1 | package elements.axis {
2 | import flash.display.Sprite;
3 | import flash.geom.Matrix;
4 | import string.Utils;
5 | import charts.series.bars.Bar3D;
6 | import com.serialization.json.JSON;
7 | import Range;
8 |
9 |
10 | public class XAxis extends Sprite {
11 |
12 | private var steps:Number;
13 | private var alt_axis_colour:Number;
14 | private var alt_axis_step:Number;
15 | private var three_d:Boolean;
16 | private var three_d_height:Number;
17 |
18 | private var stroke:Number;
19 | private var tick_height:Number;
20 | private var colour:Number;
21 | public var offset:Boolean;
22 | private var grid_colour:Number;
23 | private var grid_visible:Boolean;
24 | private var user_ticks:Boolean;
25 | private var user_labels:Array;
26 |
27 | // make this private
28 | public var labels:XAxisLabels;
29 |
30 | private var style:Object;
31 |
32 | function XAxis( json:Object, min:Number, max:Number )
33 | {
34 | // default values
35 | this.style = {
36 | stroke: 2,
37 | 'tick-height': 3,
38 | colour: '#784016',
39 | offset: true,
40 | 'grid-colour': '#F5E1AA',
41 | 'grid-visible': true,
42 | '3d': 0,
43 | steps: 1,
44 | min: 0,
45 | max: null
46 | };
47 |
48 | if( json != null )
49 | object_helper.merge_2( json.x_axis, this.style );
50 |
51 | this.calcSteps();
52 |
53 | this.stroke = this.style.stroke;
54 | this.tick_height = this.style['tick-height'];
55 | this.colour = this.style.colour;
56 | // is the axis offset (see ScreenCoords)
57 | this.offset = this.style.offset;
58 | this.grid_visible = this.style['grid-visible'];
59 |
60 | this.colour = Utils.get_colour( this.style.colour );
61 | this.grid_colour = Utils.get_colour( this.style['grid-colour'] );
62 |
63 |
64 | if( style['3d'] > 0 )
65 | {
66 | this.three_d = true;
67 | this.three_d_height = int( this.style['3d'] );
68 | }
69 | else
70 | this.three_d = false;
71 |
72 | // Patch from Will Henry
73 | if( json )
74 | {
75 | if( json.x_label_style != undefined ) {
76 | if( json.x_label_style.alt_axis_step != undefined )
77 | this.alt_axis_step = json.x_label_style.alt_axis_step;
78 |
79 | if( json.x_label_style.alt_axis_colour != undefined )
80 | this.alt_axis_colour = Utils.get_colour(json.x_label_style.alt_axis_colour);
81 | }
82 | }
83 |
84 | this.labels = new XAxisLabels( json );
85 | this.addChild( this.labels );
86 |
87 | // the X Axis labels *may* require info from
88 | // this.obs
89 | if( !this.range_set() )
90 | {
91 | //
92 | // the user has not told us how long the X axis
93 | // is, so we figure it out:
94 | //
95 | if( this.labels.need_labels ) {
96 | //
97 | // No X Axis labels set:
98 | //
99 |
100 | // tr.aces( 'max x', this.obs.get_min_x(), this.obs.get_max_x() );
101 | this.set_range( min, max );
102 | }
103 | else
104 | {
105 | //
106 | // X Axis labels used, even so, make the chart
107 | // big enough to show all values
108 | //
109 | // tr.aces('x labels', this.obs.get_min_x(), this.x_axis.labels.count(), this.obs.get_max_x());
110 | if ( this.labels.count() > max ) {
111 |
112 | // Data and labesl are OK
113 | this.set_range( 0, this.labels.count() );
114 | } else {
115 |
116 | // There is more data than labels -- oops
117 | this.set_range( min, max );
118 | }
119 | }
120 | }
121 | else
122 | {
123 | //range set, but no labels...
124 | this.labels.auto_label( this.get_range(), this.get_steps() );
125 | }
126 |
127 | // custom ticks:
128 | this.make_user_ticks();
129 | }
130 |
131 | //
132 | // a little hacky, but we inspect the labels
133 | // to see if we need to display user custom ticks
134 | //
135 | private function make_user_ticks():void {
136 |
137 | if ((this.style.labels != null) &&
138 | (this.style.labels.labels != null) &&
139 | (this.style.labels.labels is Array) &&
140 | (this.style.labels.labels.length > 0))
141 | {
142 | this.user_labels = new Array();
143 | for each( var lbl:Object in this.style.labels.labels )
144 | {
145 | if (!(lbl is String)) {
146 | if (lbl.x != null)
147 | {
148 | var tmpObj:Object = { x: lbl.x };
149 | if (lbl["grid-colour"])
150 | {
151 | tmpObj["grid-colour"] = Utils.get_colour(lbl["grid-colour"]);
152 | }
153 | else
154 | {
155 | tmpObj["grid-colour"] = this.grid_colour;
156 | }
157 |
158 | this.user_ticks = true;
159 | this.user_labels.push(tmpObj);
160 | }
161 | }
162 | }
163 | }
164 | }
165 |
166 | private function calcSteps():void {
167 | if (this.style.max == null) {
168 | this.steps = 1;
169 | }
170 | else {
171 | var xRange:Number = this.style.max - this.style.min;
172 | var rev:Boolean = (this.style.min >= this.style.max); // min-max reversed?
173 | this.steps = ((this.style.steps != null) &&
174 | (this.style.steps != 0)) ? this.style.steps : 1;
175 |
176 | // force max of 250 labels and tick marks
177 | if ((Math.abs(xRange) / this.steps) > 250) this.steps = xRange / 250;
178 |
179 | // guarantee lblSteps is the proper sign
180 | this.steps = rev ? -Math.abs(this.steps) : Math.abs(this.steps);
181 | }
182 | }
183 |
184 | //
185 | // have we been passed a range? (min and max?)
186 | //
187 | public function range_set():Boolean {
188 | return this.style.max != null;
189 | }
190 |
191 | //
192 | // We don't have a range, so we need to calculate it.
193 | // grid lines, depends on number of values,
194 | // the X Axis labels and X min and X max
195 | //
196 | public function set_range( min:Number, max:Number ):void
197 | {
198 | this.style.min = min;
199 | this.style.max = max;
200 | // Calc new steps
201 | this.calcSteps();
202 |
203 | this.labels.auto_label( this.get_range(), this.get_steps() );
204 | }
205 |
206 | //
207 | // how many items in the X axis?
208 | //
209 | public function get_range():Range {
210 | return new Range( this.style.min, this.style.max, this.steps, this.offset );
211 | }
212 |
213 | public function get_steps():Number {
214 | return this.steps;
215 | }
216 |
217 | public function resize( sc:ScreenCoords, yPos:Number ):void
218 | {
219 | this.graphics.clear();
220 |
221 | //
222 | // Grid lines
223 | //
224 | if (this.user_ticks)
225 | {
226 | for each( var lbl:Object in this.user_labels )
227 | {
228 | this.graphics.beginFill(lbl["grid-colour"], 1);
229 | var xVal:Number = sc.get_x_from_val(lbl.x);
230 | this.graphics.drawRect( xVal, sc.top, 1, sc.height );
231 | this.graphics.endFill();
232 | }
233 | }
234 | else if(this.grid_visible)
235 | {
236 | var rev:Boolean = (this.style.min >= this.style.max); // min-max reversed?
237 | var tickMax:Number = /*(rev && this.style.offset) ? this.style.max-2 : */ this.style.max
238 |
239 | for( var i:Number=this.style.min; rev ? i >= tickMax : i <= tickMax; i+=this.steps )
240 | {
241 | if( ( this.alt_axis_step > 1 ) && ( i % this.alt_axis_step == 0 ) )
242 | this.graphics.beginFill(this.alt_axis_colour, 1);
243 | else
244 | this.graphics.beginFill(this.grid_colour, 1);
245 |
246 | xVal = sc.get_x_from_val(i);
247 | this.graphics.drawRect( xVal, sc.top, 1, sc.height );
248 | this.graphics.endFill();
249 | }
250 | }
251 |
252 | if( this.three_d )
253 | this.three_d_axis( sc );
254 | else
255 | this.two_d_axis( sc );
256 |
257 | this.labels.resize( sc, yPos );
258 | }
259 |
260 | public function three_d_axis( sc:ScreenCoords ):void
261 | {
262 |
263 | // for 3D
264 | var h:Number = this.three_d_height;
265 | var offset:Number = 12;
266 | var x_axis_height:Number = h+offset;
267 |
268 | //
269 | // ticks
270 | var item_width:Number = sc.width / this.style.max;
271 |
272 | // turn off out lines:
273 | this.graphics.lineStyle(0,0,0);
274 |
275 | var w:Number = 1;
276 |
277 | if (this.user_ticks)
278 | {
279 | for each( var lbl:Object in this.user_labels )
280 | {
281 | var xVal:Number = sc.get_x_from_val(lbl.x);
282 | this.graphics.beginFill(this.colour, 1);
283 | this.graphics.drawRect( xVal, sc.bottom + x_axis_height, w, this.tick_height );
284 | this.graphics.endFill();
285 | }
286 | }
287 | else
288 | {
289 | for( var i:Number=0; i < this.style.max; i+=this.steps )
290 | {
291 | var pos:Number = sc.get_x_tick_pos(i);
292 |
293 | this.graphics.beginFill(this.colour, 1);
294 | this.graphics.drawRect( pos, sc.bottom + x_axis_height, w, this.tick_height );
295 | this.graphics.endFill();
296 | }
297 | }
298 |
299 |
300 | var lighter:Number = Bar3D.Lighten( this.colour );
301 |
302 | // TOP
303 | var colors:Array = [this.colour,lighter];
304 | var alphas:Array = [100,100];
305 | var ratios:Array = [0,255];
306 |
307 | var matrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
308 | matrix.createGradientBox(sc.width_(), offset, (270 / 180) * Math.PI, sc.left-offset, sc.bottom );
309 | this.graphics.beginGradientFill('linear' /*GradientType.Linear*/, colors, alphas, ratios, matrix, 'pad'/*SpreadMethod.PAD*/ );
310 | this.graphics.moveTo(sc.left,sc.bottom);
311 | this.graphics.lineTo(sc.right,sc.bottom);
312 | this.graphics.lineTo(sc.right-offset,sc.bottom+offset);
313 | this.graphics.lineTo(sc.left-offset,sc.bottom+offset);
314 | this.graphics.endFill();
315 |
316 | // front
317 | colors = [this.colour,lighter];
318 | alphas = [100,100];
319 | ratios = [0, 255];
320 |
321 | matrix.createGradientBox( sc.width_(), h, (270 / 180) * Math.PI, sc.left - offset, sc.bottom + offset );
322 | this.graphics.beginGradientFill("linear", colors, alphas, ratios, matrix);
323 | this.graphics.moveTo(sc.left-offset,sc.bottom+offset);
324 | this.graphics.lineTo(sc.right-offset,sc.bottom+offset);
325 | this.graphics.lineTo(sc.right-offset,sc.bottom+offset+h);
326 | this.graphics.lineTo(sc.left-offset,sc.bottom+offset+h);
327 | this.graphics.endFill();
328 |
329 | // right side
330 | colors = [this.colour,lighter];
331 | alphas = [100,100];
332 | ratios = [0,255];
333 |
334 | // var matrix:Object = { matrixType:"box", x:box.left - offset, y:box.bottom + offset, w:box.width_(), h:h, r:(225 / 180) * Math.PI };
335 | matrix.createGradientBox( sc.width_(), h, (225 / 180) * Math.PI, sc.left - offset, sc.bottom + offset );
336 | this.graphics.beginGradientFill("linear", colors, alphas, ratios, matrix);
337 | this.graphics.moveTo(sc.right,sc.bottom);
338 | this.graphics.lineTo(sc.right,sc.bottom+h);
339 | this.graphics.lineTo(sc.right-offset,sc.bottom+offset+h);
340 | this.graphics.lineTo(sc.right-offset,sc.bottom+offset);
341 | this.graphics.endFill();
342 |
343 | }
344 |
345 | // 2D:
346 | public function two_d_axis( sc:ScreenCoords ):void
347 | {
348 | //
349 | // ticks
350 | var item_width:Number = sc.width / this.style.max;
351 | var left:Number = sc.left+(item_width/2);
352 |
353 | //this.graphics.clear();
354 | // Axis line:
355 | this.graphics.lineStyle( 0, 0, 0 );
356 | this.graphics.beginFill( this.colour );
357 | this.graphics.drawRect( sc.left, sc.bottom, sc.width, this.stroke );
358 | this.graphics.endFill();
359 |
360 |
361 | if (this.user_ticks)
362 | {
363 | for each( var lbl:Object in this.user_labels )
364 | {
365 | var xVal:Number = sc.get_x_from_val(lbl.x);
366 | this.graphics.beginFill(this.colour, 1);
367 | this.graphics.drawRect( xVal-(this.stroke/2), sc.bottom + this.stroke, this.stroke, this.tick_height );
368 | this.graphics.endFill();
369 | }
370 | }
371 | else
372 | {
373 | for( var i:Number=this.style.min; i <= this.style.max; i+=this.steps )
374 | {
375 | xVal = sc.get_x_from_val(i);
376 | this.graphics.beginFill(this.colour, 1);
377 | this.graphics.drawRect( xVal-(this.stroke/2), sc.bottom + this.stroke, this.stroke, this.tick_height );
378 | this.graphics.endFill();
379 | }
380 | }
381 | }
382 |
383 | public function get_height():Number {
384 | if( this.three_d )
385 | {
386 | // 12 is the size of the slanty
387 | // 3D part of the X axis
388 | return this.three_d_height+12+this.tick_height + this.labels.get_height();
389 | }
390 | else
391 | return this.stroke + this.tick_height + this.labels.get_height();
392 | }
393 |
394 | public function first_label_width() : Number
395 | {
396 | return this.labels.first_label_width();
397 | }
398 |
399 | public function last_label_width() : Number
400 | {
401 | return this.labels.last_label_width();
402 | }
403 |
404 | public function die(): void {
405 |
406 | this.style = null;
407 |
408 | this.graphics.clear();
409 | while ( this.numChildren > 0 )
410 | this.removeChildAt(0);
411 |
412 | if (this.labels != null)
413 | this.labels.die();
414 | this.labels = null;
415 | }
416 | }
417 | }