1 | <?php
2 | /*
3 | * Project: NodeMap2.0
4 | * File: Network.class.php
5 | * Purpose: Contains a network, calculates everything like broadcast IP, netmask etc.
6 | */
7 |
8 | class Network {
9 | public $netmaskNumber; // Netmask number
10 | public $netmaskBinary; // Binary value of netmask address
11 | public $netmaskDecimal; // Decimal value of netmask address
12 | public $wildcardBinary; // Binary value of wildcard address
13 | public $wildcardDecimal; // Decimal value of wildcard address
14 | public $networkBinary; // Binary value of network address
15 | public $networkDecimal; // Decimal value of network address
16 | public $broadcastBinary; // Binary value of broadcast address
17 | public $broadcastDecimal; // Decimal value of broadcast address
18 | public $hostminBinary; // Binary value of hostmin address
19 | public $hostminDecimal; // Decimal value of hostmin address
20 | public $hostmaxBinary; // Binary value of hostmax address
21 | public $hostmaxDecimal; // Decimal value of hostmax address
22 | public $numberHosts; // Number of possible hosts in this network
23 |
24 | /*
25 | * Function: __construct (constructor)
26 | * Description: Creating a new Network object
27 | * Parameters: string $ip_address, int $ip_netmask
28 | * Returns: -
29 | */
30 | public function __construct($ip_address, $ip_netmask) {
31 | // Binary value of given IP address
32 | $binary = $this->binIP($ip_address);
33 |
34 | // Let's store the IP netmask number
35 | $this->netmaskNumber = $ip_netmask;
36 |
37 | // Netmask address
38 | $this->netmaskBinary = str_repeat('1', $ip_netmask) . str_repeat('0', 32 - $ip_netmask);
39 | $this->netmaskDecimal = $this->decIP($this->netmaskBinary);
40 |
41 | // Wildcard address
42 | $this->wildcardBinary = str_repeat('0', $ip_netmask) . str_repeat('1', 32 - $ip_netmask);
43 | $this->wildcardDecimal = $this->decIP($this->wildcardBinary);
44 |
45 | // Network address
46 | $this->networkBinary = substr($binary, 0, $ip_netmask) . str_repeat('0', 32 - $ip_netmask);
47 | $this->networkDecimal = $this->decIP($this->networkBinary);
48 |
49 | // Broadcast address
50 | $this->broadcastBinary = substr($binary, 0, $ip_netmask) . str_repeat('1', 32 - $ip_netmask);
51 | $this->broadcastDecimal = $this->decIP($this->broadcastBinary);
52 |
53 | // HostMin address
54 | $this->hostminBinary = substr($binary, 0, $ip_netmask) . str_repeat('0', 31 - $ip_netmask) . '1';
55 | $this->hostminDecimal = $this->decIP($this->hostminBinary);
56 |
57 | // HostMax address
58 | $this->hostmaxBinary = substr($binary, 0, $ip_netmask) . str_repeat('1', 31 - $ip_netmask) . '0';
59 | $this->hostmaxDecimal = $this->decIP($this->hostmaxBinary);
60 |
61 | // Numbers of hosts
62 | $this->numberHosts = bindec(substr($this->broadcastBinary, $ip_netmask)) - bindec(substr($this->networkBinary, $ip_netmask)) - 1;
63 | }
64 |
65 | /*
66 | * Function: binIP
67 | * Description: Converts a IP address like to it's binary value
68 | * Parameters: string $address
69 | * Returns: string $address_binary
70 | */
71 | function binIP($address) {
72 | $address_array = explode('.', $address);
73 | $address_binary = '';
74 |
75 | for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
76 | // Create binary value
77 | $binary = decbin($address_array[$i]);
78 |
79 | // Trim value to the length
80 | $binary = trim($binary, 8);
81 |
82 | // Add zeros at the left to fit to $size
83 | $binary = str_repeat('0', 8 - strlen($binary)) . $binary;
84 |
85 | $address_binary .= $binary;
86 | }
87 |
88 | return $address_binary;
89 | }
90 |
91 | /*
92 | * Function: decIP
93 | * Description: Converts a binary IP address to it's decimal value like
94 | * Parameters: string $binary
95 | * Returns: string $address
96 | */
97 | function decIP($binary) {
98 | $address_array = array();
99 |
100 | for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
101 | $block = substr($binary, $i * 8, 8) . '<br/>';
102 | $address_array[] = bindec(intval($block));
103 | }
104 |
105 | $address = implode('.', $address_array);
106 |
107 | return $address;
108 | }
109 |
110 | /*
111 | * Function: compare
112 | * Description: Checks if to networks are the same using network IP address
113 | * Parameters: Network $otherNetwork
114 | * Returns: true if the networks are the same, otherwise false
115 | */
116 | function compare(Network $otherNetwork) {
117 | $check = false;
118 |
119 | // Compare the network address
120 | if ($this->networkDecimal == $otherNetwork->networkDecimal) {
121 | $check = true;
122 | }
123 |
124 | return $check;
125 | }
126 |
127 | /*
128 | * Function: inNetwork
129 | * Description: Checks if the given IP is in the IP range of the current network
130 | * Parameters: string $ipDecimal
131 | * Returns: true if the IP address is in the IP range, otherwise false
132 | */
133 | function inNetwork($ipDecimal) {
134 | $check = true;
135 |
136 | // Check if given IP is bigger than our HostMin IP Address
137 | if (ip2long($ipDecimal) < ip2long($this->hostminDecimal)) {
138 | $check = false;
139 | }
140 |
141 | // Check if given IP is smaller than our HostMax IP Address
142 | if (ip2long($ipDecimal) > ip2long($this->hostmaxDecimal)) {
143 | $check = false;
144 | }
145 |
146 | return $check;
147 | }
148 |
149 | /*
150 | * Function: toString
151 | * Description: Converts the data of the network to a string
152 | * Parameters: -
153 | * Returns: string with all data
154 | */
155 | function toString() {
156 | return '
157 | Netmask: ' . $this->netmaskDecimal . ' / ' . $this->netmaskBinary . '<br/>
158 | Wildcard: ' . $this->wildcardDecimal . ' / ' . $this->wildcardBinary . '<br/>
159 | Network: ' . $this->networkDecimal . ' / ' . $this->networkBinary . '<br/>
160 | Broadcast: ' . $this->broadcastDecimal . ' / ' . $this->broadcastBinary . '<br/>
161 | HostMin: ' . $this->hostminDecimal . ' / ' . $this->hostminBinary . '<br/>
162 | HostMax: ' . $this->hostmaxDecimal . ' / ' . $this->hostmaxBinary . '<br/>
163 | Hosts/Net: ' . $this->numberHosts . '<br/>';
164 | }
165 | }
166 | ?>