling. Should check why status 200 not returned... I.e. wrong colorscheme
72 if generate_response.status_code == 200:
73 print "Generated tile " + tileurl
74 else:
75 print "Failed generating tile " + tileurl
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.