1 | package charts.series.pies {
2 |
3 | import string.Utils;
4 | import charts.series.has_tooltip;
5 | import flash.text.TextField;
6 | import flash.text.TextFormat;
7 |
8 | public class PieLabel extends TextField implements has_tooltip{
9 | public var is_over:Boolean;
10 | private static var TO_RADIANS:Number = Math.PI / 180;
11 |
12 | public function PieLabel( style:Object )
13 | {
14 |
15 | this.text = style.label;
16 | // legend_tf._rotation = 3.6*value.bar_bottom;
17 |
18 | var fmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
19 | fmt.color = string.Utils.get_colour( style.colour );
20 | fmt.font = "Verdana";
21 | fmt.size = style['font-size'];
22 | fmt.align = "center";
23 | this.setTextFormat(fmt);
24 | this.autoSize = "left";
25 |
26 | this.mouseEnabled = false;
27 | }
28 |
29 | public function move_label( rad:Number, x:Number, y:Number, ang:Number ):Boolean {
30 |
31 | //text field position
32 | var legend_x:Number = x+rad*Math.cos((ang)*TO_RADIANS);
33 | var legend_y:Number = y+rad*Math.sin((ang)*TO_RADIANS);
34 |
35 | //if legend stands to the right side of the pie
36 | if(legend_x<x)
37 | legend_x -= this.width;
38 |
39 | //if legend stands on upper half of the pie
40 | if(legend_y<y)
41 | legend_y -= this.height;
42 |
43 | this.x = legend_x;
44 | this.y = legend_y;
45 |
46 | // does the label fit onto the stage?
47 | if( (this.x > 0) &&
48 | (this.y > 0) &&
49 | (this.y + this.height < this.stage.stageHeight ) &&
50 | (this.x+this.width<this.stage.stageWidth) )
51 | return true;
52 | else
53 | return false;
54 | }
55 |
56 | public function get_tooltip():String {
57 | tr.ace(( this.parent as has_tooltip ).get_tooltip());
58 | return ( this.parent as has_tooltip ).get_tooltip();
59 | }
60 |
61 | public function get_tip_pos():Object {
62 | return ( this.parent as has_tooltip ).get_tip_pos();
63 | }
64 |
65 | public function set_tip( b:Boolean ):void {
66 | return ( this.parent as has_tooltip ).set_tip(b);
67 | }
68 |
69 | public function resize( sc:ScreenCoords ): void {
70 |
71 | }
72 | }
73 | }