# # ChangeLog for / in genesis # # Generated by Trac 1.6 # Mar 21, 2025, 4:13:45 PM Mon, 11 Jun 2012 10:51:15 GMT huub [11271] * nodes/HybridCeTIM1/wleiden.yaml (modified) externe if cetim1 op dhcp gezet Mon, 11 Jun 2012 10:27:40 GMT huub [11270] * nodes/HybridCeTIM1/wleiden.yaml (modified) nieuwe config externe if op cetim1 Sun, 10 Jun 2012 20:21:31 GMT huub [11269] * nodes/HybridRustenborch (moved) * nodes/HybridRustenborch/wleiden.yaml (modified) rustenborch naar hybrid Sun, 10 Jun 2012 20:14:57 GMT huub [11268] * nodes/HybridAJSoft2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridPlantsoen (moved) * nodes/HybridPlantsoen/wleiden.yaml (modified) plantsoen naar hybrid Sun, 10 Jun 2012 19:55:45 GMT huub [11267] * nodes/retired/HybridMuiderkring (moved) muiderkring naar retired Sun, 10 Jun 2012 19:41:21 GMT huub [11266] * nodes/HybridDrijfhuis (moved) * nodes/HybridDrijfhuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridKempers (moved) * nodes/HybridKempers/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRecPark (moved) * nodes/HybridRecPark/wleiden.yaml (modified) recpark drijfhuis en kempers naar hybrid Sun, 10 Jun 2012 19:06:28 GMT huub [11265] * nodes/HybridLeythenrode1 (moved) * nodes/HybridLeythenrode1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLeythenrode2 (moved) * nodes/HybridLeythenrode2/wleiden.yaml (modified) nieuwe hybrid config voor Leythenrode Sun, 10 Jun 2012 15:49:19 GMT huub [11264] * nodes/HybridDeClercq (moved) * nodes/HybridDeClercq/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLHS/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLUMC (moved) * nodes/HybridLUMC/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLebkov (moved) * nodes/HybridLebkov/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/retired/ProxyDeClercq (moved) hybrids voor declercq lumc lebkov Sun, 10 Jun 2012 10:12:26 GMT huub [11263] * nodes/HybridLivingLab/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridPsycho (moved) * nodes/HybridPsycho/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridVictoria (moved) * nodes/HybridVictoria/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWebster (moved) * nodes/HybridWebster/wleiden.yaml (modified) webster psycho en victoria naar hybrid Sat, 09 Jun 2012 17:17:45 GMT richardvm [11262] * tools/yaml2nag.py (modified) aangepast door huub, geen problemen mee Sat, 09 Jun 2012 09:01:46 GMT huub [11261] * nodes/CNodeZwaluwak/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridUniGor1 (moved) * nodes/HybridUniGor1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridUniGor2 (moved) * nodes/HybridUniGor2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridUniGorN (moved) * nodes/HybridUniGorN/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridZwet/wleiden.yaml (modified) nodes unigor naar hybrid Thu, 07 Jun 2012 19:13:33 GMT huub [11259] * nodes/HybridHofwijck (moved) * nodes/HybridHofwijck/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridKaag1 (moved) * nodes/HybridKaag1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridKaag2 (moved) * nodes/HybridKaag2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLijtweg1 (moved) * nodes/HybridLijtweg1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLijtweg2 (moved) * nodes/HybridLijtweg2/wleiden.yaml (modified) hofwijck, lijtweg1,2 en kaag1,2 naar hybrid Thu, 07 Jun 2012 18:50:23 GMT huub [11258] * nodes/HybridIMI (moved) * nodes/HybridIMI/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridThomas (moved) * nodes/HybridThomas/wleiden.yaml (modified) thomas en imi naar hybrid Thu, 07 Jun 2012 18:44:51 GMT huub [11257] * nodes/HybridGrip (moved) * nodes/HybridGrip/wleiden.yaml (copied) grip naar hybrid Thu, 07 Jun 2012 18:42:03 GMT huub [11256] * nodes/CNodeGrip/wleiden.yaml (modified) grip naar hybrid Thu, 07 Jun 2012 18:28:06 GMT huub [11255] * nodes/HybridBroekplein/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridGeluidsnet1 (moved) * nodes/HybridGeluidsnet1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridGeluidsnet2 (moved) * nodes/HybridGeluidsnet2/wleiden.yaml (modified) geluidsnet nu hybride Wed, 06 Jun 2012 19:40:05 GMT huub [11254] * nodes/HybridDirkLos1 (moved) * nodes/HybridDirkLos1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridDirkLos2 (moved) * nodes/HybridDirkLos2/wleiden.yaml (modified) dirklos naar hybrid Wed, 06 Jun 2012 17:35:10 GMT huub [11248] * nodes/HybridRabo1 (moved) * nodes/HybridRabo1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRabo2 (moved) * nodes/HybridRabo2/wleiden.yaml (modified) raboos naar hybrid Wed, 06 Jun 2012 17:23:41 GMT huub [11247] * nodes/HybridCope/wleiden.yaml (modified) oops typo in hybridcope Wed, 06 Jun 2012 14:30:42 GMT huub [11246] * nodes/HybridCope (moved) * nodes/HybridCope/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/ProxyCope (deleted) cope naar hybrid Wed, 06 Jun 2012 11:18:00 GMT huub [11245] * nodes/HybridCeTIM2/wleiden.yaml (modified) hybrid type vergeten Tue, 05 Jun 2012 18:49:12 GMT huub [11244] * nodes/HybridCeTIM1 (moved) * nodes/HybridCeTIM1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridCeTIM2 (moved) * nodes/HybridCeTIM2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/ProxyCeTIM (deleted) hybrid config cetim1 en 2 Tue, 05 Jun 2012 18:40:19 GMT huub [11243] * nodes/HybridSpoortje/wleiden.yaml (modified) hybrid config spoortje Tue, 05 Jun 2012 18:34:41 GMT huub [11242] * nodes/HybridSpoortje (moved) * nodes/HybridSpoortje/wleiden.yaml (modified) hybrid config spoortje Tue, 05 Jun 2012 18:32:09 GMT huub [11241] * nodes/HybridHoutmarkt (moved) * nodes/HybridHoutmarkt/wleiden.yaml (modified) hybrid config houtmarkt Tue, 05 Jun 2012 18:20:35 GMT huub [11240] * nodes/HybridRosmolen (moved) * nodes/HybridRosmolen/wleiden.yaml (modified) hybrid config rosmolen Tue, 05 Jun 2012 11:17:37 GMT huub [11239] * nodes/HybridSOM1/wleiden.yaml (modified) som1 naar hybrid Tue, 05 Jun 2012 11:06:38 GMT huub [11238] * nodes/HybridBroekplein (moved) * nodes/HybridBroekplein/wleiden.yaml (modified) broekplein naar hybrid Tue, 05 Jun 2012 11:03:42 GMT huub [11237] * nodes/HybridSOM1 (moved) * nodes/HybridSOM1/wleiden.yaml (modified) som1 naar hybrid Tue, 05 Jun 2012 10:54:55 GMT huub [11236] * nodes/HybridGraficall (moved) * nodes/HybridGraficall/wleiden.yaml (modified) graficall naar hybrid Tue, 05 Jun 2012 10:39:40 GMT huub [11235] * nodes/HybridJVC/wleiden.yaml (modified) jvc naar hybrid config aangepast Tue, 05 Jun 2012 10:38:03 GMT huub [11234] * nodes/HybridJVC (moved) jvc naar hybrid Mon, 04 Jun 2012 19:51:19 GMT huub [11233] * nodes/HybridROC1 (copied) * nodes/HybridROC1/wleiden.yaml (copied) config hybridroc1 Mon, 04 Jun 2012 19:50:43 GMT huub [11232] * nodes/CNodeROC1 (deleted) config roc1 weg Mon, 04 Jun 2012 19:38:21 GMT huub [11231] * nodes/HybridHaagwijk (copied) * nodes/HybridHaagwijk/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridROC2 (copied) * nodes/HybridROC2/wleiden.yaml (modified) hybridconfigs voor Haagwijk en ROCs Mon, 04 Jun 2012 19:36:17 GMT huub [11230] * nodes/CNodeHaagwijk (deleted) * nodes/CNodeROC2 (deleted) hybridconfigs voor Haagwijk en ROCs Mon, 04 Jun 2012 18:48:00 GMT huub [11229] * nodes/HybridRobijn (moved) * nodes/HybridRobijn/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridVosko1 (moved) * nodes/HybridVosko1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridVosko2 (moved) * nodes/HybridVosko2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridVosko3 (moved) * nodes/HybridVosko3/wleiden.yaml (modified) hybridconfigs voor Robijn en Voskos Sun, 03 Jun 2012 21:07:30 GMT huub [11228] * nodes/HybridAJSoft2/wleiden.yaml (modified) config hybridajsoft2 Sun, 03 Jun 2012 20:47:17 GMT huub [11227] * nodes/HybridAster (moved) * nodes/HybridAster/wleiden.yaml (modified) config voor HybridAster Sun, 03 Jun 2012 20:38:52 GMT huub [11226] * nodes/CNodeHofwijck/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeROC1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridAJSoft2 (moved) config voor HybridAJSoft2 Sat, 02 Jun 2012 21:08:57 GMT huub [11070] * nodes/CNodeIMI/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeStadhuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) config aanpassingen voor imi en stadhuis Thu, 31 May 2012 19:56:19 GMT huub [11062] * nodes/HybridLucasN/wleiden.yaml (modified) lokaal internet toegevoegd aan LucasN configuratie plus proxy set Thu, 31 May 2012 17:36:08 GMT richardvm [11059] * nodes/CNodeDrijfhuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeKempers/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeRecpark/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWatertoren1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWatertoren2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWatertoren3/wleiden.yaml (modified) adres gevens van Aalsmeer Thu, 31 May 2012 13:33:21 GMT huub [11057] * nodes/CNodeWebster/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLucasN/wleiden.yaml (modified) lucasn webster link geconfigureerd en config lucasn aangevuld Thu, 31 May 2012 02:00:47 GMT rick [11053] * nodes/CNodeAJSoft2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeHofwijck/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeIMI/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeLijtweg1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodePVKerkDuif/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodePlantsoen2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeThomas/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridHerman/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRick2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRickVPN/wleiden.yaml (modified) * tools/check-batch-cmd (modified) Cleanups & Data verzamelen. Nu we hier zijn, ook eens kijken naar ... Thu, 31 May 2012 01:32:01 GMT rick [11052] * dns/staticDNS.yaml (modified) Pool entries are generated in gformat.py these days. Thu, 31 May 2012 01:30:57 GMT rick [11051] * nodes/HybridLHS/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLangevoort/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridMuiderkring/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRichard/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRickVPN/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWBRotary/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWatertoren1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWatertoren2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWatertoren3/wleiden.yaml (modified) Sync a bunch of meta data information. Tue, 29 May 2012 18:35:45 GMT huub [11044] * nodes/HybridLucasN (copied) * nodes/HybridLucasN/wleiden.yaml (modified) config hybridlucasn gemaakt Tue, 29 May 2012 18:34:12 GMT huub [11043] * nodes/CNodeLucasN (deleted) aangepaste config lucasn Sat, 26 May 2012 21:15:36 GMT huub [11013] * nodes/HybridHuub/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridKWVdeKaag/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLHS/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLangevoort/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLivingLab/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridMeerburg/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRund/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridSOM2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWBRotary/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWatertoren1/wleiden.yaml (modified) ileiden is true in yaml files Thu, 24 May 2012 22:12:08 GMT huub [11008] * nodes/CNodeIMI/wleiden.yaml (modified) extra ap bij imi geconfigureerd Thu, 24 May 2012 22:11:20 GMT huub [11007] * nodes/CNodeIMI/wleiden.yaml (modified) extra ap bij imi geconfigureerd Thu, 24 May 2012 10:55:33 GMT rick [10999] * tools/gformat.py (modified) Should make an API for this kind of stuff... Thu, 24 May 2012 10:08:40 GMT rick [10998] * tools/gformat.py (modified) Quirk for getting all IPs from the hosts only. Wed, 23 May 2012 19:56:33 GMT huub [10993] * nodes/HybridLangevoort (copied) * nodes/HybridLangevoort/wleiden.yaml (modified) omzetten Langevoort naar Hybrid-configuratie Wed, 23 May 2012 19:56:01 GMT huub [10992] * nodes/ProxyLangeVoort (deleted) ProxyLangevoort is naar retired Wed, 23 May 2012 19:54:07 GMT huub [10991] * nodes/CNodeLangeVoort (deleted) * nodes/retired/ProxyLangevoort (copied) omzetten Langevoort naar Hybrid-configuratie Wed, 23 May 2012 17:30:00 GMT huub [10990] * nodes/CNodeIMI/wleiden.yaml (modified) ue1 op imi wordt niet gebruikt Wed, 23 May 2012 17:25:29 GMT huub [10989] * nodes/CNodeIMI/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeThomas/wleiden.yaml (modified) interlink imi-thomas is up Tue, 22 May 2012 22:34:19 GMT rick [10986] * tools/gformat.py (modified) The whole idea of an NTP pool is that hosts resolv to _different_ ... Tue, 22 May 2012 22:32:53 GMT rick [10985] * tools/batch-cmd (modified) Quirk to refresh all nameservers. Tue, 22 May 2012 21:50:19 GMT rick [10984] * nodes/HybridMuiderkring (moved) * nodes/HybridMuiderkring/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/retired/ProxyMuiderkring (moved) Muiderkring wordt een hybrid. Tue, 22 May 2012 21:49:55 GMT rick [10983] * tools/gformat.py (modified) Named cannot resolv ifself on nodes, only the edges can. Tue, 22 May 2012 21:08:35 GMT huub [10981] * nodes/CNodeIMI/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeStadhuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) aangepaste configs stadhuis en imi ivm extra nanostations Tue, 22 May 2012 21:06:40 GMT rick [10980] * tools/gformat.py (modified) dnsmasq does not like the fact that we returning 10+ zones and ... Sun, 20 May 2012 19:36:18 GMT richardvm [10952] * nodes/HybridRichard/wleiden.yaml (modified) ip address klopt niet meer Sun, 20 May 2012 14:02:15 GMT richardvm [10949] * nodes/HybridRichard/wleiden.yaml (modified) heb wel een buitenkantje nodig Sun, 20 May 2012 13:52:56 GMT richardvm [10948] * nodes/HybridRichard/wleiden.yaml (modified) more up2date hybrid conf Sun, 20 May 2012 13:12:29 GMT richardvm [10947] * nodes/HybridRichard/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRickVPN/wleiden.yaml (modified) type reset to default since it breaks gformat Sun, 20 May 2012 13:08:13 GMT richardvm [10946] * nodes/HybridRichard/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRickVPN/wleiden.yaml (modified) add my vpn net to genesis Sun, 20 May 2012 01:25:17 GMT rick [10938] * tools/gformat.py (modified) Adding some new nameservers internally. Sun, 20 May 2012 01:21:02 GMT rick [10937] * tools/gformat.py (modified) Only the known up please. Sun, 20 May 2012 01:16:06 GMT rick [10936] * tools/gformat.py (modified) Fixed ordering please, prefer the Good Hybrids first. Sun, 20 May 2012 01:12:58 GMT rick [10935] * tools/gformat.py (modified) Whoops select the right hybrids please. Sun, 20 May 2012 01:10:59 GMT rick [10934] * tools/gformat.py (modified) Make the nameserver a seperate call as we need it later on. Sun, 20 May 2012 00:11:09 GMT rick [10933] * nodes/CNodeAJSoft2/wleiden.yaml (modified) Deze unit hoort in AP modes te staan. Sun, 20 May 2012 00:04:23 GMT rick [10932] * tools/gformat.py (modified) None is not a empty dict item. Sat, 19 May 2012 22:45:46 GMT rick [10930] * nodes/CNodeLangeVoort/wleiden.yaml (modified) Link werkt voor geen meter, maar er maar een AP van. Sat, 19 May 2012 22:35:41 GMT rick [10929] * nodes/HybridAJSoft1 (moved) * nodes/HybridAJSoft1/wleiden.yaml (modified) AJSoft1 wordt een hybrid, eens kijken of de USB->LAN adapters dan ... Sat, 19 May 2012 22:28:22 GMT rick [10928] * nodes/HybridWBRotary/wleiden.yaml (modified) Give the NS5 lokaal een normaal WL ip. Sat, 19 May 2012 21:57:23 GMT rick [10927] * nodes/HybridWBRotary/wleiden.yaml (modified) Extra values. Sat, 19 May 2012 19:44:42 GMT huub [10922] * nodes/CNodeVosko1/wleiden.yaml (modified) mode van lokale ap bij vosko1 aangepast Sat, 19 May 2012 19:33:02 GMT huub [10921] * nodes/retired/CNodeRudi (moved) NodeRudi naar retired afgevoerd Sat, 19 May 2012 17:00:51 GMT rick [10919] * tools/gformat.py (modified) Ik ben die lange en verwarrende pool dns namen meer dan zat, zoals: ... Sat, 19 May 2012 14:15:54 GMT richardvm [10915] * nodes/CNodeLUMC/wleiden.yaml (modified) heeft geen buur: richard@jumper:~/genesis/nodes$ grep il-zw.lumc */* ... Sat, 19 May 2012 13:46:17 GMT richardvm [10913] * nodes/HybridWatertoren3/wleiden.yaml (modified) kudelstaart is nog niet up, bilderdam bestaat (nog) niet Sat, 19 May 2012 10:12:38 GMT richardvm [10912] * tools/yaml2nag-nano.py (modified) interface must be up for nano to be added to Nagios Sat, 19 May 2012 07:39:01 GMT richardvm [10911] * tools/yaml2nag.py (modified) dhcp configuratie standaard was veranderd Fri, 18 May 2012 22:30:26 GMT rick [10907] * tools/gformat.py (modified) Make the motd output look more pretty. While here: Sync up motd ... Fri, 18 May 2012 21:57:13 GMT rick [10906] * tools/gformat.py (modified) Cosmetic; sigh seems to be the only way of adding an space without ... Fri, 18 May 2012 21:48:21 GMT rick [10904] * tools/gformat.py (modified) * tools/syntax-checker.py (modified) Show which rev is dying. Fri, 18 May 2012 19:48:17 GMT richardvm [10897] * tools/yaml2nag-nano.py (modified) onnodige code weggelaten Fri, 18 May 2012 19:44:35 GMT richardvm [10896] * tools/yaml2nag-nano.py (added) rivisioned version of: yaml2nag.py creates a list for nagios's ... Thu, 17 May 2012 07:01:46 GMT richardvm [10894] * nodes/HybridRichard/wleiden.yaml (modified) changed the dhcp client range, since the ip of the interface was changed Thu, 17 May 2012 06:57:05 GMT richardvm [10893] * nodes/HybridRichard (moved) * nodes/HybridRichard/wleiden.yaml (modified) renamed to current wl standard Wed, 16 May 2012 22:49:54 GMT rick [10892] * nodes/CNodeAJSoft1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeAJSoft2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeAster/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeBroekplein/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeCeTIM1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeCeTIM2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeCope/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeDeClercq/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeDirkLos1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeDirkLos2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeDrijfhuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeGeluidsnet1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeGeluidsnet2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeGraficall/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeGrip/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeHaagwijk/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeHoutmarkt/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeIMI/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeJVC/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeKaag1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeKaag2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeKempers/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeLUMC/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeLebkov/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeLeythenrode/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeLijtweg1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeLijtweg2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodePVKerkDuif/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodePlantsoen2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodePsycho/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeROC1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeROC2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeRV/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeRabo1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeRabo2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeRecpark/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeRobijn/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeRoomburgh1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeRoomburgh2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeRoomburgh3/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeRosmolen/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeRustenborch/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeSOM1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeSpoortje/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeStadhuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeThomas/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeUniGor1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeUniGor2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeUniGorN/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeVictoria/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeVosko1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeVosko2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeVosko3/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeWP/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeWebster/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeZijloever/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeZwaluwak/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridBoterhuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridHuub/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridKWVdeKaag/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLHS/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRick/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRund/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridSOM2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWatertoren1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridZwet/wleiden.yaml (modified) * tools/check-batch-cmd (modified) * tools/gformat.py (modified) Doe een import van de bridge unit dmv een scan. Wed, 16 May 2012 22:35:11 GMT rick [10891] * nodes/CNodeAJSoft1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeAJSoft2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeAMKudelstaart/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeAMSchiphol/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeAZC/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeAster/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeBCSte/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeBDboon/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeBroekplein/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeBrug/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeBurcht/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeCam/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeCeTIM1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeCeTIM2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeCope/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeDeClercq/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeDirkLos1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeDirkLos2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeDrijfhuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeGeluidsnet1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeGeluidsnet2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeGraficall/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeGrip/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeHMKerk1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeHMKerk2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeHaagwijk/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeHofwijck/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeHoutmarkt/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeIMI/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeJVC/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeKaag1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeKaag2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeKempers/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeKoster/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeLCPL/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeLMdorp/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeLMstruykverwo1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeLMstruykverwo2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeLUMC/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeLangeVoort/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeLebkov/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeLeythenrode/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeLijtweg1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeLijtweg2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeLorentzhof/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeLucasN/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeLvLz/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeMuiderkring/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeOBLc/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodePPFortis/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodePVKerkDuif/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodePlantsoen2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodePsycho/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeROC1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeROC2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeRV/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeRWgemhuis1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeRWgemhuis2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeRabo1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeRabo2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeRecpark/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeRegenboog/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeRobijn/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeRoomburgh1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeRoomburgh2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeRoomburgh3/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeRosmolen/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeRudi/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeRustenborch/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeSHFortis/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeSOM1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeSpoortje/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeStadhuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeThomas/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeUniGor1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeUniGor2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeUniGorN/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeVictoria/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeVosko1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeVosko2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeVosko3/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeWP/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeWebster/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeWissel/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeZijloever/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeZwaluwak/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridBoterhuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridHenk/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridHerman/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridHuub/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridKWVdeKaag/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLHS/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLivingLab/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridMeerburg/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRick/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRick2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRickVPN/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRund/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridSOM2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWBRotary/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWatertoren1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWatertoren2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWatertoren3/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridZwet/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/ProxyCeTIM/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/ProxyCope/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/ProxyDeClercq/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/ProxyKWVdeKaag/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/ProxyLangeVoort/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/ProxyLeythenrode/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/ProxyMuiderkring/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/ProxyPlantsoen/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/ProxyRV/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/ProxyWP/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/ProxyZwaluwak/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/hybrid8/wleiden.yaml (modified) Gooi een heel stapel windrichtingen weg, die toch niets betekenen. ... Wed, 16 May 2012 22:30:17 GMT rick [10890] * nodes/CNodeAJSoft1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeAJSoft2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeAMKudelstaart/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeAMSchiphol/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeAZC/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeAster/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeBCSte/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeBDboon/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeBroekplein/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeBrug/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeBurcht/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeCam/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeCeTIM1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeCeTIM2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeCope/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeDeClercq/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeDirkLos1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeDirkLos2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeDrijfhuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeGeluidsnet1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeGeluidsnet2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeGraficall/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeGrip/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeHMKerk1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeHMKerk2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeHaagwijk/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeHofwijck/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeHoutmarkt/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeIMI/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeJVC/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeKaag1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeKaag2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeKempers/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeKoster/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeLCPL/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeLMdorp/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeLMstruykverwo1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeLMstruykverwo2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeLUMC/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeLangeVoort/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeLebkov/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeLeythenrode/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeLijtweg1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeLijtweg2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeLorentzhof/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeLucasN/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeLvLz/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeMuiderkring/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeOBLc/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodePPFortis/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodePVKerkDuif/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodePlantsoen2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodePsycho/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeROC1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeROC2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeRV/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeRWgemhuis1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeRWgemhuis2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeRabo1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeRabo2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeRecpark/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeRegenboog/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeRobijn/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeRoomburgh1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeRoomburgh2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeRoomburgh3/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeRosmolen/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeRudi/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeRustenborch/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeSHFortis/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeSOM1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeSpoortje/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeStadhuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeThomas/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeUniGor1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeUniGor2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeUniGorN/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeVictoria/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeVosko1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeVosko2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeVosko3/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeWP/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeWebster/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeWissel/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeZijloever/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeZwaluwak/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridBoterhuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridHenk/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridHerman/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridHuub/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridKWVdeKaag/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLHS/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridLivingLab/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridMeerburg/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRick/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRick2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRickVPN/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridRund/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridSOM2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWBRotary/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWatertoren1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWatertoren2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWatertoren3/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridZwet/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/ProxyCeTIM/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/ProxyCope/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/ProxyDeClercq/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/ProxyKWVdeKaag/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/ProxyLangeVoort/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/ProxyLeythenrode/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/ProxyMuiderkring/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/ProxyPlantsoen/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/ProxyRV/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/ProxyWP/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/ProxyZwaluwak/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/hybrid8/wleiden.yaml (modified) * tools/gformat.py (modified) * tools/make-network-graph.py (modified) * tools/make_network_kml.py (modified) interface: <iface>:<alias> is nu in de iface_<iface>_alias<alias> ... Wed, 16 May 2012 22:06:19 GMT rick [10889] * tools/gformat.py (modified) Basic dhcp flag validation. Wed, 16 May 2012 21:42:35 GMT rick [10888] * nodes/CNodeAJSoft2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeAster/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeGrip/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeHoutmarkt/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeKoster/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeLCPL/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeLorentzhof/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeMuiderkring/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodePPFortis/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeROC2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeRegenboog/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeRobijn/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeRoomburgh3/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeRosmolen/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeSHFortis/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeSpoortje/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeStadhuis/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeWebster/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/CNodeZwaluwak/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWatertoren1/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWatertoren2/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/HybridWatertoren3/wleiden.yaml (modified) * nodes/ProxyCope/wleiden.yaml (modified) Cosmetics.