[6664] | 1 | #!/usr/bin/perl -w
| 2 | #
| 3 | # Copyright 2005 Stichting Wireless Leiden
| 4 | # maart 2004 rick@wirelessleiden.nl
| 5 | #
| 6 |
| 7 | # Config located at other file
| 8 | my $conf_file="./genesis.conf";
| 9 | do($conf_file) || die("Cann't open $conf_file");
| 10 | ################ END OF CONFIG ##########################
| 11 |
| 12 | #variablen
| 13 | my $time=gmtime();
| 14 | my $source=`/bin/hostname`;
| 15 | chomp($source);
| 16 |
| 17 |
| 18 | #slurp IP berekeningen info
| 19 | do ("$IP_pmPath") || die ("Cann't open $IP_pmPath");
| 20 | #slurp dns info
| 21 | do ("$dnsheader_confPath") || die ("Cann't open $dnsheader_confPath");
| 22 |
| 23 |
| 24 | #zoek uit of het master_ip addr voorkomt in de configs
| 25 | #belangrijk van aliassen
| 26 | sub master_ipNotUsed {
| 27 | if( $debug ) {
| 28 | print "running master_ipNotUsed...\n";
| 29 | }
| 30 | foreach my $if (keys %config) {
| 31 | if( $IP{$if} =~ /([0-9\.]+).*/ ) {
| 32 | if( $1 eq $master_ip ) {
| 33 | return(0);
| 34 | };
| 35 | };
| 36 | };
| 37 | return(1);
| 38 | };
| 39 |
| 40 |
| 41 |
| 42 | sub genHeader {
| 43 | my $comment = $_[0];
| 44 | my $output =
| 45 | "$comment This file specific to wireless\n" .
| 46 | "$comment leiden. Please make all changes in Genesis.\n" .
| 47 | "$comment\n" .
| 48 | "$comment Generated by $source\n" .
| 49 | "$comment on $time\n" .
| 50 | "$comment\n" .
| 51 | "$comment $author\n" .
| 52 | "$comment\n\n\n";
| 53 | return ($output);
| 54 | };
| 55 |
| 56 |
| 57 | sub txtconfig {
| 58 | my $output = "";
| 59 | foreach $interface (keys %config) {
| 60 | $output .= $config{$interface};
| 61 | };
| 62 | return($output);
| 63 | };
| 64 |
| 65 |
[7123] | 66 | sub dnsmasq_conf {
| 67 | my $output = genHeader("#");
| 68 | $output .=
| 69 | "# Query all upstream dns servers by default\n" .
[7148] | 70 | "all-servers \n" .
[7123] | 71 | "# DHCP server options \n" .
[7148] | 72 | "dhcp-authoritative \n" .
| 73 | "dhcp-fqdn \n" .
| 74 | "domain=dhcp.$nodename.$domain. \n" .
| 75 | "bogus-priv \n" .
| 76 | "domain-needed \n" .
| 77 | "expand-hosts \n" .
| 78 | "\n" .
| 79 | "# Low memory footprint \n" .
| 80 | "cache-size=10000 \n" .
[7123] | 81 | "\n";
| 82 |
| 83 | foreach my $interface (sort keys %config) {
| 84 | if( $interface =~ /^[a-z]+[0-9]+$/i ) {
| 85 | (my $ip, my $netmask) = split('/', $IP{$interface});
| 86 | my $subnet = IP::toSubnet($netmask);
| 87 |
| 88 | $output .=
| 89 | "## $interface $DESC{$interface}\n";
| 90 |
| 91 | if ( $DHCP{$interface} =~ /[0-9]+\-[0-9]+/i ) {
| 92 | my $dhcp_part = $ip;
| 93 | $dhcp_part =~ s/[0-9]+$//;
| 94 | (my $dhcp_start, my $dhcp_stop) = $DHCP{$interface} =~ /([0-9]+)\-([0-9]+)/i;
| 95 | $dhcp_start = $dhcp_part . $dhcp_start;
| 96 | $dhcp_stop = $dhcp_part . $dhcp_stop;
[7148] | 97 | $output .= "dhcp-range=$interface,$dhcp_start,$dhcp_stop,$subnet,24h\n\n";
[7123] | 98 | }
| 99 | else {
| 100 | $output .= "# not autoritive \n\n";
| 101 | };
| 102 | };
| 103 | };
| 104 |
| 105 | return($output);
| 106 | };
| 107 |
| 108 |
[6664] | 109 | sub dhcpd_conf {
| 110 | my $output = genHeader("#");
| 111 | $output .=
| 112 | "option domain-name \"$domain\";\n" .
| 113 | " \n" .
| 114 | "default-lease-time 7200;\n" .
| 115 | "max-lease-time 2592000;\n" .
| 116 | "\n" .
| 117 | "ddns-update-style none;\n" .
| 118 | "\n" .
| 119 | "# Hack for the WET11\n" .
| 120 | "#\n" .
| 121 | "always-broadcast on;\n" .
| 122 | "\n" .
| 123 | "option domain-name-servers ${master_ip};\n" .
| 124 | "\n";
| 125 |
| 126 | foreach my $interface (sort keys %config) {
| 127 | if( $interface =~ /^[a-z]+[0-9]+$/i ) {
| 128 | (my $ip, my $netmask) = split('/', $IP{$interface});
| 129 | my $subnet = IP::toSubnet($netmask);
| 130 | my $broadcast = IP::getBroadcastAddr($ip, $subnet);
| 131 | my $network = IP::getNetworkAddr($ip, $subnet);
| 132 |
| 133 | $output .=
| 134 | "# $interface $DESC{$interface}\n";
| 135 |
| 136 | if ( $DHCP{$interface} =~ /[0-9]+\-[0-9]+/i ) {
| 137 | my $dhcp_part = $ip;
| 138 | $dhcp_part =~ s/[0-9]+$//;
| 139 | (my $dhcp_start, my $dhcp_stop) = $DHCP{$interface} =~ /([0-9]+)\-([0-9]+)/i;
| 140 | $dhcp_start = $dhcp_part . $dhcp_start;
| 141 | $dhcp_stop = $dhcp_part . $dhcp_stop;
| 142 | $output .=
| 143 | "subnet $network netmask $subnet {\n" .
| 144 | " range $dhcp_start $dhcp_stop;\n" .
| 145 | " option broadcast-address $broadcast;\n" .
| 146 | " option subnet-mask $subnet;\n" .
| 147 | " option routers $ip;\n" .
| 148 | $DHCP_STATIC{$if} .
| 149 | "}\n" .
| 150 | "\n";
| 151 | }
| 152 | else {
| 153 | $output .=
| 154 | "subnet $network netmask $subnet {not authoritative; }\n" .
| 155 | "\n";
| 156 | };
| 157 | };
| 158 | };
| 159 |
| 160 | return($output);
| 161 | };
| 162 |
| 163 | sub named_conf {
| 164 | my $output = genHeader("#");
| 165 | $output .=
| 166 | "options {\n" .
| 167 | " directory \"/etc/namedb\"\;\n" .
| 168 | " pid-file \"/var/run/named/pid\"\;\n" .
| 169 | " forwarders {\n";
| 170 | foreach my $forward (@forwarder) {
| 171 | $output .= "$forward;\n";
| 172 | };
| 173 | $output .=
| 174 | " };\n" .
| 175 | "};\n" .
| 176 | "\n" .
| 177 | "\n" .
| 178 | "zone \"\.\" {\n" .
| 179 | " type hint;\n" .
| 180 | " file \"/etc/namedb/named.root\"\;\n" .
| 181 | "}\;\n" .
| 182 | "\n" .
| 183 | "zone \"0\.0\.127\.IN-ADDR.ARPA\" {\n" .
| 184 | " type master\;\n" .
| 185 | " file \"/etc/namedb/master/localhost.rev\"\;\n" .
| 186 | "}\;\n" .
| 187 | "\n" .
| 188 | "zone \"\" {\n" .
| 189 | " type master\;\n" .
| 190 | " file \"/etc/namedb/master/localhost-v6.rev\"\;\n" .
| 191 | "};\n" .
| 192 | "\n";
| 193 |
| 194 |
| 195 | foreach my $tmpZone (sort keys %zone) {
| 196 | my $dnsZone = $zone{$tmpZone};
| 197 | $output .=
| 198 | "zone \"$tmpZone\" {\n" .
| 199 | " type slave\;\n" .
| 200 | " file \"slave/slave-$tmpZone\"\;\n" .
| 201 | " masters {\n";
| 202 | foreach my $tmpIP (sort @$dnsZone) {
| 203 | $output .= " $tmpIP\;\n";
| 204 | };
| 205 | $output .=
| 206 | " };\n" .
| 207 | "};\n" .
| 208 | "\n";
| 209 | };
| 210 |
| 211 | return($output);
| 212 | };
| 213 |
| 214 |
| 215 |
[7452] | 216 | sub rc_conf_local {
[6664] | 217 | my $output = genHeader("#");
| 218 | my $masterNotUsed = master_ipNotUsed();
| 219 | $output.=
[7380] | 220 | "hostname=\"$nodename.$domain\"\n" .
[6664] | 221 | "location=\"$location\"\n" .
| 222 | "\n";
[7380] | 223 | if( $gateway ) {
| 224 | $output .=
| 225 | "defaultrouter='$gateway'\n"
| 226 | }
[6664] | 227 | if( $tproxy ) {
| 228 | if( $tproxy =~ m/\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+\/\d+/ ) {
| 229 | $output .=
| 230 | "# Tproxy is ran on this system\n".
| 231 | "tproxy_enable='YES'\n".
| 232 | "tproxy_range='$tproxy'\n".
| 233 | "\n";
| 234 | }
| 235 | elsif( $tproxy !~ m/no/i ) {
| 236 | $output .= "# WARNING - specification propably wrong - check " .
| 237 | "genesis. It should be a pure CIDR\n";
| 238 | };
| 239 | };
| 240 |
| 241 | $output .= "ifconfig_lo0_alias0=\"inet\"\n";
| 242 | if( $masterNotUsed ) {
| 243 | $output .= "ifconfig_lo0_alias1=\"inet $master_ip/32\"\n\n";
| 244 | }
| 245 | else {
| 246 | $output .= "#ifconfig_lo0_alias1=\"inet $master_ip/32\"\n\n";
| 247 | };
| 248 |
| 249 | foreach my $interface (sort keys %config) {
| 250 | (my $if, my $number) = split(/:/, $interface);
| 251 | if( defined $number ) {
| 252 | $output .= "ifconfig_$if\_alias$number=\"inet $IP{$interface}\"\n";
| 253 | }
| 254 | else {
| 255 | $output .= "ifconfig_$if=\"inet $IP{$interface}";
| 256 | $output .= " $CARD_OPTION{$interface}";
| 257 | if( $TYPE{$if} =~ /wireless/i ) {
[7036] | 258 | $output .= " ssid $ESSID{$interface}";
| 259 | if ( $SUBTYPE{$if} =~ /802.11a/i ) {
| 260 | $output .= " mode 11a";
| 261 | } elsif ( $SUBTYPE{$if} =~ /802.11g/i ) {
| 262 | $output .= " mode 11g";
| 263 | } else {
| 264 | # Default output
| 265 | $output .= " mode 11b";
| 266 | }
[6665] | 267 |
[6664] | 268 | if( $MODE{$if}=~/master/i ) {
| 269 | $output .= " channel $CHANNEL{$interface}";
| 270 | $output .= " mediaopt hostap";
| 271 | }
| 272 | else {
| 273 | $output .= "";
| 274 | };
| 275 | };
| 276 | $output .= "\"\n";
| 277 | };
| 278 | };
[7393] | 279 | $output .= "\n";
| 280 | $output .= "static_routes=\"wleiden\"\n";
| 281 | $output .= "route_wleiden=\"-net $internalroute\"\n";
[7410] | 282 |
| 283 | if( $proxyid ) {
| 284 | $output .= "\n";
| 285 | $output .= "sshtun_enable=\"YES\"\n";
[7468] | 286 | $output .= "sshtun_flags=\"-R 22$proxyid:localhost:22 -R 56$proxyid:localhost:5666\"\n";
[7410] | 287 | }
[7430] | 288 |
[6664] | 289 | return($output);
| 290 | };
| 291 |
| 292 |
| 293 | sub resolv_conf {
| 294 | my $output = genHeader"#";
| 295 |
[7380] | 296 | # $output .=
| 297 | # "search wleiden.net.\n" .
| 298 | # "# Try local (cache) first \n" .
| 299 | # "nameserver\n" .
| 300 | # "# Direct neighboors\n" .
| 301 | # "\n";
| 302 | #
| 303 | # foreach my $if (sort keys %config) {
| 304 | # if( exists $POINT_TO_POINT{$if} ) {
| 305 | # foreach my $ip ($POINT_TO_POINT{$if}) {
| 306 | # $output .= "nameserver $ip # $DESC{$if}\n";
| 307 | # };
| 308 | # };
| 309 | # };
| 310 | #
| 311 | # $output .=
| 312 | # "\n" .
| 313 | # "# Last resort/backup remote nameservers \n" .
| 314 | # "nameserver # proxy1\n" .
| 315 | # "nameserver # proxy2\n" .
| 316 | # "nameserver # proxy3\n" .
| 317 | # "nameserver # proxy4\n" .
| 318 | # "nameserver # proxy5\n";
[6664] | 319 |
[7076] | 320 | $output .=
[7396] | 321 | "nameserver # Google\n" .
| 322 | "nameserver # Google\n" .
[7380] | 323 | "search wirelessleiden.nl";
[7076] | 324 |
[6664] | 325 | return($output);
| 326 | };
| 327 |
| 328 |
| 329 | sub parse_config {
| 330 | my $workingfile = $_[0];
| 331 | do($workingfile) || die("Cann't open/parse $workingfile");
| 332 | foreach my $if (keys %config) {
| 333 | my $cfg=$config{$if};
| 334 | while ($cfg) {
| 335 | $cfg=~s/^([^\n\r]+)[\r\n]*//m;
| 336 | my $line=$1;
| 337 | $line=~s/\s*#.*//;
| 338 | if (((my $name, my $value)=split(/=/,$line)) eq 2) {
| 339 | my $doit="if (exists(\$$name\{\"$if\"\})) {\$$name\{\"$if\"\}.=\";$value\";} else {\$$name\{\"$if\"\}.=\"$value\";}";
| 340 | eval($doit);
| 341 | };
| 342 | $cfg=~s/[\r\n]*$//m;
| 343 | };
| 344 | };
| 345 | };
| 346 |
| 347 | sub authorized_keys {
| 348 | my $output = genHeader("#");
| 349 | if( -e "$global_keyPath" ) {
| 350 | open( GLOBAL, "$global_keyPath" ) || die ("Cann't open $global_keyPath");
| 351 | $output .= join("", <GLOBAL>);
| 352 | close( GLOBAL );
| 353 | }
| 354 | else {
| 355 | $output .= "# No $global_keyPath\n";
| 356 | };
| 357 |
| 358 | if( -e "$ndir/$nodetype$nodename/$ssh_file" ) {
| 359 | open( NODE, "$ndir/$nodetype$nodename/$ssh_file" ) || die ("Cann't open $home/$nodename/$ssh_file");
| 360 | $output .= join("", <NODE>);
| 361 | close( NODE );
| 362 | }
| 363 | else {
| 364 | $output .= "# No $ndir/$nodetype$nodename/$ssh_file\n";
| 365 | };
| 366 |
| 367 | return($output);
| 368 | };
| 369 |
| 370 | sub do_it {
| 371 | my $file = $_[0];
| 372 | my $body = "";
| 373 |
| 374 | $file =~ s/\./_/g;
| 375 | $body=&$file;
| 376 | return($body);
| 377 | };
| 378 |
| 379 | if( exists $ARGV[0] ) {
| 380 | if( exists $ARGV[1] ) {
| 381 | parse_config($ARGV[0]);
| 382 | print do_it($ARGV[1]);
| 383 | }
| 384 | else {
| 385 | print "Usage `perl wleiden.pl 'inputfile' 'outputfile'`\n";
| 386 | };
| 387 | };
| 388 |
| 389 | 1;