binIP($ip_address); // Let's store the IP netmask number $this->netmaskNumber = $ip_netmask; // Netmask address $this->netmaskBinary = str_repeat('1', $ip_netmask) . str_repeat('0', 32 - $ip_netmask); $this->netmaskDecimal = $this->decIP($this->netmaskBinary); // Wildcard address $this->wildcardBinary = str_repeat('0', $ip_netmask) . str_repeat('1', 32 - $ip_netmask); $this->wildcardDecimal = $this->decIP($this->wildcardBinary); // Network address $this->networkBinary = substr($binary, 0, $ip_netmask) . str_repeat('0', 32 - $ip_netmask); $this->networkDecimal = $this->decIP($this->networkBinary); // Broadcast address $this->broadcastBinary = substr($binary, 0, $ip_netmask) . str_repeat('1', 32 - $ip_netmask); $this->broadcastDecimal = $this->decIP($this->broadcastBinary); // HostMin address $this->hostminBinary = substr($binary, 0, $ip_netmask) . str_repeat('0', 31 - $ip_netmask) . '1'; $this->hostminDecimal = $this->decIP($this->hostminBinary); // HostMax address $this->hostmaxBinary = substr($binary, 0, $ip_netmask) . str_repeat('1', 31 - $ip_netmask) . '0'; $this->hostmaxDecimal = $this->decIP($this->hostmaxBinary); // Numbers of hosts $this->numberHosts = bindec(substr($this->broadcastBinary, $ip_netmask)) - bindec(substr($this->networkBinary, $ip_netmask)) - 1; } /* * Function: binIP * Description: Converts a IP address like to it's binary value * Parameters: string $address * Returns: string $address_binary */ function binIP($address) { $address_array = explode('.', $address); $address_binary = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) { // Create binary value $binary = decbin($address_array[$i]); // Trim value to the length $binary = trim($binary, 8); // Add zeros at the left to fit to $size $binary = str_repeat('0', 8 - strlen($binary)) . $binary; $address_binary .= $binary; } return $address_binary; } /* * Function: decIP * Description: Converts a binary IP address to it's decimal value like * Parameters: string $binary * Returns: string $address */ function decIP($binary) { $address_array = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) { $block = substr($binary, $i * 8, 8) . '
'; $address_array[] = bindec(intval($block)); } $address = implode('.', $address_array); return $address; } /* * Function: compare * Description: Checks if to networks are the same using network IP address * Parameters: Network $otherNetwork * Returns: true if the networks are the same, otherwise false */ function compare(Network $otherNetwork) { $check = false; // Compare the network address if ($this->networkDecimal == $otherNetwork->networkDecimal) { $check = true; } return $check; } /* * Function: inNetwork * Description: Checks if the given IP is in the IP range of the current network * Parameters: string $ipDecimal * Returns: true if the IP address is in the IP range, otherwise false */ function inNetwork($ipDecimal) { $check = true; // Check if given IP is bigger than our HostMin IP Address if (ip2long($ipDecimal) < ip2long($this->hostminDecimal)) { $check = false; } // Check if given IP is smaller than our HostMax IP Address if (ip2long($ipDecimal) > ip2long($this->hostmaxDecimal)) { $check = false; } return $check; } } ?>