1 | ============
2 | Loading data
3 | ============
4 |
5 | Open Flash Chart 2 can load data from a number of places:
6 |
7 | ==========
8 | 1. The URL
9 | ==========
10 |
11 | OFC will look in the url for a variable called 'ofc':
12 |
13 | http://example.com/open-flash-chart/index.php?ofc=data/data.txt
14 |
15 | OFC will try to load the file http://example.com/open-flash-chart/data/data.txt
16 |
17 | NOTE:
18 | - ofc=data/data.txt is a relative path.
19 | - The data file must contain JSON (see examples in this document)
20 |
21 | ==================
22 | 2. Flash Variables
23 | ==================
24 |
25 | If the URL does not contain a variable 'ofc' the next thing it will
26 | try is look in the variables that have been passed to it for a 'data-file'
27 | if this is found, OFC will load that URL:
28 |
29 | <script type="text/javascript">
30 | var so = new SWFObject("../open-flash-chart/open-flash-chart.swf", "ofc", "250", "200", "9", "#FFFFFF");
31 | so.addVariable("data-file", "../data-files/data-60.txt");
32 | so.addParam("allowScriptAccess", "always" );
33 | so.write("my_chart");
34 | </script>
35 |
36 | see flash-variable.html for an example of this.
37 |
38 | NOTE:
39 |
40 | - The path of my .swf will differ from yours.
41 | - I am using SWFObject (this is in the .zip file in the folder js)
42 |
43 | ==================
44 | 3. From Javascript
45 | ==================
46 |
47 | If the URL does not contain a varibale 'ofc' the next thing it will
48 | try is calling the Javascript function open_flash_chart_data(), so
49 | you may have:
50 |
51 | function open_flash_chart_data()
52 | {
53 | alert( 'reading data' );
54 | return JSON.stringify(data);
55 | }
56 |
57 | This function should return a valid JSON string.
58 |
59 | see json-test.html for an example of this.
60 |
61 | NOTE:
62 |
63 | - I am using the wonderful javascript JSON converter json2.js
64 | this is in the .zip file in js/json/json2.js, but take a look
65 | at www.json.org for more examples
66 |
67 | =============================
68 | 3. You can push JSON into OFC
69 | =============================
70 |
71 | Using Javascript you can push data into OFC via an external interface.
72 | This is really easy. When OFC has loaded and tried 1, 2 and 3 above and
73 | failed to find any data it will try to call the Javascript function
74 | ofc_ready():
75 |
76 | function ofc_ready()
77 | {
78 | alert('ofc_ready');
79 | tmp = findSWF("ofc");
80 | x = tmp.load( JSON.stringify(ofc) );
81 | }
82 |
83 | In this function you can push a JSON string into OFC using
84 | the interface 'load()', in the above function we find the chart
85 | then call load and pass in our JSON string.
86 |
87 | This is useful for AJAX pages.
88 |
89 | see json-test-2.html for an example of this.
90 |
91 | =====================
92 | Data format: JSON
93 | =====================
94 |
95 | The data must be in JSON format. The basic JSON obect is:
96 |
97 | {}
98 |
99 | a more complete example with HTML and Javascript:
100 |
101 | <script type="text/javascript">
102 |
103 | var data = {};
104 |
105 | </script>
106 |
107 |
108 | Put all other objects inside this. For example the JSON object
109 | with a title looks like this:
110 |
111 | {
112 | "title":{
113 | "text": "Many data lines",
114 | "style": "{font-size: 20px; color:#0000ff; font-family: Verdana; text-align: center;}"
115 | }
116 | }
117 |
118 | This is what you would save into a data file. Below is the same data,
119 | but this time as part of the javascript in your web page:
120 |
121 | <script type="text/javascript">
122 |
123 | var data = {
124 | "title":{
125 | "text": "Many data lines",
126 | "style": "{font-size: 20px; color:#0000ff; font-family: Verdana; text-align: center;}"
127 | }
128 | };
129 |
130 | </script>
131 |
132 | This all sounds rather complex, but it isn't really. This is what is going on
133 | inside OFC when it reads a data file:
134 |
135 | json_string = load file from URL()
136 | json_object = parse string( json_string )
137 | display chart( json_object )
138 |
139 | The same thing happens when you pass in a JSON object from Javascript,
140 | to create the JSON string, you call:
141 |
142 | JSON.stringify(ofc)
143 |
144 | and pass the string into OFC:
145 |
146 | tmp = findSWF("ofc");
147 | x = tmp.load( JSON.stringify(ofc) );
148 |
149 | then inside OFC the same functions are called:
150 |
151 | external interface load( json_string ) {
152 | json_object = parse string( json_string )
153 | display chart( json_object )
154 | }
155 |
156 | ==========
157 | Tutorial 1
158 | ==========
159 |
160 | So, lets go.
161 |
162 | Copy the .swf to the root of your web site.
163 |
164 | Now take a copy of 'flash-variable.html' and put this into
165 | the root of the web site.
166 |
167 | Copy the Javascript files to the root of your site.
168 |
169 | Next take the example data file 'data.txt' and also put this
170 | into the root.
171 |
172 | Edit 'flash-variable.html', find the line:
173 |
174 | var so = new SWFObject("../open-flash-chart/open-flash-chart.swf", "ofc", "250", "200", "9", "#FFFFFF");
175 |
176 | and change it to:
177 |
178 | var so = new SWFObject("open-flash-chart.swf", "ofc", "250", "200", "9", "#FFFFFF");
179 |
180 | also change all the Javascript includes so they work.
181 |
182 | Now browse to:
183 |
184 | http://example.com/flash-variable.html
185 |
186 | this should fail.
187 |
188 | http://example.com/flash-variable.html?ofc=data.txt
189 |
190 | this should work.
191 |
192 | ==========
193 | Tutorial 2
194 | ==========
195 |
196 | Try editing the data file. Take a look at the example data files.
197 |
198 |
199 | ================
200 | Title (optional)
201 | ================
202 | All attributes are optional.
203 | text: string, the title
204 | style: string, the CSS style
205 |
206 | {
207 | "title":{
208 | "text": "Many data lines",
209 | "style": "{font-size: 20px; color:#0000ff; font-family: Verdana; text-align: center;}"
210 | }
211 | }
212 |
213 | ===================
214 | Y Legend (optional)
215 | ===================
216 | All attributes are optional.
217 | text: string, the title for the Y axis
218 | style: string, a CSS string
219 |
220 | {
221 | "y_legend":{
222 | "text": "Open Flash Chart",
223 | "style": "{color: #736AFF; font-size: 12px;}"
224 | }
225 | }
226 |
227 | ========
228 | Elements
229 | ========
230 | The elements attribute is an array of generic objects.
231 | Each object is the type of chart (line, bar, scatter etc.)
232 |
233 | {
234 | "elements":[
235 | {
236 | "type": "bar",
237 | "alpha": 0.5,
238 | "colour": "#9933CC",
239 | "text": "Page views",
240 | "font-size": 10,
241 | "values" : [9,6,7,9,5,7,6,9,7]
242 | },
243 | {
244 | "type": "bar",
245 | "alpha": 0.5,
246 | "colour": "#CC9933",
247 | "text": "Page views 2",
248 | "font-size": 10,
249 | "values" : [9,6,7,9,5,7,6,9,7]
250 | }
251 | ]
252 | }
253 |
254 | =================
255 | X Axis (optional)
256 | =================
257 | This object is optional, if it is not present the chart will show a default
258 | X axis.
259 | All attributes are optional.
260 |
261 | stroke : number, the width of the line
262 | tick-height : number, the height of the ticks
263 | colour : string, the colour of the line
264 | offset: boolean, x axis min (usually 0) is offset, used in bar charts
265 | grid-colour: string, colour of the grid lines
266 | 3d: boolean, is it 3D
267 | steps: show every n ticks
268 | labels: array of strings, the labels of each X point
269 |
270 | Example:
271 | {
272 | "x_axis":{
273 | "stroke":1,
274 | "tick_height":10,
275 | "colour":"#d000d0",
276 | "grid_colour":"#00ff00",
277 | "labels": ["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","Spetember"]
278 | }
279 | }
280 |
281 | ===============
282 | Y Axis optional
283 | ===============
284 | This object is optional, if it is not present the chart will show a default
285 | Y axis.
286 | All attributes are optional.
287 |
288 | Example:
289 | {
290 | "y_axis":{
291 | "stroke": 4,
292 | "tick_length": 3,
293 | "colour": "#d000d0",
294 | "grid_colour": "#00ff00",
295 | "offset": 0,
296 | "max": 20
297 | }
298 | }
299 |
300 | ============
301 | Elements.bar
302 | ============
303 | A bar chart. Must be inside the elements array.
304 |
305 | type: string, must be 'bar'
306 | alpha: number, between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque)
307 | colour: string, CSS colour
308 | text: string, the key
309 | font-size: number, size of the key text
310 | values: array of numbers, height of each bar
311 |
312 | Example:
313 | {
314 | "elements":[
315 | {
316 | "type": "bar",
317 | "alpha": 0.5,
318 | "colour": "#9933CC",
319 | "text": "Page views",
320 | "font-size": 10,
321 | "values" : [9,6,7,9,5,7,6,9,7]
322 | }
323 | ]
324 | }
325 |
326 | ============
327 | Elements.pie
328 | ============
329 | A pie chart. Must be inside the elements array.
330 |
331 | type: string, must be 'pie'
332 | start-angle: number, the angle of the first pie slice
333 | colours: array of strings, CSS colour
334 | alpha: number, between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque)
335 | stroke: number, the outline width
336 | animate: boolean, animate the pie chart
337 | values: array of objects, value of each pie slice. May be a number or a slice object
338 |
339 | Example:
340 | {
341 | "elements":[
342 | {
343 | "type": "pie",
344 | "start-angle": 180,
345 | "colours": ["#d01f3c","#356aa0","#C79810","#73880A","#D15600","#6BBA70"],
346 | "alpha": 0.6,
347 | "stroke": 2,
348 | "animate": 1,
349 | "values" : [0,2,{"value":0,"text":"zero"},2,6]
350 | }
351 | ]
352 | }
353 |
354 | =============
355 | Elements.hbar
356 | =============
357 | Horizontal Bar chart
358 |
359 | values: array of objects. Each value must have a "right" and an optional "left" value
360 |
361 |
362 | Example:
363 | {
364 | "elements":[
365 | {
366 | "type": "hbar",
367 | "colour": "#9933CC",
368 | "text": "Page views",
369 | "font-size": 10,
370 | "values" : [{"right":10},{"right":15},{"left":13,"right":17}]
371 | }
372 | ]
373 | }
374 |
375 | =================
376 | Elements.line_dot
377 | =================
378 | Line chart
379 |
380 | values: Array of numbers:
381 |
382 | Example:
383 | {
384 | "elements":[
385 | {
386 | "type": "line_dot",
387 | "colour": "#736AFF",
388 | "text": "Avg. wave height (cm)",
389 | "font-size": 10,
390 | "width": 2,
391 | "dot-size": 4,
392 | "values" : [1.5,1.69,1.88,2.06,2.21,2.34,null,2.35,2.23,2.08]
393 | }
394 | ]
395 | }
396 |
397 | =================
398 | Elements.line*
399 | =================
400 | Just a quick note of the 3 different line types:
401 |
402 | Example:
403 | {
404 | "title":{
405 | "text":"Many data lines",
406 | "style":"{font-size: 30px;}"
407 | },
408 |
409 | "y_legend":{
410 | "text":"Open Flash Chart",
411 | "style":"{font-size: 12px; color:#736AFF;}"
412 | },
413 |
414 | "elements":[
415 | {
416 | "type": "line",
417 | "colour": "#9933CC",
418 | "text": "Page views",
419 | "width": 2,
420 | "font-size": 10,
421 | "dot-size": 6,
422 | "values" : [15,18,19,14,17,18,15,18,17]
423 | },
424 | {
425 | "type": "line_dot",
426 | "colour": "#CC3399",
427 | "width": 2,
428 | "text": "Downloads",
429 | "font-size": 10,
430 | "dot-size": 5,
431 | "values" : [10,12,14,9,12,13,10,13,12]
432 | },
433 | {
434 | "type": "line_hollow",
435 | "colour": "#80a033",
436 | "width": 2,
437 | "text": "Bounces",
438 | "font-size": 10,
439 | "dot-size": 6,
440 | "values" : [5,7,9,7,4,6,1,2,5]
441 | }
442 | ],
443 |
444 | "y_axis":{
445 | "max": 20
446 | },
447 |
448 | "x_axis":{
449 | "steps": 2,
450 | "labels": ["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September"]
451 | }
452 | }
453 |
454 | ========
455 | Examples
456 | ========
457 |
458 | Here is a simple JSON object that contains a horizontal bar chart:
459 |
460 | {
461 | "title":{
462 | "text":"HBar Map X values",
463 | "style":"{font-size: 20px; font-family: Verdana; text-align: center;}"
464 | },
465 |
466 | "elements":[
467 | {
468 | "type": "hbar",
469 | "colour": "#9933CC",
470 | "text": "Page views",
471 | "font-size": 10,
472 | "values" : [{"right":10},{"right":15},{"left":13,"right":17}]
473 | }
474 | ],
475 | "x_axis":{
476 | "min": 0,
477 | "max": 20,
478 | "offset": 0,
479 | "labels": ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v"]
480 | },
481 | "y_axis":{
482 | "stroke": 14,
483 | "tick_length": 30,
484 | "colour": "#d09090",
485 | "grid_colour": "#00ff00",
486 | "offset": 1,
487 | "labels": ["slashdot.org","digg.com","reddit.com"]
488 | }
489 | }