1 | package {
2 | import flash.geom.Point;
3 | import charts.series.dots.Point;
4 |
5 | public class ScreenCoords extends ScreenCoordsBase
6 | {
7 | private var x_range:Range;
8 | private var y_range:Range;
9 | private var y_right_range:Range;
10 |
11 | // position of the zero line
12 | //public var zero:Number=0;
13 | //public var steps:Number=0;
14 |
15 | // tick_offset is set by 3D axis
16 | public var tick_offset:Number;
17 | private var x_offset:Boolean;
18 | private var y_offset:Boolean;
19 | private var bar_groups:Number;
20 |
21 |
22 | public function ScreenCoords( top:Number, left:Number, right:Number, bottom:Number,
23 | y_axis_range:Range,
24 | y_axis_right_range:Range,
25 | x_axis_range:Range,
26 | x_left_label_width:Number, x_right_label_width:Number,
27 | three_d:Boolean )
28 | {
29 | super( top, left, right, bottom );
30 |
31 | var tmp_left:Number = left;
32 |
33 | this.x_range = x_axis_range;
34 | this.y_range = y_axis_range;
35 | this.y_right_range = y_axis_right_range;
36 |
37 | // tr.ace( '-----' );
38 | // tr.ace( this.x_range.count() );
39 | // tr.ace( this.y_range.count() );
40 |
41 |
42 | if( x_range ) {
43 | right = this.jiggle( left, right, x_right_label_width, x_axis_range.count() );
44 | tmp_left = this.shrink_left( left, right, x_left_label_width, x_axis_range.count() );
45 | }
46 |
47 | this.top = top;
48 | this.left = Math.max(left, tmp_left);
49 |
50 | // round this down to the nearest int:
51 | this.right = Math.floor( right );
52 | this.bottom = bottom;
53 | this.width = this.right-this.left;
54 | this.height = bottom-top;
55 |
56 | if( three_d )
57 | {
58 | // tell the box object that the
59 | // X axis labels need to be offset
60 | this.tick_offset = 12;
61 | }
62 | else
63 | this.tick_offset = 0;
64 |
65 | //
66 | // x_offset:
67 | //
68 | // False True
69 | //
70 | // | |
71 | // | |
72 | // | |
73 | // +--+--+--+ |-+--+--+--+-+
74 | // 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
75 | //
76 |
77 | // PIE charts don't have these:
78 | if( x_axis_range ) {
79 | this.x_offset = x_axis_range.offset;
80 | }
81 | if( y_axis_range ) {
82 | // tr.aces( 'YYYY', y_axis_range.offset );
83 | this.y_offset = y_axis_range.offset;
84 | }
85 |
86 | this.bar_groups = 1;
87 | }
88 |
89 | //
90 | // if the last X label is wider than the chart area, the last few letters will
91 | // be outside the drawing area. So we make the chart width smaller so the label
92 | // will fit into the screen.
93 | //
94 | //DZ: this implementation chops off the last label on scatter charts because it
95 | // assumes the label is centered on the last "item" (like a bar) instead of
96 | // at the max edge of the plot.
97 | public function jiggle_original( left:Number, right:Number, x_label_width:Number, count:Number ): Number {
98 | var r:Number = 0;
99 |
100 | if( x_label_width != 0 )
101 | {
102 | var item_width:Number = (right-left) / count;
103 | r = right - (item_width / 2);
104 | var new_right:Number = right;
105 |
106 | // while the right most X label is off the edge of the
107 | // Stage, move the box.right - 1
108 | while( r+(x_label_width/2) > right )
109 | {
110 | new_right -= 1;
111 | // changing the right also changes the item_width:
112 | item_width = (new_right-left) / count;
113 | r = new_right-(item_width/2);
114 | }
115 | right = new_right;
116 | }
117 | return right;
118 | }
119 |
120 | //DZ: this implementation probably add white space on the right side of a
121 | // non-scatter type plot because it assumes that the label is centered at
122 | // the max edge of the plot instead of centered on the last "item"
123 | // (like a bar)
124 | public function jiggle( left:Number, right:Number, x_label_width:Number, count:Number ): Number {
125 | return right - (x_label_width / 2);
126 | }
127 |
128 | //
129 | // if the left label is truncated, shrink the box until
130 | // it fits onto the screen
131 | //
132 | public function shrink_left( left:Number, right:Number, x_label_width:Number, count:Number ): Number {
133 | var pos:Number = 0;
134 |
135 | if( x_label_width != 0 )
136 | {
137 | var item_width:Number = (right-left) / count;
138 | pos = left+(item_width/2);
139 | var new_left:Number = left;
140 |
141 | // while the left most label is hanging off the Stage
142 | // move the box.left in one pixel:
143 | while( pos-(x_label_width/2) < 0 )
144 | {
145 | new_left += 1;
146 | // changing the left also changes the item_width:
147 | item_width = (right-new_left) / count;
148 | pos = new_left+(item_width/2);
149 | }
150 | left = new_left;
151 | }
152 |
153 | return left;
154 |
155 | }
156 |
157 | //
158 | // the bottom point of a bar:
159 | // min=-100 and max=100, use b.zero
160 | // min = 10 and max = 20, use b.bottom
161 | //
162 | public override function get_y_bottom( right_axis:Boolean = false ):Number
163 | {
164 | //
165 | // may have min=10, max=20, or
166 | // min = 20, max = -20 (upside down chart)
167 | //
168 | var r:Range = right_axis ? this.y_right_range : this.y_range;
169 |
170 | var min:Number = r.min;
171 | var max:Number = r.max;
172 | min = Math.min( min, max );
173 |
174 | return this.get_y_from_val( Math.max(0,min), right_axis );
175 | }
176 |
177 | // takes a value and returns the screen Y location
178 | public function getY_old( i:Number, right_axis:Boolean ):Number
179 | {
180 | var r:Range = right_axis ? this.y_right_range : this.y_range;
181 |
182 | var steps:Number = this.height / (r.count());// ( right_axis ));
183 |
184 | // find Y pos for value=zero
185 | var y:Number = this.bottom-(steps*(r.min*-1));
186 |
187 | // move up (-Y) to our point (don't forget that y_min will shift it down)
188 | y -= i*steps;
189 | return y;
190 | }
191 |
192 | //
193 | // takes a value and returns the screen Y location
194 | // what is the Y range?
195 | //
196 | // Horizontal bar charts are offset. Note:
197 | // step = 1
198 | // and step/2 is offset at the bottom and top
199 | // so we add 1*step so we can calculate:
200 | //
201 | // offset = true
202 | //
203 | // |
204 | // X -|==========
205 | // |
206 | // Y -|===
207 | // |
208 | // Z -|========
209 | // +--+--+--+--+--+--
210 | //
211 | // offset = false
212 | //
213 | // 2 -|
214 | // |
215 | // 1 -| 0--0--0--0--0
216 | // |
217 | // 0 -+--+--+--+--+--+--
218 | //
219 | public override function get_y_from_val( i:Number, right_axis:Boolean = false ):Number {
220 |
221 | var r:Range = right_axis ? this.y_right_range : this.y_range;
222 |
223 | var steps:Number = this.height / r.count();
224 |
225 | // tr.ace( 'off' );
226 | // tr.ace( this.y_offset.offset );
227 | // tr.ace( count );
228 |
229 | var tmp:Number = 0;
230 | if( this.y_offset )
231 | tmp = (steps / 2);
232 |
233 | // move up (-Y) to our point (don't forget that y_min will shift it down)
234 | return this.bottom-tmp-(r.min-i)*steps*-1;
235 | }
236 |
237 | public override function get_get_x_from_pos_and_y_from_val( index:Number, y:Number, right_axis:Boolean = false ):flash.geom.Point {
238 |
239 | return new flash.geom.Point(
240 | this.get_x_from_pos( index ),
241 | this.get_y_from_val( y, right_axis ) );
242 | }
243 |
244 | public function width_():Number
245 | {
246 | return this.right-this.left_();
247 | }
248 |
249 | private function left_():Number
250 | {
251 | var padding_left:Number = this.tick_offset;
252 | return this.left+padding_left;
253 | }
254 |
255 | //
256 | // Scatter and Horizontal Bar charts use this:
257 | //
258 | // get the x position by value
259 | // (e.g. what is the x position for -5 ?)
260 | //
261 | public override function get_x_from_val( i:Number ):Number {
262 | // Patch from DZ:
263 | var rev:Boolean = this.x_range.min > this.x_range.max;
264 | var count:Number = this.x_range.count();
265 | count += (rev && this.x_range.offset) ? -2 : 0;
266 | var item_width:Number = this.width_() / count;
267 | // end DZ
268 |
269 |
270 | var pos:Number = i-this.x_range.min;
271 |
272 | var tmp:Number = 0;
273 | if( this.x_offset )
274 | tmp = Math.abs(item_width/2);
275 |
276 | return this.left_()+tmp+(pos*item_width);
277 | }
278 |
279 | //
280 | // get the x location of the n'th item
281 | //
282 | public override function get_x_from_pos( i:Number ):Number {
283 | // DZ:
284 | // var item_width:Number = Math.abs(this.width_() / this.x_range.count());
285 | var rev:Boolean = this.x_range.min > this.x_range.max;
286 | var count:Number = this.x_range.count();
287 | count += (rev && this.x_range.offset) ? -2 : 0;
288 | var item_width:Number = Math.abs(this.width_() / count);
289 |
290 | var tmp:Number = 0;
291 | if( this.x_offset )
292 | tmp = (item_width/2);
293 |
294 | return this.left_()+tmp+(i*item_width);
295 | }
296 |
297 | //
298 | // get the position of the n'th X axis tick
299 | //
300 | public function get_x_tick_pos( i:Number ):Number
301 | {
302 | return this.get_x_from_pos(i) - this.tick_offset;
303 | }
304 |
305 |
306 | //
307 | // make a point object, using the absolute values (e.g. -5,-5 )
308 | /*
309 | public function make_point_2( x:Number, y:Number, right_axis:Boolean ):charts.Elements.Point
310 | {
311 | return new charts.Elements.Point(
312 | this.get_x_from_val( x ),
313 | this.get_y_from_val( y, right_axis )
314 |
315 | // whats this for?
316 | //,y
317 | );
318 | }*/
319 |
320 | public function set_bar_groups( n:Number ): void {
321 | this.bar_groups = n;
322 | }
323 |
324 | //
325 | // index: the n'th bar from the left
326 | //
327 | public function get_bar_coords( index:Number, group:Number ):Object {
328 | var item_width:Number = this.width_() / this.x_range.count();
329 |
330 | // the bar(s) have gaps between them:
331 | var bar_set_width:Number = item_width*0.8;
332 |
333 | // get the margin between sets of bars:
334 | var tmp:Number = 0;
335 | if( this.x_offset )
336 | tmp = item_width;
337 |
338 | // 1 bar == 100% wide, 2 bars = 50% wide each
339 | var bar_width:Number = bar_set_width / this.bar_groups;
340 | //bar_width -= 0.001; // <-- hack so bars don't quite touch
341 |
342 | var bar_left:Number = this.left_()+((tmp-bar_set_width)/2);
343 | var left:Number = bar_left+(index*item_width);
344 | left += bar_width * group;
345 |
346 | return { x:left, width:bar_width };
347 | }
348 |
349 | public function get_horiz_bar_coords( index:Number, group:Number ):Object {
350 |
351 | // split the height into equal heights for each bar
352 | var bar_width:Number = this.height / this.y_range.count();
353 |
354 | // the bar(s) have gaps between them:
355 | var bar_set_width:Number = bar_width*0.8;
356 |
357 | // 1 bar == 100% wide, 2 bars = 50% wide each
358 | var group_width:Number = bar_set_width / this.bar_groups;
359 |
360 | var bar_top:Number = this.top+((bar_width-bar_set_width)/2);
361 | var top:Number = bar_top+(index*bar_width);
362 | top += group_width * group;
363 |
364 | return { y:top, width:group_width };
365 | }
366 |
367 |
368 | public function makePointHLC( x:Number, high:Number, close:Number, low:Number, right_axis:Boolean, group:Number, group_count:Number )
369 | :PointHLC {
370 |
371 | var item_width:Number = this.width_() / this.x_range.count();
372 | // the bar(s) have gaps between them:
373 | var bar_set_width:Number = item_width*1;
374 |
375 | // get the margin between sets of bars:
376 | var bar_left:Number = this.left_()+((item_width-bar_set_width)/2);
377 | // 1 bar == 100% wide, 2 bars = 50% wide each
378 | var bar_width:Number = bar_set_width/group_count;
379 |
380 | var left:Number = bar_left+(x*item_width);
381 | left += bar_width*group;
382 |
383 | return new PointHLC(
384 | left,
385 | this.get_y_from_val( high, right_axis ),
386 | this.get_y_from_val( close, right_axis ),
387 | this.get_y_from_val( low, right_axis ),
388 | high,
389 | bar_width
390 | // ,close
391 | );
392 |
393 | }
394 | }
395 | }