1 | package charts.series.bars {
2 |
3 | import flash.display.Sprite;
4 | import flash.geom.Matrix;
5 | import flash.filters.DropShadowFilter;
6 | import charts.series.bars.Base;
7 |
8 | public class Bar3D extends Base {
9 |
10 | public function Bar3D( index:Number, props:Properties, group:Number ) {
11 |
12 | super(index, props, group);
13 | //super(index, style, style.colour, style.tip, style.alpha, group);
14 | //super(index, {'top':props.get('top')}, props.get_colour('colour'), props.get('tip'), props.get('alpha'), group);
15 |
16 | var dropShadow:DropShadowFilter = new flash.filters.DropShadowFilter();
17 | dropShadow.blurX = 5;
18 | dropShadow.blurY = 5;
19 | dropShadow.distance = 3;
20 | dropShadow.angle = 45;
21 | dropShadow.quality = 2;
22 | dropShadow.alpha = 0.4;
23 | // apply shadow filter
24 | this.filters = [dropShadow];
25 | }
26 |
27 | public override function resize( sc:ScreenCoordsBase ):void {
28 |
29 | var h:Object = this.resize_helper( sc as ScreenCoords );
30 |
31 | this.graphics.clear();
32 |
33 | this.draw_top( h.width, h.height );
34 | this.draw_front( h.width, h.height );
35 | this.draw_side( h.width, h.height );
36 | }
37 |
38 | private function draw_top( w:Number, h:Number ):void {
39 |
40 | this.graphics.lineStyle(0, 0, 0);
41 | //set gradient fill
42 |
43 | var lighter:Number = Bar3D.Lighten( this.colour );
44 |
45 | var colors:Array = [this.colour,lighter];
46 | var alphas:Array = [1,1];
47 | var ratios:Array = [0,255];
48 | var matrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
49 | matrix.createGradientBox(w + 12, 12, (270 / 180) * Math.PI );
50 | this.graphics.beginGradientFill('linear' /*GradientType.Linear*/, colors, alphas, ratios, matrix, 'pad'/*SpreadMethod.PAD*/ );
51 |
52 |
53 | var y:Number = 0;
54 | if( h<0 )
55 | y = h;
56 |
57 | this.graphics.moveTo(0, y);
58 | this.graphics.lineTo(w, y);
59 | this.graphics.lineTo(w-12, y+12);
60 | this.graphics.lineTo(-12, y+12);
61 | this.graphics.endFill();
62 | }
63 |
64 | private function draw_front( w:Number, h:Number ):void {
65 | //
66 | var rad:Number = 7;
67 |
68 | var lighter:Number = Bar3D.Lighten( this.colour );
69 |
70 | // Darken a light color
71 | //var darker:Number = this.colour;
72 | //darker &= 0x7F7F7F;
73 |
74 | var colors:Array = [lighter,this.colour];
75 | var alphas:Array = [1,1];
76 | var ratios:Array = [0, 127];
77 |
78 | var matrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
79 | matrix.createGradientBox(w - 12, h+12, (90 / 180) * Math.PI );
80 | this.graphics.beginGradientFill('linear' /*GradientType.Linear*/, colors, alphas, ratios, matrix, 'pad'/*SpreadMethod.PAD*/ );
81 |
82 | this.graphics.moveTo(-12, 12);
83 | this.graphics.lineTo(-12, h+12);
84 | this.graphics.lineTo(w-12, h+12);
85 | this.graphics.lineTo(w-12, 12);
86 | this.graphics.endFill();
87 | }
88 |
89 | private function draw_side( w:Number, h:Number ):void {
90 | //
91 | var rad:Number = 7;
92 |
93 | var lighter:Number = Bar3D.Lighten( this.colour );
94 |
95 | var colors:Array = [this.colour,lighter];
96 | var alphas:Array = [1,1];
97 | var ratios:Array = [0,255];
98 | var matrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
99 | matrix.createGradientBox(w, h+12, (270 / 180) * Math.PI );
100 | this.graphics.beginGradientFill('linear' /*GradientType.Linear*/, colors, alphas, ratios, matrix, 'pad'/*SpreadMethod.PAD*/ );
101 |
102 |
103 | this.graphics.lineStyle(0, 0, 0);
104 | this.graphics.moveTo(w, 0);
105 | this.graphics.lineTo(w, h);
106 | this.graphics.lineTo(w-12, h+12);
107 | this.graphics.lineTo(w-12, 12);
108 | this.graphics.endFill();
109 | }
110 |
111 | //
112 | // JG: lighten a colour by splitting it
113 | // into RGB, then adding a bit to each
114 | // value...
115 | //
116 | public static function Lighten( col:Number ):Number {
117 | var rgb:Number = col; //decimal value for a purple color
118 | var red:Number = (rgb & 16711680) >> 16; //extacts the red channel
119 | var green:Number = (rgb & 65280) >> 8; //extacts the green channel
120 | var blue:Number = rgb & 255; //extacts the blue channel
121 | var p:Number = 2;
122 | red += red/p;
123 | if( red > 255 )
124 | red = 255;
125 |
126 | green += green/p;
127 | if( green > 255 )
128 | green = 255;
129 |
130 | blue += blue/p;
131 | if( blue > 255 )
132 | blue = 255;
133 |
134 | return red << 16 | green << 8 | blue;
135 | }
136 | }
137 | }