[6338] | 1 | # In order to be more flexible an have a more consistent view on every page
| 2 | # (and avoid repeating code) a little 'framework' has been setup, which is
| 3 | # implemented in the folowing way:
| 4 |
| 5 | The basic is the function GenericHandler() in exodus/views.py which uses the
| 6 | default template in exodus/templates/genericForm.html is the base
| 7 | implementation of the logic, while extending remind to take a look a the
| 8 | implemented classes which shows a variaty of options possible, some hightlights
| 9 | which uses the model class FOO as example:
| 10 |
| 11 | * FOOHandler(GenericHandler): will be the default way to call the extention,
| 12 | this is needed due the fact that more includes/classes are depending on this
| 13 | naming scheme
| 14 | * adding/edit/deleting is allowed to be overwritten by the custom class,
| 15 | allowing logic which might needs doing after submitting
| 16 | * custom django HTML could be used to extended the genericForm using the
| 17 | following scheme exodus/templates/<action>FOO.html
| 18 |
| 19 | When it comes of creating config files, place them at
| 20 | exodus/templates/<version>/<file> and you will be allowed to call them useing
| 21 | the url exodus/config/<version>/node/<file>
| 22 |
| 23 | Any futher questions? Feel free to ask at the techniek mailinglist at
| 24 | techniek@lijst.wirelessleiden.nl
| 25 | Web-subscribe: http://lijst.wirelessleiden.nl/mailman/listinfo/techniek
| 26 |
| 27 | Happy hacking!
| 28 | /Rick <rick@wirelessleiden.nl>