1 | package elements.axis {
2 | import flash.display.Sprite;
3 | import flash.text.TextField;
4 | import flash.text.TextFormat;
5 | import flash.display.DisplayObject;
6 | import flash.geom.Rectangle;
7 | import elements.axis.AxisLabel;
8 | import string.Utils;
9 | import string.DateUtils;
10 | import com.serialization.json.JSON;
11 | // import DateUtils;
12 |
13 | public class XAxisLabels extends Sprite {
14 |
15 | public var need_labels:Boolean;
16 | public var axis_labels:Array;
17 | // JSON style:
18 | private var style:Object;
19 | private var userSpecifiedVisible:Object;
20 |
21 | //
22 | // Ugh, ugly code so we can rotate the text:
23 | //
24 | // [Embed(systemFont='Arial', fontName='spArial', mimeType='application/x-font', unicodeRange='U+0020-U+007E')]
25 | [Embed(systemFont = 'Arial', fontName = 'spArial', mimeType = 'application/x-font')]
26 |
27 | public static var ArialFont__:Class;
28 |
29 | function XAxisLabels( json:Object ) {
30 |
31 | this.need_labels = true;
32 |
33 | // TODO: remove this and the class
34 | // var style:XLabelStyle = new XLabelStyle( json.x_labels );
35 |
36 | this.style = {
37 | rotate: 0,
38 | visible: null,
39 | labels: null,
40 | text: '#val#', // <-- default to display the position number or x value
41 | steps: null, // <-- null for auto labels
42 | size: 10,
43 | align: 'auto',
44 | colour: '#000000',
45 | "visible-steps": null
46 | };
47 |
48 | // cache the text for tooltips
49 | this.axis_labels = new Array();
50 |
51 | if( ( json.x_axis != null ) && ( json.x_axis.labels != null ) )
52 | object_helper.merge_2( json.x_axis.labels, this.style );
53 |
54 | // save the user specified visible value foe use with auto_labels
55 | this.userSpecifiedVisible = this.style.visible;
56 | // for user provided labels, default to visible if not specified
57 | if (this.style.visible == null) this.style.visible = true;
58 |
59 | // Force rotation value if "rotate" is specified
60 | if ( this.style.rotate is String )
61 | {
62 | if (this.style.rotate == "vertical")
63 | {
64 | this.style.rotate = 270;
65 | }
66 | else if (this.style.rotate == "diagonal")
67 | {
68 | this.style.rotate = -45;
69 | }
70 | }
71 |
72 | this.style.colour = Utils.get_colour( this.style.colour );
73 |
74 | if( ( this.style.labels is Array ) && ( this.style.labels.length > 0 ) )
75 | {
76 | //
77 | // we WERE passed labels
78 | //
79 | this.need_labels = false;
80 | if (this.style.steps == null)
81 | this.style.steps = 1;
82 |
83 | //
84 | // BUG: this should start counting at X MIN, not zero
85 | //
86 | var x:Number = 0;
87 | var lblCount:Number = 0;
88 | // Allow for only displaying some of the labels
89 | var visibleSteps:Number = (this.style["visible-steps"] == null) ? this.style.steps : this.style["visible-steps"];
90 |
91 | for each( var s:Object in this.style.labels )
92 | {
93 | var tmpStyle:Object = { };
94 | object_helper.merge_2( this.style, tmpStyle );
95 |
96 | tmpStyle.visible = ((lblCount % visibleSteps) == 0);
97 | tmpStyle.x = x;
98 |
99 | // we need the x position for #x_label# tooltips
100 | this.add( s, tmpStyle );
101 | x++;
102 | lblCount++;
103 | }
104 | }
105 | }
106 |
107 | //
108 | // we were not passed labels and need to make
109 | // them from the X Axis range
110 | //
111 | public function auto_label( range:Range, steps:Number ):void {
112 |
113 | //
114 | // if the user has passed labels we don't do this
115 | //
116 | if ( this.need_labels ) {
117 | var rev:Boolean = (range.min >= range.max); // min-max reversed?
118 |
119 | // Use the steps specific to labels if provided by user
120 | var lblSteps:Number = 1;
121 | if (this.style.steps != null) lblSteps = this.style.steps;
122 |
123 | // force max of 250 labels
124 | if (Math.abs(range.count() / lblSteps) > 250) lblSteps = range.count() / 250;
125 |
126 | // guarantee lblSteps is the proper sign
127 | lblSteps = rev ? -Math.abs(lblSteps) : Math.abs(lblSteps);
128 |
129 | // Allow for only displaying some of the labels
130 | var visibleSteps:Number = (this.style["visible-steps"] == null) ? steps : this.style["visible-steps"];
131 |
132 | var tempStyle:Object = {};
133 | object_helper.merge_2( this.style, tempStyle );
134 | var lblCount:Number = 0;
135 | for ( var i:Number = range.min; rev ? i >= range.max : i <= range.max; i += lblSteps ) {
136 | tempStyle.x = i;
137 | // restore the user specified visble value
138 | if (this.userSpecifiedVisible == null)
139 | {
140 | tempStyle.visible = ((lblCount % visibleSteps) == 0);
141 | lblCount++;
142 | }
143 | else
144 | {
145 | tempStyle.visible = this.userSpecifiedVisible;
146 | }
147 | this.add( null, tempStyle );
148 | }
149 | }
150 | }
151 |
152 | public function add( label:Object, style:Object ) : void
153 | {
154 |
155 | var label_style:Object = {
156 | colour: style.colour,
157 | text: style.text,
158 | rotate: style.rotate,
159 | size: style.size,
160 | align: style.align,
161 | visible: style.visible,
162 | x: style.x
163 | };
164 |
165 | //
166 | // inherit some properties from
167 | // our parents 'globals'
168 | //
169 | if( label is String )
170 | label_style.text = label as String;
171 | else
172 | object_helper.merge_2( label, label_style );
173 |
174 | // Replace magic date variables in x label text
175 | if (label_style.x != null) {
176 | label_style.text = this.replace_magic_values(label_style.text, label_style.x);
177 | }
178 |
179 | var lines:Array = label_style.text.split( '<br>' );
180 | label_style.text = lines.join( '\n' );
181 |
182 | // Map X location to label string
183 | this.axis_labels[label_style.x] = label_style.text;
184 |
185 | // only create the label if necessary
186 | if (label_style.visible) {
187 | // our parent colour is a number, but
188 | // we may have our own colour:
189 | if( label_style.colour is String )
190 | label_style.colour = Utils.get_colour( label_style.colour );
191 |
192 | var l:TextField = this.make_label( label_style );
193 |
194 | this.addChild( l );
195 | }
196 | }
197 |
198 | public function get( i:Number ) : String
199 | {
200 | if( i<this.axis_labels.length )
201 | return this.axis_labels[i];
202 | else
203 | return '';
204 | }
205 |
206 |
207 | public function make_label( label_style:Object ):TextField {
208 | // we create the text in its own movie clip, so when
209 | // we rotate it, we can move the regestration point
210 |
211 | var title:AxisLabel = new AxisLabel();
212 | title.x = 0;
213 | title.y = 0;
214 |
215 | //this.css.parseCSS(this.style);
216 | //title.styleSheet = this.css;
217 | title.text = label_style.text;
218 |
219 | var fmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
220 | fmt.color = label_style.colour;
221 |
222 | // TODO: != null
223 | if( label_style.rotate != 0 )
224 | {
225 | // so we can rotate the text
226 | fmt.font = "spArial";
227 | title.embedFonts = true;
228 | }
229 | else
230 | {
231 | fmt.font = "Verdana";
232 | }
233 |
234 | fmt.size = label_style.size;
235 | fmt.align = "left";
236 | title.setTextFormat(fmt);
237 | title.autoSize = "left";
238 | title.rotate_and_align( label_style.rotate, label_style.align, this );
239 |
240 | // we don't know the x & y locations yet...
241 |
242 | title.visible = label_style.visible;
243 | if (label_style.x != null)
244 | {
245 | // store the x value for use in resize
246 | title.xVal = label_style.x;
247 | }
248 |
249 | return title;
250 | }
251 |
252 |
253 | public function count() : Number
254 | {
255 | return this.axis_labels.length-1;
256 | }
257 |
258 | public function get_height() : Number
259 | {
260 | var height:Number = 0;
261 | for( var pos:Number=0; pos < this.numChildren; pos++ )
262 | {
263 | var child:DisplayObject = this.getChildAt(pos);
264 | height = Math.max( height, child.height );
265 | }
266 |
267 | return height;
268 | }
269 |
270 | public function resize( sc:ScreenCoords, yPos:Number ) : void
271 | {
272 |
273 | this.graphics.clear();
274 | var i:Number = 0;
275 |
276 | for( var pos:Number=0; pos < this.numChildren; pos++ )
277 | {
278 | var child:AxisLabel = this.getChildAt(pos) as AxisLabel;
279 | if (isNaN(child.xVal))
280 | {
281 | child.x = sc.get_x_tick_pos(pos) + child.xAdj;
282 | }
283 | else
284 | {
285 | child.x = sc.get_x_from_val(child.xVal) + child.xAdj;
286 | }
287 | child.y = yPos + child.yAdj;
288 | }
289 | }
290 |
291 | //
292 | // to help Box calculate the correct width:
293 | //
294 | public function last_label_width() : Number
295 | {
296 | // is the last label shown?
297 | // if( ( (this.labels.length-1) % style.step ) != 0 )
298 | // return 0;
299 |
300 | // get the width of the right most label
301 | // because it may stick out past the end of the graph
302 | // and we don't want to truncate it.
303 | // return this.mcs[(this.mcs.length-1)]._width;
304 | if ( this.numChildren > 0 )
305 | // this is a kludge compensating for ScreenCoords dividing the width by 2
306 | return AxisLabel(this.getChildAt(this.numChildren - 1)).rightOverhang * 2;
307 | else
308 | return 0;
309 | }
310 |
311 | // see above comments
312 | public function first_label_width() : Number
313 | {
314 | if( this.numChildren>0 )
315 | // this is a kludge compensating for ScreenCoords dividing the width by 2
316 | return AxisLabel(this.getChildAt(0)).leftOverhang * 2;
317 | else
318 | return 0;
319 | }
320 |
321 | public function die(): void {
322 |
323 | this.axis_labels = null;
324 | this.style = null;
325 | this.graphics.clear();
326 |
327 | while ( this.numChildren > 0 )
328 | this.removeChildAt(0);
329 | }
330 |
331 | private function replace_magic_values(labelText:String, xVal:Number):String {
332 | labelText = labelText.replace('#val#', NumberUtils.formatNumber(xVal));
333 | labelText = DateUtils.replace_magic_values(labelText, xVal);
334 | return labelText;
335 | }
336 |
337 | }
338 | }