1 | #!/usr/bin/env python
2 | # vim:ts=2:et:sw=2:ai
3 | #
4 | # Scan Wireless Leiden Network and report status of links and nodes
5 | #
6 | # Rick van der Zwet <info@rickvanderzwet.nl>
7 |
8 | from pprint import pprint
9 | from xml.dom.minidom import parse, parseString
10 | import gformat
11 | import os.path
12 | import re
13 | import subprocess
14 | import sys
15 | import time
16 | import yaml
17 | from datetime import datetime
18 |
19 | # When force is used as argument, use this range
21 |
22 | #
23 | # BEGIN nmap XML parser
24 | # XXX: Should properly go to seperate class/module
25 | def get_attribute(node,attr):
26 | return node.attributes[attr].value
27 |
28 | def attribute_from_node(parent,node,attr):
29 | return parent.getElementsByTagName(node)[0].attributes[attr].value
30 |
31 | def parse_port(node):
32 | item = dict()
33 | item['protocol'] = get_attribute(node,'protocol')
34 | item['portid'] = get_attribute(node,'portid')
35 | item['state'] = attribute_from_node(node,'state','state')
36 | item['reason'] = attribute_from_node(node,'state','reason')
37 | return item
38 |
39 | def parse_ports(node):
40 | item = dict()
41 | for port in node.getElementsByTagName('port'):
42 | port_item = parse_port(port)
43 | item[port_item['portid']] = port_item
44 | return item
45 |
46 | def parse_host(node):
47 | # Host status
48 | item = dict()
49 | item['state'] = attribute_from_node(node,'status','state')
50 | item['reason'] = attribute_from_node(node,'status','reason')
51 | item['addr'] = attribute_from_node(node,'address','addr')
52 | item['addrtype'] = attribute_from_node(node,'address','addrtype')
53 |
54 | # Service status
55 | ports = node.getElementsByTagName('ports')
56 | if ports:
57 | item['port'] = parse_ports(ports[0])
58 | return item
59 |
60 | def parse_nmap(root):
61 | status = dict()
62 | for node in root.childNodes[2].getElementsByTagName('host'):
63 | scan = parse_host(node)
64 | if not status.has_key(scan['addr']):
65 | status[scan['addr']] = scan
66 | return status
67 | #
68 | # END nmap parser
69 | #
70 |
71 |
72 |
73 | def _do_nmap_scan(command, iphosts):
74 | """ Run/Read nmap XML with various choices"""
75 | command = "nmap -n -iL - -oX - %s" %(command)
76 | print "# New run '%s', can take a while to complete" % (command)
77 | p = subprocess.Popen(command.split(),
78 | stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
79 | stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
80 | stdin=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=-1)
81 |
82 | (stdoutdata, stderrdata) = p.communicate("\n".join(iphosts))
83 | if p.returncode != 0:
84 | print "# [ERROR] nmap failed to complete '%s'" % stderrdata
85 | sys.exit(1)
86 |
87 | dom = parseString(stdoutdata)
88 | return (parse_nmap(dom),stdoutdata)
89 |
90 |
91 |
92 | def do_nmap_scan(command, iphosts, result_file=None, forced_scan=False):
93 | """ Wrapper around _run_nmap to get listing of all hosts, the default nmap
94 | does not return results for failed hosts"""
95 | # Get all hosts to be processed
96 | (init_status, stdoutdata) = _do_nmap_scan(" -sL",iphosts)
97 |
98 | # Return stored file if exists
99 | if not forced_scan and result_file and os.path.exists(result_file) \
100 | and os.path.getsize(result_file) > 0:
101 | print "# Reading stored NMAP results from '%s'" % (result_file)
102 | status = parse_nmap(parse(result_file))
103 | else:
104 | # New scan
105 | (status, stdoutdata) = _do_nmap_scan(command, iphosts)
106 |
107 | # Store result if requested
108 | if result_file:
109 | print "# Saving results in %s" % (result_file)
110 | f = file(result_file,'w')
111 | f.write(stdoutdata)
112 | f.close()
113 |
114 | init_status.update(status)
115 | return init_status
116 |
117 |
118 |
119 | def do_snmpwalk(host, oid):
120 | """ Do snmpwalk, returns (p, stdout, stderr)"""
121 | # GLobal SNMP walk options
122 | snmpwalk = ('snmpwalk -r 0 -t 1 -OX -c public -v 2c %s' % host).split()
123 | p = subprocess.Popen(snmpwalk + [oid],
124 | stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
125 | (stdoutdata, stderrdata) = p.communicate()
126 | stdoutdata = stdoutdata.split('\n')[:-1]
127 | stderrdata = stderrdata.split('\n')[:-1]
128 | return (p, stdoutdata, stderrdata)
129 |
130 |
131 |
132 |
133 | def do_snmp_scan(iphosts, status, stored_status=dict(), forced_scan=False):
134 | """ SNMP scanning, based on results fould in NMAP scan"""
135 | mac_to_host = dict()
136 | host_processed = dict()
137 |
138 | #
139 | # Gather SNMP data from hosts
140 | for host in iphosts:
141 | # Status might be containing old hosts as well and visa-versa
142 | if not status.has_key(host):
143 | print "## [ERROR] No nmap result found"
144 | continue
145 |
146 | scan = status[host]
147 | if scan['state'] != "up":
148 | continue
149 |
150 | print '# Processing host %s' % host
151 | # IP -> Mac addresses found in host ARP table, with key IP
152 | status[host]['arpmac'] = dict()
153 | # MAC -> iface addresses, with key MAC
154 | status[host]['mac'] = dict()
155 | # Mirrored: iface -> MAC addresses, with key interface name
156 | status[host]['iface'] = dict()
157 | try:
158 | if not forced_scan and stored_status[host]['snmp_retval'] != 0:
159 | print "## SNMP Connect failed last time, ignoring"
160 | continue
161 | except:
162 | pass
163 |
164 | stored_status[host] = dict()
165 | if not "open" in scan['port']['161']['state']:
166 | print "## [ERROR] SNMP port not opened"
167 | continue
168 |
169 | (p, output, stderrdata) = do_snmpwalk(host, 'SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr')
170 | stored_status[host]['snmp_retval'] = p.returncode
171 | # Assume host remain reachable troughout all the SNMP queries
172 | if p.returncode != 0:
173 | print "## [ERROR] SNMP failed '%s'" % ",".join(stderrdata)
174 | continue
175 |
176 | # Get some host details
177 | # SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr.0 = STRING: FreeBSD CNodeSOM1.wLeiden.NET
178 | # 8.0-RELEASE-p2 FreeBSD 8.0-RELEASE-p2 #2: Fri Feb 19 18:24:23 CET 2010
179 | # root@80fab2:/usr/obj/nanobsd.wleiden/usr/src/sys/kernel.wleiden i386
180 | status[host]['sys_desc'] = output[0]
181 | hostname = output[0].split(' ')[4]
182 | release = output[0].split(' ')[5]
183 | stored_status[host]['hostname'] = status[host]['hostname'] = hostname
184 | stored_status[host]['release'] = status[host]['release'] = release
185 | print "## %(hostname)s - %(release)s" % stored_status[host]
186 |
187 | # Check if the host is already done processing
188 | # Note: the host is marked done processing at the end
189 | if host_processed.has_key(hostname):
190 | print "## Host already processed this run"
191 | continue
192 |
193 | # Interface list with key the index number
194 | iface_descr = dict()
195 | # IF-MIB::ifDescr.1 = STRING: ath0
196 | r = re.compile('^IF-MIB::ifDescr\[([0-9]+)\] = STRING: ([a-z0-9]+)$')
197 | (p, output, stderrdata) = do_snmpwalk(host, 'IF-MIB::ifDescr')
198 | for line in output:
199 | m = r.match(line)
200 | iface_descr[m.group(1)] = m.group(2)
201 |
202 | # IF-MIB::ifPhysAddress[1] = STRING: 0:80:48:54:bb:52
203 | r = re.compile('^IF-MIB::ifPhysAddress\[([0-9]+)\] = STRING: ([0-9a-f:]*)$')
204 | (p, output, stderrdata) = do_snmpwalk(host, 'IF-MIB::ifPhysAddress')
205 | for line in output:
206 | m = r.match(line)
207 | # Ignore lines which has no MAC address
208 | if not m.group(2): continue
209 | index = m.group(1)
210 | # Convert to proper MAC
211 | mac = ":".join(["%02X" % int(x,16) for x in m.group(2).split(':')])
212 | if not iface_descr.has_key(index):
213 | print "## Index cannot be mapped to a key, available:"
214 | for index, value in iface_descr.iteritems():
215 | print "## - %s [%s]" % (value, index)
216 | else:
217 | print "## Local MAC %s [index:%s] -> %s" % (iface_descr[index], index, mac)
218 | status[host]['mac'][mac] = iface_descr[index]
219 | status[host]['iface'][iface_descr[index]] = mac
220 | mac_to_host[mac] = hostname
221 |
222 | # Process host SNMP status
223 | (p, output, stderrdata) = do_snmpwalk(host, 'RFC1213-MIB::atPhysAddress')
224 | # RFC1213-MIB::atPhysAddress[8][] = Hex-STRING: 00 17 C4 CC 5B F2
225 | r = re.compile('^RFC1213-MIB::atPhysAddress\[[0-9]+\]\[1\.([0-9\.]+)\] = Hex-STRING: ([0-9A-F\ ]+)$')
226 | for line in output:
227 | m = r.match(line)
228 | ip = m.group(1)
229 | # Replace spaces in MAC with :
230 | mac = ":".join(m.group(2).split(' ')[:-1])
231 | status[host]['arpmac'][ip] = mac
232 |
233 | local = '[remote]'
234 | if mac in status[host]['mac'].keys():
235 | local = '[local]'
236 | print "## Arp table MAC %s -> %s %s" % (ip, mac, local)
237 |
238 | # Make sure we keep a record of the processed host which ip entry to check
239 | host_processed[hostname] = host
240 |
241 | stored_status['host_processed'] = host_processed
242 | stored_status['mac_to_host'] = mac_to_host
243 | stored_status['nmap_status'] = status
244 | return stored_status
245 |
246 |
247 |
248 |
249 | def generate_status(configs, stored_status):
250 | """ Generate result file from stored_status """
251 | host_processed = stored_status['host_processed']
252 | mac_to_host = stored_status['mac_to_host']
253 | status = stored_status['nmap_status']
254 |
255 | # Data store format used for nodemap generation
256 | nodemap_status_file = '/tmp/nodemap_status.yaml'
257 | nodemap = { 'node' : {}, 'link' : {}}
258 |
259 | # XXX: Pushed back till we actually store the MAC in the config files automatically
260 | #configmac_to_host = dict()
261 | #for host,config in configs.iteritems():
262 | # for iface_key in gformat.get_interface_keys(config):
263 | # configmac_to_host[config[iface_key]['mac']] = host
264 |
265 | # List of hosts which has some kind of problem
266 | for host in configs.keys():
267 | fqdn = host + ".wLeiden.NET"
268 | if fqdn in host_processed.keys():
269 | continue
270 | config = configs[host]
271 | print "# Problems in host '%s'" % host
272 | host_down = True
273 | for ip in gformat.get_used_ips([config]):
274 | if not gformat.valid_addr(ip):
275 | continue
276 | if status[ip]['state'] == "up":
277 | host_down = False
278 | print "## - ", ip, status[ip]['state']
279 | if host_down:
280 | print "## HOST is DOWN!"
281 | nodemap['node'][fqdn] = gformat.DOWN
282 | else:
283 | print "## SNMP problems (not reachable, deamon not running, etc)"
284 | nodemap['node'][fqdn] = gformat.UNKNOWN
285 |
286 |
287 |
288 | # Correlation mapping
289 | for fqdn, ip in host_processed.iteritems():
290 | details = status[ip]
291 | nodemap['node'][fqdn] = gformat.OK
292 | print "# Working on %s" % fqdn
293 | for ip, arpmac in details['arpmac'].iteritems():
294 | if arpmac in details['mac'].keys():
295 | # Local MAC address
296 | continue
297 | if not mac_to_host.has_key(arpmac):
298 | print "## [WARN] No parent host for MAC %s (%s) found" % (arpmac, ip)
299 | else:
300 | print "## Interlink %s - %s" % (fqdn, mac_to_host[arpmac])
301 | nodemap['link'][(fqdn,mac_to_host[arpmac])] = gformat.OK
302 |
303 | stream = file(nodemap_status_file,'w')
304 | yaml.dump(nodemap, stream, default_flow_style=False)
305 | print "# Wrote nodemap status to '%s'" % nodemap_status_file
306 |
307 | def usage():
308 | print "Usage: %s <arguments>"
309 | print "Arguments:"
310 | print "\tall = scan all known ips, using cached nmap"
311 | print "\tnmap-only = scan all known ips, using nmap only"
312 | print "\tsnmp-only = scan all known ips, using snmp only"
313 | print "\tforce = scan all known ips, no cache used"
314 | print "\tforced-snmp = scan all known ips, no snmp cache"
315 | print "\tstored = generate status file using stored entries"
316 | print "\thost <HOST1> [HOST2 ...] = generate status file using stored entries"
317 | print "\tmerge <FILE1> [FILE2 ...] = merge status file with other status files"
318 | sys.exit(0)
319 |
320 |
321 | def main():
322 | start_time = datetime.now()
323 | stored_status_file = '/tmp/stored_status.yaml'
324 | nmap_result_file = '/tmp/test.xml'
325 |
326 | stored_status = dict()
327 | nmap_status = dict()
328 | snmp_status = dict()
329 |
330 | opt_nmap_scan = True
331 | opt_store_scan = True
332 | opt_snmp_scan = True
333 | opt_force_snmp = False
334 | opt_force_scan = False
335 | opt_force_range = False
336 | if len(sys.argv) == 1:
337 | usage()
338 |
339 | if sys.argv[1] == "all":
340 | pass
341 | elif sys.argv[1] == "nmap-only":
342 | opt_snmp_scan = False
343 | elif sys.argv[1] == "snmp-only":
344 | opt_nmap_scan = False
345 | elif sys.argv[1] == "force":
346 | opt_force_scan = True
347 | elif sys.argv[1] == "forced-snmp":
348 | opt_nmap_scan = False
349 | opt_force_snmp = True
350 | elif sys.argv[1] == "host":
351 | opt_force_range = True
352 | opt_force_scan = True
353 | elif sys.argv[1] == "stored":
354 | opt_snmp_scan = False
355 | opt_nmap_scan = False
356 | opt_store_scan = False
357 | else:
358 | usage()
359 |
360 | # By default get all IPs defined in config, else own range
361 | if not opt_force_range:
362 | configs = gformat.get_all_configs()
363 | iplist = gformat.get_used_ips(configs.values())
364 | else:
365 | iplist = sys.argv[1:]
366 |
367 | # Load data hints from previous run if exists
368 | if not opt_force_scan and os.path.exists(stored_status_file) and os.path.getsize(stored_status_file) > 0:
369 | print "## Loading stored data hints from '%s'" % stored_status_file
370 | stream = file(stored_status_file,'r')
371 | stored_status = yaml.load(stream)
372 | else:
373 | print "[ERROR] '%s' does not exists" % stored_status_file
374 |
375 | # Do a NMAP discovery
376 | if opt_nmap_scan:
377 | if not opt_store_scan:
378 | nmap_result_file = None
379 | nmap_status = do_nmap_scan(
380 | "-p T:ssh,U:domain,T:80,T:ntp,U:snmp,T:8080 -sU -sT ",
381 | iplist,nmap_result_file, opt_force_scan)
382 |
383 | else:
384 | nmap_status = stored_status['nmap_status']
385 |
386 | # Save the MAC -> HOST mappings, by default as it helps indentifing the
387 | # 'unknown links'
388 | mac_to_host = {}
389 | if stored_status:
390 | mac_to_host = stored_status['mac_to_host']
391 |
392 | # Do SNMP discovery
393 | if opt_snmp_scan:
394 | snmp_status = do_snmp_scan(iplist, nmap_status, stored_status, opt_force_snmp)
395 | else:
396 | snmp_status = stored_status
397 |
398 | # Include our saved MAC -> HOST mappings
399 | mac_to_host.update(snmp_status['mac_to_host'])
400 | snmp_status['mac_to_host'] = mac_to_host
401 |
402 | # Store changed data to disk
403 | if opt_store_scan:
404 | stream = file(stored_status_file,'w')
405 | yaml.dump(snmp_status, stream, default_flow_style=False)
406 | print "## Stored data hints to '%s'" % stored_status_file
407 |
408 | # Finally generated status
409 | generate_status(configs, snmp_status)
410 | print "# Took %s seconds to complete" % (datetime.now() - start_time).seconds
411 |
412 |
413 |
414 | if __name__ == "__main__":
415 | main()