# # ChangeLog for / in genesis # # Generated by Trac 1.6 # Mar 2, 2025, 12:56:33 PM Tue, 24 Nov 2015 10:56:26 GMT huub [13496] * nodes/TEYJOP/wleiden.yaml (moved) voorlopige config voor JOP met aliassen om de al geconfigureerde ... Tue, 24 Nov 2015 10:40:02 GMT huub [13495] * nodes/TEYAkzoNobel2/wleiden.yaml (modified) vrije interlink wordt ingebruikgenomen voor de nieuwe JOP Tue, 24 Nov 2015 10:37:21 GMT huub [13494] * nodes/TEYBestuurscentrum/wleiden.yaml (modified) alias toegevoegd voor link naar de nieuwe node JOP Sun, 22 Nov 2015 18:03:22 GMT wouter [13493] * nodes/TestTienAlix3D/wleiden.yaml (modified) Kleine wijzigingen Sun, 22 Nov 2015 17:53:22 GMT wouter [13492] * nodes/TestTienAlix3D/wleiden.yaml (modified) Kleine aanpassing Sun, 22 Nov 2015 17:29:53 GMT wouter [13491] * nodes/TestTienAlix3D/wleiden.yaml (added) Nieuwe testnode Wouter op Alix 3D Sun, 22 Nov 2015 17:23:30 GMT wouter [13490] * nodes/TestTienAlix3D (added) Testnode van Wouter op Alix 3D Sun, 22 Nov 2015 14:11:50 GMT rick [13489] * nodes/ZTWRijneke/wleiden.yaml (modified) Marking one link as beeing down and the second link as seperate block ... Sun, 22 Nov 2015 12:56:34 GMT rick [13488] * nodes/Rustdam2/wleiden.yaml (modified) Replaced broken bullet for NanoStationLocoM2 Fixes beheer#1071 Sun, 22 Nov 2015 12:39:32 GMT rick [13487] * nodes/StJan/wleiden.yaml (modified) Typo corrections Fri, 20 Nov 2015 11:42:21 GMT huub [13486] * nodes/Robijn/wleiden.yaml (modified) oeps externalif vergeten te veranderen Fri, 20 Nov 2015 11:40:20 GMT huub [13485] * nodes/Robijn/wleiden.yaml (modified) uplink verhuisd naar vr0 zodat config meer standaard is Fri, 20 Nov 2015 07:19:32 GMT rick [13484] * nodes/StJan/wleiden.yaml (modified) Opbouw van nieuwe repeater bij Veldhoeve. Mon, 16 Nov 2015 10:49:53 GMT huub [13480] * nodes/Broekplein/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/OnsBuiten/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/SOM1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/SOM2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/Watertoren2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/Watertoren3/wleiden.yaml (modified) update configuratie som en broekplein na hardware modificaties: ... Tue, 27 Oct 2015 15:58:35 GMT huub [13473] * nodes/Watertoren1/wleiden.yaml (modified) aantekeningen Henk m.b.t. watertoren1 verwerkt Sun, 25 Oct 2015 16:51:23 GMT huub [13469] * nodes/Langevoort/wleiden.yaml (modified) Erik heeft nu een Ziggo en gebruikt de default lan-ip-instellingen Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:29:21 GMT huub [13466] * nodes/OnsBuiten/wleiden.yaml (modified) extra repeater Ons Buiten was een vergissing Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:20:40 GMT huub [13465] * nodes/OnsBuiten/wleiden.yaml (modified) extra repeater Ons Buiten Mon, 19 Oct 2015 19:15:02 GMT huub [13462] * nodes/TestTienThuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) test config ook de eruit Mon, 19 Oct 2015 13:55:21 GMT huub [13461] * nodes/Robijn/wleiden.yaml (modified) ook bij Robijn de link naar Ziggo op dhclient misschien helpt dat ... Sat, 17 Oct 2015 13:52:13 GMT huub [13450] * nodes/LucasN/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/ZwaluwAK/wleiden.yaml (modified) lokaal ip-adres geen ivm gformat.py ip volgens dhclient gebruikt Thu, 15 Oct 2015 16:13:43 GMT huub [13449] * nodes/Meerburg/wleiden.yaml (modified) foute gateway in config van Meerburg Thu, 15 Oct 2015 14:27:30 GMT huub [13448] * nodes/Hortus/wleiden.yaml (modified) Hortus ook maar een *echt* ip adres gegeven om gformat.py tevreden te ... Thu, 15 Oct 2015 14:11:13 GMT huub [13447] * nodes/DirkLos2/wleiden.yaml (modified) Op DirkLos2 draaide dhcpd op de lokale interface, dus die kreeg ook ... Thu, 15 Oct 2015 13:04:17 GMT huub [13446] * nodes/LucasN/wleiden.yaml (modified) LucasN ook maar een *echt* ip adres gegeven om gformat.py tevreden te ... Thu, 15 Oct 2015 12:23:23 GMT huub [13445] * nodes/StVictor/wleiden.yaml (modified) bij stvictor de lokale interface naast het vaste ip adres ook dhcp ... Thu, 15 Oct 2015 10:17:25 GMT huub [13444] * nodes/Herman/wleiden.yaml (modified) Herman heeft een gateway-regeltje nodig in zijn config Thu, 15 Oct 2015 09:59:25 GMT huub [13443] * nodes/Meerburg/wleiden.yaml (modified) Meerburg ook maar een *echt* ip adres gegeven om gformat.py tevreden ... Wed, 14 Oct 2015 10:09:12 GMT huub [13442] * nodes/RijnVliet/wleiden.yaml (modified) RijnVliet ook ip veranderd Wed, 14 Oct 2015 09:46:49 GMT huub [13441] * nodes/Henk/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/Hofland/wleiden.yaml (modified) ik geloof dat gformat.py die dhcp-client interfaces met ip ... Wed, 14 Oct 2015 09:38:20 GMT huub [13440] * nodes/Hofland/wleiden.yaml (modified) client moet tussen aanhalingstekens staan in wleiden.yaml en netmask ... Wed, 14 Oct 2015 09:36:09 GMT huub [13439] * nodes/Hofland/wleiden.yaml (modified) client moet tussen aanhalingstekens staan in wleiden.yaml Mon, 12 Oct 2015 14:45:29 GMT huub [13438] * nodes/Meelfabriek1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/Plantsoen/wleiden.yaml (modified) nieuwe config internetverbinding Plantsoen Sun, 11 Oct 2015 17:30:58 GMT ed [13437] * nodes/Ed/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/network.kml (modified) Update node configuration en Google maps file Thu, 08 Oct 2015 20:41:58 GMT rick [13435] * tools/gformat.py (modified) All IP ranges of shared network should be combined into a shared ... Thu, 08 Oct 2015 20:32:11 GMT rick [13434] * tools/gformat.py (modified) Whoops reverting r13421, turned out this is required, since we have ... Thu, 08 Oct 2015 16:32:47 GMT huub [13432] * nodes/SOM1/wleiden.yaml (modified) nanos bij SOM1 staan in ap modus niet station Mon, 05 Oct 2015 17:38:29 GMT rick [13430] * nodes/TestTienThuis (copied) Undelete folder Fixes: nodefactory#236 Sat, 03 Oct 2015 21:39:30 GMT rick [13421] * tools/gformat.py (modified) Removing the shared-network definitions from the equation since no ... Sat, 03 Oct 2015 21:34:03 GMT rick [13420] * tools/gformat.py (modified) rc.conf requires parent interfaces without specific interfaces to be ... Sat, 03 Oct 2015 21:26:16 GMT rick [13419] * tools/gformat.py (modified) APU board requires 'fat' daemons to run. Note: Since this are ... Sat, 03 Oct 2015 21:20:32 GMT rick [13418] * tools/gformat.py (modified) Weed out CNode legacy code Tue, 22 Sep 2015 18:48:21 GMT huub [13407] * nodes/Carlton (deleted) carlton verwijderd geen wleiden node Tue, 22 Sep 2015 18:37:21 GMT huub [13406] * nodes/Kijkduin/wleiden.yaml (modified) correctie Kijkduin geen gateway Sun, 20 Sep 2015 19:17:01 GMT rick [13405] * tools/gformat.py (modified) Hybrid* will also be removed from references to in FQDN Sun, 20 Sep 2015 19:09:40 GMT rick [13404] * tools/gformat.py (modified) Removing references to old CNode and Hybrid prefixes Sun, 20 Sep 2015 19:02:20 GMT rick [13403] * tools/gformat.py (modified) Innitial support for vlan configurations, while here get rid of a) ... Sun, 20 Sep 2015 19:00:25 GMT rick [13402] * nodes/Rustdam/wleiden.yaml (modified) Starting to convert first node to VLAN configurations Sun, 20 Sep 2015 11:05:26 GMT rick [13401] * nodes/AJSoft1 (moved) * nodes/AJSoft2 (moved) * nodes/BCSte (moved) * nodes/Boterhuis (moved) * nodes/Broekplein (moved) * nodes/Cam (moved) * nodes/Carlton (moved) * nodes/Catwalk (moved) * nodes/CeTIM1 (moved) * nodes/CeTIM2 (moved) * nodes/CeTIM3 (moved) * nodes/Cope (moved) * nodes/DeClercq (moved) * nodes/DeKijker (moved) * nodes/DirkLos1 (moved) * nodes/DirkLos2 (moved) * nodes/Drijfhuis (moved) * nodes/Ed (moved) * nodes/Ed2 (moved) * nodes/GHR (moved) * nodes/Geluidsnet1 (moved) * nodes/Geluidsnet2 (moved) * nodes/Graficall (moved) * nodes/Grip (moved) * nodes/HMKerk (moved) * nodes/Haagwijk (moved) * nodes/Heineken (moved) * nodes/Henk (moved) * nodes/Herman (moved) * nodes/Hofland (moved) * nodes/Hofwijck (moved) * nodes/Hortus (moved) * nodes/Houtmarkt (moved) * nodes/Huub (moved) * nodes/IMI (moved) * nodes/JAR (moved) * nodes/JVC (moved) * nodes/JorisdeWitte (moved) * nodes/Juffermans (moved) * nodes/KWAster (moved) * nodes/KWVdeKaag (moved) * nodes/KWVdeKaag/ProxyKWVdeKaag (moved) * nodes/Kaag1 (moved) * nodes/Kaag2 (moved) * nodes/Kempers (moved) * nodes/Kijkduin (moved) * nodes/Kudelstaart (moved) * nodes/LHS (moved) * nodes/Langevoort (moved) * nodes/Lebkov (moved) * nodes/Leeuwenhorst1 (moved) * nodes/Leeuwenhorst2 (moved) * nodes/Leythenrode1 (moved) * nodes/Leythenrode2 (moved) * nodes/Lijtweg1 (moved) * nodes/Lijtweg2 (moved) * nodes/LivingLab (moved) * nodes/LucasN (moved) * nodes/Meelfabriek1 (moved) * nodes/Meelfabriek2 (moved) * nodes/Meerburg (moved) * nodes/NieuweEnergie (moved) * nodes/OnsBuiten (moved) * nodes/PVKerkDuif (moved) * nodes/PanTerra1 (moved) * nodes/PanTerra2 (moved) * nodes/Plantsoen (moved) * nodes/Psycho (moved) * nodes/ROC1 (moved) * nodes/ROC2 (moved) * nodes/Rabo1 (moved) * nodes/Rabo2 (moved) * nodes/Rekpark214a (moved) * nodes/Rekpark214b (moved) * nodes/Rekpark214c (moved) * nodes/Rekpark303 (moved) * nodes/Rick (moved) * nodes/Rick2 (moved) * nodes/RijnVliet (moved) * nodes/Robijn (moved) * nodes/Robijn2 (moved) * nodes/Robijn3 (moved) * nodes/Roomburgh1 (moved) * nodes/Roomburgh2 (moved) * nodes/Rosmolen (moved) * nodes/Rund (moved) * nodes/Rustdam (moved) * nodes/Rustdam2 (moved) * nodes/Rustenborch (moved) * nodes/SOM1 (moved) * nodes/SOM2 (moved) * nodes/StBavo1 (moved) * nodes/StBavo2 (moved) * nodes/StJan (moved) * nodes/StVictor (moved) * nodes/Stadhuis (moved) * nodes/Stenhuis1 (moved) * nodes/Stenhuis2 (moved) * nodes/Suetanborgh (moved) * nodes/TEYAkzoNobel1 (moved) * nodes/TEYAkzoNobel2 (moved) * nodes/TEYBartholomeus (moved) * nodes/TEYBestuurscentrum (moved) * nodes/TEYJOP (moved) * nodes/TEYOudeRaadhuis (moved) * nodes/TEYStationSSH (moved) * nodes/TUDelft (moved) * nodes/Thomas (moved) * nodes/TulpEnZee (moved) * nodes/UniGor1 (moved) * nodes/UniGor2 (moved) * nodes/UniGorN (moved) * nodes/Victoria (moved) * nodes/VisitorCentre (moved) * nodes/Vosko1 (moved) * nodes/Vosko2 (moved) * nodes/Vosko3 (moved) * nodes/Vosko4 (moved) * nodes/WBRotary (moved) * nodes/WP (moved) * nodes/WP/ProxyWP (moved) * nodes/Watertoren1 (moved) * nodes/Watertoren2 (moved) * nodes/Watertoren3 (moved) * nodes/Webster (moved) * nodes/Wulp (moved) * nodes/ZTWDorpskerk (moved) * nodes/ZTWGemeentehuis (moved) * nodes/ZTWMeerburgkerk (moved) * nodes/ZTWRijneke (moved) * nodes/ZTWvdSterre (moved) * nodes/Zijloever (moved) * nodes/ZwaluwAK (moved) * nodes/Zwet (moved) Hybrid was a hack back in the days to show technical differences ... Sat, 19 Sep 2015 10:40:54 GMT huub [13400] * nodes/HybridDeKijker/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridVisitorCentre/wleiden.yaml (modified) link gemaakt van catwalk naar dekijker mogelijk later link catwalk ... Sat, 19 Sep 2015 08:53:44 GMT huub [13399] * nodes/HybridLebkov/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLijtweg2/wleiden.yaml (modified) link gemaakt van lebkov naar lijtweg2 nu link lebkov-geluidsnet1 ... Fri, 18 Sep 2015 13:33:18 GMT rick [13398] * tools/gformat.py (modified) defaultrouter= should also be used for iLeiden proxies. Thu, 17 Sep 2015 15:21:39 GMT huub [13396] * nodes/HybridDeKijker/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLijtweg2/wleiden.yaml (modified) link DeKijker naar Lijtweg2 geconfigureerd Thu, 17 Sep 2015 15:00:58 GMT huub [13395] * nodes/HybridDeKijker/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridGeluidsnet1/wleiden.yaml (modified) link DeKijker naar Geluidsnet1 geconfigureerd Tue, 15 Sep 2015 13:45:05 GMT huub [13390] * nodes/HybridOnsBuiten/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridSOM2/wleiden.yaml (modified) beetje finetuning mbt link van SOM naar OnsBuiten Tue, 15 Sep 2015 13:27:35 GMT huub [13389] * nodes/HybridDeKijker/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridVisitorCentre (moved) * nodes/HybridVisitorCentre/wleiden.yaml (modified) visitorcentre2 is nu visitorcentre en de coordinaten zijn aangepast, ... Wed, 09 Sep 2015 12:21:04 GMT rvanswol [13387] * nodes/HybridKijkduin/wleiden.yaml (modified) Er zaten nog fouten in, is al door een ander in gebuik ... Wed, 09 Sep 2015 12:03:12 GMT rvanswol [13386] * nodes/HybridWulp/wleiden.yaml (modified) Node heeft moeite met maximaal 300 gebruikers, nu niet meer mogelijk ... Wed, 09 Sep 2015 11:59:03 GMT rvanswol [13385] * nodes/HybridKijkduin/wleiden.yaml (modified) aanpassing aan node, bijna up. Tue, 08 Sep 2015 16:08:14 GMT huub [13384] * nodes/HybridDeKijker (added) * nodes/HybridDeKijker/wleiden.yaml (added) * nodes/HybridHuub/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridStadhuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridVisitorCentre1 (deleted) visitorcentre1 is nu dekijker Mon, 07 Sep 2015 09:21:22 GMT rick [13383] * nodes/HybridRustdam2/wleiden.yaml (modified) New webcam Sun, 06 Sep 2015 15:44:55 GMT huub [13382] * nodes/HybridSOM2/wleiden.yaml (modified) config OnsBuiten link naar SOM2 nu echte link ue0 is geen ap3 meer Sun, 06 Sep 2015 15:34:11 GMT huub [13381] * nodes/HybridOnsBuiten/wleiden.yaml (modified) config OnsBuiten link naar SOM2 nu echte link niet quasi client Sat, 29 Aug 2015 16:22:15 GMT huub [13369] * nodes/HybridOnsBuiten/wleiden.yaml (modified) node is up Sat, 29 Aug 2015 15:49:08 GMT huub [13368] * nodes/HybridOnsBuiten/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridSOM2/wleiden.yaml (modified) subnet 29 interlink toegevoegd op de verbinding SOM2 - Ons Buiten ivm ... Sat, 29 Aug 2015 15:39:40 GMT huub [13367] * nodes/HybridJorisdeWitte/wleiden.yaml (modified) joris is weer internetgateway Thu, 27 Aug 2015 14:34:40 GMT huub [13366] * nodes/HybridWBRotary/wleiden.yaml (modified) correctie mac adres bulletm2 vr0 Sun, 23 Aug 2015 20:43:26 GMT huub [13365] * nodes/HybridZTWMeerburgkerk/wleiden.yaml (modified) ue configs gecorrigeerd; ue1 verwijderd Sun, 23 Aug 2015 20:24:21 GMT huub [13364] * nodes/HybridZTWMeerburgkerk/wleiden.yaml (modified) interface bij meerburgkerk link naar gemeentehuis weer aangezet Thu, 20 Aug 2015 19:49:31 GMT huub [13362] * nodes/HybridOnsBuiten/wleiden.yaml (added) configuratie gemaakt voor HybridOnsBuiten Thu, 20 Aug 2015 19:49:05 GMT huub [13361] * nodes/HybridOnsBuiten (added) * nodes/HybridSOM2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridTEYJOP (added) configuratie gemaakt voor HybridOnsBuiten Thu, 20 Aug 2015 12:17:54 GMT rick [13360] * nodes/HybridWatertoren1/wleiden.yaml (modified) Get rid of annoying exception which does not seems to route properly. Thu, 20 Aug 2015 09:47:00 GMT rick [13359] * tools/gformat.py (modified) Remove duplicated code block Thu, 20 Aug 2015 09:41:46 GMT rick [13358] * tools/gformat.py (modified) Gateway is only used if proxy_ileiden is used. Note: incoming RDR ... Thu, 20 Aug 2015 09:30:34 GMT rick [13357] * nodes/HybridWatertoren1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWatertoren2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWatertoren3/wleiden.yaml (modified) Disable proxy services since a faster link has arrived one hop ... Tue, 18 Aug 2015 21:30:53 GMT huub [13356] * nodes/HybridRekpark303/wleiden.yaml (modified) repeaterconfiguratie bij rekpark303 nu conform standaard mbt ips Mon, 17 Aug 2015 13:05:39 GMT rick [13355] * nodes/HybridHerman/wleiden.yaml (modified) New antenna installed Sun, 16 Aug 2015 15:34:27 GMT huub [13354] * nodes/HybridMeerburg/wleiden.yaml (modified) gateway statement toegevoegd aan yaml Sun, 16 Aug 2015 14:55:24 GMT huub [13353] * nodes/HybridHenk/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWBRotary/wleiden.yaml (modified) hardware modificaties bij Henk en WBRotary in de yamls verwerkt Fri, 14 Aug 2015 09:10:59 GMT huub [13352] * nodes/HybridBCSte/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridGeluidsnet1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridKWAndreas (deleted) * nodes/HybridTEYBartholomeus/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridZwaluwAK/wleiden.yaml (modified) link bcste-zwaluwak uitgezet in de configs van zwaluw en bcste Wed, 12 Aug 2015 10:37:33 GMT huub [13351] * nodes/HybridZTWDorpskerk/wleiden.yaml (modified) een usb adapter uit de config gehaald Tue, 11 Aug 2015 15:46:04 GMT huub [13350] * nodes/HybridROC1/wleiden.yaml (modified) link naar ACTA uit config roc1 Tue, 11 Aug 2015 15:44:40 GMT huub [13349] * nodes/HybridROC1/wleiden.yaml (modified) tweede usb adapter uit config roc1 Tue, 11 Aug 2015 15:40:12 GMT huub [13348] * nodes/HybridBoterhuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) tweede usb adapter uit config boterhuis (was il-n) Tue, 11 Aug 2015 15:23:45 GMT huub [13347] * nodes/HybridHMKerk/wleiden.yaml (modified) usb adapter uit config hmkerk en netmask naar 24 voor ap Tue, 11 Aug 2015 15:12:46 GMT huub [13346] * nodes/HybridWebster/wleiden.yaml (modified) tweede usb adapter uit config Webster Tue, 11 Aug 2015 13:03:08 GMT huub [13345] * nodes/HybridROC2/wleiden.yaml (modified) unused ue voor LCPL uit config om stabiliteit te verbeteren Wed, 05 Aug 2015 20:15:14 GMT rvanswol [13344] * nodes/HybridKijkduin/wleiden.yaml (modified) corr. Fri, 31 Jul 2015 15:47:37 GMT huub [13343] * nodes/HybridMeerburg/wleiden.yaml (modified) foutje zat in netmask vr0 Fri, 31 Jul 2015 15:46:02 GMT huub [13342] * nodes/HybridMeerburg/wleiden.yaml (modified) in wleiden.yaml moet ip gebruikt worden ipv ns_ip in een extra ... Fri, 31 Jul 2015 15:41:26 GMT huub [13341] * nodes/HybridStadhuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) in wleiden.yaml moet ip gebruikt worden ipv ns_ip in een extra blokje Fri, 31 Jul 2015 09:44:55 GMT huub [13340] * nodes/HybridIMI/wleiden.yaml (modified) extra regeltjes in config imi Fri, 31 Jul 2015 09:35:05 GMT huub [13339] * nodes/HybridWBRotary/wleiden.yaml (modified) extra regeltjes in config wbrotary Wed, 29 Jul 2015 14:22:53 GMT huub [13338] * nodes/HybridHenk/wleiden.yaml (modified) remote access ip ingevuld zodat dns henk.gw.wleiden.net werkt Tue, 28 Jul 2015 22:04:00 GMT rick [13336] * tools/gformat.py (modified) Push neighbour and attached devices functions to functions, since I ... Tue, 28 Jul 2015 14:36:55 GMT huub [13335] * nodes/HybridSOM2/wleiden.yaml (modified) extra voor SOM2 Tue, 28 Jul 2015 14:27:36 GMT huub [13334] * nodes/HybridRobijn3/wleiden.yaml (modified) extra voor Robijn3 Tue, 28 Jul 2015 14:12:23 GMT huub [13333] * nodes/HybridLeythenrode2/wleiden.yaml (modified) extra voor Leythenrode2 Tue, 28 Jul 2015 13:51:25 GMT huub [13332] * nodes/HybridLeythenrode1/wleiden.yaml (modified) extra voor Leythenrode1 Tue, 28 Jul 2015 13:43:50 GMT huub [13331] * nodes/HybridKWVdeKaag/wleiden.yaml (modified) extra regeltjes voor KWVdeKaag