Wireless Leiden Interactive Nodemap 2.0
Wireless Leiden Interactive Nodemap 2.0
Nodes from the Wireless Leiden network
// First line of the status file must be like this:
static $fileFirst = 'type,host_name,has_been_checked,check_execution_time,current_state,last_hard_state,last_check,problem_has_been_acknowledged';
// Every following line will be checked using these functions
private $fileContent = array('string', 'string', 'int', 'double', 'int', 'int', 'int', 'int');
private $KMLPlacemarks;
* Function: __construct (constructor)
* Description: Creating a new KMLFile
* Parameters: -
* Returns: -
public function __construct() {
$this->KMLPlacemarks = array();
* Function: addPlacemark
* Description: Add a placemark to the local placemark array
* Parameters: KMLPlacemark $placemark
* Returns: -
public function addPlacemark(KMLPlacemark $placemark) {
$this->KMLPlacemarks[] = $placemark;
* Function: toString
* Description: Converts the content of this file and the placemarks to a KML valid string
* Parameters: -
* Returns: KML valid string
public function toString() {
global $config;
$toString = $this->template;
$placemarkString = '';
$placemarkCount = count($this->KMLPlacemarks);
for ($i = 0; $i < $placemarkCount; $i++) {
$placemarkString .= $this->KMLPlacemarks[$i]->toString();
$toString = str_replace('%PLACEMARK_GREEN%', $config['placemark_green'], $toString);
$toString = str_replace('%PLACEMARK_ORANGE%', $config['placemark_orange'], $toString);
$toString = str_replace('%PLACEMARK_RED%', $config['placemark_red'], $toString);
$toString = str_replace('%CONTENT%', $placemarkString, $toString);
return $toString;
* Function: write
* Description: Write KMLFile to a KML file
* Parameters: string $filename
* Returns: true if we can write to the file, otherwise false
public function write($filename) {
// TODO: David: Needs to be placed in FileHandler.class.php. Here we just want to call our file handler.
trigger_log(SYSLOG_DEBUG, 'Opening the file "' . $filename . '"', __FILE__, __LINE__);
$file = fopen("$filename","w")
or exit(trigger_log(SYSLOG_ERR, 'Opening the file "' . $filename . '"', __FILE__, __LINE__));
trigger_log(SYSLOG_DEBUG, 'Writing file "' . $filename . '"', __FILE__, __LINE__);
trigger_log(SYSLOG_DEBUG, 'Closing file "' . $filename . '"', __FILE__, __LINE__);
* Function: getPlacemarkByName
* Description: Find the first KMLPlacemark with the name $name and return its position. If not found, return false
* Parameters: string $name
* Returns: Position of placemark in our array, if not found false
public function getPlacemarkByName($name) {
$nodesCount = count($this->KMLPlacemarks);
for ($i = 0; $i < $nodesCount; $i++) {
if ($this->KMLPlacemarks[$i]->getName() == $name) {
return $i;
return false;
* Function: parseLocationFile
* Description: Parse the node location file updating or adding KMLPlacemark objects to the current KMLFile object
* Parameters: string $file
* Returns: true is successfull, otherwise false
public function parseLocationFile($file) {
$nodesCount = preg_match_all('/\[[a-zA-Z0-9]*\]/i', $file, $nodes, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
for ($i = 0; $i < $nodesCount; $i++) {
// Looking for "location" of the node
if (!$location = $this->findInLocationFile($file, 'location', $nodes[0][$i][1])) {
trigger_log(SYSLOG_WARNING, 'Could not find the "location" of node "' . $i . '", skipping to next', __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Looking for "status" of the node
if (!$status = $this->findInLocationFile($file, 'status', $nodes[0][$i][1])) {
trigger_log(SYSLOG_WARNING, 'Could not find the "status" of node "' . $i . '", skipping to next', __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Looking for "latitude" of the node
if (!$latitude = $this->findInLocationFile($file, 'latitude', $nodes[0][$i][1])) {
trigger_log(SYSLOG_WARNING, 'Could not find the "latitude" of node "' . $i . '", skipping to next', __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Looking for "longitude" of the node
if (!$longitude = $this->findInLocationFile($file, 'longitude', $nodes[0][$i][1])) {
trigger_log(SYSLOG_WARNING, 'Could not find the "longitude" of node "' . $i . '", skipping to next', __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Looking for "interfaces" of the node
if (!$interfaces = $this->findInLocationFile($file, 'interfaces', $nodes[0][$i][1])) {
trigger_log(SYSLOG_WARNING, 'Could not find the "interfaces" of node "' . $i . '", skipping to next', __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Looking for "masterip" of the node
if (!$masterip = $this->findInLocationFile($file, 'masterip', $nodes[0][$i][1])) {
trigger_log(SYSLOG_WARNING, 'Could not find the "masterip" of node "' . $i . '", skipping to next', __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Looking for "nodetype" of the node
if (!$nodetype = $this->findInLocationFile($file, 'nodetype', $nodes[0][$i][1])) {
trigger_log(SYSLOG_WARNING, 'Could not find the "nodetype" of node "' . $i . '", skipping to next', __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Looking for "name" of the node
if (!$name = $this->findInLocationFile($file, 'name', $nodes[0][$i][1])) {
trigger_log(SYSLOG_WARNING, 'Could not find the "name" of node "' . $i . '", skipping to next', __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Creating a string with the complete description of the node using all data in the location file
$descriptionLocation = 'Naam: ' . $name . '
Locatie: ' . $location . '
Status: ' . $status . '
Latitude: ' . $latitude . '
Longitude: ' . $longitude . '
Interfaces: ' . $interfaces . '
Master IP: ' . $masterip . '
Node type: ' . $nodetype . '
if ($placemarkPosition = $this->getPlacemarkByName($name)) {
// Updating an excisting placemark
} else {
// Adding a new placemark
$placemark = new KMLPlacemark();
* Function: findInLocationFile
* Description: Find the $keyword in $file and return the value of $keyword, starting at $offset
* Parameters: string $file, string $keyword, integer $offset
* Returns: The value of the keyword if found, otherwise return false
private function findInLocationFile($file, $keyword, $offset) {
$start = strpos($file, $keyword, $offset) + strlen($keyword . ' = ');
$end = strpos($file, "\n", $start);
if ($start && $end && ($start < $end)) {
return substr($file, $start, $end - $start);
} else {
return false;
* Function: parseStatusFile
* Description: Parse the node status file updating or adding KMLPlacemark objects to the current KMLFile object
* Parameters: string $file
* Returns: true is successfull, otherwise false
public function parseStatusFile($file) {
$fileContents = explode("\r\n", $file);
if ($fileContents[0] != KMLFile::$fileFirst) {
trigger_log(SYSLOG_WARNING, 'Contents of file do not match with template of first line', __FILE__, __LINE__);
// For loop for all the lines in the file. Skipping first line (headers) and last line (blank)
$linesCount = count($fileContents);
for ($i = 1; $i < $linesCount - 1; $i++) {
$lineContent = explode(',', $fileContents[$i]);
if (count($lineContent) != count($this->fileContent)) {
trigger_log(LOG_WARNING, 'Contents of the file do not match with template of lines on line "' . $i . '"', __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Checking for valid entries on this line
for ($j = 0; $j < 8; $j++) {
try {
switch ($this->fileContent[$j]) {
case 'string':
$lineContent[$j] = (string) $lineContent[$j];
case 'int':
$lineContent[$j] = (int) $lineContent[$j];
case 'double':
$lineContent[$j] = (double) $lineContent[$j];
} catch (Exception $err) {
trigger_log(SYSLOG_WARNING, 'The value "' . $j . '" on line "' . $i . '" is not valid, skipping to next line', __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Creating a string with the complete description of the node using all data in the status file
$descriptionStatus = 'Type: ' . $lineContent[0] . '
Host name: ' . $lineContent[1] . '
Has been checked: ' . $lineContent[2] . '
Check execution time: ' . $lineContent[3] . '
Currenr state: ' . $lineContent[4] . '
Last hard state: ' . $lineContent[5] . '
Last check: ' . $lineContent[6] . '
Problem has been acknowledged: ' . $lineContent[7] . '
if ($placemarkPosition = $this->getPlacemarkByName($lineContent[1])) {
// Updating an excisting placemark
} else {
// Adding a new placemark
$placemark = new KMLPlacemark();