1 | """
2 | django_extensions.management.jobs
3 | """
4 |
5 | import os
6 | from imp import find_module
7 |
8 | _jobs = None
9 |
10 | def noneimplementation(meth):
11 | return None
12 |
13 | class JobError(Exception):
14 | pass
15 |
16 | class BaseJob(object):
17 | help = "undefined job description."
18 | when = None
19 |
20 | def execute(self):
21 | raise NotImplementedError("Job needs to implement the execute method")
22 |
23 | class HourlyJob(BaseJob):
24 | when = "hourly"
25 |
26 | class DailyJob(BaseJob):
27 | when = "daily"
28 |
29 | class WeeklyJob(BaseJob):
30 | when = "weekly"
31 |
32 | class MonthlyJob(BaseJob):
33 | when = "monthly"
34 |
35 | def my_import(name):
36 | imp = __import__(name)
37 | mods = name.split('.')
38 | if len(mods)>1:
39 | for mod in mods[1:]:
40 | imp = getattr(imp, mod)
41 | return imp
42 |
43 | def find_jobs(jobs_dir):
44 | try:
45 | return [f[:-3] for f in os.listdir(jobs_dir) \
46 | if not f.startswith('_') and f.endswith(".py")]
47 | except OSError:
48 | return []
49 |
50 | def find_job_module(app_name, when=None):
51 | parts = app_name.split('.')
52 | parts.append('jobs')
53 | if when:
54 | parts.append(when)
55 | parts.reverse()
56 | path = None
57 | while parts:
58 | part = parts.pop()
59 | f, path, descr = find_module(part, path and [path] or None)
60 | return path
61 |
62 | def import_job(app_name, name, when=None):
63 | jobmodule = "%s.jobs.%s%s" % (app_name, when and "%s." % when or "", name)
64 | job_mod = my_import(jobmodule)
65 | # todo: more friendly message for AttributeError if job_mod does not exist
66 | try:
67 | job = job_mod.Job
68 | except:
69 | raise JobError("Job module %s does not contain class instance named 'Job'" % jobmodule)
70 | if when and not (job.when == when or job.when == None):
71 | raise JobError("Job %s is not a %s job." % (jobmodule, when))
72 | return job
73 |
74 | def get_jobs(when=None, only_scheduled=False):
75 | """
76 | Returns a dictionary mapping of job names together with there respective
77 | application class.
78 | """
79 | global _jobs
80 | # FIXME: HACK: make sure the project dir is on the path when executed as ./manage.py
81 | import sys
82 | try:
83 | cpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]))
84 | ppath = os.path.dirname(cpath)
85 | if ppath not in sys.path:
86 | sys.path.append(ppath)
87 | except:
88 | pass
89 | if _jobs is None:
90 | _jobs = {}
91 | if True:
92 | from django.conf import settings
93 | for app_name in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
94 | scandirs = (None, 'hourly', 'daily', 'weekly', 'monthly')
95 | if when:
96 | scandirs = None, when
97 | for subdir in scandirs:
98 | try:
99 | path = find_job_module(app_name, subdir)
100 | for name in find_jobs(path):
101 | if (app_name, name) in _jobs:
102 | raise JobError("Duplicate job %s" % name)
103 | job = import_job(app_name, name, subdir)
104 | if only_scheduled and job.when == None:
105 | # only include jobs which are scheduled
106 | continue
107 | if when and job.when != when:
108 | # generic job not in same schedule
109 | continue
110 | _jobs[(app_name, name)] = job
111 | except ImportError:
112 | pass # No job module -- continue scanning
113 | return _jobs
114 |
115 | def get_job(app_name, job_name):
116 | jobs = get_jobs()
117 | if app_name:
118 | return jobs[(app_name, job_name)]
119 | else:
120 | for a, j in jobs.keys():
121 | if j==job_name:
122 | return jobs[(a, j)]
123 | raise KeyError("Job not found: %s" % job_name)
124 |
125 | def print_jobs(when=None, only_scheduled=False, show_when=True, \
126 | show_appname=False, show_header=True):
127 | jobmap = get_jobs(when, only_scheduled=only_scheduled)
128 | print "Job List: %i jobs" % len(jobmap)
129 | jlist = jobmap.keys()
130 | jlist.sort()
131 | appname_spacer = "%%-%is" % max(len(e[0]) for e in jlist)
132 | name_spacer = "%%-%is" % max(len(e[1]) for e in jlist)
133 | when_spacer = "%%-%is" % max(len(e.when) for e in jobmap.values() if e.when)
134 | if show_header:
135 | line = " "
136 | if show_appname:
137 | line += appname_spacer % "appname" + " - "
138 | line += name_spacer % "jobname"
139 | if show_when:
140 | line += " - " + when_spacer % "when"
141 | line += " - help"
142 | print line
143 | print "-"*80
144 |
145 | for app_name, job_name in jlist:
146 | job = jobmap[(app_name, job_name)]
147 | line = " "
148 | if show_appname:
149 | line += appname_spacer % app_name + " - "
150 | line += name_spacer % job_name
151 | if show_when:
152 | line += " - " + when_spacer % (job.when and job.when or "")
153 | line += " - " + job.help
154 | print line