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Onderzoek 'complexe netwerken'

Weer buitenlandse belangstelling voor Wireless Leiden: Diego Guedes van de Federal University of Goiás in Brazilie gaat het Wireless Leiden netwerk gebruiken in zijn onderzoek naar complexe netwerken. Hij wordt een handje geholpen door Rick. Diego is deelnemer in het FIBRE project van (onder andere) de Faculteit Computer Science. FIBRE staat voor Future Internet testbeds/experimentation between Brazil and Europe

Diego Guedes

"Wireless Leiden provides us with real Wireless Community Networks (anonymized) data that will be used in our research. This data will help in scientific tasks such as algorithm validation and papers writing. Our work is mainly related to Network Science as a tool to democratize Internet access. Wireless Leiden is a perfect choice since it is large, important and has an excellent team of volunteers. Thanks a lot.", says Diego.