1 | #!/usr/bin/env python
2 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 | #
4 | # Script for importing various stumble files in a modular fasion:
5 | # - .ns1 (Netstumber)
6 | # - .gpsxml .netxml (Kismet)
7 | # - DroidStumbler-*.csv (DroidStumber)
8 | #
9 | # Rick van der Zwet <info@rickvanderzwet.nl>
10 | #
11 | from _mysql_exceptions import OperationalError
12 | from django.db import connection, transaction
13 | from django.db.utils import IntegrityError
14 | from gheat.models import *
15 | import gzip
16 | import os
17 | import sys
18 | import logging
19 |
20 | from collections import defaultdict
21 |
22 | import netstumbler
23 | import kismet
24 | import droidstumbler
25 |
26 | logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
27 |
28 | def open_file(file):
29 | """ Open files for reading, unzip if needed """
30 | if file.endswith('.gz'):
31 | return gzip.open(file,'rb')
32 | else:
33 | return open(file,'rb')
34 |
35 |
36 |
37 |
38 | def bulk_sql(sql_table, sql_values):
39 | """ Awefull hack to ensure we can do mass imports into the DJANGO databases"""
40 | if len(sql_values) == 0:
41 | raise ValueError, "No data to import"
42 |
43 | cursor = connection.cursor()
44 | try:
45 | # Make sure the special NULL is preserved
46 | sql = "INSERT INTO %s VALUES %s" % (sql_table, ','.join(sql_values).replace("'NULL'",'NULL'))
47 | count = cursor.execute(sql)
48 | transaction.commit_unless_managed()
49 | except OperationalError, e:
50 | logger.error("%s - %s ", sql_table, sql_values[0])
51 | raise
52 | except IntegrityError, e:
53 | logger.error("Unable to import - %s" % e)
54 | raise
55 | return count
56 |
57 |
58 | organizations = None
59 | def get_organization_id_by_ssid(ssid):
60 | """ Wrapper to return Organization ID of a certain SSID Type
61 | XXX: This should technically be casted into the Organization properly, but
62 | XXX: that properly does not cache properly.
63 | """
64 | global organizations
65 | if not organizations:
66 | organizations = dict(Organization.objects.all().values_list('name','id'))
67 |
68 | name = Organization.get_name_by_ssid(ssid)
69 | if not name:
70 | return 'NULL'
71 | else:
72 | return int(organizations[name])
73 |
74 |
75 |
76 | def import_accespoints(ap_pool, counters):
77 | # Determine which Accespoints to add
78 | bssid_list_present = Accespoint.objects.filter(mac__in=ap_pool.keys()).\
79 | values_list('mac', flat=True)
80 | bssid_list_insert = set(ap_pool.keys()) - set(bssid_list_present)
81 |
82 | # Create a bulk import list and import
83 | if bssid_list_insert:
84 | sql_values = []
85 | for bssid in bssid_list_insert:
86 | ssid, encryption = ap_pool[bssid]
87 | # Special trick in SSID ts avoid escaping in later stage
88 | item = str((bssid.upper(),ssid.replace('%','%%'),encryption,
89 | get_organization_id_by_ssid(ssid)))
90 | sql_values.append(item)
91 | counters['ap_added'] = bulk_sql('gheat_accespoint (`mac`, `ssid`,\
92 | `encryptie`, `organization_id`)',sql_values)
93 | return counters
94 |
95 |
96 |
97 | def import_metingen(meetrondje, meting_pool, counters):
98 | # Temponary holders
99 | bssid_failed = defaultdict(int)
100 |
101 | bssid_list = [x[0] for x in meting_pool.keys()]
102 | # Build mapping for meting import
103 | mac2id = {}
104 | for mac,id in Accespoint.objects.filter(mac__in=bssid_list).\
105 | values_list('mac','id'):
106 | mac2id[mac] = int(id)
107 |
108 | clients = {}
109 | for mac in WirelessClient.objects.filter(mac__in=bssid_list).\
110 | values_list('mac',flat=True):
111 | clients[mac] = True
112 |
113 | sql_values = []
114 | for (bssid,lat,lon),signals in meting_pool.iteritems():
115 | final_signal = max(signals)
116 | if clients.has_key(bssid):
117 | counters['meting_ignored'] += len(signals)
118 | elif not mac2id.has_key(bssid):
119 | counters['meting_failed'] += len(signals)
120 | bssid_failed[bssid] += len(signals)
121 | elif final_signal < MIN_SIGNAL or final_signal > MAX_SIGNAL:
122 | counters['meting_failed'] += len(signals)
123 | else:
124 | item = str((int(meetrondje.id),mac2id[bssid],float(lat),\
125 | float(lon),max(signals)))
126 | sql_values.append(item)
127 |
128 | for bssid,count in sorted(bssid_failed.items(),
129 | key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True):
130 | logger.debug("Missing BSSID %s found %3s times", bssid, count)
131 |
132 | if sql_values:
133 | counters['meting_added'] = bulk_sql('gheat_meting (`meetrondje_id`,\
134 | `accespoint_id`, `latitude`, `longitude`, `signaal`)',sql_values)
135 | return counters
136 |
137 |
138 | def import_clients(client_pool, counters):
139 | # Determine which Wireless Clients to add
140 | bssid_list_present = WirelessClient.objects.filter(mac__in=client_pool.keys()).values_list('mac', flat=True)
141 | bssid_list_insert = set(client_pool.keys()) - set(bssid_list_present)
142 |
143 | # Create a bulk import list and import
144 | if bssid_list_insert:
145 | sql_values = []
146 | for bssid in bssid_list_insert:
147 | sql_values.append("('%s')" % bssid.upper())
148 | counters['client_added'] = bulk_sql('gheat_wirelessclient (`mac`)',sql_values)
149 |
150 | return counters
151 |
152 |
153 | def import_file(filename,meetrondje):
154 | """ Import a file (on disk) """
155 | counters = {
156 | 'ap_added' : 0, 'ap_total' : 0,
157 | 'ap_failed' : 0, 'ap_ignored' : 0,
158 | 'client_added' : 0, 'client_total' : 0,
159 | 'client_failed' : 0, 'client_ignored' : 0,
160 | 'meting_added' : 0, 'meting_total' : 0,
161 | 'meting_failed' : 0, 'meting_ignored' : 0
162 | }
163 |
164 | fh = open_file(filename)
165 | if 'ns1' in filename:
166 | (counters, ap_pool, client_pool, meting_pool) = netstumbler.process_ns1(fh, counters)
167 | elif 'gpsxml' in filename:
168 | (counters, ap_pool, client_pool, meting_pool) = kismet.process_gpsxml(fh, counters)
169 | elif 'netxml' in filename:
170 | (counters, ap_pool, client_pool, meting_pool) = kismet.process_netxml(fh, counters)
171 | elif 'ScanResult' in filename:
172 | (counters, ap_pool, client_pool, meting_pool) = droidstumbler.process_csv(fh, counters)
173 | else:
174 | (ap_pool, client_pool, meting_pool) = (None, None, None)
175 | logger.error("file '%s' format not recognized")
176 |
177 | if ap_pool:
178 | counters = import_accespoints(ap_pool, counters)
179 | if client_pool:
180 | counters = import_clients(client_pool, counters)
181 | if meting_pool:
182 | counters = import_metingen(meetrondje, meting_pool, counters)
183 |
184 | logger.debug("summary accespoints: total:%(ap_total)-6s added:%(ap_added)-6s failed:%(ap_failed)-6s ignored:%(ap_ignored)-6s" % counters)
185 | logger.debug("summary client : total:%(client_total)-6s added:%(client_added)-6s failed:%(client_failed)-6s ignored:%(client_ignored)-6s" % counters)
186 | logger.debug("summary metingen : total:%(meting_total)-6s added:%(meting_added)-6s failed:%(meting_failed)-6s ignored:%(meting_ignored)-6s" % counters)
187 |
188 | return counters