1 | package charts.series.bars {
2 |
3 | import flash.display.Sprite;
4 | import charts.series.bars.Base;
5 |
6 | public class Sketch extends Base {
7 | private var outline:Number;
8 | private var offset:Number;
9 |
10 | public function Sketch( index:Number, props:Properties, group:Number ) {
11 |
12 | super(index, props, group);
13 | //super(index, {'top':props.get('top')}, props.get_colour('colour'), props.get('tip'), props.get('alpha'), group);
14 | this.outline = props.get_colour('outline-colour');
15 | this.offset = props.get('offset');
16 | }
17 |
18 |
19 | public override function resize( sc:ScreenCoordsBase ):void {
20 |
21 | var h:Object = this.resize_helper( sc as ScreenCoords );
22 |
23 | // how sketchy the bar is:
24 | var offset:Number = this.offset;
25 | var o2:Number = offset/2;
26 |
27 | // fill the bar
28 | // number of pen strokes:
29 | var strokes:Number = 6;
30 | // how wide each pen will need to be:
31 | var l_width:Number = h.width/strokes;
32 |
33 | this.graphics.clear();
34 | this.graphics.lineStyle( l_width+1, this.colour, 0.85, true, "none", "round", "miter", 0.8 );
35 | for( var i:Number=0; i<strokes; i++ )
36 | {
37 | this.graphics.moveTo( ((l_width*i)+(l_width/2))+(Math.random()*offset-o2), 2+(Math.random()*offset-o2) );
38 | this.graphics.lineTo( ((l_width*i)+(l_width/2))+(Math.random()*offset-o2), h.height-2+ (Math.random()*offset-o2) );
39 | }
40 |
41 | // outlines:
42 | this.graphics.lineStyle( 2, this.outline, 1 );
43 | // left upright
44 | this.graphics.moveTo( Math.random()*offset-o2, Math.random()*offset-o2 );
45 | this.graphics.lineTo( Math.random()*offset-o2, h.height+Math.random()*offset-o2 );
46 |
47 | // top
48 | this.graphics.moveTo( Math.random()*offset-o2, Math.random()*offset-o2 );
49 | this.graphics.lineTo( h.width+ (Math.random()*offset-o2), Math.random()*offset-o2 );
50 |
51 | // right upright
52 | this.graphics.moveTo( h.width+ (Math.random()*offset-o2), Math.random()*offset-o2 );
53 | this.graphics.lineTo( h.width+ (Math.random()*offset-o2), h.height+ (Math.random()*offset-o2) );
54 |
55 | // bottom
56 | this.graphics.moveTo( Math.random()*offset-o2, h.height+ (Math.random()*offset-o2) );
57 | this.graphics.lineTo( h.width+ (Math.random()*offset-o2), h.height+ (Math.random()*offset-o2) );
58 |
59 | }
60 | }
61 | }