1 | ##########################
2 | ## Example host definition
3 | ##########################
4 | define host {
5 | host_name [node_name] ## name of the node
6 | alias [node_dns_name] ## dns network name of the node
7 | use [nodetype_template] ## template to use for the node/proxy/...
8 | address [master_ip] ## the main ip adress
9 | check_command check_alive![master_ip] ## the host check command
10 | hostgroups [network] ## the network the node belongs to
11 | parents [node_name[,node_name]] ## the nodes from viewpoint monitoring system is/are it's parent(s)
12 | }
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14 | #########################################
15 | ## Example service definition (interface)
16 | ## Most checks checks should use the
17 | ## master_ip. like SNMP and such...
18 | ## NOTE: SNMP checks should always have a
19 | ## service dependency on 'Check SNMP'
20 | #########################################
21 | define service {
22 | host_name [node_name] ## name of the node
23 | use [template] ## template to use for the node_interface/eth2wireless...
24 | service_description Check interface [iface_name] ## service description
25 | check_command check_interface![interface_ip]![parameter2]![parameterN] ## the host check command
26 | servicegroups [service_groupname] ## the network the node belongs to
27 | }
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29 | ######################
30 | ### Definition example
31 | ######################
32 | define servicedependency{
33 | host_name [node_name]# the node name
34 | service_description Check interface [interface_name]# The managed wireless interface
35 | dependent_host_name [Linked_node_name]# To which node is being linked
36 | dependent_service_description Check interface [Linked_interface_name]# To which interface is being linked
37 | execution_failure_criteria w,u,c# dependency check criteria (warning, unknown, critical)
38 | }