1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <package packagerversion="1.7.2" version="2.0" xmlns="http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0" xmlns:tasks="http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0
3 | http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0.xsd
4 | http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0
5 | http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0.xsd">
6 | <name>OCF</name>
7 | <channel>pear.php.net</channel>
8 | <summary>Open Flash Charts interface library</summary>
9 | <description>Open Flash Charts interface library</description>
10 | <lead>
11 | <name>John Glazebrook</name>
12 | <user>open-flash-chart</user>
13 | <email>open-flash-chart@teethgrinder.co.uk</email>
14 | <active>yes</active>
15 | </lead>
16 | <date>2008-07-08</date>
17 | <time>10:17:44</time>
18 | <version>
19 | <release>2.0.0</release>
20 | <api>2.0.0</api>
21 | </version>
22 | <stability>
23 | <release>beta</release>
24 | <api>stable</api>
25 | </stability>
26 | <license>PHP</license>
27 | <notes>Helper library for working with Open Flash Charts</notes>
28 | <contents>
29 | <dir baseinstalldir="OCF" name="/">
30 | <dir name="examples">
31 | <file name="3d-bar-chart.php" role="data" />
32 | <file name="area-hollow.php" role="data" />
33 | <file name="bar-chart.php" role="data" />
34 | <file name="data-lines-2.php" role="data" />
35 | <file name="data-lines.php" role="data" />
36 | <file name="glass-bar-chart.php" role="data" />
37 | <file name="horizontal-bar-chart.php" role="data" />
38 | <file name="line-dot.php" role="data" />
39 | <file name="line-hollow.php" role="data" />
40 | <file name="pie-chart.php" role="data" />
41 | <file name="scatter-chart.php" role="data" />
42 | <file name="sketch-bar-chart.php" role="data" />
43 | <file name="stacked-bar-chart.php" role="data" />
44 | </dir> <!-- /examples -->
45 | <dir name="lib">
46 | <dir name="OFC">
47 | <dir name="Charts">
48 | <dir name="Area">
49 | <file name="OFC_Charts_Area_Hollow.php" role="php" />
50 | </dir> <!-- /lib/OFC/Charts/Area -->
51 | <dir name="Bar">
52 | <file name="OFC_Charts_Bar_3d.php" role="php" />
53 | <file name="OFC_Charts_Bar_Base.php" role="php" />
54 | <file name="OFC_Charts_Bar_Glass.php" role="php" />
55 | <file name="OFC_Charts_Bar_Horizontal.php" role="php" />
56 | <file name="OFC_Charts_Bar_Sketch.php" role="php" />
57 | <file name="OFC_Charts_Bar_Stack.php" role="php" />
58 | </dir> <!-- /lib/OFC/Charts/Bar -->
59 | <dir name="Line">
60 | <file name="OFC_Charts_Line_Base.php" role="php" />
61 | <file name="OFC_Charts_Line_Dot.php" role="php" />
62 | <file name="OFC_Charts_Line_Hollow.php" role="php" />
63 | </dir> <!-- /lib/OFC/Charts/Line -->
64 | <file name="OFC_Charts_Area.php" role="php" />
65 | <file name="OFC_Charts_Bar.php" role="php" />
66 | <file name="OFC_Charts_Base.php" role="php" />
67 | <file name="OFC_Charts_Line.php" role="php" />
68 | <file name="OFC_Charts_Pie.php" role="php" />
69 | <file name="OFC_Charts_Scatter.php" role="php" />
70 | </dir> <!-- /lib/OFC/Charts -->
71 | <dir name="Elements">
72 | <dir name="Axis">
73 | <file name="OFC_Elements_Axis_X.php" role="php" />
74 | <file name="OFC_Elements_Axis_X_Label.php" role="php" />
75 | <file name="OFC_Elements_Axis_X_Label_Set.php" role="php" />
76 | <file name="OFC_Elements_Axis_Y.php" role="php" />
77 | <file name="OFC_Elements_Axis_Y_Right.php" role="php" />
78 | </dir> <!-- /lib/OFC/Elements/Axis -->
79 | <dir name="Legend">
80 | <file name="OFC_Elements_Legend_X.php" role="php" />
81 | <file name="OFC_Elements_Legend_Y.php" role="php" />
82 | </dir> <!-- /lib/OFC/Elements/Legend -->
83 | <file name="OFC_Elements_Axis.php" role="php" />
84 | <file name="OFC_Elements_Base.php" role="php" />
85 | <file name="OFC_Elements_Title.php" role="php" />
86 | </dir> <!-- /lib/OFC/Elements -->
87 | <file name="JSON.php" role="php" />
88 | <file name="JSON_Format.php" role="php" />
89 | <file name="OFC_Chart.php" role="php" />
90 | <file name="OFC_Elements.php" role="php" />
91 | </dir> <!-- /lib/OFC -->
92 | </dir> <!-- /lib -->
93 | <file name="build_package.php" role="data" />
94 | <file name="open-flash-chart-object.php" role="php" />
95 | </dir> <!-- / -->
96 | </contents>
97 | <dependencies>
98 | <required>
99 | <php>
100 | <min>5.0.0</min>
101 | </php>
102 | <pearinstaller>
103 | <min>1.4.9</min>
104 | </pearinstaller>
105 | </required>
106 | </dependencies>
107 | <phprelease />
108 | <changelog>
109 | <release>
110 | <version>
111 | <release>2.0.0</release>
112 | <api>2.0.0</api>
113 | </version>
114 | <stability>
115 | <release>beta</release>
116 | <api>stable</api>
117 | </stability>
118 | <date>2008-07-08</date>
119 | <license>PHP</license>
120 | <notes>Helper library for working with Open Flash Charts</notes>
121 | </release>
122 | </changelog>
123 | </package>