#!/usr/bin/env python # # vim:ts=2:et:sw=2:ai # Wireless Leiden configuration generator, based on yaml files' # # XXX: This should be rewritten to make use of the ipaddr.py library. # # Sample apache configuration (mind the AcceptPathInfo!) # ScriptAlias /wleiden/config /usr/local/www/genesis/tools/gformat.py # # Allow from all # AcceptPathInfo On # # # MUCH FASTER WILL IT BE with mod_wsgi, due to caches and avoiding loading all # the heavy template lifting all the time. # # WSGIDaemonProcess gformat threads=25 # WSGISocketPrefix run/wsgi # # # WSGIProcessGroup gformat # # WSGIScriptAlias /hello /var/www/cgi-bin/genesis/tools/gformat.py # # # Rick van der Zwet # # Hack to make the script directory is also threated as a module search path. import sys import os import re sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(__file__)) sys.path.append('/usr/local/bin') import cgi import cgitb import copy import glob import make_network_kml import math import rdnap import socket import string import subprocess import time import urlparse from pprint import pprint from collections import defaultdict try: import yaml except ImportError, e: print e print "[ERROR] Please install the python-yaml or devel/py-yaml package" exit(1) try: from yaml import CLoader as Loader from yaml import CDumper as Dumper except ImportError: from yaml import Loader, Dumper from jinja2 import Environment, Template def yesorno(value): return "YES" if bool(value) else "NO" env = Environment() env.filters['yesorno'] = yesorno def render_template(datadump, template): result = env.from_string(template).render(datadump) # Make it look pretty to the naked eye, as jinja templates are not so # friendly when it comes to whitespace formatting ## Remove extra whitespace at end of line lstrip() style. result = re.sub(r'\n[\ ]+','\n', result) ## Include only a single newline between an definition and a comment result = re.sub(r'(["\'])\n+([a-z]|\n#\n)',r'\1\n\2', result) ## Remove extra newlines after single comment result = re.sub(r'(#\n)\n+([a-z])',r'\1\2', result) return result import logging logging.basicConfig(format='# %(levelname)s: %(message)s' ) logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) if os.environ.has_key('CONFIGROOT'): NODE_DIR = os.environ['CONFIGROOT'] else: NODE_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) + '/../nodes' __version__ = '$Id: gformat.py 11624 2012-11-22 07:16:11Z rick $' files = [ 'authorized_keys', 'dnsmasq.conf', 'dhcpd.conf', 'rc.conf.local', 'resolv.conf', 'motd', 'ntp.conf', 'pf.hybrid.conf.local', 'wleiden.yaml', ] # Global variables uses OK = 10 DOWN = 20 UNKNOWN = 90 ileiden_proxies = [] normal_proxies = [] datadump_cache = {} interface_list_cache = {} rc_conf_local_cache = {} nameservers_cache = [] def clear_cache(): ''' Poor mans cache implementation ''' global datadump_cache, interface_list_cache, rc_conf_local_cache, ileiden_proxies, normal_proxies, nameservers_cache datadump_cache = {} interface_list_cache = {} rc_conf_local_cache = {} ileiden_proxies = [] normal_proxies = [] nameservers_cache = [] NO_DHCP = 0 DHCP_CLIENT = 10 DHCP_SERVER = 20 def dhcp_type(item): if not item.has_key('dhcp'): return NO_DHCP elif not item['dhcp']: return NO_DHCP elif item['dhcp'].lower() == 'client': return DHCP_CLIENT else: # Validation Checks begin,end = map(int,item['dhcp'].split('-')) if begin >= end: raise ValueError("DHCP Start >= DHCP End") return DHCP_SERVER def get_yaml(item,add_version_info=True): try: """ Get configuration yaml for 'item'""" if datadump_cache.has_key(item): return datadump_cache[item].copy() gfile = os.path.join(NODE_DIR,item,'wleiden.yaml') # Default values datadump = { 'autogen_revision' : 'NOTFOUND', 'autogen_gfile' : gfile, } f = open(gfile, 'r') datadump.update(yaml.load(f,Loader=Loader)) if datadump['nodetype'] == 'Hybrid': # Some values are defined implicitly if datadump.has_key('rdr_rules') and datadump['rdr_rules'] and not datadump.has_key('service_incoming_rdr'): datadump['service_incoming_rdr'] = True # Use some boring defaults defaults = { 'service_proxy_normal' : False, 'service_proxy_ileiden' : False, 'service_accesspoint' : True, 'service_incoming_rdr' : False, 'service_concentrator' : False, 'monitoring_group' : 'wleiden', } for (key,value) in defaults.iteritems(): if not datadump.has_key(key): datadump[key] = value f.close() # Sometimes getting version information is useless or harmfull, like in the pre-commit hooks if add_version_info: p = subprocess.Popen(['svn', 'info', datadump['autogen_gfile']], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) lines = p.communicate()[0].split('\n') if p.returncode == 0: for line in lines: if line: (key, value) = line.split(': ') datadump["autogen_" + key.lower().replace(' ','_')] = value # Preformat certain needed variables for formatting and push those into special object datadump['autogen_iface_keys'] = get_interface_keys(datadump) wlan_count=0 try: for key in datadump['autogen_iface_keys']: datadump[key]['autogen_ifbase'] = key.split('_')[1] if datadump[key]['type'] in ['11a', '11b', '11g', 'wireless']: datadump[key]['autogen_ifname'] = 'wlan%i' % wlan_count wlan_count += 1 else: datadump[key]['autogen_ifname'] = datadump[key]['autogen_ifbase'] except Exception as e: print "# Error while processing interface %s" % key raise dhcp_interfaces = [datadump[key]['autogen_ifname'] for key in datadump['autogen_iface_keys'] \ if dhcp_type(datadump[key]) == DHCP_SERVER] datadump['autogen_dhcp_interfaces'] = dhcp_interfaces datadump['autogen_item'] = item datadump['autogen_realname'] = get_realname(datadump) datadump['autogen_domain'] = datadump['domain'] if datadump.has_key('domain') else 'wleiden.net.' datadump['autogen_fqdn'] = datadump['autogen_realname'] + '.' + datadump['autogen_domain'] datadump_cache[item] = datadump.copy() except Exception as e: print "# Error while processing %s" % item raise return datadump def store_yaml(datadump, header=False): """ Store configuration yaml for 'item'""" item = datadump['autogen_item'] gfile = os.path.join(NODE_DIR,item,'wleiden.yaml') output = generate_wleiden_yaml(datadump, header) f = open(gfile, 'w') f.write(output) f.close() def network(ip): addr, mask = ip.split('/') # Not parsing of these folks please addr = parseaddr(addr) mask = int(mask) network = addr & ~((1 << (32 - mask)) - 1) return network def make_relations(datadumps=dict()): """ Process _ALL_ yaml files to get connection relations """ errors = [] poel = defaultdict(list) if not datadumps: for host in get_hostlist(): datadumps[host] = get_yaml(host) for host, datadump in datadumps.iteritems(): try: for iface_key in datadump['autogen_iface_keys']: net_addr = network(datadump[iface_key]['ip']) poel[net_addr] += [(host,datadump[iface_key])] except (KeyError, ValueError), e: errors.append("[FOUT] in '%s' interface '%s' (%s)" % (host,iface_key, e)) continue return (poel, errors) def valid_addr(addr): """ Show which address is valid in which are not """ return str(addr).startswith('172.') def get_system_list(prefix): return sorted([os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(x)) for x in glob.glob("%s/%s*/wleiden.yaml" % (NODE_DIR, prefix))]) get_hybridlist = lambda: get_system_list("Hybrid") get_nodelist = lambda: get_system_list("CNode") get_proxylist = lambda: get_system_list("Proxy") def get_hostlist(): """ Combined hosts and proxy list""" return get_nodelist() + get_proxylist() + get_hybridlist() def angle_between_points(lat1,lat2,long1,long2): """ Return Angle in radians between two GPS coordinates See: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3809179/angle-between-2-gps-coordinates """ dy = lat2 - lat1 dx = math.cos(lat1)*(long2 - long1) angle = math.atan2(dy,dx) return angle def angle_to_cd(angle): """ Return Dutch Cardinal Direction estimation in 'one digit' of radian angle """ # For easy conversion get positive degree degrees = math.degrees(angle) abs_degrees = 360 + degrees if degrees < 0 else degrees # Numbers can be confusing calculate from the 4 main directions p = 22.5 if abs_degrees < p: cd = "n" elif abs_degrees < (90 - p): cd = "no" elif abs_degrees < (90 + p): cd = "o" elif abs_degrees < (180 - p): cd = "zo" elif abs_degrees < (180 + p): cd = "z" elif abs_degrees < (270 - p): cd = "zw" elif abs_degrees < (270 + p): cd = "w" elif abs_degrees < (360 - p): cd = "nw" else: cd = "n" return cd def cd_between_hosts(hostA, hostB, datadumps): # Using RDNAP coordinates dx = float(int(datadumps[hostA]['rdnap_x']) - int(datadumps[hostB]['rdnap_x'])) * -1 dy = float(int(datadumps[hostA]['rdnap_y']) - int(datadumps[hostB]['rdnap_y'])) * -1 return angle_to_cd(math.atan2(dx,dy)) # GPS coordinates seems to fail somehow #latA = float(datadumps[hostA]['latitude']) #latB = float(datadumps[hostB]['latitude']) #lonA = float(datadumps[hostA]['longitude']) #lonB = float(datadumps[hostB]['longitude']) #return angle_to_cd(angle_between_points(latA, latB, lonA, lonB)) def generate_title(nodelist): """ Main overview page """ items = {'root' : "." } def fl(spaces, line): return (' ' * spaces) + line + '\n' output = """ Wireless leiden Configurator - GFormat
""" % items for node in nodelist: items['node'] = node output += fl(5, '') + fl(7,'' % items) for config in files: items['config'] = config output += fl(7,'' % items) output += fl(5, "") output += """

Wireless Leiden Configurator


""" % __version__ return output def generate_node(node): """ Print overview of all files available for node """ return "\n".join(files) def generate_node_overview(host): """ Print overview of all files available for node """ datadump = get_yaml(host) params = { 'host' : host } output = "Back to overview
" output += "

Available files:

" # Generate and connection listing output += "

Connected To:

" output += "

MOTD details:

" + generate_motd(datadump) + "
" output += "
Back to overview" return output def generate_header(datadump, ctag="#"): return """\ %(ctag)s %(ctag)s DO NOT EDIT - Automatically generated by 'gformat' %(ctag)s Generated at %(date)s by %(host)s from r%(revision)s %(ctag)s """ % { 'ctag' : ctag, 'date' : time.ctime(), 'host' : socket.gethostname(), 'revision' : datadump['autogen_revision'] } def parseaddr(s): """ Process IPv4 CIDR notation addr to a (binary) number """ f = s.split('.') return (long(f[0]) << 24L) + \ (long(f[1]) << 16L) + \ (long(f[2]) << 8L) + \ long(f[3]) def showaddr(a): """ Display IPv4 addr in (dotted) CIDR notation """ return "%d.%d.%d.%d" % ((a >> 24) & 0xff, (a >> 16) & 0xff, (a >> 8) & 0xff, a & 0xff) def is_member(ip, mask, canidate): """ Return True if canidate is part of ip/mask block""" ip_addr = parseaddr(ip) ip_canidate = parseaddr(canidate) mask = int(mask) ip_addr = ip_addr & ~((1 << (32 - mask)) - 1) ip_canidate = ip_canidate & ~((1 << (32 - mask)) - 1) return ip_addr == ip_canidate def cidr2netmask(netmask): """ Given a 'netmask' return corresponding CIDR """ return showaddr(0xffffffff & (0xffffffff << (32 - int(netmask)))) def get_network(addr, mask): return showaddr(parseaddr(addr) & ~((1 << (32 - int(mask))) - 1)) def generate_dhcpd_conf(datadump): """ Generate config file '/usr/local/etc/dhcpd.conf """ output = generate_header(datadump) output += Template("""\ # option definitions common to all supported networks... option domain-name "dhcp.{{ autogen_fqdn }}"; default-lease-time 600; max-lease-time 7200; # Use this to enble / disable dynamic dns updates globally. #ddns-update-style none; # If this DHCP server is the official DHCP server for the local # network, the authoritative directive should be uncommented. authoritative; # Use this to send dhcp log messages to a different log file (you also # have to hack syslog.conf to complete the redirection). log-facility local7; # # Interface definitions # \n""").render(datadump) dhcp_out = defaultdict(list) for iface_key in datadump['autogen_iface_keys']: ifname = datadump[iface_key]['autogen_ifname'] if not datadump[iface_key].has_key('comment'): datadump[iface_key]['comment'] = None dhcp_out[ifname].append(" ## %(autogen_ifname)s - %(comment)s\n" % datadump[iface_key]) (addr, mask) = datadump[iface_key]['ip'].split('/') datadump[iface_key]['autogen_addr'] = addr datadump[iface_key]['autogen_netmask'] = cidr2netmask(mask) datadump[iface_key]['autogen_subnet'] = get_network(addr, mask) if dhcp_type(datadump[iface_key]) != DHCP_SERVER: dhcp_out[ifname].append(" subnet %(autogen_subnet)s netmask %(autogen_netmask)s {\n ### not autoritive\n }\n" % \ datadump[iface_key]) continue (dhcp_start, dhcp_stop) = datadump[iface_key]['dhcp'].split('-') dhcp_part = ".".join(addr.split('.')[0:3]) datadump[iface_key]['autogen_dhcp_start'] = dhcp_part + "." + dhcp_start datadump[iface_key]['autogen_dhcp_stop'] = dhcp_part + "." + dhcp_stop dhcp_out[ifname].append("""\ subnet %(autogen_subnet)s netmask %(autogen_netmask)s { range %(autogen_dhcp_start)s %(autogen_dhcp_stop)s; option routers %(autogen_addr)s; option domain-name-servers %(autogen_addr)s; } """ % datadump[iface_key]) for ifname,value in dhcp_out.iteritems(): output += ("shared-network %s {\n" % ifname) + ''.join(value) + '}\n\n' return output def generate_dnsmasq_conf(datadump): """ Generate configuration file '/usr/local/etc/dnsmasq.conf' """ output = generate_header(datadump) output += Template("""\ # DHCP server options dhcp-authoritative dhcp-fqdn domain=dhcp.{{ autogen_fqdn }} domain-needed expand-hosts log-async=100 # Low memory footprint cache-size=10000 \n""").render(datadump) for iface_key in datadump['autogen_iface_keys']: if not datadump[iface_key].has_key('comment'): datadump[iface_key]['comment'] = None output += "## %(autogen_ifname)s - %(comment)s\n" % datadump[iface_key] if dhcp_type(datadump[iface_key]) != DHCP_SERVER: output += "# not autoritive\n\n" continue (dhcp_start, dhcp_stop) = datadump[iface_key]['dhcp'].split('-') (ip, cidr) = datadump[iface_key]['ip'].split('/') datadump[iface_key]['autogen_netmask'] = cidr2netmask(cidr) dhcp_part = ".".join(ip.split('.')[0:3]) datadump[iface_key]['autogen_dhcp_start'] = dhcp_part + "." + dhcp_start datadump[iface_key]['autogen_dhcp_stop'] = dhcp_part + "." + dhcp_stop output += "dhcp-range=%(autogen_ifname)s,%(autogen_dhcp_start)s,%(autogen_dhcp_stop)s,%(autogen_netmask)s,24h\n\n" % datadump[iface_key] return output def make_interface_list(datadump): if interface_list_cache.has_key(datadump['autogen_item']): return (interface_list_cache[datadump['autogen_item']]) # lo0 configuration: # - is the proxy.wleiden.net deflector # - masterip is special as it needs to be assigned to at # least one interface, so if not used assign to lo0 addrs_list = { 'lo0' : [("", "LocalHost"), ("","Proxy IP")] } dhclient_if = {'lo0' : False} # XXX: Find some way of send this output nicely output = '' masterip_used = False for iface_key in datadump['autogen_iface_keys']: if datadump[iface_key]['ip'].startswith(datadump['masterip']): masterip_used = True break if not masterip_used: addrs_list['lo0'].append((datadump['masterip'] + "/32", 'Master IP Not used in interface')) for iface_key in datadump['autogen_iface_keys']: ifacedump = datadump[iface_key] ifname = ifacedump['autogen_ifname'] # Flag dhclient is possible dhclient_if[ifname] = dhcp_type(ifacedump) == DHCP_CLIENT # Add interface IP to list item = (ifacedump['ip'], ifacedump['comment']) if addrs_list.has_key(ifname): addrs_list[ifname].append(item) else: addrs_list[ifname] = [item] # Alias only needs IP assignment for now, this might change if we # are going to use virtual accesspoints if "alias" in iface_key: continue # XXX: Might want to deduct type directly from interface name if ifacedump['type'] in ['11a', '11b', '11g', 'wireless']: # Default to station (client) mode ifacedump['autogen_wlanmode'] = "sta" if ifacedump['mode'] in ['master', 'master-wds', 'ap', 'ap-wds']: ifacedump['autogen_wlanmode'] = "ap" # Default to 802.11b mode ifacedump['mode'] = '11b' if ifacedump['type'] in ['11a', '11b' '11g']: ifacedump['mode'] = ifacedump['type'] if not ifacedump.has_key('channel'): if ifacedump['type'] == '11a': ifacedump['channel'] = 36 else: ifacedump['channel'] = 1 # Allow special hacks at the back like wds and stuff if not ifacedump.has_key('extra'): ifacedump['autogen_extra'] = 'regdomain ETSI country NL' else: ifacedump['autogen_extra'] = ifacedump['extra'] output += "wlans_%(autogen_ifbase)s='%(autogen_ifname)s'\n" % ifacedump output += ("create_args_%(autogen_ifname)s='wlanmode %(autogen_wlanmode)s mode " +\ "%(mode)s ssid %(ssid)s %(autogen_extra)s channel %(channel)s'\n") % ifacedump elif ifacedump['type'] in ['ethernet', 'eth']: # No special config needed besides IP pass else: assert False, "Unknown type " + ifacedump['type'] store = (addrs_list, dhclient_if, output) interface_list_cache[datadump['autogen_item']] = store return(store) def generate_rc_conf_local(datadump): """ Generate configuration file '/etc/rc.conf.local' """ item = datadump['autogen_item'] if rc_conf_local_cache.has_key(item): return rc_conf_local_cache[item] if not datadump.has_key('ileiden'): datadump['autogen_ileiden_enable'] = False else: datadump['autogen_ileiden_enable'] = datadump['ileiden'] datadump['autogen_ileiden_enable'] = switchFormat(datadump['autogen_ileiden_enable']) if not ileiden_proxies or not normal_proxies: for proxy in get_proxylist(): proxydump = get_yaml(proxy) if proxydump['ileiden']: ileiden_proxies.append(proxydump) else: normal_proxies.append(proxydump) for host in get_hybridlist(): hostdump = get_yaml(host) if hostdump['service_proxy_ileiden']: ileiden_proxies.append(hostdump) if hostdump['service_proxy_normal']: normal_proxies.append(hostdump) datadump['autogen_ileiden_proxies'] = ileiden_proxies datadump['autogen_normal_proxies'] = normal_proxies datadump['autogen_ileiden_proxies_ips'] = ','.join([x['masterip'] for x in ileiden_proxies]) datadump['autogen_ileiden_proxies_names'] = ','.join([x['autogen_item'] for x in ileiden_proxies]) datadump['autogen_normal_proxies_ips'] = ','.join([x['masterip'] for x in normal_proxies]) datadump['autogen_normal_proxies_names'] = ','.join([x['autogen_item'] for x in normal_proxies]) output = generate_header(datadump, "#"); output += render_template(datadump, """\ hostname='{{ autogen_fqdn }}' location='{{ location }}' nodetype="{{ nodetype }}" # # Configured listings # captive_portal_whitelist="" {% if nodetype == "Proxy" %} # # Proxy Configuration # {% if gateway -%} defaultrouter="{{ gateway }}" {% else -%} #defaultrouter="NOTSET" {% endif -%} internalif="{{ internalif }}" ileiden_enable="{{ autogen_ileiden_enable }}" gateway_enable="{{ autogen_ileiden_enable }}" pf_enable="yes" pf_rules="/etc/pf.conf" {% if autogen_ileiden_enable -%} pf_flags="-D ext_if={{ externalif }} -D int_if={{ internalif }} -D publicnat={80,443}" lvrouted_enable="{{ autogen_ileiden_enable }}" lvrouted_flags="-u -s s00p3rs3kr3t -m 28" {% else -%} pf_flags="-D ext_if={{ externalif }} -D int_if={{ internalif }} -D publicnat={0}" {% endif -%} {% if internalroute -%} static_routes="wleiden" route_wleiden="-net {{ internalroute }}" {% endif -%} {% elif nodetype == "Hybrid" %} # # Hybrid Configuration # list_ileiden_proxies=" {% for item in autogen_ileiden_proxies -%} {{ "%-16s"|format(item.masterip) }} # {{ item.autogen_realname }} {% endfor -%} " list_normal_proxies=" {% for item in autogen_normal_proxies -%} {{ "%-16s"|format(item.masterip) }} # {{ item.autogen_realname }} {% endfor -%} " captive_portal_interfaces="{{ autogen_dhcp_interfaces|join(',')|default('none', true) }}" externalif="{{ externalif|default('vr0', true) }}" masterip="{{ masterip }}" # Defined services service_proxy_ileiden="{{ service_proxy_ileiden|yesorno }}" service_proxy_normal="{{ service_proxy_normal|yesorno }}" service_accesspoint="{{ service_accesspoint|yesorno }}" service_incoming_rdr="{{ service_incoming_rdr|yesorno }}" service_concentrator="{{ service_concentrator|yesorno }}" # {% if service_proxy_ileiden %} pf_rules="/etc/pf.hybrid.conf" {% if service_concentrator %} pf_flags="-D ext_if=$externalif -D ext_if_net=$externalif:network -D inet_if=tun0 -D inet_ip='(tun0)' -D masterip=$masterip" {% else %} pf_flags="-D ext_if=$externalif -D ext_if_net=$externalif:network -D inet_if=$externalif -D inet_ip='($externalif:0)' -D masterip=$masterip" {% endif %} pf_flags="$pf_flags -D publicnat=80,443" {% elif service_proxy_normal or service_incoming_rdr %} pf_rules="/etc/pf.hybrid.conf" pf_flags="-D ext_if=$externalif -D ext_if_net=$externalif:network -D masterip=$masterip" pf_flags="$pf_flags -D publicnat=0" lvrouted_flags="$lvrouted_flags -z `make_list "$list_ileiden_proxies" ","`" named_setfib="1" tinyproxy_setfib="1" dnsmasq_setfib="1" sshd_setfib="1" {% else %} named_auto_forward_only="YES" pf_rules="/etc/pf.node.conf" pf_flags="" lvrouted_flags="$lvrouted_flags -z `make_list "$list_ileiden_proxies" ","`" {% endif %} {% if service_concentrator %} # Do mind installing certificates is NOT done automatically for security reasons openvpn_enable="YES" openvpn_configfile="/usr/local/etc/openvpn/client.conf" {% endif %} {% if service_proxy_normal %} tinyproxy_enable="yes" {% else %} pen_wrapper_enable="yes" {% endif %} {% if service_accesspoint %} pf_flags="$pf_flags -D captive_portal_interfaces=$captive_portal_interfaces" {% endif %} {% if board == "ALIX2" %} # # ''Fat'' configuration, board has 256MB RAM # dnsmasq_enable="NO" named_enable="YES" {% if autogen_dhcp_interfaces -%} dhcpd_enable="YES" dhcpd_flags="$dhcpd_flags {{ autogen_dhcp_interfaces|join(' ') }}" {% endif -%} {% endif -%} {% if gateway %} defaultrouter="{{ gateway }}" {% endif %} {% elif nodetype == "CNode" %} # # NODE iLeiden Configuration # # iLeiden Proxies {{ autogen_ileiden_proxies_names }} list_ileiden_proxies="{{ autogen_ileiden_proxies_ips }}" # normal Proxies {{ autogen_normal_proxies_names }} list_normal_proxies="{{ autogen_normal_proxies_ips }}" captive_portal_interfaces="{{ autogen_dhcp_interfaces|join(',') }}" lvrouted_flags="-u -s s00p3rs3kr3t -m 28 -z $list_ileiden_proxies" {% endif %} # # Interface definitions #\n """) (addrs_list, dhclient_if, extra_ouput) = make_interface_list(datadump) output += extra_ouput # Print IP address which needs to be assigned over here output += "\n" for iface,addrs in sorted(addrs_list.iteritems()): for addr, comment in sorted(addrs,key=lambda x: parseaddr(x[0].split('/')[0])): output += "# %s || %s || %s\n" % (iface, addr, comment) # Write DHCLIENT entry if dhclient_if[iface]: output += "ifconfig_%s='SYNCDHCP'\n\n" % (iface) else: # Make sure the external address is always first as this is needed in the # firewall setup addrs = sorted(addrs,key=lambda x: x[0].split('.')[0], cmp=lambda x,y: cmp(1 if x == '172' else 0, 1 if y == '172' else 0)) output += "ipv4_addrs_%s='%s'\n\n" % (iface, " ".join([x[0] for x in addrs])) rc_conf_local_cache[datadump['autogen_item']] = output return output def get_all_configs(): """ Get dict with key 'host' with all configs present """ configs = dict() for host in get_hostlist(): datadump = get_yaml(host) configs[host] = datadump return configs def get_interface_keys(config): """ Quick hack to get all interface keys, later stage convert this to a iterator """ return sorted([elem for elem in config.keys() if (elem.startswith('iface_') and not "lo0" in elem)]) def get_used_ips(configs): """ Return array of all IPs used in config files""" ip_list = [] for config in configs: ip_list.append(config['masterip']) for iface_key in get_interface_keys(config): l = config[iface_key]['ip'] addr, mask = l.split('/') # Special case do not process if valid_addr(addr): ip_list.append(addr) else: logger.error("## IP '%s' in '%s' not valid" % (addr, config['nodename'])) return sorted(ip_list) def get_nameservers(max_servers=None): if nameservers_cache: return nameservers_cache[0:max_servers] for host in get_hybridlist(): hostdump = get_yaml(host) if hostdump['status'] == 'up' and (hostdump['service_proxy_ileiden'] or hostdump['service_proxy_normal']): nameservers_cache.append((hostdump['masterip'], hostdump['autogen_realname'])) for host in get_proxylist(): hostdump = get_yaml(host) if hostdump['status'] == 'up': nameservers_cache.append((hostdump['masterip'], hostdump['autogen_realname'])) return nameservers_cache[0:max_servers] def generate_resolv_conf(datadump): """ Generate configuration file '/etc/resolv.conf' """ # XXX: This should properly going to be an datastructure soon datadump['autogen_header'] = generate_header(datadump, "#") datadump['autogen_edge_nameservers'] = '' for masterip,realname in get_nameservers(): datadump['autogen_edge_nameservers'] += "nameserver %-15s # %s\n" % (masterip, realname) return Template("""\ {{ autogen_header }} search wleiden.net # Try local (cache) first nameserver {% if service_proxy_normal or service_proxy_ileiden or nodetype == 'Proxy' -%} nameserver # Google Public NameServer nameserver # Google Public NameServer {% else -%} # START DYNAMIC LIST - updated by /tools/nameserver-shuffle {{ autogen_edge_nameservers }} {% endif -%} """).render(datadump) def generate_ntp_conf(datadump): """ Generate configuration file '/etc/ntp.conf' """ # XXX: This should properly going to be an datastructure soon datadump['autogen_header'] = generate_header(datadump, "#") datadump['autogen_ntp_servers'] = '' for host in get_proxylist(): hostdump = get_yaml(host) datadump['autogen_ntp_servers'] += "server %(masterip)-15s iburst maxpoll 9 # %(autogen_realname)s\n" % hostdump for host in get_hybridlist(): hostdump = get_yaml(host) if hostdump['service_proxy_ileiden'] or hostdump['service_proxy_normal']: datadump['autogen_ntp_servers'] += "server %(masterip)-15s iburst maxpoll 9 # %(autogen_realname)s\n" % hostdump return Template("""\ {{ autogen_header }} {% if service_proxy_normal or service_proxy_ileiden or nodetype == 'Proxy' -%} # Machine hooked to internet. server 0.nl.pool.ntp.org iburst maxpoll 9 server 1.nl.pool.ntp.org iburst maxpoll 9 server 2.nl.pool.ntp.org iburst maxpoll 9 server 3.nl.pool.ntp.org iburst maxpoll 9 {% else -%} # Local Wireless Leiden NTP Servers. server 0.pool.ntp.wleiden.net iburst maxpoll 9 server 1.pool.ntp.wleiden.net iburst maxpoll 9 server 2.pool.ntp.wleiden.net iburst maxpoll 9 server 3.pool.ntp.wleiden.net iburst maxpoll 9 # All the configured NTP servers {{ autogen_ntp_servers }} {% endif %} # If a server loses sync with all upstream servers, NTP clients # no longer follow that server. The local clock can be configured # to provide a time source when this happens, but it should usually # be configured on just one server on a network. For more details see # http://support.ntp.org/bin/view/Support/UndisciplinedLocalClock # The use of Orphan Mode may be preferable. # server fudge stratum 10 """).render(datadump) def generate_pf_hybrid_conf_local(datadump): """ Generate configuration file '/etc/pf.hybrid.conf.local' """ datadump['autogen_header'] = generate_header(datadump, "#") return Template("""\ {{ autogen_header }} # Redirect some internal facing services outside (7) # INFO: {{ rdr_rules|count }} rdr_rules (outside to internal redirect rules) defined. {% for protocol, src_port,dest_ip,dest_port in rdr_rules -%} rdr on $ext_if inet proto {{ protocol }} from any to $ext_if port {{ src_port }} tag SRV -> {{ dest_ip }} port {{ dest_port }} {% endfor -%} """).render(datadump) def generate_motd(datadump): """ Generate configuration file '/etc/motd' """ output = Template("""\ FreeBSD run ``service motd onestart'' to make me look normal WWW: {{ autogen_fqdn }} - http://www.wirelessleiden.nl Loc: {{ location }} Services: {% if board == "ALIX2" -%} {{" -"}} Core Node ({{ board }}) {% else -%} {{" -"}} Hulp Node ({{ board }}) {% endif -%} {% if service_proxy_normal -%} {{" -"}} Normal Proxy {% endif -%} {% if service_proxy_ileiden -%} {{" -"}} iLeiden Proxy {% endif -%} {% if service_incoming_rdr -%} {{" -"}} Incoming port redirects {% endif %} Interlinks:\n """).render(datadump) (addrs_list, dhclient_if, extra_ouput) = make_interface_list(datadump) # Just nasty hack to make the formatting looks nice iface_len = max(map(len,addrs_list.keys())) addr_len = max(map(len,[x[0] for x in [x[0] for x in addrs_list.values()]])) for iface,addrs in sorted(addrs_list.iteritems()): if iface in ['lo0']: continue for addr, comment in sorted(addrs,key=lambda x: parseaddr(x[0].split('/')[0])): output += " - %s || %s || %s\n" % (iface.ljust(iface_len), addr.ljust(addr_len), comment) output += '\n' output += """\ Attached bridges: """ has_item = False for iface_key in datadump['autogen_iface_keys']: ifacedump = datadump[iface_key] if ifacedump.has_key('ns_ip'): has_item = True output += " - %(autogen_ifname)s || %(mode)s || %(ns_ip)s\n" % ifacedump if not has_item: output += " - none\n" return output def format_yaml_value(value): """ Get yaml value in right syntax for outputting """ if isinstance(value,str): output = '"%s"' % value else: output = value return output def format_wleiden_yaml(datadump): """ Special formatting to ensure it is editable""" output = "# Genesis config yaml style\n" output += "# vim:ts=2:et:sw=2:ai\n" output += "#\n" iface_keys = [elem for elem in datadump.keys() if elem.startswith('iface_')] for key in sorted(set(datadump.keys()) - set(iface_keys)): if key == 'rdr_rules': output += '%-10s:\n' % 'rdr_rules' for rdr_rule in datadump[key]: output += '- %s\n' % rdr_rule else: output += "%-10s: %s\n" % (key, format_yaml_value(datadump[key])) output += "\n\n" # Format (key, required) key_order = ( ('comment', True), ('ip', True), ('desc', True), ('sdesc', True), ('mode', True), ('type', True), ('extra_type', False), ('channel', False), ('ssid', False), ('dhcp', True), ('compass', False), ('distance', False), ('ns_ip', False), ('bullet2_ip', False), ('ns_mac', False), ('bullet2_mac', False), ('ns_type', False), ('bridge_type', False), ('status', True), ) for iface_key in sorted(iface_keys): try: remainder = set(datadump[iface_key].keys()) - set([x[0] for x in key_order]) if remainder: raise KeyError("invalid keys: %s" % remainder) output += "%s:\n" % iface_key for key,required in key_order: if datadump[iface_key].has_key(key): output += " %-11s: %s\n" % (key, format_yaml_value(datadump[iface_key][key])) output += "\n\n" except Exception as e: print "# Error while processing interface %s" % iface_key raise return output def generate_wleiden_yaml(datadump, header=True): """ Generate (petty) version of wleiden.yaml""" output = generate_header(datadump, "#") if header else '' for key in datadump.keys(): if key.startswith('autogen_'): del datadump[key] # Interface autogen cleanups elif type(datadump[key]) == dict: for key2 in datadump[key].keys(): if key2.startswith('autogen_'): del datadump[key][key2] output += format_wleiden_yaml(datadump) return output def generate_yaml(datadump): return generate_config(datadump['nodename'], "wleiden.yaml", datadump) def generate_config(node, config, datadump=None): """ Print configuration file 'config' of 'node' """ output = "" try: # Load config file if datadump == None: datadump = get_yaml(node) if config == 'wleiden.yaml': output += generate_wleiden_yaml(datadump) elif config == 'authorized_keys': f = open(os.path.join(NODE_DIR,"global_keys"), 'r') output += f.read() f.close() elif config == 'dnsmasq.conf': output += generate_dnsmasq_conf(datadump) elif config == 'dhcpd.conf': output += generate_dhcpd_conf(datadump) elif config == 'rc.conf.local': output += generate_rc_conf_local(datadump) elif config == 'resolv.conf': output += generate_resolv_conf(datadump) elif config == 'ntp.conf': output += generate_ntp_conf(datadump) elif config == 'motd': output += generate_motd(datadump) elif config == 'pf.hybrid.conf.local': output += generate_pf_hybrid_conf_local(datadump) else: assert False, "Config not found!" except IOError, e: output += "[ERROR] Config file not found" return output def process_cgi_request(environ=os.environ): """ When calling from CGI """ response_headers = [] content_type = 'text/plain' # Update repository if requested form = urlparse.parse_qs(environ['QUERY_STRING']) if environ.has_key('QUERY_STRING') else None if form and form.has_key("action") and "update" in form["action"]: output = "[INFO] Updating subverion, please wait...\n" output += subprocess.Popen(['svn', 'cleanup', "%s/.." % NODE_DIR], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] output += subprocess.Popen(['svn', 'up', "%s/.." % NODE_DIR], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] output += "[INFO] All done, redirecting in 5 seconds" response_headers += [ ('Refresh', '5; url=.'), ] reload_cache() else: base_uri = environ['PATH_INFO'] uri = base_uri.strip('/').split('/') output = "Template Holder" if base_uri.endswith('/create/network.kml'): content_type='application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml' output = make_network_kml.make_graph() elif base_uri.endswith('/api/get/nodeplanner.json'): content_type='application/json' output = make_network_kml.make_nodeplanner_json() elif not uri[0]: if is_text_request(environ): output = '\n'.join(get_hostlist()) else: content_type = 'text/html' output = generate_title(get_hostlist()) elif len(uri) == 1: if is_text_request(environ): output = generate_node(uri[0]) else: content_type = 'text/html' output = generate_node_overview(uri[0]) elif len(uri) == 2: output = generate_config(uri[0], uri[1]) else: assert False, "Invalid option" # Return response response_headers += [ ('Content-type', content_type), ('Content-Length', str(len(output))), ] return(response_headers, str(output)) def get_realname(datadump): # Proxy naming convention is special, as the proxy name is also included in # the nodename, when it comes to the numbered proxies. if datadump['nodetype'] == 'Proxy': realname = datadump['nodetype'] + datadump['nodename'].replace('proxy','') else: # By default the full name is listed and also a shortname CNAME for easy use. realname = datadump['nodetype'] + datadump['nodename'] return(realname) def make_dns(output_dir = 'dns', external = False): items = dict() # hostname is key, IP is value wleiden_zone = defaultdict(list) wleiden_cname = dict() pool = dict() for node in get_hostlist(): datadump = get_yaml(node) # Proxy naming convention is special fqdn = datadump['autogen_realname'] if datadump['nodetype'] in ['CNode', 'Hybrid']: wleiden_cname[datadump['nodename']] = fqdn if datadump.has_key('rdr_host'): remote_target = datadump['rdr_host'] elif datadump.has_key('remote_access') and datadump['remote_access']: remote_target = datadump['remote_access'].split(':')[0] else: remote_target = None if remote_target: try: parseaddr(remote_target) wleiden_zone[datadump['nodename'] + '.gw'].append((remote_target, False)) except (IndexError, ValueError): wleiden_cname[datadump['nodename'] + '.gw'] = remote_target + '.' wleiden_zone[fqdn].append((datadump['masterip'], True)) # Hacking to get proper DHCP IPs and hostnames for iface_key in get_interface_keys(datadump): iface_name = iface_key.replace('_','-') (ip, cidr) = datadump[iface_key]['ip'].split('/') try: (dhcp_start, dhcp_stop) = datadump[iface_key]['dhcp'].split('-') datadump[iface_key]['autogen_netmask'] = cidr2netmask(cidr) dhcp_part = ".".join(ip.split('.')[0:3]) if ip != datadump['masterip']: wleiden_zone["dhcp-gateway-%s.%s" % (iface_name, fqdn)].append((ip, False)) for i in range(int(dhcp_start), int(dhcp_stop) + 1): wleiden_zone["dhcp-%s-%s.%s" % (i, iface_name, fqdn)].append(("%s.%s" % (dhcp_part, i), True)) except (AttributeError, ValueError, KeyError): # First push it into a pool, to indentify the counter-part later on addr = parseaddr(ip) cidr = int(cidr) addr = addr & ~((1 << (32 - cidr)) - 1) if pool.has_key(addr): pool[addr] += [(iface_name, fqdn, ip)] else: pool[addr] = [(iface_name, fqdn, ip)] continue # WL uses an /29 to configure an interface. IP's are ordered like this: # MasterA (.1) -- DeviceA (.2) <<>> DeviceB (.3) --- SlaveB (.4) sn = lambda x: re.sub(r'(?i)^cnode','',x) # Automatic naming convention of interlinks namely 2 + remote.lower() for (key,value) in pool.iteritems(): # Make sure they are sorted from low-ip to high-ip value = sorted(value, key=lambda x: parseaddr(x[2])) if len(value) == 1: (iface_name, fqdn, ip) = value[0] wleiden_zone["2unused-%s.%s" % (iface_name, fqdn)].append((ip, True)) # Device DNS names if 'cnode' in fqdn.lower(): wleiden_zone["d-at-%s.%s" % (iface_name, fqdn)].append((showaddr(parseaddr(ip) + 1), False)) wleiden_cname["d-at-%s.%s" % (iface_name,sn(fqdn))] = "d-at-%s.%s" % ((iface_name, fqdn)) elif len(value) == 2: (a_iface_name, a_fqdn, a_ip) = value[0] (b_iface_name, b_fqdn, b_ip) = value[1] wleiden_zone["2%s.%s" % (b_fqdn,a_fqdn)].append((a_ip, True)) wleiden_zone["2%s.%s" % (a_fqdn,b_fqdn)].append((b_ip, True)) # Device DNS names if 'cnode' in a_fqdn.lower() and 'cnode' in b_fqdn.lower(): wleiden_zone["d-at-%s.%s" % (a_iface_name, a_fqdn)].append((showaddr(parseaddr(a_ip) + 1), False)) wleiden_zone["d-at-%s.%s" % (b_iface_name, b_fqdn)].append((showaddr(parseaddr(b_ip) - 1), False)) wleiden_cname["d-at-%s.%s" % (a_iface_name,sn(a_fqdn))] = "d-at-%s.%s" % (a_iface_name, a_fqdn) wleiden_cname["d-at-%s.%s" % (b_iface_name,sn(b_fqdn))] = "d-at-%s.%s" % (b_iface_name, b_fqdn) wleiden_cname["d2%s.%s" % (sn(b_fqdn),sn(a_fqdn))] = "d-at-%s.%s" % (a_iface_name, a_fqdn) wleiden_cname["d2%s.%s" % (sn(a_fqdn),sn(b_fqdn))] = "d-at-%s.%s" % (b_iface_name, b_fqdn) else: pool_members = [k[1] for k in value] for item in value: (iface_name, fqdn, ip) = item wleiden_zone["2ring.%s" % (fqdn)].append((ip, True)) # Include static DNS entries # XXX: Should they override the autogenerated results? # XXX: Convert input to yaml more useable. # Format: ##; this is a comment ## roomburgh=CNodeRoomburgh1 ## apkerk1.CNodeVosko= ;this as well dns_list = yaml.load(open(os.path.join(NODE_DIR,'../dns/staticDNS.yaml'),'r')) # Hack to allow special entries, for development wleiden_raw = {} for line in dns_list: reverse = False k, items = line.items()[0] if type(items) == dict: if items.has_key('reverse'): reverse = items['reverse'] items = items['a'] else: items = items['cname'] items = [items] if type(items) != list else items for item in items: if item.startswith('IN '): wleiden_raw[k] = item elif valid_addr(item): wleiden_zone[k].append((item, reverse)) else: wleiden_cname[k] = item # Hack to get dynamic pool listing def chunks(l, n): return [l[i:i+n] for i in range(0, len(l), n)] ntp_servers = [x[0] for x in get_nameservers()] for id, chunk in enumerate(chunks(ntp_servers,(len(ntp_servers)/4))): for ntp_server in chunk: wleiden_zone['%i.pool.ntp' % id].append((ntp_server, False)) details = dict() # 24 updates a day allowed details['serial'] = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H') if external: dns_masters = ['siteview.wirelessleiden.nl', 'ns1.vanderzwet.net'] else: dns_masters = ['sunny.wleiden.net'] + ["%s.wleiden.net" % x[1] for x in get_nameservers(max_servers=3)] details['master'] = dns_masters[0] details['ns_servers'] = '\n'.join(['\tNS\t%s.' % x for x in dns_masters]) dns_header = ''' $TTL 3h %(zone)s. SOA %(master)s. beheer.lijst.wirelessleiden.nl. ( %(serial)s 1d 12h 1w 60s ) ; Serial, Refresh, Retry, Expire, Neg. cache TTL %(ns_servers)s \n''' if not os.path.isdir(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) details['zone'] = 'wleiden.net' f = open(os.path.join(output_dir,"db." + details['zone']), "w") f.write(dns_header % details) for host,items in wleiden_zone.iteritems(): for ip,reverse in items: if ip not in ['']: f.write("%s.wleiden.net. IN A %s \n" % (host.lower(), ip)) for source,dest in wleiden_cname.iteritems(): dest = dest if dest.endswith('.') else dest + ".wleiden.net." f.write("%s.wleiden.net. IN CNAME %s\n" % (source.lower(), dest.lower())) for source, dest in wleiden_raw.iteritems(): f.write("%s.wleiden.net. %s\n" % (source, dest)) f.close() # Create whole bunch of specific sub arpa zones. To keep it compliant for s in range(16,32): details['zone'] = '%i.172.in-addr.arpa' % s f = open(os.path.join(output_dir,"db." + details['zone']), "w") f.write(dns_header % details) #XXX: Not effient, fix to proper data structure and do checks at other # stages for host,items in wleiden_zone.iteritems(): for ip,reverse in items: if not reverse: continue if valid_addr(ip): if valid_addr(ip): if int(ip.split('.')[1]) == s: rev_ip = '.'.join(reversed(ip.split('.'))) f.write("%s.in-addr.arpa. IN PTR %s.wleiden.net.\n" % (rev_ip.lower(), host.lower())) f.close() def usage(): print """Usage: %(prog)s Argument: \tstandalone [port] = Run configurator webserver [8000] \tdns [outputdir] = Generate BIND compliant zone files in dns [./dns] \tnagios-export [--heavy-load] = Generate basic nagios configuration file. \tfull-export = Generate yaml export script for heatmap. \tstatic [outputdir] = Generate all config files and store on disk \t with format .//%%NODE%%/%%FILE%% [./static] \ttest [] = Receive output for certain node [all files]. \ttest-cgi = Receive output of CGI script [all files]. \tlist = List systems which have certain status Arguments: \t = NodeName (example: HybridRick) \t = %(files)s \t = all|up|down|planned \t = systems|nodes|proxies NOTE FOR DEVELOPERS; you can test your changes like this: BEFORE any changes in this code: $ ./gformat.py static /tmp/pre AFTER the changes: $ ./gformat.py static /tmp/post VIEW differences and VERIFY all are OK: $ diff -urI 'Generated' -r /tmp/pre /tmp/post """ % { 'prog' : sys.argv[0], 'files' : '|'.join(files) } exit(0) def is_text_request(environ=os.environ): """ Find out whether we are calling from the CLI or any text based CLI utility """ try: return environ['HTTP_USER_AGENT'].split()[0] in ['curl', 'fetch', 'wget'] except KeyError: return True def switchFormat(setting): if setting: return "YES" else: return "NO" def rlinput(prompt, prefill=''): import readline readline.set_startup_hook(lambda: readline.insert_text(prefill)) try: return raw_input(prompt) finally: readline.set_startup_hook() def fix_conflict(left, right, default='i'): while True: print "## %-30s | %-30s" % (left, right) c = raw_input("## Solve Conflict (h for help) [%s]: " % default) if not c: c = default if c in ['l','1']: return left elif c in ['r','2']: return right elif c in ['e', '3']: return rlinput("Edit: ", "%30s | %30s" % (left, right)) elif c in ['i', '4']: return None else: print "#ERROR: '%s' is invalid input (left, right, edit or ignore)!" % c def print_cgi_response(response_headers, output): """Could we not use some kind of wsgi wrapper to make this output?""" for header in response_headers: print "%s: %s" % header print print output def fill_cache(): ''' Poor man re-loading of few cache items (the slow ones) ''' for host in get_hostlist(): get_yaml(host) def reload_cache(): clear_cache() fill_cache() def main(): """Hard working sub""" # Allow easy hacking using the CLI if not os.environ.has_key('PATH_INFO'): if len(sys.argv) < 2: usage() if sys.argv[1] == "standalone": import SocketServer import CGIHTTPServer # Hop to the right working directory. os.chdir(os.path.dirname(__file__)) try: PORT = int(sys.argv[2]) except (IndexError,ValueError): PORT = 8000 class MyCGIHTTPRequestHandler(CGIHTTPServer.CGIHTTPRequestHandler): """ Serve this CGI from the root of the webserver """ def is_cgi(self): if "favicon" in self.path: return False self.cgi_info = (os.path.basename(__file__), self.path) self.path = '' return True handler = MyCGIHTTPRequestHandler SocketServer.TCPServer.allow_reuse_address = True httpd = SocketServer.TCPServer(("", PORT), handler) httpd.server_name = 'localhost' httpd.server_port = PORT logger.info("serving at port %s", PORT) try: httpd.serve_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: httpd.shutdown() logger.info("All done goodbye") elif sys.argv[1] == "test": # Basic argument validation try: node = sys.argv[2] datadump = get_yaml(node) except IndexError: print "Invalid argument" exit(1) except IOError as e: print e exit(1) # Get files to generate gen_files = sys.argv[3:] if len(sys.argv) > 3 else files # Actual config generation for config in gen_files: logger.info("## Generating %s %s", node, config) print generate_config(node, config, datadump) elif sys.argv[1] == "test-cgi": os.environ['PATH_INFO'] = "/".join(sys.argv[2:]) os.environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] = __file__ response_headers, output = process_cgi_request() print_cgi_response(response_headers, output) elif sys.argv[1] == "static": items = dict() items['output_dir'] = sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) > 2 else "./static" for node in get_hostlist(): items['node'] = node items['wdir'] = "%(output_dir)s/%(node)s" % items if not os.path.isdir(items['wdir']): os.makedirs(items['wdir']) datadump = get_yaml(node) for config in files: items['config'] = config logger.info("## Generating %(node)s %(config)s" % items) f = open("%(wdir)s/%(config)s" % items, "w") f.write(generate_config(node, config, datadump)) f.close() elif sys.argv[1] == "wind-export": items = dict() for node in get_hostlist(): datadump = get_yaml(node) sql = """INSERT IGNORE INTO nodes (name, name_ns, longitude, latitude) VALUES ('%(nodename)s', '%(nodename)s', %(latitude)s, %(longitude)s);""" % datadump; sql = """INSERT IGNORE INTO users_nodes (user_id, node_id, owner) VALUES ( (SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = 'rvdzwet'), (SELECT id FROM nodes WHERE name = '%(nodename)s'), 'Y');""" % datadump #for config in files: # items['config'] = config # print "## Generating %(node)s %(config)s" % items # f = open("%(wdir)s/%(config)s" % items, "w") # f.write(generate_config(node, config, datadump)) # f.close() for node in get_hostlist(): datadump = get_yaml(node) for iface_key in sorted([elem for elem in datadump.keys() if elem.startswith('iface_')]): ifacedump = datadump[iface_key] if ifacedump.has_key('mode') and ifacedump['mode'] == 'ap-wds': ifacedump['nodename'] = datadump['nodename'] if not ifacedump.has_key('channel') or not ifacedump['channel']: ifacedump['channel'] = 0 sql = """INSERT INTO links (node_id, type, ssid, protocol, channel, status) VALUES ((SELECT id FROM nodes WHERE name = '%(nodename)s'), 'ap', '%(ssid)s', 'IEEE 802.11b', %(channel)s, 'active');""" % ifacedump elif sys.argv[1] == "nagios-export": try: heavy_load = (sys.argv[2] == "--heavy-load") except IndexError: heavy_load = False hostgroup_details = { 'wleiden' : 'Stichting Wireless Leiden - FreeBSD Nodes', 'wzoeterwoude' : 'Stichting Wireless Leiden - Afdeling Zoeterwoude - Free-WiFi Project', 'walphen' : 'Stichting Wireless Alphen', 'westeinder' : 'WestEinder Plassen', } params = { 'check_interval' : 5 if heavy_load else 60, 'retry_interval' : 1 if heavy_load else 5, 'max_check_attempts' : 10 if heavy_load else 3, } print '''\ define host { name wleiden-node ; Default Node Template use generic-host ; Use the standard template as initial starting point check_period 24x7 ; By default, FreeBSD hosts are checked round the clock check_interval %(check_interval)s ; Actively check the host every 5 minutes retry_interval %(retry_interval)s ; Schedule host check retries at 1 minute intervals max_check_attempts %(max_check_attempts)s ; Check each FreeBSD host 10 times (max) register 0 ; DONT REGISTER THIS DEFINITION - ITS NOT A REAL HOST, JUST A TEMPLATE! } define service { name wleiden-service ; Default Service Template use generic-service ; Use the standard template as initial starting point check_period 24x7 ; By default, FreeBSD hosts are checked round the clock check_interval %(check_interval)s ; Actively check the host every 5 minutes retry_interval %(retry_interval)s ; Schedule host check retries at 1 minute intervals max_check_attempts %(max_check_attempts)s ; Check each FreeBSD host 10 times (max) register 0 ; DONT REGISTER THIS DEFINITION - ITS NOT A REAL HOST, JUST A TEMPLATE! } # Please make sure to install: # make -C /usr/ports/net-mgmt/nagios-check_netsnmp install clean # define command{ command_name check_netsnmp_disk command_line $USER1$/check_netsnmp -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -o disk } define command{ command_name check_netsnmp_load command_line $USER1$/check_netsnmp -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -o load } define command{ command_name check_netsnmp_proc command_line $USER1$/check_netsnmp -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -o proc } # TDB: dhcp leases # /usr/local/libexec/nagios/check_netsnmp -H --oid 1 exec # TDB: internet status # /usr/local/libexec/nagios/check_netsnmp -H --oid 1 file # TDB: Advanced local passive checks # /usr/local/libexec/nagios/check_by_ssh ''' % params print '''\ # Service Group, not displayed by default define hostgroup { hostgroup_name srv_hybrid alias All Hybrid Nodes register 0 } define service { use wleiden-service hostgroup_name srv_hybrid service_description SSH check_command check_ssh } define service { use wleiden-service hostgroup_name srv_hybrid service_description HTTP check_command check_http } define service { use wleiden-service hostgroup_name srv_hybrid service_description DNS check_command check_dns } # TDB: Can only test this if we have the proxy listening to all addresses. # define service { # use wleiden-service # hostgroup_name srv_hybrid # service_description PROXY # check_command check_tcp!3128 # } ''' if heavy_load: print '''\ define service { use wleiden-service hostgroup_name srv_hybrid service_description SNMP check_command check_snmp } define service { use wleiden-service hostgroup_name srv_hybrid service_description NTP check_command check_ntp_peer } define service { use wleiden-service hostgroup_name srv_hybrid service_description LOAD check_command check_netsnmp_load } define service { use wleiden-service hostgroup_name srv_hybrid service_description PROC check_command check_netsnmp_proc } define service { use wleiden-service hostgroup_name srv_hybrid service_description DISK check_command check_netsnmp_disk } ''' for node in get_hostlist(): datadump = get_yaml(node) if not datadump['status'] == 'up': continue if not hostgroup_details.has_key(datadump['monitoring_group']): hostgroup_details[datadump['monitoring_group']] = datadump['monitoring_group'] print '''\ define host { use wleiden-node host_name %(autogen_fqdn)s address %(masterip)s hostgroups srv_hybrid,%(monitoring_group)s } ''' % datadump for name,alias in hostgroup_details.iteritems(): print '''\ define hostgroup { hostgroup_name %s alias %s } ''' % (name, alias) elif sys.argv[1] == "full-export": hosts = {} for node in get_hostlist(): datadump = get_yaml(node) hosts[datadump['nodename']] = datadump print yaml.dump(hosts) elif sys.argv[1] == "dns": make_dns(sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) > 2 else 'dns', 'external' in sys.argv) elif sys.argv[1] == "cleanup": # First generate all datadumps datadumps = dict() ssid_to_node = dict() for host in get_hostlist(): logger.info("# Processing: %s", host) # Set some boring default values datadump = { 'board' : 'UNKNOWN' } datadump.update(get_yaml(host)) datadumps[datadump['autogen_realname']] = datadump (poel, errors) = make_relations(datadumps) print "\n".join(["# WARNING: %s" % x for x in errors]) for host,datadump in datadumps.iteritems(): try: # Convert all yes and no to boolean values def fix_boolean(dump): for key in dump.keys(): if type(dump[key]) == dict: dump[key] = fix_boolean(dump[key]) elif str(dump[key]).lower() in ["yes", "true"]: dump[key] = True elif str(dump[key]).lower() in ["no", "false"]: # Compass richting no (Noord Oost) is valid input if key != "compass": dump[key] = False return dump datadump = fix_boolean(datadump) if datadump['rdnap_x'] and datadump['rdnap_y']: datadump['latitude'], datadump['longitude'] = rdnap.rd2etrs(datadump['rdnap_x'], datadump['rdnap_y']) elif datadump['latitude'] and datadump['longitude']: datadump['rdnap_x'], datadump['rdnap_y'] = rdnap.etrs2rd(datadump['latitude'], datadump['longitude']) if datadump['nodename'].startswith('Proxy'): datadump['nodename'] = datadump['nodename'].lower() for iface_key in datadump['autogen_iface_keys']: try: # All our normal wireless cards are normal APs now if datadump[iface_key]['type'] in ['11a', '11b', '11g', 'wireless']: datadump[iface_key]['mode'] = 'ap' # Wireless Leiden SSID have an consistent lowercase/uppercase if datadump[iface_key].has_key('ssid'): ssid = datadump[iface_key]['ssid'] prefix = 'ap-WirelessLeiden-' if ssid.lower().startswith(prefix.lower()): datadump[iface_key]['ssid'] = prefix + ssid[len(prefix)].upper() + ssid[len(prefix) + 1:] if datadump[iface_key].has_key('ns_ip') and not datadump[iface_key].has_key('mode'): datadump[iface_key]['mode'] = 'autogen-FIXME' if not datadump[iface_key].has_key('comment'): datadump[iface_key]['comment'] = 'autogen-FIXME' if datadump[iface_key]['comment'].startswith('autogen-') and datadump[iface_key].has_key('comment'): datadump[iface_key] = datadump[iface_key]['desc'] # Mandatory interface keys if not datadump[iface_key].has_key('status'): datadump[iface_key]['status'] = 'planned' x = datadump[iface_key]['comment'] datadump[iface_key]['comment'] = x[0].upper() + x[1:] if datadump[iface_key].has_key('desc'): if datadump[iface_key]['comment'].lower() == datadump[iface_key]['desc'].lower(): del datadump[iface_key]['desc'] else: print "# ERROR: At %s - %s" % (datadump['nodename'], iface_key) response = fix_conflict(datadump[iface_key]['comment'], datadump[iface_key]['desc']) if response: datadump[iface_key]['comment'] = response del datadump[iface_key]['desc'] # Check DHCP configuration dhcp_type(datadump[iface_key]) # Set the compass value based on the angle between the poels if datadump[iface_key].has_key('ns_ip'): my_pool = poel[network(datadump[iface_key]['ip'])] remote_hosts = list(set([x[0] for x in my_pool]) - set([host])) if remote_hosts: compass_target = remote_hosts[0] datadump[iface_key]['compass'] = cd_between_hosts(host, compass_target, datadumps) except Exception as e: print "# Error while processing interface %s" % iface_key raise store_yaml(datadump) except Exception as e: print "# Error while processing %s" % host raise elif sys.argv[1] == "list": use_fqdn = False if len(sys.argv) < 4 or not sys.argv[2] in ["up", "down", "planned", "all"]: usage() if sys.argv[3] == "nodes": systems = get_nodelist() elif sys.argv[3] == "proxies": systems = get_proxylist() elif sys.argv[3] == "systems": systems = get_hostlist() else: usage() if len(sys.argv) > 4: if sys.argv[4] == "fqdn": use_fqdn = True else: usage() for system in systems: datadump = get_yaml(system) output = datadump['autogen_fqdn'] if use_fqdn else system if sys.argv[2] == "all": print output elif datadump['status'] == sys.argv[2]: print output elif sys.argv[1] == "create": if sys.argv[2] == "network.kml": print make_network_kml.make_graph() elif sys.argv[2] == "host-ips.txt": for system in get_hostlist(): datadump = get_yaml(system) ips = [datadump['masterip']] for ifkey in datadump['autogen_iface_keys']: ips.append(datadump[ifkey]['ip'].split('/')[0]) print system, ' '.join(ips) elif sys.argv[2] == "host-pos.txt": for system in get_hostlist(): datadump = get_yaml(system) print system, datadump['rdnap_x'], datadump['rdnap_y'] else: usage() else: usage() else: # Do not enable debugging for config requests as it highly clutters the output if not is_text_request(): cgitb.enable() response_headers, output = process_cgi_request() print_cgi_response(response_headers, output) def application(environ, start_response): status = '200 OK' response_headers, output = process_cgi_request(environ) start_response(status, response_headers) # Debugging only # output = 'wsgi.multithread = %s' % repr(environ['wsgi.multithread']) # soutput += '\nwsgi.multiprocess = %s' % repr(environ['wsgi.multiprocess']) return [output] if __name__ == "__main__": main()