1 | package charts {
2 |
3 | import flash.events.Event;
4 | import flash.events.MouseEvent;
5 | import charts.series.Element;
6 | import charts.series.dots.scat;
7 | import string.Utils;
8 | import flash.geom.Point;
9 | import flash.display.Sprite;
10 | import flash.display.BlendMode;
11 | import charts.series.dots.DefaultDotProperties;
12 |
13 |
14 | public class ScatterLine extends ScatterBase
15 | {
16 | public var stepgraph:Number = 0;
17 | public static const STEP_HORIZONTAL:Number = 1;
18 | public static const STEP_VERTICAL:Number = 2;
19 |
20 | public function ScatterLine( json:Object )
21 | {
22 | super(json);
23 | //
24 | // so the mask child can punch a hole through the line
25 | //
26 | this.blendMode = BlendMode.LAYER;
27 | //
28 |
29 | this.style = {
30 | values: [],
31 | width: 2,
32 | colour: '#3030d0',
33 | text: '', // <-- default not display a key
34 | 'font-size': 12,
35 | stepgraph: 0,
36 | axis: 'left'
37 | };
38 |
39 | // hack: keep this incase the merge kills it, we'll
40 | // remove the merge later (and this hack)
41 | var tmp:Object = json['dot-style'];
42 |
43 | object_helper.merge_2( json, style );
44 |
45 | this.default_style = new DefaultDotProperties(
46 | json['dot-style'], this.style.colour, this.style.axis);
47 |
48 | this.style.colour = string.Utils.get_colour( style.colour );
49 |
50 | this.line_width = style.width;
51 | this.colour = this.style.colour;
52 | this.key = style.text;
53 | this.font_size = style['font-size'];
54 | //this.circle_size = style['dot-size'];
55 |
56 | switch (style['stepgraph']) {
57 | case 'horizontal':
58 | stepgraph = STEP_HORIZONTAL;
59 | break;
60 | case 'vertical':
61 | stepgraph = STEP_VERTICAL;
62 | break;
63 | }
64 |
65 | this.values = style.values;
66 | this.add_values();
67 | }
68 |
69 |
70 |
71 | // Draw points...
72 | public override function resize( sc:ScreenCoordsBase ): void {
73 |
74 | // move the dots:
75 | super.resize( sc );
76 |
77 | this.graphics.clear();
78 | this.graphics.lineStyle( this.style.width, this.style.colour );
79 |
80 | //if( this.style['line-style'].style != 'solid' )
81 | // this.dash_line(sc);
82 | //else
83 | this.solid_line(sc);
84 |
85 | }
86 |
87 | //
88 | // This is cut and paste from LineBase
89 | //
90 | public function solid_line( sc:ScreenCoordsBase ): void {
91 |
92 | var first:Boolean = true;
93 | var last_x:Number = 0;
94 | var last_y:Number = 0;
95 |
96 | var areaClosed:Boolean = true;
97 | var isArea:Boolean = false;
98 | var areaBaseX:Number = NaN;
99 | var areaBaseY:Number = NaN;
100 | var areaColour:Number = this.colour;
101 | var areaAlpha:Number = 0.4;
102 | var areaStyle:Object = this.style['area-style'];
103 | if (areaStyle != null)
104 | {
105 | isArea = true;
106 | if (areaStyle.x != null)
107 | {
108 | areaBaseX = areaStyle.x;
109 | }
110 | if (areaStyle.y != null)
111 | {
112 | areaBaseY = areaStyle.y;
113 | }
114 | if (areaStyle.colour != null)
115 | {
116 | areaColour = string.Utils.get_colour( areaStyle.colour );
117 | }
118 | if (areaStyle.alpha != null)
119 | {
120 | areaAlpha = areaStyle.alpha;
121 | }
122 | if (!isNaN(areaBaseX))
123 | {
124 | // Convert X Value to screen position
125 | areaBaseX = sc.get_x_from_val(areaBaseX);
126 | }
127 | if (!isNaN(areaBaseY))
128 | {
129 | // Convert Y Value to screen position
130 | areaBaseY = sc.get_y_from_val(areaBaseY); // TODO: Allow for right Y-Axis??
131 | }
132 | }
133 |
134 | for ( var i:Number = 0; i < this.numChildren; i++ ) {
135 |
136 | var tmp:Sprite = this.getChildAt(i) as Sprite;
137 |
138 | //
139 | // filter out the line masks
140 | //
141 | if( tmp is Element )
142 | {
143 | var e:Element = tmp as Element;
144 |
145 | // tell the point where it is on the screen
146 | // we will use this info to place the tooltip
147 | e.resize( sc );
148 | if (!e.visible)
149 | {
150 | // Creates a gap in the plot and closes out the current area if defined
151 | if ((isArea) && (i > 0))
152 | {
153 | // draw an invisible line back to the base and close the fill
154 | areaX = isNaN(areaBaseX) ? last_x : areaBaseX;
155 | areaY = isNaN(areaBaseY) ? last_y : areaBaseY;
156 | this.graphics.lineStyle( 0, areaColour, 0 );
157 | this.graphics.lineTo(areaX, areaY);
158 | this.graphics.endFill();
159 | areaClosed = true;
160 | }
161 | first = true;
162 | }
163 | else if( first )
164 | {
165 | if (isArea)
166 | {
167 | // draw an invisible line from the base to the point
168 | var areaX:Number = isNaN(areaBaseX) ? e.x : areaBaseX;
169 | var areaY:Number = isNaN(areaBaseY) ? e.y : areaBaseY;
170 | // Begin the fill for the area
171 | this.graphics.beginFill(areaColour, areaAlpha);
172 | this.graphics.lineStyle( 0, areaColour, 0 );
173 | this.graphics.moveTo(areaX, areaY);
174 | this.graphics.lineTo(e.x, e.y);
175 | areaClosed = false;
176 | // change the line style back to normal
177 | this.graphics.lineStyle( this.style.width, this.style.colour, 1.0 );
178 | }
179 | else
180 | {
181 | // just move to the point
182 | this.graphics.moveTo(e.x, e.y);
183 | }
184 | first = false;
185 | }
186 | else
187 | {
188 | if (this.stepgraph == STEP_HORIZONTAL)
189 | this.graphics.lineTo(e.x, last_y);
190 | else if (this.stepgraph == STEP_VERTICAL)
191 | this.graphics.lineTo(last_x, e.y);
192 |
193 | this.graphics.lineTo(e.x, e.y);
194 | }
195 | last_x = e.x;
196 | last_y = e.y;
197 | }
198 | }
199 |
200 | // Close out the area if defined
201 | if (isArea && !areaClosed)
202 | {
203 | // draw an invisible line back to the base and close the fill
204 | areaX = isNaN(areaBaseX) ? last_x : areaBaseX;
205 | areaY = isNaN(areaBaseY) ? last_y : areaBaseY;
206 | this.graphics.lineStyle( 0, areaColour, 0 );
207 | this.graphics.lineTo(areaX, areaY);
208 | this.graphics.endFill();
209 | }
210 | }
211 |
212 | }
213 | }