1 | #!/usr/bin/env python
2 | #
3 | # Wrap me around tcpserver or inetd, example usage for tcpserver (debug):
4 | # tcpserver -HRl localhost /root/wlportal.py
5 | #
6 | # Or put me in a CGI script in for example thttpd server:
7 | #
8 | # = Usage =
9 | # This is a wrapper script which does very basic HTML parsing and altering of
10 | # pfctl tables rules to build a basic Captive Portal, with basic sanity
11 | # checking. The ACL is IP based (this is a poor mans solution, layer2
12 | # ACL would be much better), so don't take security very seriously.
13 | #
14 | # To get traffic by default to the portal iI requires a few special rules in
15 | # pfctl to work properly:
16 | # no rdr on { $captive_ifs } proto tcp from <wlportal> to !$wl_net port 80
17 | # rdr on { $captive_ifs } proto tcp from $wl_net to !$wl_net port 80 -> port 8082
18 | #
19 | # Enties older than 5 minutes not being used will be removed if the (hidden)
20 | # argument action=cleanup is given as GET variable. So having this in cron (would fix it):
21 | # */5 * * * * /usr/bin/fetch -q
22 | #
23 | # XXX: The whitelist entries first needs to contact the wlportal.py to get
24 | # added to the whitelist, this may cause issues during initial setup and hence
25 | # it might be advised to create a block of static whitelist IP addresses which
26 | # get added during boot and will never disappear.
27 | #
28 | # State : v0.6.0
29 | # Version : $Id: index.cgi 10805 2012-05-12 19:37:20Z rick $
30 | # Author : Rick van der Zwet <info@rickvanderzwet.nl>
31 | # Licence : BSDLike http://wirelessleiden.nl/LICENSE
32 |
33 | class MultiTracebackHook:
34 | """A hook to replace sys.excepthook that shows tracebacks in syslog & HTML (using cgitb)"""
35 | def __init__(self, ident=None, enable=False):
36 | self.ident = ident
37 | if enable:
38 | self.enable()
39 |
40 | def __call__(self, etype, evalue, etb):
41 | self.handle((etype, evalue, etb))
42 |
43 | def handle(self, info=None):
44 | import cgitb
45 | import os
46 | import sys
47 | import syslog
48 | import traceback
49 | info = info or sys.exc_info()
50 | tb = traceback.format_exception(*info)
51 | if self.ident:
52 | syslog.openlog(self.ident)
53 | prefix = '[%i]' % os.getpid()
54 | for line in tb:
55 | syslog.syslog(line)
56 | cgitb.handler(info)
57 |
58 | def enable(self):
59 | import sys
60 | sys.excepthook = self
61 |
62 | MultiTracebackHook(ident='wlportal', enable=True)
63 |
64 | import os
65 | import signal
66 | import subprocess
67 | import socket
68 | import sys
69 | import time
70 | import traceback
71 | import urlparse
72 | import yaml
73 |
74 | from jinja2 import Template
75 |
76 | # XXX: Make me dynamic for example put me in the conf file
77 | cfg = {
78 | 'autologin' : False,
79 | 'cmd_arp' : '/usr/sbin/arp',
80 | 'pfctl' : '/sbin/pfctl',
81 | 'portal_sponsor': 'Sponsor van Stichting Wireless Leiden',
82 | 'portal_url' : 'http://wirelessleiden.nl/welkom?connected_to=%s' % socket.gethostname(),
83 | 'portalroot' : '',
84 | 'refresh_delay' : 3,
85 | 'tmpl_autologin': '/usr/local/etc/wlportal/autologin.tmpl',
86 | 'tmpl_login' : '/usr/local/etc/wlportal/login.tmpl',
87 | 'whitelist' : [],
88 | 'config_files' : ['/usr/local/etc/wlportal/config.yaml','/etc/wleiden.yaml'],
89 | 'expire_time' : None,
90 | 'accessdb' : '/var/db/clients',
91 | 'net_status' : '/tmp/network.status',
92 | }
93 |
94 |
95 | # No failback if config does not exist, to really make sure the user knows if
96 | # the config file failed to parse properly or is non-existing
97 | for config_file in cfg['config_files']:
98 | if os.path.isfile(config_file):
99 | cfg.update(yaml.load(open(config_file)))
100 |
101 | internet_up = True
102 | if os.path.isfile(cfg['net_status']):
103 | internet_up = 'internet=up' in open(cfg['net_status'], 'r').read().lower()
104 |
105 | if not internet_up:
106 | cfg['warning_msg'] = "<b>Internet Problemen</b>: De laatste 15 minuten zijn er problemen met de (internet) verbinding geconstateerd, de gebruikers ervaring kan dus niet optimaal zijn. Onze excuses voor het eventuele ongemak. Bij aanhoudende problemen kunt u contact opnemen met gebruikers@lijst.wirelessleiden.nl"
107 |
108 | def log_registered_host(remote_mac, remote_host):
109 | """
110 | Write statistics file, used for (nagios) monitoring purposes
111 | """
112 | with open(cfg['accessdb'],"a") as fh:
113 | epoch = int(time.time())
114 | fh.write("%s %s %s \n" % (epoch, remote_mac, remote_host) )
115 |
116 | class MACnotFound(Exception):
117 | pass
118 |
119 | def get_mac(ipaddr):
120 | """ Find out the MAC for a certain IP address """
121 | try:
122 | # ? ( at 00:12:34:45:67:90 on ue0 permanent [ethernet]
123 | return subprocess.check_output(['/usr/sbin/arp', '-n' ,ipaddr], shell=False).split()[3]
124 | except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
125 | raise MACnotFound
126 |
127 | def get_active_MACs():
128 | """ Return dictionary with active IPs as keys """
129 | # ? ( at 00:12:34:45:67:90 on ue0 permanent [ethernet]
130 | # ? ( at 00:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee on ue0 expires in 964 seconds [ethernet]
131 | # ? ( at (incomplete) on vr2 expired [ethernet]
132 | output = subprocess.check_output(['/usr/sbin/arp', '-n' ,'-a'], shell=False)
133 | db = {}
134 | for line in output.strip().split('\n'):
135 | i = line.split()
136 | ip = i[1][1:-1]
137 | mac = i[3]
138 | db[ip] = mac
139 | return db
140 |
141 |
142 | class PacketFilterControl():
143 | """ Manage an Packet Filter using pfctl and table wlportal"""
144 | def add(self, ipaddr):
145 | """ Add Allow Entry in Firewall"""
146 | output = subprocess.Popen([cfg['pfctl'],'-t','wlportal', '-T', 'add', ipaddr], stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[1]
147 | is_added = '1/1 addresses added.' in output
148 | return is_added
149 | def delete(self, ipaddr):
150 | """ Delete one Allow Entry to Firewall"""
151 | output = subprocess.Popen([cfg['pfctl'],'-t','wlportal', '-T', 'delete', ipaddr], stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[1]
152 | def flush(self):
153 | """ Delete all Allow Entries from Firewall"""
154 | output = subprocess.Popen([cfg['pfctl'],'-t','wlportal', '-T', 'flush'], stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[1]
155 | #0 addresses deleted.
156 | return int(output.strip().split('\n')[-1].split()[0])
157 | def cleanup(self, expire_time=None):
158 | """ Delete obsolete entries and expired entries from the Firewall"""
159 | deleted_entries = 0
160 | # Delete entries older than certain time
161 | if expire_time:
162 | output = subprocess.Popen([cfg['pfctl'],'-t','wlportal', '-T', 'expire', expire_time], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
163 | # 0/0 addresses expired.
164 | deleted_entries += int(output.strip.split()[-1].split('/')[0])
165 |
166 | # Delete entries which the MAC<>IP mapping does no longer hold. The
167 | # ``rogue'' clients, commonly seen when DHCP scope is small and IPs get
168 | # re-used frequently, are wipped and require an re-connect.
169 | stored_mac = {}
170 | if os.path.isfile(cfg['accessdb']):
171 | for line in open(cfg['accessdb'],'r'):
172 | (epoch, mac, ipaddr) = line.split()
173 | stored_mac[ipaddr] = mac
174 | # Live configuration
175 | active_mac = get_active_MACs()
176 | # Process all active ip addresses from firewall and compare changes
177 | output = subprocess.Popen([cfg['pfctl'],'-t','wlportal', '-T', 'show'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
178 | for ip in output.split():
179 | if ip in cfg['whitelist']:
180 | # IP is whitelisted
181 | continue
182 | elif active_mac.has_key(ip) and active_mac[ip] in cfg['whitelist']:
183 | # MAC is whitelisted
184 | continue
185 | elif not active_mac.has_key(ip) and stored_mac.has_key(ip):
186 | # In-active connection - Keep entry with normal expire time, as user
187 | # might come back (temponary disconnect).
188 | continue
189 | elif active_mac.has_key(ip) and stored_mac.has_key(ip) and active_mac[ip] == stored_mac[ip]:
190 | # Active connection - previous record found - Stored v.s. Active happy
191 | continue
192 | else:
193 | self.delete(ip)
194 | deleted_entries =+ 1
195 | return deleted_entries
196 |
197 |
198 | # Call from crontab
199 | if sys.argv[1:]:
200 | if sys.argv[1] == 'cleanup':
201 | fw = PacketFilterControl()
202 | fw.cleanup()
203 | sys.exit(0)
204 |
206 | #
207 | # Query String Dictionaries
208 | qs_post = None
209 | qs = None
210 | header = []
211 | if not os.environ.has_key('REQUEST_METHOD'):
212 | # a) We are not wrapped around in a HTTP server, so this _is_ the
213 | # HTTP server, so act like one.
214 | class TimeoutException(Exception):
215 | """ Helper for alarm signal handling"""
216 | pass
217 |
218 | def handler(signum, frame):
219 | """ Helper for alarm signal handling"""
220 | raise TimeoutException
221 |
222 |
223 | # Parse the HTTP/1.1 Content-Header (partially)
224 | signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM,handler)
225 | us = None
226 | method = None
227 | hostname = None
228 | content_length = None
229 | remote_host = None
230 | while True:
231 | try:
232 | signal.alarm(1)
233 | line = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
234 | if not line:
235 | break
236 | header.append(line)
237 | signal.alarm(0)
238 | if line.startswith('GET '):
239 | us = urlparse.urlsplit(line.split()[1])
240 | method = 'GET'
241 | elif line.startswith('POST '):
242 | method = 'POST'
243 | us = urlparse.urlsplit(line.split()[1])
244 | elif line.startswith('Host: '):
245 | hostname = line.split()[1]
246 | elif line.startswith('Content-Length: '):
247 | content_length = int(line.split()[1])
248 | except TimeoutException:
249 | break
250 |
251 | # Capture Portal, make sure to redirect all to portal
252 | if hostname != cfg['portalroot']:
253 | print "HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temponary\r\n",
254 | print "Location: http://%(portalroot)s/\r\n" % cfg,
255 | sys.exit(0)
256 |
257 |
258 | # Handle potential POST
259 | if method == 'POST' and content_length:
260 | body = sys.stdin.read(content_length)
261 | qs_post = urlparse.parse_qs(body)
262 |
263 | # Parse Query String
264 | if us and us.path == "/wlportal" and us.query:
265 | qs = urlparse.parse_qs(us.query)
266 |
267 | remote_host = os.environ['REMOTEHOST']
268 | else:
269 | # b) CGI Script: Parse the CGI Variables if present
270 | if os.environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST":
271 | content_length = int(os.environ['CONTENT_LENGTH'])
272 | body = sys.stdin.read(content_length)
273 | qs_post = urlparse.parse_qs(body)
274 |
275 | if os.environ.has_key('QUERY_STRING'):
276 | qs = urlparse.parse_qs(os.environ['QUERY_STRING'])
277 |
278 | remote_host = os.environ['REMOTE_ADDR']
279 | #
281 |
282 |
283 | # Helpers for HTML 'templates'
284 | content = cfg.copy()
285 | content.update(extra_header='')
286 |
287 | # IP or MAC on the whitelist does not need to authenticate, used for devices
288 | # which need to connect to the internet, but has no 'buttons' to press OK.
289 | #
290 | # This assumes that devices will re-connect if they are not able to connect
291 | # to their original host, as we do not preserve the original URI.
292 | remote_mac = get_mac(remote_host)
293 | if cfg['autologin'] or remote_host in cfg['whitelist'] or remote_mac in cfg['whitelist']:
294 | qs_post = { 'action' : 'login' }
295 |
296 | try:
297 | fw = PacketFilterControl()
298 |
299 | # Put authenticate use and process response
300 | if qs and qs.has_key('action'):
301 | if 'flush' in qs['action']:
302 | retval = fw.flush()
303 | content['status_msg'] += "# [INFO] Deleted %s entries\n" % retval
304 | elif 'update' in qs['action']:
305 | tech_footer = "# [INFO] Update timestamp of all entries\n"
306 | fw.update()
307 | content['status_msg'] += fw.get_log()
308 | elif 'cleanup' in qs['action']:
309 | retval = fw.cleanup(cfg['expire_time'])
310 | content['status_msg'] += "# [INFO] Deleted %s entries\n" % retval
311 | elif qs_post and qs_post.has_key('action'):
312 | if 'login' in qs_post['action']:
313 | if fw.add(remote_host):
314 | content['extra_header'] = "Refresh: %(refresh_delay)s; url=%(portal_url)s\r" % content
315 | content['status_msg'] = "Sucessfully Logged In! || " +\
316 | """ Will redirect you in %(refresh_delay)s seconds to <a href="%(portal_url)s">%(portal_url)s</a> """ % content
317 | log_registered_host(remote_mac, remote_host)
318 | else:
319 | content['status_msg'] = "ERROR! Already Logged On"
320 | elif 'logout' in qs_post['action']:
321 | fw.delete(remote_host)
322 | content['status_msg'] = "Succesfully logged out!"
323 |
324 | except Exception, e:
325 | content['tech_footer'] += traceback.format_exc()
326 | content['status_msg'] = "<div class='error'>Internal error!<pre>%s</pre></div>" % traceback.format_exc()
327 | pass
328 |
329 | # Present Main Screen
330 | print """\
331 | HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r
332 | Content-Type: text/html\r
333 | %(extra_header)s
334 | """ % content
335 |
336 | try:
337 | tmpl_file = cfg['tmpl_autologin'] if cfg['autologin'] else cfg['tmpl_login']
338 | page = open(tmpl_file,'r').read()
339 | except IOError:
340 | page = """
341 | <html><head></head><body>
342 | <h2>%(status_msg)s</h2>
343 |
344 | <h3>Wireless Leiden - Internet Portal</h3>
345 | <form action="http://%(portalroot)s/wlportal/" method="POST">
346 | <input name="action" type="hidden" value="login" />
347 | <input type="submit" value="OK, agreed" />
348 | </form>
349 |
350 | <h3>More options</h3>
351 | <form action="http://%(portalroot)s/wlportal/" method="POST">
352 | <input name="action" type="hidden" value="logout" />
353 | <input type="submit" value="Cancel and/or Logout" />
354 | </form>
355 | <hr /><em>Technical Details:</em><pre>
356 | %(tech_footer)s
357 | </pre>
358 | </body></html>
359 | """
360 |
361 | print Template(page).render(content)