1 | #!/usr/bin/env perl
2 | use File::Basename;
3 |
4 | eval {
5 | require Geo::Coordinates::RDNAP;
6 | };
7 | if (! $@) {
8 | Geo::Coordinates::RDNAP->import(qw/from_rd to_rd dms/);
9 | } else {
10 | sub from_rd {
11 | return (0,0,0);
12 | }
13 | }
14 |
15 | # RD X,Y -> RD Noorderbreedte, Oosterbreedte
16 | # http://web.inter.nl.net/users/F.Kissels/gps/conversie.html
17 |
18 | # Little perl to convert genesis files into python config files,
19 | # Which gonna be used for more logic stuff ;-)
20 |
21 | $argc = $#ARGV + 1;
22 | if ($argc == 0) {
23 | print STDERR "Usage $_ <wleiden.conf> ...\n";
24 | exit 1;
25 | # Hack to easy support multiple files without remembering any variable in between
26 | } elsif ($argc > 1) {
27 | foreach $file (@ARGV) {
28 | $output = $file;
29 | $output =~ s/conf$/yaml/;
30 | print "# Processing $file\n";
31 | $CMD=dirname(__FILE__) . "/genesis-to-yaml.pl";
32 | `$CMD $file > $output`;
33 | }
34 | exit 0;
35 | }
36 |
37 |
38 | do($ARGV[0]) || die;
39 |
40 | my %status_labels = ( up => 'up', down => 'dw', planned => 'pl' );
41 |
42 | $interfaces = [];
43 | foreach $if (keys %config) {
44 | push(@interfaces, $if) if ($if =~ m/^[a-z0-9]+$/g);
45 | }
46 | $interfaces = join(",",@interfaces);
47 |
48 | if ( ($X =~ /\d+/) and ($Y =~ /\d+/) and ($X > 10) and ($Y > 10)) {
49 | ($lat, $lon, $h) = from_rd( $X, $Y, 0);
50 | } else {
51 | $lat = $lon = $h = 0;
52 | }
53 |
54 | $status = $status_labels{$status} || 'up'; # ensure reporting a correct status
55 | $comment = $comment || 'None';
56 |
57 | print <<EOF;
58 | # Genesis config yaml style
59 | # vim:ts=2:et:sw=2:ai
60 | #
61 | comment : $comment
62 | interfaces: $interfaces
63 | latitude : $lat
64 | location : $location
65 | longitude : $lon
66 | masterip : $master_ip
67 | nodename : $nodename
68 | nodetype : $nodetype
69 | rdnap_x : $X
70 | rdnap_y : $Y
71 | status : $status
72 | EOF
73 |
74 |
75 | foreach $if (keys %config) {
76 | ($iflabel, $alias) = split(':',$if);
77 | $iflabel .= "_alias${alias}" if ($alias =~ m/[0-9]/);
78 |
79 | print <<EOF;
80 | iface_$iflabel:
81 | EOF
82 | %tmp = (
83 | 'dhcp' => 'False',
84 | 'compass' => 'None',
85 | 'interface' => $if,
86 | );
87 | foreach $line (split('\n',$config{$if})) {
88 | ($key, $value) = split(/=/,$line);
89 | # Remove trailing and leading white spaces
90 | $value =~ s/^\s+//;
91 | $value =~ s/\s+$//;
92 | if ($key and (lc($key) =~ /^[a-z].*/)) {
93 | #print "$key : $value\n";
94 | $value = lc($value) if not lc($key) =~ m/(desc|comment)/;
95 | if ($key =~ /^type$/i) {
96 | if ($value eq 'ethernet') {
97 | $value = 'eth';
98 | } else {
99 | $value = '11b';
100 | }
101 | } elsif ($key =~ /^mode$/i) {
102 | if ($value eq 'master') {
103 | $value = 'ap-wds';
104 | } else { # managed
105 | $value = 'station-wds';
106 | }
107 | } elsif ($key =~ /^polar$/i) {
108 | if ($value eq 'hor') {
109 | $value = 'hr';
110 | } else {
111 | $value = 'vr';
112 | }
113 | } elsif ($key =~ /^essid$/i) {
114 | $key = 'ssid';
115 |
116 | # Dirty hack to fetch compass direction of essid
117 | $value =~ /[a-z]+-([a-z]+)\..*/;
118 | $direction = $1;
119 | # Translate into English
120 | if ($direction ne "omni") {
121 | $direction =~ tr/oz/es/;
122 | }
123 | # node AMwtrt1 and 'test' directions
124 | if ($direction eq "wtrtr" or $direction eq "test") {
125 | $direction = 'None';
126 | }
127 | if ($direction) {
128 | $tmp{'compass'} = $direction;
129 | } else {
130 | $tmp{'compass'} = 'None';
131 | }
132 | } elsif ($key =~ /^gain$/i) {
133 | $value =~ s/dbi//;
134 | }
135 | $tmp{lc($key)} = $value;
136 | }
137 | }
138 | # ethernet2wifi bridges
139 | if ( $tmp{extra_type} eq 'eth2wifibridge' ) {
140 | $tmp{type} = 'eth';
141 | }
142 | # 11a
143 | if ( $tmp{type} eq '11b' && $tmp{channel} > 13 ) {
144 | $tmp{type} = '11a';
145 | }
146 |
147 | foreach $key (sort keys %tmp) {
148 | printf " %-11s: '$tmp{$key}'\n", $key;
149 | }
150 | print "\n";
151 | }
152 |