7 years |
huub |
aanvulling config Vuurbaak
7 years |
rick |
Add PoC for persistent masterip range
Use 1 IP from the PoC defined …
7 years |
rick |
Fix ZTWRijneke bridge interface has no IP address
Typo in definition
7 years |
rick |
Fix ZTWRijneke aps bridge configuration not working
7 years |
rick |
Add rustdam new range for large number of clients
7 years |
rick |
Add webcam details for Yours Leiden
7 years |
rick |
Correction i was confused
7 years |
rick |
Fix link, this is actually switched
7 years |
rick |
Change template naming to final naming
7 years |
rick |
Add template layout for node ThomasUit
7 years |
rick |
Add replacement devices for JVC node
7 years |
huub |
interlink naar ThomasUit toegevoegd aan il-zo
7 years |
huub |
link Rustenborch Lijtweg2 werkt weer
7 years |
huub |
LoRa gateway en switch geinstalleerd
7 years |
huub |
oude interface voor WB is niet meer
7 years |
rvanswol |
internet op vr1
--his line, and those below, will be ignored--
M …
7 years |
rick |
Add RTSP forward for new watertoren camera
Requested-By: henk@
7 years |
rick |
Fix unknown variables which yields errors later in the process where …
7 years |
www |
Add time to read error message
7 years |
www |
Fix error print statements handled as headers when updating with an …
7 years |
www |
Add version number of repository, to detect whether an update is …
7 years |
rvanswol |
7 years |
rvanswol |
aAnpassing voor katwijk
7 years |
huub |
kleinigheid in config Kijkduin
7 years |
huub |
gewijzigde link naar HuygensN1
7 years |
huub |
link naar Vuurbaak toegevoegd op vr1
7 years |
rvanswol |
extra aanpassing
7 years |
rvanswol |
7 years |
rvanswol |
7 years |
huub |
config gemaakt voor Vuurbaak
7 years |
rvanswol |
corr zit nog een fout in de file
8 years |
rvanswol |
8 years |
rvanswol |
8 years |
rvanswol |
8 years |
rvanswol |
8 years |
huub |
aanvulling config Graficall
8 years |
huub |
LoRa en switch in config Graficall
8 years |
rick |
Requested name changes due to marketing reasons
8 years |
rick |
Fix forgot to assign bridge parent
8 years |
rick |
Change naming of Rekpark214 nodes
While here add bridging to allow …
8 years |
rick |
Allow inbound camera feeds
8 years |
rick |
Update port 2 & 3 are flipped
8 years |
rick |
Fix interface assignment as it is connected to port 5 instead
8 years |
huub |
LoRa gateway in config Dorpskerk gezet
8 years |
huub |
config Kaag2 slechte link naar GHR uitgezet
8 years |
huub |
kleine correctie config lijtweg2
8 years |
huub |
interlink som2 leythenrode1 uitgezet
8 years |
huub |
foutje in wlan0 config van meelfabriek2, dit is interlink en -2 is station
8 years |
huub |
lokaal ip adres veranderd
8 years |
hans |
nieuwe key van Hans
8 years |
huub |
config lijtweg2 een subnet voor interlink naar lijtweg1 en LoRa gateway
8 years |
huub |
config lijtweg1 aangepast: een 29 subnet is wel genoeg
8 years |
huub |
config lijtweg1 aangepast ivm plaatsing RBswitch en vervanging nanos …
8 years |
rvanswol |
link naar leeuwenhost verbroken, link van leeuwenhorst naar …
8 years |
rvanswol |
Link naar bestruurcentrum hersteld
8 years |
rvanswol |
8 years |
rick |
Update nameservers, backup moved to TransIP
8 years |
rick |
Update keys, as private key was not saved
8 years |
rick |
Delete support for WSCGI\n\nNever worked properly with caching
8 years |
rick |
Add static files generating on update
8 years |
rick |
Add text/plain to list of accepted plain targets
8 years |
www |
Add caching support for CGI output
WSCGI does not work well with …
8 years |
rick |
Add Hans van der Marel voluntering area onsBuiten.
8 years |
rick |
Add new voluntuur Naser Alzoubi (nasar).
8 years |
rick |
Update annotate usernames
8 years |
rick |
Add RB260GSP to ZTWDorpskerk configuration
8 years |
rick |
Fix adding of interface members of bridge(4)
create_args_ is not …
8 years |
rick |
Fix invalid interfaces list with DHCP on alias
When DHCP is …
8 years |
rick |
Update OnsBuiten unified SSID requiries bridging
If all SSIDs are …
8 years |
rick |
Fix wrong daemon selection for net4801 board
net4801 also has 256MB …
8 years |
rick |
Avoid query of system with broken upstream DNS
Since serviceid is …
8 years |
rick |
Real board has unbound as resolver, not local unbound which is FreeBSD …
8 years |
rick |
Stripping the number of resolvers unbound can use.
Unbound does not …
8 years |
rick |
8 years |
rick |
Support for UniFi discovery
8 years |
rick |
No DHCP else spash pages for UniFi cloud key
8 years |
rick |
Interface typo
8 years |
rick |
Installed RB260GSP switch to replace USB dongles
8 years |
rick |
Annotate file
8 years |
rick |
8 years |
huub |
DNS server master no longer exists, renaming to new one.
8 years |
rick |
Herman has static IP, no DHCP.
8 years |
rick |
Setting a dummy captive portal to avoid syntax errors in pf.conf files …
8 years |
huub |
Koe Klara nu ook met VLC te zien poort 888
8 years |
huub |
dubbele interlink bij robijn3 geeft mogelijk routeringsprobleem
8 years |
huub |
ath0 in station modus voor wireless interlink naar stbavo1
8 years |
huub |
config Robijn als gateway zonder link naar Robijn2
8 years |
huub |
config van Robijn veranderd: geen gateway meer dus internet via Robijn2
8 years |
huub |
config van Robijn veranderd: geen gateway meer dus internet via Robijn2
8 years |
rick |
8 years |
rick |
8 years |
rick |
Sync camera setup with static DHCP entry.
8 years |
rick |
More sure file can be parsed.
8 years |
rick |
Allow fixed addresses
8 years |
huub |
link naar Kaag1 is niet meer (Lijtweg1)
8 years |
huub |
link gemaakt tussen lijtweg2 en huygensN2
8 years |
huub |
link gemaakt tussen lijtweg2 en huygensN2
8 years |
huub |
configuratie Lijtweg2 aangepast aan nieuwe situatie: link naar …
8 years |
huub |
lijtweg1 config link naar lijtweg2 ook via switch op vr0
8 years |
rick |
Antenna's at Heineken has turned wrong direction.
Temponary fix.