Talkthrough September 8th 2008 Attendees: Roland van Laar, Rick van der Zwet Goal: Streamline Exodus development, documenting * URL - OK - urls will represent config which needs to be generated - Cool URLs do not change - URL represent function/state of exodus - config files: * exodus/config/freebsd-5.0/FooBar/named.conf * exodus/config/// exodus/add/node exodus/add/link (one link) ... (confirmation view) exodus/delete/node/ (recursive, but location) exodus/delete/link/ ... exodus/edit/node/ exodus/edit/link/ (all links) ... exodus/nodelist -> exodus/view/nodelist (view url, geo-info, nodelist) exodus//node -> exodus/view/node/ (generic overview) * GRAPHICAL VIEW - Box and EDIT buttons * PYTHON FILES/DIRECTORES - OK - merge url logic into view logic. - split files to match the underlying logic, like on version and templates a subdir version number * PLAIN VIEW TEMPLATES TO MANY SPACES/RETURN - OK - Config file, should be readable, really (genesis style) pretty printing not required due automatic configuration * DATABASE - OK - node -> network -> dnsserver - seperate dnsserver - owner -> network possible if XS is going to happen * INTERLINK - OK - Nic -*> Link -> LinkPool - Nic -*> Link -> PublicAP - Choice ssid/channel PublicAP precedence - Link needed due desc,ip,etc - LinkPool, linkID to Link to indentify master * ACCESS MANAGMENT - OK Users: SSHKey Name: username: password: group -*> Group Node -*> Node Group: name Network -*> Network Node -*> Node * SITEBAR MENU - - Home - Add Node - View Nodes * OTHER # What to do with statuses? Nodes only planned, up, down. No need for sql table anymore, only # API? JSON/XML (2nd round, version 1.x)