1 | package elements.axis {
2 | import flash.display.Sprite;
3 | import elements.axis.YTextField;
4 | import flash.text.TextFormat;
5 | import org.flashdevelop.utils.FlashConnect;
6 | import br.com.stimuli.string.printf;
7 | import string.Utils;
8 |
9 | public class YAxisLabelsBase extends Sprite {
10 |
11 | private var steps:Number;
12 | private var right:Boolean;
13 | protected var style:Object;
14 | public var i_need_labels:Boolean;
15 | protected var lblText:String;
16 | public var y_max:Number;
17 |
18 | public function YAxisLabelsBase(json:Object, axis_name:String) {
19 | var i:Number;
20 | var s:String;
21 | var values:Array;
22 | var steps:Number;
23 |
24 | // TODO: calculate Y max from the data
25 | this.y_max = 10;
26 |
27 | if( json[axis_name] )
28 | {
29 | //
30 | // Old crufty JSON, refactor out at some point,
31 | //
32 | //
33 | if( json[axis_name].labels is Array )
34 | {
35 | values = [];
36 |
37 | // use passed in min if provided else zero
38 | i = (json[axis_name] && json[axis_name].min) ? json[axis_name].min : 0;
39 | for each( s in json[axis_name].labels )
40 | {
41 | values.push( { val:s, pos:i } );
42 | i++;
43 | }
44 | //
45 | // alter the MinMax object:
46 | //
47 | // use passed in max if provided else the number of values less 1
48 | this.y_max = (json[axis_name] && json[axis_name].max) ? json[axis_name].max : values.length - 1;
49 | this.i_need_labels = false;
50 | }
51 | }
52 |
53 | //
54 | // an object, that contains an array of objects:
55 | //
56 | if( json[axis_name] )
57 | {
58 | if ( json[axis_name].labels is Object )
59 | {
60 | if ( json[axis_name].labels.text is String )
61 | this.lblText = json[axis_name].labels.text;
62 |
63 | var visibleSteps:Number = 1;
64 | if( json[axis_name].steps is Number )
65 | visibleSteps = json[axis_name].steps;
66 |
67 | if( json[axis_name].labels.steps is Number )
68 | visibleSteps = json[axis_name].labels.steps;
69 |
70 | if ( json[axis_name].labels.labels is Array )
71 | {
72 | values = [];
73 | // use passed in min if provided else zero
74 | var label_pos:Number = (json[axis_name] && json[axis_name].min) ? json[axis_name].min : 0;
75 |
76 | for each( var obj:Object in json[axis_name].labels.labels )
77 | {
78 | if(obj is Number)
79 | {
80 | values.push( { val:lblText, pos:obj } );
81 | //i = (obj > i) ? obj as Number : i;
82 | }
83 | else if(obj is String)
84 | {
85 | values.push( {
86 | val: obj,
87 | pos: label_pos,
88 | visible: ((label_pos % visibleSteps) == 0)
89 | } );
90 | //i = (obj > i) ? obj as Number : i;
91 | }
92 | else if (obj.y is Number)
93 | {
94 | s = (obj.text is String) ? obj.text : lblText;
95 | var style:Object = { val:s, pos:obj.y }
96 | if (obj.colour != null)
97 | style.colour = obj.colour;
98 |
99 | if (obj.size != null)
100 | style.size = obj.size;
101 |
102 | if (obj.rotate != null)
103 | style.rotate = obj.rotate;
104 |
105 | values.push( style );
106 | //i = (obj.y > i) ? obj.y : i;
107 | }
108 |
109 | label_pos++;
110 | }
111 | this.i_need_labels = false;
112 | }
113 | }
114 | }
115 |
116 | this.steps = steps;
117 |
118 | var lblStyle:YLabelStyle = new YLabelStyle(json, name);
119 | this.style = lblStyle.style;
120 |
121 | //
122 | // TODO: hack, if the user has not defined either left or right
123 | // by default set left axis to show and right to hide.
124 | //
125 | if ( !json[axis_name] && axis_name!='y_axis' )
126 | this.style.show_labels = false;
127 | //
128 | //
129 |
130 | // Default to using "rotate" from the y_axis level
131 | if ( json[axis_name] && json[axis_name].rotate ) {
132 | this.style.rotate = json[axis_name].rotate;
133 | }
134 |
135 | // Next override with any values at the y_axis.labels level
136 | if (( json[axis_name] != null ) &&
137 | ( json[axis_name].labels != null ) ) {
138 | object_helper.merge_2( json[axis_name].labels, this.style );
139 | }
140 |
141 | this.add_labels(values);
142 | }
143 |
144 | private function add_labels(values:Array): void {
145 |
146 | // are the Y Labels visible?
147 | if( !this.style.show_labels )
148 | return;
149 |
150 | // labels
151 | var pos:Number = 0;
152 |
153 | for each ( var v:Object in values )
154 | {
155 | var lblStyle:Object = { };
156 | object_helper.merge_2( this.style, lblStyle );
157 | object_helper.merge_2( v, lblStyle );
158 |
159 | if ( lblStyle.visible )
160 | {
161 | var tmp:YTextField = this.make_label( lblStyle );
162 | tmp.y_val = v.pos;
163 | this.addChild(tmp);
164 |
165 | pos++;
166 | }
167 | }
168 | }
169 |
170 | /**
171 | * This is called from the init function, because it is only after the Sprite
172 | * is added to the stagethat we know the size of the flash window and know
173 | * how many ticks/labelswe auto generate
174 | */
175 | public function make_labels(min:Number, max:Number, steps:Number): void {
176 |
177 | tr.aces('make_labels', this.i_need_labels, min, max, false, steps, this.lblText);
178 | tr.aces(this.style.show_labels);
179 |
180 | if ( !this.i_need_labels )
181 | return;
182 |
183 | this.i_need_labels = false;
184 | this.make_labels_(min, max, false, steps, this.lblText);
185 | }
186 |
187 | //
188 | // use Y Min, Y Max and Y Steps to create an array of
189 | // Y labels:
190 | //
191 | protected function make_labels_(min:Number, max:Number, right:Boolean, steps:Number, lblText:String):void {
192 | var values:Array = [];
193 |
194 | var min_:Number = Math.min( min, max );
195 | var max_:Number = Math.max( min, max );
196 |
197 | // hack: hack: http://kb.adobe.com/selfservice/viewContent.do?externalId=tn_13989&sliceId=1
198 | max_ += 0.000004;
199 |
200 | var eek:Number = 0;
201 | for( var i:Number = min_; i <= max_; i+=steps ) {
202 | values.push( { val:lblText, pos:i } );
203 |
204 | // make sure we don't generate too many labels:
205 | if( eek++ > 250 ) break;
206 | }
207 |
208 | this.add_labels(values);
209 | }
210 |
211 | private function make_label( lblStyle:Object ):YTextField
212 | {
213 |
214 | lblStyle.colour = string.Utils.get_colour(lblStyle.colour);
215 |
216 | var tf:YTextField = new YTextField();
217 | //tf.border = true;
218 | tf.text = this.replace_magic_values(lblStyle.val, lblStyle.pos);
219 | var fmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
220 | fmt.color = lblStyle.colour;
221 | fmt.font = lblStyle.rotate == "vertical" ? "spArial" : "Verdana";
222 | fmt.size = lblStyle.size;
223 | fmt.align = "right";
224 | tf.setTextFormat(fmt);
225 | tf.autoSize = "right";
226 | if (lblStyle.rotate == "vertical")
227 | {
228 | tf.rotation = 270;
229 | tf.embedFonts = true;
230 | tf.antiAliasType = flash.text.AntiAliasType.ADVANCED;
231 | }
232 | return tf;
233 | }
234 |
235 | // move y axis labels to the correct x pos
236 | public function resize( left:Number, sc:ScreenCoords ):void
237 | {
238 | }
239 |
240 |
241 | public function get_width():Number{
242 | var max:Number = 0;
243 | for( var i:Number=0; i<this.numChildren; i++ )
244 | {
245 | var tf:YTextField = this.getChildAt(i) as YTextField;
246 | max = Math.max( max, tf.width );
247 | }
248 | return max;
249 | }
250 |
251 | public function die(): void {
252 |
253 | while ( this.numChildren > 0 )
254 | this.removeChildAt(0);
255 | }
256 |
257 | private function replace_magic_values(labelText:String, yVal:Number):String {
258 | labelText = labelText.replace('#val#', NumberUtils.formatNumber(yVal));
259 | return labelText;
260 | }
261 | }
262 | }