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r1979 r1980 1 (**2 experiment met evolutionary programming voor de kanalenplanning3 het genetische zit er nu nauwelijks in, en wat er in zit is ongetwijfeld4 fout. wat er wel goed in zit is het parseren van de bestaande situatie en5 het scoren van (nu random) configuraties.6 7 de score functie is nu redelijk simplistisch:8 - de score van een combinatie van twee interfaces op een node is 1 als er9 twee of meer kanalen tussen zitten, en -1 als er 1 kanaal tussen zit, -510 als er geen kanaal tussen zit en -10 als de kanalen hetzelfde zijn11 - de score van een node is de som van de scores van alle combinaties van12 interfaces van die node, maal het aantal interfaces. dat laatste omdat13 een positieve score hebben knapper is met meer interfaces dan met minder,14 dus dat moet beloond. een negatieve score is erger met meer interfaces15 (belangrijker node, waarschijnlijk) dan met minder, dus dat moet16 bestraft.17 - de totale score is de som van de scores van de nodes18 19 het stukje "genetisch" aan het einde is afgeraffeld. mutation en20 recombination gebeuren op de oplossing zelf ipv op een bitstring21 representatie. selection is dom en neemt gewoon de helft beste oplossingen.22 23 lvoge@cs.vu.nl *)24 25 1 (* a few constants *) 26 2 let population_size = 20 27 and max_stagnant_iterations = 1000 3 and max_stagnant_iterations = 10000 28 4 and mutation_rate = 0.05;; 29 5 … … 58 34 (* given a hashtable, return all the values as a list *) 59 35 let values t = Hashtbl.fold (fun k d a -> d::a) t [];; 36 let copyarray src dest = Array.blit src 0 dest 0 (Array.length src);; 60 37 61 38 (* given a list, return a list of pairs with all possible combinations of … … 86 63 let node_score c n = 87 64 let foldfunc acc (wi1, wi2) = acc + (wi_score c wi1 wi2) in 88 List.fold_left foldfunc 0 (combinations n.node_wis);; 65 let base_score = List.fold_left foldfunc 0 (combinations n.node_wis) in 66 base_score * (List.length n.node_wis);; 89 67 90 68 let score_configuration c (ns: node list) = 91 69 let foldfunc acc n = acc + (node_score (Hashtbl.find c) n) in 92 List.fold_left foldfunc 0 ns;; 70 let nodescores = List.fold_left foldfunc 0 ns in 71 nodescores;; 93 72 94 73 (* given a filename, return a list of all the lines in the file with the given … … 111 90 with Not_found -> 112 91 let group = { group_essid = gname; group_wis = [ new_wi ] } in 113 print_string "added group ";114 print_string gname;115 print_newline();116 92 Hashtbl.add groups gname group in 117 93 new_wi … … 133 109 ;; 134 110 111 (** Return a random configuration. For some reason, if this function accesses 112 the global 'groups' hash instead of getting it passed in from above, that 113 hash is empty. *) 135 114 let random_configuration groups = 136 115 let conf = Hashtbl.create 30 in 137 Hashtbl.iter (fun k d-> Hashtbl.add conf k (1 + (Random.int 12))) groups;116 Hashtbl.iter (fun k _ -> Hashtbl.add conf k (1 + (Random.int 12))) groups; 138 117 conf 139 118 140 119 (* Mutate the configuration in the given population at the given offset *) 141 120 let mutate p i = 142 Hashtbl.iter (fun essid chan -> let f = Random.float 1.0 in 143 if (f < mutation_rate) then 144 Hashtbl.replace p.(i) essid (1 + (Random.int 13))) p.(i);; 121 Hashtbl.iter (fun essid _ -> let f = Random.float 1.0 in 122 let group = Hashtbl.find groups essid in 123 let maxchannel = if (List.length group.group_wis) == 1 then 11 124 else 13 in 125 if (f < mutation_rate) then 126 Hashtbl.replace p.(i) essid (1 + (Random.int maxchannel))) p.(i);; 145 127 146 128 let print_conf conf = … … 150 132 List.iter (fun n -> print_string (n.node_name ^ ":" ^ (wis n) ^ "\n")) sorted_nodes 151 133 134 let parse_nodeclusters fname = 135 let spacere = Str.regexp " " in 136 (* handle a row of fields. the first field is the supernode name, the 137 rest are the subnode names. create a new node for the supernode, 138 stuff all the wi's of the subnodes under it, names prefixed with 139 their original node's names for clarity, and remove the subnodes 140 from the nodes hashtable *) 141 let do_fields f = let nodename = head f in 142 let subnodenames = tail f in 143 let subnodes = List.map (Hashtbl.find nodes) subnodenames in 144 List.iter (Hashtbl.remove nodes) subnodenames; 145 let prefixed_wis n = List.map (fun w -> { w with wi_name = n.node_name ^ "." ^ w.wi_name}) n.node_wis in 146 let wis = List.fold_left (fun a s -> a@(prefixed_wis s)) [] subnodes in 147 let node = { node_name = nodename; node_wis = wis } in 148 Hashtbl.add nodes nodename node in 149 List.iter (do_fields $ (Str.split spacere)) (snarf_lines fname);; 150 152 151 let main = 153 152 parse_file Sys.argv.(1); 153 parse_nodeclusters "coupled.conf"; 154 154 Random.self_init(); 155 155 let population = Array.init population_size (fun _ -> random_configuration groups) in … … 170 170 (* sort on the first field *) 171 171 Array.sort (fun x y -> compare (fst y) (fst x)) score_pop; 172 Array.blit (Array.map snd score_pop) 0 population 0 (Array.length score_pop); 172 (* extract the, now sorted, configuration and put it into population *) 173 copyarray (Array.map snd score_pop) population; 173 174 (* now look at the best score and update the highscore if 174 175 necessary *) -
r1937 r1980 1 # experiment met evolutionary programming voor de kanalenplanning 2 # het genetische zit er nu nauwelijks in, en wat er in zit is ongetwijfeld 3 # fout. wat er wel goed in zit is het parseren van de bestaande situatie en 4 # het scoren van (nu random) configuraties. 5 # 6 # de score functie is nu redelijk simplistisch: 7 # - de score van een combinatie van twee interfaces op een node is 1 als er 8 # twee of meer kanalen tussen zitten, en -1 als er 1 kanaal tussen zit, -5 9 # als er geen kanaal tussen zit en -10 als de kanalen hetzelfde zijn 10 # - de score van een node is de som van de scores van alle combinaties van 11 # interfaces van die node, maal het aantal interfaces. dat laatste omdat 12 # een positieve score hebben knapper is met meer interfaces dan met minder, 13 # dus dat moet beloond. een negatieve score is erger met meer interfaces 14 # (belangrijker node, waarschijnlijk) dan met minder, dus dat moet 15 # bestraft. 16 # - de totale score is de som van de scores van de nodes 17 # 18 # het stukje "genetisch" aan het einde is afgeraffeld. mutation en 19 # recombination gebeuren op de oplossing zelf ipv op een bitstring 20 # representatie. selection is dom en neemt gewoon de helft beste oplossingen. 21 # 22 # lvoge@cs.vu.nl 1 # gegeven een file met een lijst van te gebruiken wleiden.conf's, print 2 # op stdout een file waar channelga.ml wat mee kan. 23 3 import re 24 import random25 import os26 27 # deze twee zijn nodig voor de evaluatie van een configuratie28 nodes = {} # nodename -> Node29 groups = {} # essid -> WIGroup30 31 population = []32 33 # gegeven een lijst, geef de lijst zonder dubbele elementen34 def uniq(l):35 d = {}36 for e in l:37 d[e] = 138 return d.keys()39 40 class Node:41 def __init__(self, name, wis):42 self.name = name43 self.wis = wis44 self.special = {}45 for wi in wis:46 wi.setNode(self)47 def score(self):48 score = 049 for i in range(len(self.wis)):50 wi_i = self.wis[i]51 if wi_i.group == None:52 # orphaned interface53 continue54 if wi_i.group.channel == None:55 print "huh?"56 for j in range(len(self.wis)):57 if i != j:58 wi_j = self.wis[j]59 if wi_j.group == None:60 continue61 diff = abs(wi_i.group.channel - wi_j.group.channel)62 if diff > 2:63 score = score + 164 elif diff == 2:65 score = score - 166 elif diff == 1:67 score = score - 568 else:69 score = score - 1070 if self.special.has_key(wi_i.group.channel):71 score = score + self.special[wi_i.group.channel]72 score = score * len(self.wis)73 return score74 def setSpecialScoreForChannels(self, score, channels):75 for c in channels:76 self.special[c] = score77 78 # een supernode is een verzameling subnodes, bv cetim1, cetim2 en cetim3.79 class SuperNode(Node):80 def __init__(self, name, nodes):81 self.name = name82 self.nodes = nodes83 self.wis = []84 self.special = {}85 for n in nodes:86 self.wis.extend(n.wis)87 88 class WI:89 def __init__(self, name):90 self.name = name91 self.node = None92 self.group = None93 self.omni = 094 def setNode(self, node):95 self.node = node96 def setGroup(self, group):97 self.group = group98 99 class WIGroup:100 def __init__(self, name):101 self.name = name102 self.wis = []103 self.channel = None104 def add_wi(self, wi):105 self.wis.append(wi)106 wi.setGroup(self)107 def uniq(self):108 self.wis = uniq(self.wis)109 110 # een configuratie is een bepaalde bedeling van kanalen aan groepen. aangezien111 # groepen keyed zijn op essid is de concrete configuratie hier een dict van112 # essids naar kanalen.113 class Configuration:114 def __init__(self):115 self.conf = None116 self.calculated_score = None117 def copy(self):118 c = Configuration()119 c.conf = self.conf.copy()120 c.calculated_score = None121 return c122 def randomize(self):123 self.conf = {}124 for essid in groups.keys():125 self.conf[essid] = random.randint(1, 13)126 self.calculated_score = None127 def score(self):128 assert len(self.conf) == len(groups)129 if self.calculated_score != None:130 return self.calculated_score131 for essid in groups.keys():132 groups[essid].channel = self.conf[essid]133 score = 0134 for node in nodes.values():135 score = score + node.score()136 self.calculated_score = score137 return score138 def mutate(self, rate):139 for essid in groups.keys():140 if random.random() <= rate:141 self.conf[essid] = random.randint(1, 13)142 def crossover(self, partner, numpoints):143 # pick the crossover points144 essids = groups.keys()145 points = [random.randint(0, len(essids) - 1) for i in range(numpoints)]146 points.sort()147 conf = {}148 who = 0149 lastpoint = 0150 while len(points):151 point = points.pop(0)152 if who == 0:153 d = self.conf154 else:155 d = partner.conf156 who = 1 - who157 for i in range(lastpoint, point + 1):158 conf[essids[i]] = d[essids[i]]159 lastpoint = point160 if who == 0:161 d = self.conf162 else:163 d = partner.conf164 for i in range(lastpoint, len(essids)):165 conf[essids[i]] = d[essids[i]]166 assert len(conf) == len(groups)167 self.conf = conf168 169 170 # BEGIN UGLY PARSING CODE171 172 to_resolve = [] # list of (essid, WI) tuples173 4 174 5 def parse_wleiden_conf(lines): 175 6 essid = None 176 7 wi = None 177 wis = []178 8 for l in lines: 179 9 if wi != None: 180 match = re.match("^MODE=master.*", l)181 if match != None:182 master = 1183 10 match = re.match("^ESSID=(.*)", l) 184 11 if match != None: 185 essid = match.group(1)12 print match.group(1), 186 13 match = re.match("^EW[0-9]*", l) 187 14 if match != None: 188 if master == 1: 189 group = WIGroup(essid) 190 groups[essid] = group 191 group.add_wi(wi) 192 else: 193 # defer, may come way later 194 to_resolve.append( (essid, wi) ) 195 master = 0 15 wi = None 16 essid = None 17 match = re.match("^EOS", l) 18 if match != None: 196 19 wi = None 197 20 essid = None … … 199 22 match = re.match("^\$nodename='([^']*)';.*", l) 200 23 if match != None: 201 nodename = match.group(1).lower() 24 print "" 25 print match.group(1).lower(), 202 26 match = re.match("^\$config{'wi[0-9]*:[0-9].*", l) 203 27 if match != None: … … 205 29 match = re.match("^\$config{'(wi[0-9]*).*", l) 206 30 if match != None: 207 wi = WI(match.group(1)) 208 wis.append(wi) 209 master = 0 210 node = Node(nodename, wis) 211 nodes[nodename] = node 31 print match.group(1).lower(), 32 wi = 1 212 33 213 # gegeven een file met filenames van wleiden.conf's, parseer ze allemaal en 214 # vul de datastructuren 215 def parse_metafile(filename): 216 for fname in open(filename).readlines(): 217 parse_wleiden_conf(open(fname[:-1]).readlines()) 218 for essid, wi in to_resolve: 219 if not groups.has_key(essid): 220 print "Warning: node %s, %s refers to unknown essid %s" % (wi.node.name, wi.name, essid) 221 continue 222 groups[essid].add_wi(wi) 223 for group in groups.values(): 224 group.uniq() 34 for fname in open('l').readlines(): 35 parse_wleiden_conf(open(fname[:-1]).readlines()) 225 36 226 def parse_coupled(filename):227 try:228 for line in open(filename).readlines():229 supername, rest = line[:-1].split(':')230 subnodes = []231 for nodename in rest.split(' '):232 if nodename == '':233 continue234 node = nodes[nodename]235 del nodes[nodename]236 subnodes.append(node)237 node = SuperNode(supername, subnodes)238 nodes[supername] = node239 except:240 pass241 242 def parse_special(filename):243 for line in open(filename).readlines():244 fields = line[:-1].split(' ')245 nodename = fields[0]246 score = int(fields[1])247 channels = map(lambda c: int(c), fields[2:])248 nodes[nodename].setSpecialScoreForChannels(score, channels)249 250 # END UGLY PARSING CODE251 252 def plot_configuration(conf, out):253 out.write("digraph plot {\n")254 for essid in groups:255 out.write("\"%s\" [shape=box label=\"%s\\n(%d)\"]\n" % (essid, essid, conf[essid]))256 for nodename in nodes.keys():257 for wi in nodes[nodename].wis:258 if wi.group == None:259 continue260 out.write("\"%s\" -> \"%s\"\n" % (nodename, wi.group.name))261 out.write("}")262 263 parse_metafile('l')264 parse_coupled('coupled.conf')265 parse_special('special.conf')266 267 for essid in groups.keys():268 print essid, map(lambda wi: wi.node.name, groups[essid].wis)269 270 for i in range(20):271 conf = Configuration()272 conf.randomize()273 population.append(conf)274 275 last_high_score = -10000000276 iterations_since_new_high_score = 0277 while iterations_since_new_high_score < 1000:278 for i in range(0, 9):279 p = population[i].copy()280 #population[i].crossover(population[i + 10], random.randint(1, 4) * 2)281 population[i + 10] = p282 population[i + 10].mutate(0.05)283 population.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(b.score(), a.score()))284 high_score = population[0].score()285 if high_score > last_high_score:286 last_high_score = high_score287 iterations_since_new_high_score = 0288 iterations_since_new_high_score = iterations_since_new_high_score + 1289 print high_score290 plot_configuration(population[0].conf, open("foo.dot", 'w'))291 os.system('neato -Gstart=foo -Goverlap=false/scale -Gsplines=true -Gsep=2 -Gratio=fill -Gnslimit=50.0 -Grotate=90 -Gsize="11,7.5" -Tps -o channelga.ps foo.dot')292
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