1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <action-sequence>
3 | <name>Simple Bar Chart Example</name>
4 | <title>Simple Bar Chart Example</title>
5 | <version>1</version>
6 | <logging-level>DEBUG</logging-level>
7 | <documentation>
8 | <author>Jake Cornelius</author>
9 | <description>This demonstrates generating a simple bar chart types using the OpenFlashChartComponent in an action sequence</description>
10 | <icon/>
11 | <help/>
12 | <result-type/>
13 | </documentation>
14 |
15 | <inputs>
16 | <chart_width type="string">
17 | <sources>
18 | <request>chart_width</request>
19 | </sources>
20 | <default-value><![CDATA[650]]></default-value>
21 | </chart_width>
22 | <chart_height type="string">
23 | <sources>
24 | <request>chart_height</request>
25 | </sources>
26 | <default-value><![CDATA[400]]></default-value>
27 | </chart_height>
28 | </inputs>
29 |
30 | <outputs>
31 | <image-tag type="string"/>
32 | </outputs>
33 |
34 | <resources>
35 | <!-- use this section to identify any files that the component needs to execute the report -->
36 | <bar>
37 | <solution-file>
38 | <location>flash_barchart.xml</location>
39 | <mime-type>text/xml</mime-type>
40 | </solution-file>
41 | </bar>
42 | </resources>
43 |
44 | <actions>
45 | <action-definition>
46 | <component-name>SQLLookupRule</component-name>
47 | <action-type>Chart Data Query</action-type>
48 | <action-outputs>
49 | <query-result type="result-set" mapping="query_result"/>
50 | </action-outputs>
51 | <component-definition>
52 | <live><![CDATA[true]]></live>
53 | <connection><![CDATA[jdbc:mysql://]]></connection>
54 | <query><![CDATA[
55 |
56 | SELECT sensors.roomID AS roomid, AVG(tuples.value) AS "Power Usage"
57 | FROM tuples
58 | INNER JOIN sensors ON tuples.sensorID=sensors.sensorID
59 | GROUP BY sensors.roomID
60 |
61 | ]]></query>
62 | <password><![CDATA[dennis]]></password>
63 | <user-id><![CDATA[root]]></user-id>
64 | <driver><![CDATA[com.mysql.jdbc.Driver]]></driver>
65 | </component-definition>
66 | </action-definition>
67 |
68 | <action-definition>
69 | <component-name>OpenFlashChartComponent</component-name>
70 | <action-type>Open Flash Chart</action-type>
71 | <action-inputs>
72 | <chart-data type="string" mapping="query_result"/>
73 | <width type="string" mapping="chart_width"/>
74 | <height type="string" mapping="chart_height"/>
75 | </action-inputs>
76 | <action-resources>
77 | <chart-attributes type="resource" mapping="bar"/>
78 | </action-resources>
79 | <action-outputs>
80 | <image-tag type="string"/>
81 | </action-outputs>
82 | <component-definition/>
83 | </action-definition>
84 |
85 | </actions>
86 | </action-sequence>