13 years |
richardvm |
added gateway for hybrid nodes
13 years |
rick |
Verbeter alle compass waardes, door het uit te rekenen met …
13 years |
rick |
No false ap-wds flag for accespoints.
Fixes: nodefactory#117
13 years |
rick |
Literal False should actually be a boolean false, to make parsing more …
13 years |
rick |
Boolean values should be real boolean values.
13 years |
rick |
board information for various nodes. gathered using:
13 years |
rick |
Correcting all lat/lon coordinates.
Fixes: beheer#167
13 years |
rick |
interfaces: key is obsolete and can be removed.
Fixes: beheer#175
13 years |
huub |
foutje in config van cetim1
13 years |
rick |
WL has an SSID naming scheme, so make sure to check and correct on it.
13 years |
rick |
Beta testing is klaar. Alle nieuwe edits graag in de yaml files.
13 years |
richardvm |
13 years |
richardvm |
yaml needed for gformat
13 years |
rick |
Which bridge type do we configure?
Requested-By: richardvm
13 years |
rick |
Do not edit headers on the config files in indead a whee bit …
13 years |
rick |
Initial import if wleiden.yaml files. Migration/Removal of old ones …
13 years |
rick |
Removing obsolete comments to make files cleaner for migration to new …
13 years |
ronald |
(w)interlink van spoortje naar cetim1, zolang er geen blaadjes aan de …
13 years |
rick |
Standards, their are so many to choose …
13 years |
huub |
configveranderingen bij vosko2, houtmarkt, cetim1 ivm omleggen …
13 years |
huub |
config cetim1 interlink spoortje nu naar houtmarkt
14 years |
rick |
Resultaten van Westeinder Node-ombouw-marathon. Let op, dat nieuwe …
14 years |
huub |
diverse configs geupdate ivm ileiden
14 years |
huub |
updates van diverse wleiden.confs ivm ileiden update van de nodes
14 years |
huub |
ileiden parameter gecorrigeerd op verschillende nodes
14 years |
huub |
diverse config aanpassingen ivm ombouw houtmarkt en spoortje
14 years |
huub |
interlink cetim1 - roomburgh1 omgezet naar 29 subnet
14 years |
richardvm |
Link tussen Leiden en Aalsmeer
14 years |
richardvm |
ip'tje miste
14 years |
richardvm |
extra variables, needed for nagios
14 years |
richardvm |
Hackish entries blame Rick (always)
14 years |
rick |
Exact location of the omni antennes of nodes. Coordinates taken from …
14 years |
huub |
status down il-no cetim1
14 years |
richardvm |
Added status info
15 years |
rick |
Cosmetic (parsing does not allow ')
15 years |
rick |
- Commented variables are kind of useless as no program will be able …
15 years |
richardvm |
Added Node Richard
15 years |
ronald |
use master_ip as base for AP address range
15 years |
huub |
configuratiewijzigingen nodes cetim
15 years |
huub |
ip interlink gecorrigeerd
15 years |
huub |
iris-configuraties voor cetim1 en cetim2
15 years |
rick |
DHCP_STATIC is not used anymore
15 years |
rick |
$genesis_control is not used anymore
15 years |
rick |
$node_config_version is not used anymore
15 years |
rick |
$gw_open variable is not used anymore
15 years |
rick |
$OS variable is not used anymore
15 years |
rick |
$labelpos variable is not used anymore
15 years |
rick |
BEAMWIDTH variable is not used anymore
15 years |
rick |
DIRECTION variable is not used anymore
15 years |
rick |
HEIGTH variable is not used anymore
15 years |
rick |
CABLE variable is not used anymore
15 years |
rick |
GAIN variable is not used anymore
15 years |
rick |
ANTENNA variable is not used anymore
15 years |
rick |
POLAR variable is not used anymore
15 years |
rick |
SPEED is not used anywhere
15 years |
huub |
nieuwe 8.0 release in nodes cetim
16 years |
huub |
locatiegegevens aangevuld
16 years |
rick |
Removed old accient OSPF records as they are long time not used …
19 years |
dirkx |
Fix missing semi colons
19 years |
dirkx |
Add flags to specific OS release, wether a node is under genesis …
19 years |
mvn |
tweede ip voor lvp
19 years |
mvn |
tweede ip voor lvp
19 years |
mvn |
tweede ip voor lvp
19 years |
mvn |
config voor static ip LVP
19 years |
jorg |
alle nodes hebben een EOL gekregen achter de laatste regel.
dit was …
19 years |
ruben |
Alle edugis coordinaten zijn vanaf nu actief
Voor Node's waarvan er …
19 years |
ruben |
edugis aanpassingen
19 years |
ruben |
aanpassingen edugis
19 years |
jorg |
ethernet blok van /24 naar /28 gewijzigd
19 years |
jorg |
cetims krijgen standaard interlinks.
19 years |
jorg |
...and more typos fixed..
20 years |
ruben |
21 years |
lodewijk |
- overal een $status line bij
21 years |
lodewijk |
- wleiden.conf's met harde dos lineendings naar unix
- de …
21 years |
jasper |
alle proxies er weer in.
21 years |
jasper |
proxies[23] er uit.
21 years |
lodewijk |
- wi0 van kanaal 11 naar 1, en wi1 van 1 naar 11.
21 years |
jasper |
OSPF_AREA=31 (ipv 311) CeTIM toegevoegd (proxy.demon.wleiden.net)
21 years |
jasper |
172.31.255.x aan CeTIM toegevoegd (proxy.demon.wleiden.net)
21 years |
jasper |
Backbone CeTIM
21 years |
jasper |
routering CeTIMs
21 years |
jasper |
Update CeTIM
21 years |
jasper |
Oude junk uit genesis config files verwijderd.
22 years |
jasper |
Huidige genesis configuratie