# # ChangeLog for / in genesis # # Generated by Trac 1.6 # Mar 20, 2025, 8:12:12 AM Sat, 18 Jun 2005 14:17:46 GMT richard [4538] * nodes/CNodeHWFortis (added) * nodes/CNodeHWFortis/wleiden.conf (added) * nodes/CNodeKoster/wleiden.conf (modified) Wed, 15 Jun 2005 21:33:54 GMT piet [4530] * nodes/CNodeRWgemhuis2/wleiden.conf (modified) correctie op aansluiting van antenne's of wi0 & wi1 Wed, 15 Jun 2005 18:17:28 GMT eddy [4527] * nodes/CNodeStadhuis4/wleiden.conf (modified) Wed, 15 Jun 2005 18:14:46 GMT eddy [4526] * nodes/CNodePlantsoen2/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeStadhuis4/wleiden.conf (modified) Update van de 802.11A link tussen plantsoen en stadhuis4 Wed, 15 Jun 2005 05:58:08 GMT eddy [4525] * nodes/CNodePlantsoen2/wleiden.conf (modified) kleine aanpassing in de config Tue, 14 Jun 2005 19:05:19 GMT eddy [4524] * nodes/CNodePlantsoen2 (added) * nodes/CNodePlantsoen2/wleiden.conf (added) Config voor Cnodeplantsoen2 (802.11A) link Sun, 12 Jun 2005 19:35:06 GMT eddy [4522] * dns/staticDNS.conf (modified) Sat, 11 Jun 2005 22:45:32 GMT piet [4520] * nodes/CNodeLMstruykverwo1/wleiden.conf (modified) aanpassen interlinkg nummering op lmstruykverwo1 Sat, 11 Jun 2005 22:39:09 GMT piet [4519] * nodes/CNodeRWgemhuis1/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeRWgemhuis2/wleiden.conf (modified) rwgemhuis 1&2 NOW up + change IP interlinks Fri, 10 Jun 2005 10:30:38 GMT dirk [4510] * nodes/CNodeZTMAalstln/wleiden.conf (modified) status up Thu, 09 Jun 2005 20:25:22 GMT eddy [4509] * dns/staticDNS.conf (modified) Voor het goude spike event een wleiden domain aangemaakt ! (tijdelijk) Wed, 08 Jun 2005 19:56:55 GMT eddy [4508] * nodes/CNodeRWgemhuis1/wleiden.conf (modified) Extra spatie uit IP= gehaald. Hier ging de DNS over klagen. Wed, 08 Jun 2005 16:04:38 GMT mvn [4507] * dns/staticDNS.conf (modified) toegevoed kovijn is ipsec tunnel naar marten Sat, 04 Jun 2005 20:02:26 GMT piet [4501] * nodes/CNodeLMstruykverwo1/wleiden.conf (modified) IL hoofddorp vervallen. nu IL naar rwgemhuis Sat, 04 Jun 2005 19:24:18 GMT piet [4500] * nodes/CNodeRWgemhuis2/wleiden.conf (modified) aanpassing in rwgemhuis2 / toevoegin interlink correctie Ip adressen. Sat, 04 Jun 2005 18:52:48 GMT piet [4499] * nodes/CNodeRWgemhuis1/wleiden.conf (modified) aanpassen bilderdam link naar master + channel fix Sat, 04 Jun 2005 18:39:06 GMT piet [4498] * nodes/CNodeRWgemhuis1/wleiden.conf (modified) toevoegen ip nummers il rwgemhuis bdboon Sat, 04 Jun 2005 15:43:27 GMT eddy [4496] * nodes/CNodeBurcht/wleiden.conf (modified) Config aangepast naar de nieuwe PC epo = xl0 geworden Wed, 01 Jun 2005 15:53:23 GMT eddy [4480] * nodes/CNodeOBLste/wleiden.conf (modified) Status veranderd naar UP Wed, 01 Jun 2005 11:33:15 GMT dirk [4479] * nodes/CNodeOBLste/wleiden.conf (modified) kanaalwijziging OBLste Tue, 31 May 2005 16:37:21 GMT lodewijk [4476] * nodes/CNodeLvLn2/wleiden.conf (modified) - status naar up - zet IP mask voor sis0:0 - IP was niet gezet voor ath1 Tue, 31 May 2005 16:36:07 GMT lodewijk [4475] * nodes/CNodeRWgemhuis1/wleiden.conf (modified) TYPE=Ethernet -> TYPE=ethernet Tue, 31 May 2005 16:35:40 GMT lodewijk [4474] * nodes/CNodeVosko1/wleiden.conf (modified) wi2 had geen TYPE Tue, 31 May 2005 00:43:25 GMT rick [4472] * nodes/CNodeAZC/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeRabo/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeSOM/wleiden.conf (modified) Dubbel IP foutje Tue, 31 May 2005 00:26:15 GMT rick [4471] * nodes/CNodeOBLste/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeVosko2/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeZwaluwak/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeZwaluwmz/wleiden.conf (modified) Configuratie OBLste: -master links zwaluw[al|mz] -managed link vosko Tue, 31 May 2005 00:02:10 GMT rick [4470] * nodes/CNodeAZC/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeSOM/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeWissel/wleiden.conf (modified) Pootje van Wissel van de Rabo naar de AZC verplaatst Mon, 30 May 2005 23:24:39 GMT rick [4469] * nodes/CNodeThomas/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeVosko1/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeVosko2/wleiden.conf (modified) Node Thomas link van vosko1 naar vosko2 (il-zo) Mon, 30 May 2005 17:07:35 GMT eddy [4466] * dns/staticDNS.conf (modified) Eerste timelord terug gezet 'timelord1=rambo' Wed, 25 May 2005 14:12:03 GMT rick [4454] * nodes/CNodeThomas/wleiden.conf (modified) Thomas wil dhcp op zijn ethernetport Tue, 24 May 2005 16:03:50 GMT huub [4453] * nodes/CNodeOBLste/wleiden.conf (modified) coordinaten Tue, 24 May 2005 15:58:54 GMT huub [4452] * nodes/coordinaten.csv (modified) * nodes/coordinaten.html (modified) * nodes/coordinaten.sxc (modified) coordinaten oblste Mon, 23 May 2005 16:42:37 GMT rick [4445] * nodes/CNodeZwet/wleiden.conf (modified) dhcp change Mon, 23 May 2005 16:31:24 GMT rick [4444] * nodes/CNodeZwet/wleiden.conf (modified) Mon, 23 May 2005 16:30:08 GMT rick [4443] * nodes/CNodeZwet/wleiden.conf (modified) Perl typo Mon, 23 May 2005 16:28:46 GMT rick [4442] * nodes/CNodeZwet/wleiden.conf (modified) New ethernet card Mon, 23 May 2005 15:14:54 GMT rick [4441] * nodes/CNodeZwet/wleiden.conf (modified) Dhcp at zwet Sat, 21 May 2005 22:09:35 GMT dirk [4438] * nodes/CNodeBroekplein/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeRegenboog/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeRoomburgh1/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeRosmolen/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeRudi/wleiden.conf (modified) configuratie voor Rosmolen Sat, 21 May 2005 21:20:48 GMT dirk [4437] * nodes/CNodeRosmolen/wleiden.conf (modified) tussentijde config Sat, 21 May 2005 21:00:49 GMT dirk [4436] * nodes/CNodeRosmolen/wleiden.conf (modified) tussentijdse config Sat, 21 May 2005 20:51:42 GMT dirk [4435] * nodes/CNodeRosmolen/wleiden.conf (modified) tussentijdse config Tue, 17 May 2005 15:38:13 GMT rick [4424] * dns/staticDNS.conf (modified) Cope server renamed Tue, 17 May 2005 08:46:03 GMT huub [4423] * nodes/CNodeThomas/wleiden.conf (modified) aanpassing interlink imi Sun, 15 May 2005 21:05:02 GMT piet [4418] * nodes/CNodeRWgemhuis1/wleiden.conf (modified) kleine aanpassing Wed, 11 May 2005 11:25:12 GMT huub [4396] * nodes/CNodeVosko1/ap.txt (deleted) file verplaatst Wed, 11 May 2005 11:24:54 GMT huub [4395] * nodes/CNodeVosko2/ap.txt (deleted) file verplaatst Mon, 09 May 2005 15:36:26 GMT ous [4390] * nodes/coordinaten.csv (modified) * nodes/coordinaten.html (modified) * nodes/coordinaten.sxc (modified) Mon, 09 May 2005 12:49:39 GMT huub [4389] * nodes/CNodeRosmolen (added) * nodes/CNodeRosmolen/wleiden.conf (added) * nodes/CNodeRosmolen/wleiden.conf~ (added) eerste aanzet config Rosmolen Sun, 08 May 2005 19:16:06 GMT rick [4388] * nodes/CNodeRWgemhuis1/wleiden.conf (modified) Small typo Sun, 08 May 2005 16:06:24 GMT dirk [4387] * nodes/CNodeAZC/wleiden.conf (modified) alias wijziging in azc-wissel interface Sun, 08 May 2005 13:23:03 GMT dirk [4384] * nodes/CNodeAZC/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeWissel/wleiden.conf (modified) foutje in adressing link wissel-azc Sat, 07 May 2005 17:40:22 GMT eddy [4380] * nodes/CNodeWissel/wleiden.conf (modified) Status set to 'up'!!! --------------------- Thu, 05 May 2005 18:48:48 GMT eddy [4377] * nodes/CNodeRWgemhuis1/wleiden.conf (modified) Ik zie het niet. Er zit een foutje in maar waar??? Thu, 05 May 2005 18:42:29 GMT eddy [4376] * nodes/CNodeRWgemhuis2/wleiden.conf (modified) Dos line endings verwijderd Thu, 05 May 2005 18:30:25 GMT eddy [4374] * nodes/CNodeRWgemhuis1/wleiden.conf (modified) ???????? Thu, 05 May 2005 18:27:39 GMT eddy [4373] * nodes/CNodeRWgemhuis1/wleiden.conf (modified) Snap er niets van? Thu, 05 May 2005 18:25:21 GMT eddy [4372] * nodes/CNodeRWgemhuis1/wleiden.conf (modified) $location dubbel??? Thu, 05 May 2005 18:23:24 GMT eddy [4371] * nodes/CNodeRWgemhuis1/wleiden.conf (modified) Waar zit de fout in deze config ??d Thu, 05 May 2005 18:16:31 GMT eddy [4370] * nodes/CNodeRWgemhuis1/wleiden.conf (modified) Helemaal maar gecommencd. Thu, 05 May 2005 18:14:49 GMT eddy [4369] * nodes/CNodeRWgemhuis1/wleiden.conf (modified) Een leeg IPnummer veld....deze gecomment...de DNS loopt er op te hikken Thu, 05 May 2005 18:05:22 GMT eddy [4368] * nodes/CNodeWissel/wleiden.conf (modified) Oke nu werkt het!! Thu, 05 May 2005 18:02:07 GMT eddy [4367] * nodes/CNodeWissel/wleiden.conf (modified) Nu misschien beter? Thu, 05 May 2005 17:56:04 GMT eddy [4366] * nodes/CNodeWissel/wleiden.conf (modified) Waar zit de fout?? Thu, 05 May 2005 17:54:08 GMT eddy [4365] * nodes/CNodeWissel/wleiden.conf (modified) Entertje Thu, 05 May 2005 17:52:30 GMT eddy [4364] * nodes/CNodeAZC/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeWissel/wleiden.conf (modified) Link naar AZC gemaakt. Thu, 05 May 2005 17:46:27 GMT eddy [4363] * nodes/CNodeWissel/wleiden.conf (modified) Aanpassing 1 in de config file Thu, 05 May 2005 17:40:21 GMT eddy [4362] * nodes/CNodeWissel/wleiden.conf (added) COnfig files voor de te bouwen node Wissel Thu, 05 May 2005 13:46:28 GMT richard [4361] * nodes/CNodeKoster/wleiden.conf (modified) wi2 interface aangepast naar Interlink SHFortis wi1, wi2 int on SH ... Thu, 05 May 2005 09:47:15 GMT piet [4358] * nodes/CNodeRWgemhuis1/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeRWgemhuis2/wleiden.conf (modified) kleine wijziging rwgemhuis 1 en 2 Wed, 04 May 2005 21:56:48 GMT piet [4350] * nodes/CNodeRWgemhuis2/wleiden.conf (modified) update rwgemhuis2 Wed, 04 May 2005 21:54:03 GMT piet [4349] * nodes/CNodeRWgemhuis1/wleiden.conf (modified) update rwgemhuis1 Wed, 04 May 2005 21:43:29 GMT piet [4348] * nodes/CNodeRWgemhuis (deleted) verwijderen van rwgemhuis Wed, 04 May 2005 21:41:49 GMT piet [4347] * nodes/CNodeRWgemhuis2 (added) * nodes/CNodeRWgemhuis2/wleiden.conf (added) toevoegen rwgemhuis2 Wed, 04 May 2005 21:41:14 GMT piet [4346] * nodes/CNodeRWgemhuis1 (added) * nodes/CNodeRWgemhuis1/wleiden.conf (added) toevoegen rwgehuis1 Thu, 28 Apr 2005 15:57:31 GMT eddy [4340] * nodes/CNodeStadhuis1/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeStadhuis2/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeStadhuis3/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeStadhuis4/wleiden.conf (modified) * tools/genesis.conf (modified) Status van alle stadhuisnodes op 'up' gezet Wed, 27 Apr 2005 19:45:30 GMT hans.s [4339] * nodes/CNodeGerard/wleiden.conf (modified) wi0 en wi2 verwisseld i.v.m. uitvallen van omni na +- 4 uur Wed, 27 Apr 2005 19:38:49 GMT hans.s [4338] * nodes/CNodeGerard/wleiden.conf (modified) wi0 en wi2 verwisseld i.v.m. uitvallen van omni na +- 4 uur Fri, 22 Apr 2005 18:06:28 GMT hans.s [4329] * nodes/CNodeHans/wleiden.conf (modified) Wed, 20 Apr 2005 19:49:46 GMT hans.s [4324] * nodes/CNodeGerard/wleiden.conf (modified) Probleem analyse ivm fouten in config nodegerard Wed, 20 Apr 2005 19:35:05 GMT hans.s [4323] * nodes/CNodeGerard/wleiden.conf (modified) Probleem analyse ivm fouten in config nodegerard Wed, 20 Apr 2005 19:23:30 GMT hans.s [4322] * nodes/CNodeGerard/wleiden.conf (modified) Probleem analyse ivm fouten in config nodegerard Wed, 20 Apr 2005 15:45:06 GMT dirk [4321] * nodes/CNodeLvLn/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeLvLn2/wleiden.conf (modified) link tussen lvln en lvln2 expliciet Wed, 20 Apr 2005 13:43:30 GMT dirk [4320] * nodes/CNodeLvLn/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeRabo/wleiden.conf (modified) kanaalwijzigingen en x-coordinaat lvln Wed, 20 Apr 2005 12:50:38 GMT dirk [4319] * nodes/CNodeCope/wleiden.conf (modified) link cetim-cope weggehaald Wed, 20 Apr 2005 12:42:55 GMT dirk [4318] * nodes/CNodeCeTIM3/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeLvLn/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeLvLn2/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeRabo/wleiden.conf (modified) euwe configs rabo, cetim3, lvln, lvln2 Wed, 20 Apr 2005 08:22:45 GMT dirkx [4317] * areas.conf (modified) * dns/confs/README (modified) * dns/confs/bridges/named-rund.conf (modified) * dns/confs/internet/named.conf (modified) * dns/confs/proxy/named.conf (modified) * dns/confs/rambo/named.conf (modified) * dns/confs/rambo/rev.conf (modified) * dns/confs/rambo/slaves.conf (modified) * dns/confs/rambo/update.sh (modified) * dns/confs/shared/wleiden-slave-bridge.conf (modified) * dns/confs/shared/wleiden-slave-int.conf (modified) * dns/confs/shared/wleiden-slave.conf (modified) * dns/dnsheader.conf (modified) * dns/staticDNS.conf (modified) * index.html (modified) * nodes/CNodeLMcederplein/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeLvLn2/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeMarten/authorized_keys (modified) * nodes/CNodeOBLste/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeRWgemhuis/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeStadhuis1/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeStadhuis2/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeStadhuis3/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeStadhuis4/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeVosko1/ap.txt (modified) * nodes/CNodeVosko2/ap.txt (modified) * nodes/CNodeZTMAalstln/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/coordinaten.csv (modified) * nodes/coordinaten.html (modified) * nodes/dubbelipcheck.sh (modified) * nodes/freezone.sh (modified) * nodes/getrange.py (modified) * nodes/global_keys (modified) * nodes/ipcalc.pl (modified) * nodes/list_ap (modified) * nodes/list_il (modified) * nodes/special.conf (modified) * nodes/status.txt (modified) * nodes/wleiden.conf (modified) * tools/FreeBSD5_x/g_list.pl (modified) * tools/FreeBSD5_x/genesis.conf (modified) * tools/FreeBSD5_x/wleiden.pl (modified) * tools/IP.pm (modified) * tools/conf2inc.pl (modified) * tools/config-node.sh (modified) * tools/configcleaner.pl (modified) * tools/firewall (modified) * tools/g_list.pl (modified) * tools/genesis.conf (modified) * tools/inc2minimal.pl (modified) * tools/nodechk/check.sh (modified) * tools/nodechk/configip1.csv (modified) * tools/nodechk/configs1.csv (modified) * tools/nodechk/configs2.csv (modified) * tools/nodechk/confs (modified) * tools/nodechk/location (modified) * tools/nodechk/nnames (modified) * tools/nodechk/outputs1.csv (modified) * tools/nodechk/rev3157/configs.csv (modified) * tools/nodechk/rev3181/configip1.csv (modified) * tools/nodechk/rev3181/configs1.csv (modified) * tools/nodechk/rev3181/configs2.csv (modified) * tools/nofirewall (modified) * tools/pencontrl/awkpencontrl (modified) * tools/pencontrl/pen.sh (modified) * tools/pencontrl/pencontrl.sh (modified) * tools/pencontrl/readme.txt (modified) * tools/run.sh (modified) * tools/wl-runlvl (modified) * tools/wleiden-rick.pl (modified) * tools/wleiden.pl (modified) Fixing line types Tue, 19 Apr 2005 20:23:48 GMT mvn [4312] * nodes/CNodeLvLn2/wleiden.conf (modified) b modus goed gezet Tue, 19 Apr 2005 20:16:33 GMT mvn [4311] * nodes/CNodeLvLn2/wleiden.conf (modified) iCARD_OPTION=mode 11b Tue, 19 Apr 2005 19:32:28 GMT eddy [4310] * nodes/CNodeLvLn2/wleiden.conf (modified) Missing point_to_point aDfg Tue, 19 Apr 2005 19:27:51 GMT eddy [4309] * nodes/CNodeLvLn2/wleiden.conf (modified) Yep hij lijkt te kloppen, even naampje veranderd. Tue, 19 Apr 2005 19:08:37 GMT mvn [4308] * nodes/CNodeLvLn2 (added) * nodes/CNodeLvLn2/wleiden.conf (added) lvln2 nieuwe doos je voor lvln Tue, 19 Apr 2005 19:06:06 GMT mvn [4307] * nodes/CNodeLvLn/wleiden.conf (modified) il over utp naar lvln2 This line, and those below, will be ... Tue, 19 Apr 2005 13:57:22 GMT hans.s [4306] * nodes/CNodeGerard/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeWBRotary1/wleiden.conf (modified) Opruimen link AA24 <-> WBRotary Tue, 19 Apr 2005 09:59:42 GMT hans.s [4305] * nodes/CNodeAA24/wleiden.conf (modified) Update van rambo voor AA24 is niet goed gegaan Tue, 19 Apr 2005 08:59:03 GMT hans.s [4304] * nodes/CNodeAA24/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeHans/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeRoomburgh2/wleiden.conf (modified) Constructie ring Rijnwoude Mon, 18 Apr 2005 21:13:08 GMT hans.s [4303] * nodes/CNodeGerard/wleiden.conf (modified) * nodes/CNodeHans/wleiden.conf (modified) Mon, 18 Apr 2005 11:21:16 GMT jasper [4302] * tools/wleiden-rick.pl (copied) * tools/wleiden.pl (modified) wleiden.pl teruggezet naar r4056. Anders breekt www.wleiden.net/cgi- ... Sat, 16 Apr 2005 07:46:39 GMT rick [4300] * nodes/CNodeOBLste (added) * nodes/CNodeOBLste/wleiden.conf (added) * nodes/CNodeZwaluwak/wleiden.conf (modified) Init config OBLste Fri, 15 Apr 2005 18:34:16 GMT piet [4298] * nodes/CNodeLMcederplein/wleiden.conf (modified) Toevoegin wi0 als interlink naar strkverwo. Thu, 14 Apr 2005 16:04:56 GMT dirk [4297] * tools/pencontrl/pen.sh (modified) * tools/pencontrl/pencontrl.sh (modified) * tools/pencontrl/readme.txt (modified) een nieuwe pencontrl met fetch Tue, 12 Apr 2005 22:24:20 GMT eddy [4292] * nodes/CNodeStadhuis3/wleiden.conf (modified) GEklooi van Dirl los op geruimt ( bestand staat vol ^m)