1 | # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
2 | # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
3 | # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
4 | #
5 | # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
6 | # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
8 | # GNU General Public License for more details.
9 | #
10 | # Author: Emanuel Fonseca
11 | # Email: emdfonseca<at>gmail<dot>com
12 | # Date: 25 August 2008
13 |
14 | import cherrypy
15 | from string import Template
16 |
17 | import datetime
18 |
19 | import ofc2
20 | from ofc2_element import Line, Bar, BarStack
21 |
22 | xhtml_template = """
23 | <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
24 | "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">
25 | <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
26 | <script type="text/javascript" src="/static/swfobject.js"></script>
27 | <script type="text/javascript">
28 | $js
29 | </script>
30 | <head>
31 |
32 | <title>$title</title>
33 |
34 | </head>
35 |
36 | <body>
37 | $body
38 | </body>
39 |
40 | </html>
41 | """
42 |
43 | jstpl = Template('swfobject.embedSWF("/static/open-flash-chart.swf","$title", "$width", "$height", "$flash_ver", "expressInstall.swf", {"data-file": "$data_src"});\n')
44 | dvtpl = Template('<h1>$title</h1><div id="$title"></div><br/>\n')
45 |
46 | class Chart(object):
47 | type = ''
48 | title = 'chart'
49 |
50 | width=400
51 | height=200
52 | flash_ver='9.0.0'
53 |
54 | data_src = None
55 |
56 | chart = None
57 |
58 | def index(self):
59 | return self.chart.encode()
60 | index.exposed = True
61 |
62 | def __init__(self, type, name):
63 | self.title = name
64 | self.data_src='/'+name
65 |
66 | def get_js(self):
67 | return jstpl.substitute(title=self.title, width=self.width, height=self.height, flash_ver = self.flash_ver, data_src = self.data_src)
68 |
69 | def get_div(self):
70 | return dvtpl.substitute(title=self.title)
71 |
72 | class BarChart(Chart):
73 | def __init__(self, type, name):
74 | Chart.__init__(self, type, name)
75 |
76 | # create the bar element and set its values
77 | element = Bar(values=[9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1])
78 |
79 | # create the chart and set its title
80 | self.chart = ofc2.open_flash_chart(title=str(datetime.datetime.now()))
81 | self.chart.add_element(element)
82 |
83 | class BarStackChart(Chart):
84 | def __init__(self, type, name):
85 | Chart.__init__(self, type, name)
86 |
87 | # create the bar element and set its values
88 | element = BarStack(values=[ [ 2.5, 5 ], [ 7.5 ], [ 5, { 'val': 5, 'colour': '#ff0000' } ], [ 2, 2, 2, 2, { "val": 2, 'colour': '#ff00ff' } ] ])
89 |
90 | # create the chart and set its title
91 | self.chart = ofc2.open_flash_chart(title=str(datetime.datetime.now()))
92 | self.chart.set_y_axis(min=0, max=14, steps=7)
93 | self.chart.set_x_axis(labels=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
94 | self.chart.add_element(element)
95 |
96 | class LineChart(Chart):
97 | def __init__(self, type, name):
98 | Chart.__init__(self, type, name)
99 |
100 | # create the bar element and set its values
101 | element = Line(values=[9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1])
102 |
103 | # create the chart and set its title
104 | self.chart = ofc2.open_flash_chart(title=str(datetime.datetime.now()))
105 | self.chart.add_element(element)
106 |
107 | class OFC2Demo(object):
108 | tpl = Template(xhtml_template)
109 | swfobjs = ''
110 | divs = ''
111 |
112 | linechart = LineChart('line_chart', 'linechart') # var name must be the same as the second param
113 | barchart = BarChart('bar_chart', 'barchart') # var name must be the same as the second param
114 | barstackchart = BarStackChart('bar_stack', 'barstackchart') # var name must be the same as the second param
115 |
116 | def index(self):
117 | self.load_charts()
118 | response = self.tpl.substitute(title='Open Flash Charts 2 - Python Library Demo', js=self.swfobjs, body=self.divs)
119 | return response
120 |
121 | def load_charts(self):
122 | self.swfobjs = ''
123 | self.divs = ''
124 | self.add_chart(self.linechart)
125 | self.add_chart(self.barchart)
126 | self.add_chart(self.barstackchart)
127 |
128 | def add_chart(self, chart):
129 | self.swfobjs += chart.get_js()
130 | self.divs += chart.get_div()
131 |
132 | # Expose methods
133 | index.exposed = True
134 |
135 | cherrypy.quickstart(OFC2Demo(), '/', 'cherrypy.conf')
136 |