# # ChangeLog for nodes in genesis # # Generated by Trac 1.6 # Mar 1, 2025, 10:39:00 AM Wed, 20 Oct 2004 15:02:54 GMT lodewijk [2987] * nodes/CNodeBDboon/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeLMdorp/wleiden.conf (modified) deze twee gebruiken 172.16[67].*.*, wat niet in ons subnet ligt. ... Wed, 20 Oct 2004 14:53:32 GMT lodewijk [2986] * nodes/CNodeSOM/wleiden.conf (modified) nog een dhcp=yes Wed, 20 Oct 2004 11:45:54 GMT huub [2984] * nodes/coordinaten.csv (modified) * nodes/coordinaten.html (modified) * nodes/coordinaten.sxc (modified) coordinaten OBLdorp en Dillenburg toegevoegd Wed, 20 Oct 2004 09:17:21 GMT ruben [2982] * nodes/CNodeCeTIM2/wleiden.conf (modified) Wed, 20 Oct 2004 09:08:48 GMT ruben [2981] * nodes/CNodeCeTIM2/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeCeTIM3/wleiden.conf (modified) Wed, 20 Oct 2004 09:00:41 GMT ruben [2980] * nodes/CNodeCeTIM1/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeCeTIM2/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeCeTIM3/wleiden.conf (modified) Tue, 19 Oct 2004 22:46:59 GMT lodewijk [2979] * nodes/CNodeBrug/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeGer/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeSOM/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeUniGorN/wleiden.conf (modified) - de wleiden.conf's van nodes ger en brug stonden er met dos line- ... Mon, 18 Oct 2004 11:41:55 GMT dirk [2964] * nodes/CNodeZijloever/wleiden.conf (modified) kanaalwijzigingen en mastermode il-z.zijloever Mon, 18 Oct 2004 07:59:26 GMT rick [2963] * nodes/CNodeLijtweg2/wleiden.conf (modified) Lijtweg static config Sun, 17 Oct 2004 10:52:20 GMT dirk [2960] * nodes/CNodeLijtweg2/wleiden.conf (modified) kanalen veranderd All AP's stonden op 7 experiment voor Erik Sun, 17 Oct 2004 09:17:24 GMT eddy [2959] * nodes/CNodeCeTIM3/wleiden.conf (modified) Link naar Lorentzhof verwijderd, wordt niet gebruikt Sun, 17 Oct 2004 09:16:29 GMT eddy [2958] * nodes/CNodeROCl/wleiden.conf (modified) Link naar Lorentzhof verwijderd, wordt niet gebruikt Sat, 16 Oct 2004 19:44:31 GMT lodewijk [2956] * nodes/CNodeLorentzhof/wleiden.conf (modified) r4674@polaris: lodewijk | 2004-10-16T19:43:48.318700Z up Sat, 16 Oct 2004 05:53:36 GMT jasper [2951] * nodes/CNodeDuivenHok/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeStadhuisVSB/wleiden.conf (modified) coordinaten Leimuiden en Alphen juiste richting uit gezet Sat, 16 Oct 2004 05:50:27 GMT jasper [2950] * nodes/CNodeStadhuisVSB/wleiden.conf (modified) coordinaten Leimuiden en Alphen juiste richting uit gezet Sat, 16 Oct 2004 05:49:30 GMT jasper [2949] * nodes/CNodeLMkempers1/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeLMkempers2/wleiden.conf (modified) coordinaten Leimuiden en Alphen juiste richting uit gezet Sat, 16 Oct 2004 05:47:09 GMT jasper [2948] * nodes/CNodeLMkempers1/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeLMkempers2/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeLMstruykverwo1/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeLMstruykverwo2/wleiden.conf (modified) coordinaten Leimuiden en Alphen juiste richting uit gezet Sat, 16 Oct 2004 05:42:47 GMT jasper [2947] * nodes/CNodeLMstruykverwo1/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeLMstruykverwo2/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeStadhuisVSB/wleiden.conf (modified) coordinaten Leimuiden en Alphen juiste richting uit gezet Fri, 15 Oct 2004 14:33:56 GMT lodewijk [2945] * nodes/CNodeLorentzhof/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeSOM/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeZijloever/wleiden.conf (modified) - de link ZijlOever -> ROCl stond hier verkeerd, maar om de een of ... Fri, 15 Oct 2004 12:21:35 GMT dirk [2944] * nodes/CNodeZijloever/wleiden.conf (modified) oude link naar Jacob -> SOM link ROCL -> open link Zuid Fri, 15 Oct 2004 12:18:14 GMT dirk [2943] * nodes/CNodeSOM/wleiden.conf (modified) link naar Broekplein stond er twee keer in link oost afgestemd op ... Thu, 14 Oct 2004 17:01:53 GMT eddy [2941] * nodes/CNodeCeTIM3/wleiden.conf (modified) Link naar nodeLorentzhof toegevoegd Thu, 14 Oct 2004 17:00:20 GMT eddy [2940] * nodes/CNodeLorentzhof/wleiden.conf (added) Eerste Configuratie file voor nodeLorentzhof Thu, 14 Oct 2004 16:58:14 GMT eddy [2939] * nodes/CNodeROCl/wleiden.conf (modified) Foutje in de config verbeterd Thu, 14 Oct 2004 16:45:25 GMT eddy [2938] * nodes/CNodeROCl/wleiden.conf (modified) Link naar Lorentzhof toegevoegd (EW13) Wed, 13 Oct 2004 22:19:17 GMT rick [2936] * nodes/CNodePlantsoen/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeSOM/wleiden.conf (modified) Config Edits Mon, 11 Oct 2004 06:44:19 GMT rick [2935] * nodes/CNodeSOM/wleiden.conf (modified) Vergeten dat een localhost ook moet hebben Mon, 11 Oct 2004 06:41:47 GMT rick [2934] * nodes/CNodeBroekplein/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeLijtweg1/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeSOM/wleiden.conf (modified) Fix rond broekplein Sun, 10 Oct 2004 10:33:48 GMT jasper [2930] * dns/wleiden.net (modified) * nodes/CNodeLijtweg3/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeSOM/wleiden.conf (modified) DNS aanpassingen nodes zonder ap-voor-de-buurt Sun, 10 Oct 2004 09:57:39 GMT jasper [2929] * dns/wleiden.net (modified) * nodes/CNodeLijtweg3/wleiden.conf (modified) aanpassingen lijtweg/broekplein/som Sun, 10 Oct 2004 09:38:28 GMT jasper [2928] * nodes/CNodeBroekplein/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeSOM/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeVeldbies/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeZwet/wleiden.conf (modified) link SOM-Broekplein Sun, 10 Oct 2004 08:50:38 GMT jasper [2927] * nodes/CNodeSOM/wleiden.conf (modified) juiste antenne richtingen SOM Thu, 07 Oct 2004 22:08:24 GMT jorg [2919] * dns/wleiden.net (modified) * nodes/CNodeStadhuisVSB/wleiden.conf (modified) cnodestadhuisvsb status van up naar planned gezet omdat deze helemaal ... Thu, 07 Oct 2004 21:38:24 GMT ger [2918] * nodes/CNodeGer/wleiden.conf (modified) Correcties Thu, 07 Oct 2004 21:25:03 GMT ger [2916] * nodes/CNodeGer/wleiden.conf (added) CNodeGer ingevoerd, nog niet compleet Thu, 07 Oct 2004 17:42:39 GMT ger [2915] * nodes/CNodeGer (added) Thu, 07 Oct 2004 16:48:31 GMT dirkx [2914] * nodes/CNodePlantsoen/wleiden.conf (modified) Mark Plantsoen as operational. Wed, 06 Oct 2004 00:31:40 GMT jorg [2912] * nodes/CNodeLCPL/wleiden.conf (modified) tikfoutje in vorige wijziging. Tue, 05 Oct 2004 23:48:48 GMT jorg [2911] * nodes/CNodeLCPL/wleiden.conf (modified) 2 virtueele ethernet-interfaces toegevoegd ivm server-park e.d. Tue, 05 Oct 2004 15:51:03 GMT dirkx [2905] * nodes/CNodeCeTIM3/wleiden.conf (modified) Typo Tue, 05 Oct 2004 15:45:06 GMT dirkx [2904] * nodes/CNodeCeTIM3/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeROCl/wleiden.conf (modified) Commit interlink for Plantsoen (totdat Lorentshof/ruben er zijn). Mon, 04 Oct 2004 20:19:15 GMT dirkx [2903] * nodes/CNodePlantsoen/wleiden.conf (modified) Plantsoen links Sun, 03 Oct 2004 21:42:15 GMT lodewijk [2897] * nodes/CNodePlantsoen/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeStadhuisVSB/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeUniGor/wleiden.conf (modified) - plantsoen is status 'planned' - CNodeStadhuisVSB/wleiden.conf had ... Sun, 03 Oct 2004 20:37:55 GMT richard [2896] * nodes/CNodeStadhuisVSB/wleiden.conf (modified) Autoversioning commit: a non-deltaV client made a change to ... Sun, 03 Oct 2004 20:37:53 GMT piet [2895] * nodes/CNodeLMstruykverwo1/wleiden.conf (modified) wijziging struyverwo mbt IP en interlinks Sun, 03 Oct 2004 20:36:45 GMT richard [2894] * nodes/CNodeStadhuisVSB/wleiden.conf (added) Autoversioning commit: a non-deltaV client made a change to ... Sun, 03 Oct 2004 20:33:01 GMT piet [2893] * nodes/CNodeLMstruykverwo2/wleiden.conf (modified) struykverwo2 gewijzigd mbt ip nummers en interlink Sun, 03 Oct 2004 20:26:33 GMT richard [2892] * nodes/CNodeStadhuisVSB (moved) Autoversioning commit: a non-deltaV client made a change to ... Sun, 03 Oct 2004 20:26:03 GMT richard [2891] * nodes/New Folder (added) Autoversioning commit: a non-deltaV client made a change to ... Sun, 03 Oct 2004 20:23:40 GMT piet [2890] * nodes/CNodeLMstruykverwo1/wleiden.conf (modified) changed LMstuykverwo for goed ip nummers + interlinks Sun, 03 Oct 2004 20:10:31 GMT piet [2889] * nodes/CNodeHMgw2/wleiden.conf (modified) change hmgw2 for ip numbers + interlink Sun, 03 Oct 2004 20:09:39 GMT piet [2888] * nodes/CNodeHMKerk2/wleiden.conf (modified) changed hmkerk2 Sun, 03 Oct 2004 20:09:07 GMT piet [2887] * nodes/CNodeHMKerk1/wleiden.conf (modified) changed file hmkerk Sun, 03 Oct 2004 20:08:01 GMT piet [2886] * nodes/CNodeLMkempers1/wleiden.conf (modified) changed kempers node Sun, 03 Oct 2004 20:07:08 GMT piet [2885] * nodes/CNodeLMkempers2/wleiden.conf (modified) aangepast ip nummering voor LMkempers, LMstruykverwo + Hmkerk1, ... Sun, 03 Oct 2004 16:05:06 GMT piet [2869] * nodes/CNodeHMKerk1/wleiden.conf (modified) Naam hmkerk gewijzigd in hmkerk1 pdr wireless jacobswoude Sun, 03 Oct 2004 15:53:34 GMT piet [2868] * nodes/CNodeHMKerk2/wleiden.conf (modified) Sat, 02 Oct 2004 11:46:00 GMT jasper [2865] * nodes/CNodeSOM/wleiden.conf (modified) config met allemaal APs voor SOM Fri, 01 Oct 2004 07:35:19 GMT lodewijk [2861] * nodes/CNodeJacob (deleted) * nodes/CNodeJacob2 (deleted) de jacob's weg Thu, 30 Sep 2004 21:56:26 GMT eddy [2860] * nodes/CNodeBrug/wleiden.conf (modified) Nu de link naar Lijtweg3 toegevoegd..weet niet zeker of alles goed staat Thu, 30 Sep 2004 21:39:32 GMT eddy [2859] * nodes/CNodeBrug/wleiden.conf (modified) Thu, 30 Sep 2004 21:32:55 GMT eddy [2858] * nodes/CNodeBrug/wleiden.conf (modified) Link naar Unigor toegevoegd Thu, 30 Sep 2004 20:44:58 GMT eddy [2857] * nodes/CNodeBrug (added) * nodes/CNodeBrug/wleiden.conf (added) Start configuratie voor CNodeBrug Wed, 29 Sep 2004 14:57:31 GMT dirkx [2853] * nodes/CNodePlantsoen/wleiden.conf (modified) Schrink dhcp range into netmask Wed, 29 Sep 2004 14:31:16 GMT dirkx [2851] * dns/17.zone (modified) * dns/wleiden.net (modified) * nodes/CNodePlantsoen (added) * nodes/CNodePlantsoen/wleiden.conf (added) Added back in old node Plantsoen Fri, 24 Sep 2004 20:30:46 GMT lodewijk [2844] * nodes/CNodeLMkempers1/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeLMkempers2/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeLMstruykverwo1/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeLMstruykverwo2/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeLijtweg3/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeMarten/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeSOM/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeUniGor/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeVosko1/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeVosko2/wleiden.conf (modified) cleanup: - LMkempers[12] en LMstruyckverwo[12] waren met dos ... Tue, 21 Sep 2004 11:19:00 GMT hugo1 [2837] * nodes/CNodeUniGorN/wleiden.conf (modified) update dhcp range Sat, 18 Sep 2004 19:21:09 GMT piet [2836] * nodes/CNodeLMkempers1/wleiden.conf (modified) WirlessJacobswoude UPDATE: LMkempers1 Sat, 18 Sep 2004 19:19:40 GMT piet [2835] * nodes/CNodeLMstruykverwo2 (added) * nodes/CNodeLMstruykverwo2/wleiden.conf (added) Wirelessjacobswoude Toevoegen Node LMstuykverwo2 Sat, 18 Sep 2004 19:18:36 GMT piet [2834] * nodes/CNodeLMstruykverwo1 (added) * nodes/CNodeLMstruykverwo1/wleiden.conf (added) Wirelessjacobswoude Toevoegen Node LMstruykVerwo1 Sat, 18 Sep 2004 19:13:13 GMT piet [2833] * nodes/CNodeLMkempers2 (added) * nodes/CNodeLMkempers2/wleiden.conf (added) Toevoegen Node LMkempers2 wirelessjacobswoude Sat, 18 Sep 2004 17:57:10 GMT jasper [2832] * nodes/CNodeAA24/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeZijloever/wleiden.conf (modified) link zijloever-som Sat, 18 Sep 2004 17:52:16 GMT piet [2831] * nodes/CNodeLMkempers1 (added) * nodes/CNodeLMkempers1/wleiden.conf (added) Piet Toevoeging NOde Kempers1 Sat, 18 Sep 2004 17:50:31 GMT jasper [2830] * nodes/CNodeSOM/wleiden.conf (modified) NodeSOM aangepast Sat, 18 Sep 2004 17:43:36 GMT jasper [2829] * nodes/CNodeSOM (moved) Rename CNodeSom -> CNodeSOM Sat, 18 Sep 2004 17:42:07 GMT jasper [2828] * nodes/CNodeSom/wleiden.conf (added) NodeSom toegevoegd Sat, 18 Sep 2004 17:41:15 GMT jasper [2827] * nodes/CNodeSOM (deleted) remove SOM Sat, 18 Sep 2004 17:35:15 GMT jasper [2826] * nodes/CNodeSom (added) NodeSom toegevoegd Sat, 18 Sep 2004 16:10:56 GMT piet [2825] * nodes/CNodeHMgw2/wleiden.conf (modified) CnodeHmronald naams verandering van CnodeHMgw2 Wed, 15 Sep 2004 12:23:06 GMT roland [2809] * nodes/CNodeCope/wleiden.conf (modified) changed dhcpd config for ethernet 2 cope Tue, 14 Sep 2004 09:05:41 GMT rick [2807] * nodes/CNodeHaagwijk/wleiden.conf (modified) dhcp error wi3 Sun, 12 Sep 2004 23:54:55 GMT rick [2804] * nodes/CNodeRV/wleiden.conf (modified) Typo Sun, 12 Sep 2004 23:46:47 GMT rick [2803] * nodes/CNodeRV/wleiden.conf (modified) DHCP STATIC for forum.wleiden.net Sun, 12 Sep 2004 23:17:10 GMT rick [2802] * nodes/CNodeAZC/wleiden.conf (modified) changing plans, changing configs Sun, 12 Sep 2004 22:31:03 GMT rick [2801] * nodes/CNodeLijtweg1/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeMeca/wleiden.conf (modified) Test try to fix Lijtweg1 <> Meca Fri, 10 Sep 2004 08:11:58 GMT rick [2781] * nodes/CNodeJacob/wleiden.conf (modified) Add-on Fri, 10 Sep 2004 07:47:04 GMT rick [2780] * nodes/CNodeCeTIM2/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeUniGorN/wleiden.conf (modified) Link cetim <> jacob disable Thu, 09 Sep 2004 13:00:51 GMT rick [2773] * nodes/CNodeHofwijck/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeUniGorN/wleiden.conf (modified) Jos request to change channel and link place of hofwijck Thu, 09 Sep 2004 09:50:37 GMT huub [2771] * nodes/CNodeSOM (added) directory voor NodeSOM Wed, 08 Sep 2004 22:41:37 GMT rick [2766] * nodes/CNodeHofwijck/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeRustenborch/wleiden.conf (modified) Some more cleanup Wed, 08 Sep 2004 22:38:37 GMT rick [2764] * dns/16.zone (modified) * nodes/CNodeCeTIM2/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeHuub/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeJacob/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeJorg/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeLijtweg1/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeLijtweg2/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeLijtweg3/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeROCl/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeRV/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeVeldbies/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeZwet/wleiden.conf (modified) Network clean up Wed, 08 Sep 2004 12:56:41 GMT huub [2753] * nodes/coordinaten.csv (modified) * nodes/coordinaten.html (modified) * nodes/coordinaten.sxc (modified) coordinaten opgeschoond Wed, 01 Sep 2004 21:42:05 GMT lodewijk [2719] * nodes/CNodeRustenborch/wleiden.conf (modified) syntax fouten Wed, 01 Sep 2004 14:49:52 GMT rick [2714] * nodes/CNodeMeca/wleiden.conf (modified) Fixed error Wed, 01 Sep 2004 14:06:37 GMT rick [2713] * nodes/CNodeAJSoft/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeAZC/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeRustenborch/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeUniGorN/wleiden.conf (modified) Rustenborch -> AZC wordt UniGorN Wed, 01 Sep 2004 02:04:36 GMT lodewijk [2711] * nodes/CNodeCope/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeHMgw2/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeJorg/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeRustenborch/wleiden.conf (modified) opruimen zodat de boel valideert tegen m'n exodus gepruts: - ... Mon, 30 Aug 2004 13:59:02 GMT huub [2699] * nodes/CNodeVosko1/wleiden.conf (modified) eerste config Mon, 30 Aug 2004 13:57:19 GMT huub [2698] * nodes/CNodeVosko2/wleiden.conf (modified) eerste config Mon, 30 Aug 2004 13:53:46 GMT huub [2697] * nodes/CNodeVosko2 (copied) nodevosko2 toegevoegd Mon, 30 Aug 2004 13:53:32 GMT huub [2696] * nodes/CNodeLorentzhof (added) * nodes/CNodeVosko1 (moved) * nodes/CNodeVosko1/wleiden.conf (added) nodevosko1 toegevoegd